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WWII Films: U.S. Propaganda And Morale Films DVD, Download, USB Drive

WWII Films: U.S. Propaganda And Morale Films DVD, Download, USB Drive
WWII Films: U.S. Propaganda And Morale Films DVD, Download, USB Drive
Item# wwii-films-us-propaganda-and-morale-films-dvd
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26 Propaganda Films Present The Facts As The Government Saw Them To Keep The Home Fires Burning For War! 4 Hours Of Archival Footage, Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD, MP4 Video Download Or USB Flash Drive! #WWIIFilms #USPropagandaAndMoraleFilms #PropagandaFilms #MoraleFilms #Movies #AmericanMovies #Film #AmericanFilm #MotionPictures #AmericanMotionPictures #Cinema #AmericanCinema #CinemaOfTheUS #Propaganda #AmericanPropaganda #USPropagandaDuringWWII #WorldWarII #WWII #WW2 #WorldWarTwo #WorldWar2 #SecondWorldWar #SecondEuropeanWar #EuropeanCivilWar #PacificWar #AsiaPacificWar #DVD #VideoDownload #MP4 #USBFlashDrive


A LETTER FROM BATAAN (1944, 13:51)
Pete and Johnny die in the jungles of Bataan because of night blindness caused by malnutrition. Pete's ghost makes sure to bring the news back to his family that what they do and the sacrifices they make to help them will save their lives and help win the war. Co-stars Susan Hayward.

A TALE OF TWO CITIES (1946, 12:02)
The U. S. War Department assesses the effects of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings on the cities themselves and their populations.

AVENGE DECEMBER 7 (1942, 1:45)
A war bond trailer encapsulating all the angst and bitterness of an American public still smarting from the humiliation of the Pearl Harbor sneak attack.

CAMPUS ON THE MARCH (1942, 18:07)
An analysis of the contribution the nation's colleges and universities were making to the war effort.

COAST GUARD SPARS (1943, 5:42)
The story of the induction of women into the U.S. Coast Guard and their contributions.

D-DAY MINUS ONE (1945, 16:45)
An excellent chronicle of the famed exploits of the U.S. 82nd & 101st Airborne Divisions that parachuted into France to engage in special operations in preparation for and congress with the 1944 invasion of France.

FOOD FOR FIGHTERS (1943, 9:50)
The importance of nutritious food and its logistical supply for the war effort.

HEMP FOR VICTORY (1942, 13:51)
While most folks attribute to hemp its use as a recreational drug under the name "marijuna", its usefulness for rope, parachutes, paper and much more was an integral and important part of wartime production.

The continuing story of wartime transportation, with special attention to the problems of the rubber shortage and its effect on wheeled transport.

IT CAN'T LAST (1944, 18:29)
Pulitzer Prize winner Archibald MacLeish wrote this propaganda piece exhorting the American public to hang in there the best they could while our boys fought their way to victory.

MR. BLABBERMOUTH (1942, 6:14)
The terrible consequences of a capricious gossiper's loose talk are copiously illustrated through newsreel footage of the how such talk rent asunder the freedom of the European and Asian countries already conquered by the Axis.

The power of and need for good hard labor from good hard laborers is explained and celebrated.

Six film shorts, five selling the last cars General Motor's Oldsmobile had available for sale "for the duration", and one proclaiming the company and worker's commitment to defense.

PEARL HARBOR (1942, 3:20)
Classic propaganda film inciting agression towards both Japan and Germany immediately following entering into a state of war with those two nations.

Very intense, graphic, one-of-a-kind color film, created for the Seventh War Loan, of G.I.s in actual combat, intended to help sell war bonds. A classic production of the U. S. Treasury, War Finance Division.

RING OF STEEL (1941, 8:36)
The U.S. Office of Emergency Management reassures the country with this illustration of the protection that American Armed Forces provide the country.

A how-to guide in keeping loose lips from sinking ships and other careless talk from aiding saboteurs.

