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Triumph Of The Will (Triumph Des Willens) (1935) DVD, Download, USB

Triumph Of The Will (Triumph Des Willens) (1935) DVD, Download, USB
Triumph Of The Will (Triumph Des Willens) (1935) DVD, Download, USB
Item# triumph-of-the-will-triumph-des-willens-riefenstahl-hitler-dvd
List Price: $29.69
Your Sale Price: $13.36
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The Original Unedited Edition Of Leni Riefenstahl’s Controversial 1935 Propaganda Masterpiece Glorifying Adolf Hitler And The 1934 Nazi Party Congress, Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD, MP4 Video Download Or USB Flash Drive! (Subtitled in English, Black/White, 1 Hour 40 Minutes.) #TriumphOfTheWill #TriumphDesWillens #LeniRiefenstahl #Propaganda #PropagandaFilms #NaziPropaganda #NaziGermany #ThirdReich #Movies #Film #MotionPictures #Cinema #GermanCinema #CinemaOfGermany #NaziCinema #CinemaOfNaziGermany #Fascism #Totalitarianism #DVD #VideoDownload #MP4 #USBFlashDrive

It has become fashionable in recent decades to be less critical of director Leni Riefenstahl for having made the film that more than other other glorified National Socialism in general and Adolf Hitler in particular. I (J. C. Kaelin) am not one of them, and the merits of my argument are contained in the film itself. While it is one thing to present puffery to the public in an effort to aggrandize a product according to the principles of practical advertising, it is another to present this puffery despite the awful reality this advertising seeks to distract attention from. There can be no argument that the images in this film are stark, numinous and powerful; if they weren't, they would not have been used to fill the world's films and documentaries about the rise and fall of the Third Reich for generations since; what can be argued is whether or not the suffering and destruction that were the logical conclusion of the irrational hero worship and sanctification of sheer force this film depicts were justified on the basis that it was simply a film director's vision of what a proganda film about the events of the 1934 Nazi Party Congress should look like. If there is hope to be found in this continuing argument, it is in the expectation that the more this film is viewed and discussed in years to come, the more humanitarian princiiples and historical perspective will serve to discredit the basis upon which such films might be made in the future.

Leni Riefenstahl

Eberhard Taubert

With Appearances By:

Adolf Hitler, Max Amann, Martin Bormann, Walter Buch, Walter Darré, Otto Dietrich, Sepp Dietrich, Hans Frank, Josef Goebbels, Hermann Göring, Jakob Grimminger, Rudolf Hess, Reinhard Heydrich, Konstantin Hierl, Heinrich Himmler, Robert Ley, Erich Raeder, Fritz Reinhardt, Alfred Rosenberg, Hjalmar Schacht, Franz Xaver Schwarz, Julius Streicher. Fritz Todt, Werner von Blomberg, Hans Georg von Friedeburg, Gerd von Rundstedt, Baldur von Schirach, Adolf Wagner. more

Triumph Of The Will (German: Triumph des Willens) is a 1935 Nazi propaganda film directed, produced, edited and co-written by Leni Riefenstahl. It chronicles the 1934 Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg, which was attended by more than 700,000 Nazi supporters. The film contains excerpts from speeches given by Nazi leaders at the Congress, including Adolf Hitler, Rudolf Hess and Julius Streicher, interspersed with footage of massed Sturmabteilung (SA) and Schutzstaffel (SS) troops and public reaction. Hitler commissioned the film and served as an unofficial executive producer; his name appears in the opening titles. The film's overriding theme is the return of Germany as a great power, with Hitler as the leader who will bring glory to the nation. Because the film was made after the 1934 Night of the Long Knives (on 30 June), many prominent Sturmabteilung (SA) members are absent-they were murdered in that Party purge, organized and orchestrated by Hitler to replace the SA with the Schutzstaffel (SS) as his main paramilitary force. Triumph of the Will was released in 1935 and became a major example of film used as propaganda. Riefenstahl's techniques-such as moving cameras, aerial photography, the use of long-focus lenses to create a distorted perspective, and the revolutionary approach to the use of music and cinematography-have earned Triumph of the Will recognition as one of the greatest propaganda films in history. Riefenstahl helped to stage the scenes, directing and rehearsing some of them at least fifty times. Riefenstahl won several awards, not only in Germany but also in the United States, France, Sweden and other countries. The film was popular in the Third Reich, and has continued to influence films, documentaries and commercials to this day. In Germany, the film is not censored but the courts commonly classify it as Nazi propaganda, which requires an educational context to public screenings. An earlier film by Riefenstahl-The Victory of Faith (Der Sieg des Glaubens)-showed Hitler and SA leader Ernst Rohm together at the 1933 Nazi Party Congress. After Rohm's murder, the party attempted the destruction of all copies. After the war, it was assumed that all copies had been destroyed, including Riefenstahl's personal copy, making it a lost film. In the 1980s, one was discovered in the German Democratic Republic's film archives. Frank Capra's seven-film series Why We Fight was directly inspired by Triumph of the Will and the United States' response to it.