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WWII Films: Industry & Labor Back The Attack! DVD, Download, USB Drive

WWII Films: Industry & Labor Back The Attack! DVD, Download, USB Drive
WWII Films: Industry & Labor Back The Attack! DVD, Download, USB Drive
Item# wwii-films-industry-amp-labor-back-the-attack-dvd
List Price: $29.96
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21 American Arms Production Films About America's Private Sector At War! 3 1/2 Hours Of Archival Footage Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD, MP4 Video Download Or USB Flash Drive! #WWIIFilms #WWIIFilmsSeries #IndustryAndLaborBackTheAttack #USMilitaryProductionDuringWorldWarII #USMilitaryProductionDuringWWII #AmericanLaborUnionsDuringWorldWarII #AmericanLaborUnionsDuringWWII #MilitaryProductionDuringWorldWarII MilitaryProductionDuringWWII #LaborUnionsDuringWorldWarII #LaborUnionsDuringWWII #AFL #CIO #UnitedStatesHomeFrontDuringWorldWarII #USHomeFrontDuringWorldWarII #AmericaWWII #AmericanHomefrontWWII #WorldWarII #WorldWarTwo #WorldWar2 #WWII #WW2 #SecondWorldWar #Industry #Labor #Movies #AmericanMovies #Film #AmericanFilm #MotionPictures #AmericanMotionPictures #Cinema #AmericanCinema #CinemaOfTheUS #Propaganda #AmericanPropaganda #USPropagandaDuringWWII #HomeFrontDuringWorldWarII #HomeFrontDuringWWII #UnitedStatesHomeFrontDuringWWII #USHomeFrontDuringWWII #DVD #VideoDownload #MP4 #USBFlashDrive


ALL OUT FOR VICTORY (1943, 20:16)
A grateful acknowledgement of the contributions of disabled and handicapped workers to industrial war production.

CLOSE HARMONY (1942, 10:35)
A film sponsored by General Motors where, in the midst of this attempt to show the positive need for good labor/management relations in America's burgeoning arms industry, resort is still had to the tired old alienating "step 'n fetch it" character Black Americans & the American public both have had to put up with for generations.

CONQUER BY THE CLOCK (1943, 10:40)
Just as wartime industry was expected to run like clockwork, it was also hoped this film would enable and inspire workers to live their lives likewise.

Another extraordinary film by the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America film, this one touting the accomplishments of left-wing labor union activities in the period immediately preceding the post-war communist baiting era.

MANPOWER (1943, 8:32)
The power of and need for good hard labor from good hard laborers is explained and celebrated.

MEN AND JOBS (1944, 8:35)
Color film on the matching of men and women to the jobs their government needs them to do during wartime.

Six film shorts, five selling the last cars General Motor's Oldsmobile had available for sale "for the duration", and one proclaiming the company and worker's commitment to defense.

SUGGESTION BOX (1945, 8:53)
How that time-honored institutional practice comes in especially handy for the greater output and better production methods needed for the war effort.

One of the earliest attempts to seriously offer guidance on how to treat, manage and motivate women workers.

TEST TUBE TALE (1941, 9:26)
Better living through industrial chemistry, brought by the wonders of nylon and other synthetic materials, is celebrated in this film, while the gathering gloom of the Second World War is felt if never mentioned.

The U.S. Army wanted everyone to know that good relations between management and labor was critical if the nation was to win the war.

THE GREAT SWINDLE (1948, 32:09)
It was inevitable that during the "after the war" times that labor would find opportunity to turn to management and demand more while sacrificing less. This film goes a very long distance towards doing just so, with the intention of recruiting membership for the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers for the fight against corporate interests.

THESE PEOPLE (1944, 15:08)
A Frigidaire plant converts from consumer to military production when America enters the fray.

THREE CITIES (1943, 10:08)
A U.S. Office Of War Information film on how Norfolk, Virginia and Detroit, Michigan adapted to the urgent needs for housing and social services, and how Cash Valley, Utah citizens volunteered for important army railroad improvement work.

General Motor's classic worker motivational film encouraging workers to give all in the great struggle.

WHEN WORK IS DONE (1943, 8:55)
Another classic film, one that provides a glimpse into a day in the life of Sylacauga, Alabama, the model wartime factory town, complete with all the facilities and organized social activities that go along with it.

United States Military Production During World War II consists of the arms, ammunition, personnel and financing which were produced or mobilized by the United States from the Japanese Attack On Pearl Harbor in December 1941 to the surrender and occupation of Japan in late 1945. The mobilization of funds, people, natural resources and material for the production and supply of military equipment and military forces during World War II was a critical component of the war effort. During the conflict, America outpaced all other countries in most production categories. Access to the funding and industrial resources necessary to sustain the war effort was linked to their respective economic and political alliances.

American Labor Unions During World War II consists of organizations that represented workers in many industries recognized under US labor law since the 1935 enactment of the National Labor Relations Act during the Second World War. Their activities centered on collective bargaining over wages, benefits, and working conditions for their membership, and on representing their members in disputes with management over violations of contract provisions. Most of these unions were aligned with one of two larger umbrella organizations: the American Federation Of Labor (AFL) and Congress Of Industrial Organizations (CIO), both of which advocated on behalf of American workers.