THE PRICE OF VICTORY (1942, 13:28)
American Vice President Henry Wallace explains to the greater American people in the first months of America's involvement in World War II what sacrifices were going to have to be made and the effort that was going to have to be spent to bring down and defeat the combined Axis forces of Germany, Japan and Italy.

TROOP TRAIN 1943, 13:15)
All aspects of what a troop train is, does and is provided for to keep the nation's soldiers moving during wartime.

The continuation of democratic processes while the republic is at war is touted in this John Houseman directed skillful propaganda piece on the 1944 presidential election.

WHAT TO DO IN A GAS ATTACK (1942-43, 13:52)
Info for the homefront on what a gas attack is, what it does, and how the simple household items of bleach and bicarbonate of soda can be employed against it.

American Propaganda During World War II: Movies: Hollywood movie studios, obviously sympathetic to the Allied cause, soon adapted standard plots and serials to feature Nazis in place of the usual gangster villains while the Japanese were depicted as being bestial, incapable of reason or human qualities.] Although Hollywood lost access to most foreign markets during the war, it was now able to use Germans, Italians and Japanese as villains without diplomatic protests or boycotts. Many actors such as Peter Lorre, Conrad Veidt, Martin Kosleck, Philip Ahn and Sen Yung specialized in playing Axis spies, traitors and soldiers. Irreplaceable film workers received draft deferments to allow them to continue producing pro-Allied films. In the early '40s, as war was starting to gain importance in Europe, the goal of Hollywood studios was still to entertain. Many productions were musicals, comedies, melodramas or westerns. Major studios kept their neutrality and showed on screen the same isolationist sentiment as their audience. After noticing President Franklin D. Roosevelt's concern about US foreign policy, fascism began to be reported on screen by Hollywood. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, the studios were fully supportive of the Allied cause and its demands. Patriotic propaganda was seen as profitable by Hollywood, and it helped to transform the social and political stances of the country, while serving as an instrument of national policy. Most of movies produced had a background of war, even if their story was a complete invention. However, there were pictures that were made especially in tie with a past event, or even a current event of that period of time that made the release of the film synchronized with the happening in real life. For example, the Academy Award winner for Best Picture Casablanca, was a movie released in the context of American attitudes toward Vichy and Free French Forces. This picture was considered as anti-Vichy, but there was a strong debate about the fact that this position was representative or not of the American government policy. This movie was one of the most important productions of Hollywood during wartime, and also very representative of the studio's role and position during World War II. The war happened in the moment of an important national conflict: racial segregation. White America was united in its cause, but in black America there was opposition. While Roosevelt was describing the Allied War goals as democratic, Walter Francis White, the executive secretary of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), said that colored people had to "fight for the right to fight". Many blacks were weighing their loyalty to the country against loyalty to their race. To address the identity problem, the Office of War Information (that had control and influence on the contents and subjects of American motion pictures) decided to collaborate with black leaders to try to improve Hollywood's portrayal of colored people and obtain their support to the Allied cause, but it was a failure. The earliest Hollywood production to satirize any of the Axis governments was You Nazty Spy!, a Three Stooges short released on January 19, 1940, satirizing Hitler (Moe Howard as "Moe Hailstone"), Goering (Curly Howard as "Field Marshal Gallstone") and Goebbels (Larry Fine as "Larry Pebble"), nearly two years before the attack on Pearl Harbor. The 1941 Nazi attack on the Soviet Union resulted in pro-Russian movies. The war also produced an interest in newsreels and documentaries, which had been unable to compete against entertainment films prior to the war. America's allies were no longer allowed to be depicted negatively in any way. Furthermore, the 1943 film "The Negro Soldier", a government produced documentary directed by Frank Capra, challenged racial stereotypes in the ranks. Its popularity allowed it to pass over into mainstream distribution. The 1944 film The Purple Heart was used to dramatize Japanese atrocities and the heroics of American flyers.