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Situation Hopeless But Not Serious (1966) DVD, Download, USB Drive

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The Hilarious World War II Comedy Caper Starring Alec Guinness, Mike Connors And Robert Redford, Where Two American Aviators Bail Out Into A Small German Town And Are Kept In The Very Special Internment Cell Of Air Warden Guinness' Cellar For Far Far Longer Than "The Duration", Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD, MP4 Video Download Or USB Flash Drive! (Color, 1966, 1 Hour 37 Minutes.) #SituationHopelessButNotSerious #GottfriedReinhardt #AlecGuinness #MikeConnors #RobertRedford #Movies #Film #MotionPictures #Cinema #Hollywood #AftermathOfWorldWarII #AftermathOfWWII #EuropeanTheaterOfWWII #EuropeanTheatreOfWWII #SecondEuropeanWar #EuropeanCivilWar #WorldWarII #WWII #WW2 #WorldWarTwo #WorldWar2 #SecondWorldWar #DVD #VideoDownload #MP4 #USBFlashDrive
Situation Hopeless... But Not Serious is a 1965 oddball comedy film shot in black and white directed by Gottfried Reinhardt and starring Alec Guinness, Mike Connors and Robert Redford. It is based on the 1960 novel The Hiding Place by Robert Shaw. The title is a derived from an old Viennese saying, "The situation is desperate but not serious."