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WWII Films: Latin America At War DVD, MP4 Download, USB Flash Drive

WWII Films: Latin America At War DVD, MP4 Download, USB Flash Drive
WWII Films: Latin America At War DVD, MP4 Download, USB Flash Drive
Item# wwii-films-latin-america-at-war-dvd
List Price: $29.96
Your Sale Price: $13.96
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South America As A Good Neighbor And Combat Ally During World War II! 3 Hours Of Archival Footage Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD, MP4 Video Download Or USB Flash Drive!


BRAZIL AT WAR (1943, 9:39)
An extraordinary, one-of-a-kind documentary of the life of a typical Japanese middleclass family, filmed earlier the same year as the Pearl Harbor attack.

BRAZIL GETS THE NEWS (1942, 10:01)
In an attempt to curry Brazil's favor and garner her support for war against the Axis, the U.S. Office of Inter-American Affairs.sponsored and produced this propaganda piece on the alleged "free press" operating under the auspices of the country's dictator, President Vargas.

Here the U.S. Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs makes a comparison between the U.S. and the rest of the Americas in an effort to establish that the Americas as a whole would do well to allow U. S. industry in particular into each respective American country to help bring about that burgeoning buorgeoisie that U.S. venture capitalism delivers.

GRACIAS AMIGOS (1944, 15:42)
The U.S. Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs back at it again, this time to make clear just how much of a material contribution South America was making to the supply needs of the United States, particularly important after so much of those supplies, most particularly rubber, were lost to America after Asia fell to the Japanese.

Another U.S. Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs production supposing to provide an accurate description of life in general and housing in particular in a country whose support during the war the U. S. wished to guarantee. Nevertheless, the Axis powers found Chile, along with Argentina, to be the most supportive Latin American countries,, and they utilized it to the fullest by interfering with internal affairs, conducting espionage, and distributing propaganda.

LIMA FAMILY (1944, 18:09)
The Office of Inter-American Affairs once again resolved to give the American people a rosy picture of life in the Americas,, but when the subject matter is an upper class Peruvian family and the opulent life they lead, it is not necessary to augment any details. Interesting and informative, it nonetheless sidesteps the ambiguous nature of Peru's relationship with both the Allied and Axis forces.

LIMA (1944, 15:37
Another Office of Inter-American Affairs production, this time concentrating on the history and notable features of the capital of Peru.

ROADS SOUTH (1943, 17:16)
In keeping with their mission to give a positive view of America's neighbors to the citizenry, the Office of Inter-American Affairs continues their filmed quest with this analysis of the road and air transportation capabilities of Latin America in general.

The Spanish Flu epidemic which immediately followed the end of World War I taught the world that contagious disease was in fact a deadlier killer than warfare itself, and just as important to prevent. When Yellow Fever broke out in Colombia during the Second World War, the nation was thoroughly mobilized to fight the menace. This film documents that effort and the importance of that effort to the cause of the Allies in particular and the world in general.

YOUNG URUGUAY (1943, 17:08)
The U.S. O.C.I.A. returns, this time to document how the youth of neutral Uruguay were on the march toward better education, health, living conditions and opportunity. Whether or not these things were strictly accurate under the military dictatorship the country lived under was another matter, but the importance of good relations between the U.S. and Uruguay was very real at that time.

Latin America During World War II: During World War II, a number of significant economic, political, and military changes took place in Latin America. The war caused considerable panic in the region over economics as large portions of economy of the region depended on the European investment capital, which was shut down. Latin America tried to stay neutral at first but the warring countries were endangering their neutrality. In order to better protect the Panama Canal, combat Axis influence, and optimize the production of goods for the war effort, the United States through Lend-Lease and similar programs greatly expanded its interests in Latin America, resulting in large-scale modernization and a major economic boost for the countries that participated. Strategically, Panama was the most important Latin American nation for the Allies because of the Panama Canal, which provided a link between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans that was vital to both commerce and defense. Brazil was also of great importance because of its having the closest point in the Americas to Africa where the Allies were actively engaged in fighting the Germans and Italians. For the Axis, the Southern Cone nations of Argentina and Chile were where they found most of their support, and they utilized it to the fullest by interfering with internal affairs, conducting espionage, and distributing propaganda. Brazil was the only country to send troops to the European Theater, was instrumental in providing air bases for the resupply of the combatants, and had an important part in the anti-submarine campaign of the Atlantic. Several other countries also had skirmishes with German U-Boats and cruisers in the Caribbean and South Atlantic. Mexico sent a fighter squadron of 300 volunteers to the Pacific, the Escuadron 201, known as the Aztec Eagles (Aguilas Aztecas). The Brazilian active participation on the battlefield in Europe was divined after the Casablanca Conference. The President of the U.S., Franklin D. Roosevelt on his way back from Morocco met the President of Brazil, Getulio Vargas, in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. This meeting is known as the Potenji River Conference, and defined the creation of the Brazilian Expeditionary Force. The history of Colombia during World War II began in 1939. Although geographically distant from the main theaters of war, Colombia played an important role in World War II because of its strategic location near the Panama Canal, and its access to both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Colombia also experienced major changes to its military and society, due to increased influence from the United States, but it was also able to maintain its sovereignty throughout the war, as well as avoid sending troops into battle. Colombia ceased diplomatic relations with the Axis powers in December 1941, following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, it allowed the U.S. to station troops in the country and finally entered the war on the Allies' side on November 26, 1943, after a series of German U-boat attacks on Colombian ships. Despite the declaration, Colombia did not send an army overseas, but its navy was active in countering U-boat operations in the Caribbean. Uruguay remained neutral for most of World War II. The policy of President Alfredo Baldomir, leading the Colorado Party, was to support the Allied cause, but from a neutral base. Great Britain retained considerable influence with the Baldomir regime, largely through the efforts of Sir Eugen Millington-Drake, who was the British Minister in Montevideo from 1934 to 1941. In January 1942, Baldomir terminated diplomatic relations with the Axis powers. He resigned in 1943 and his neutrality policy was continued by his successor Juan José de Amézaga, also of the Colorado Party. In February 1945, having signed the Declaration by United Nations, Amézaga declared war on Germany and Japan.