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Paris: The Outraged City Cities At War WWII France DVD, MP4, USB Drive

Paris: The Outraged City Cities At War WWII France DVD, MP4, USB Drive
Paris: The Outraged City Cities At War WWII France DVD, MP4, USB Drive
Item# paris-the-outraged-city-dvd-cities-at-war-wwii-france
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The Travails Of Life In Occupied Paris And Its Glorious Liberation During World War II, Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD, MP4 Video Download Or USB Flash Drive! (Color, 1989, 45 Minutes.) #ParisTheOutragedCity #Paris #ParisInWorldWarII #ParisInWWII #FallOfParis #BattleOfFrance #VictoryInTheWest #SiegImWesten #FallRot #GermanOccupationOfParisDuringWorldWarII #GermanOccupationOfParisDuringWWII #GermanOccupationOfFranceDuringWorldWarII #GermanOccupationOfFranceDuringWWII #MilitaryAdministrationInFrance #MilitarverwaltungInFrankreich #OccupationDeLaFranceParLAllemagne #FranceWWII #FranceDuringWorldWarII #FranceDuringWWII #EuropeanTheaterOfWWII #EuropeanTheatreOfWWII #SecondEuropeanWar #EuropeanCivilWar #WesternFrontWWII #ParisHistory #HistoryOfParis #France #FrenchHistory #HistoryOfFrance #DVD #VideoDownload #MP4 #USBFlashDrive

Paris In World War II: Paris started mobilizing for war in September 1939, when Nazi Germany attacked Poland, but the war seemed far away until May 10, 1940, when the Germans attacked France and quickly defeated the French army. The French government departed Paris on June 10, and the Germans occupied the city on June 14, which had been declared an "open city". During the Occupation, the French Government moved to Vichy, and Paris was governed by the German military and by French officials approved by the Germans. For Parisians, the Occupation was a series of frustrations, shortages and humiliations. A curfew was in effect from nine in the evening until five in the morning; at night, the city went dark. Rationing of food, tobacco, coal and clothing was imposed from September 1940. Every year the supplies grew more scarce and the prices higher. A million Parisians left the city for the provinces, where there was more food and fewer Germans. The French press and radio contained only German propaganda. Jews in Paris were forced to wear the yellow Star of David badge, and were barred from certain professions and public places. On July 16-17, 1942, 13,152 Jews, including 4,115 children, were rounded up by the French police, on orders of the Germans, and were sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp. The first demonstration against the Occupation, by Paris students, took place on November 11, 1940. As the war continued, anti-German clandestine groups and networks were created, some loyal to the French Communist Party, others to General Charles de Gaulle in London. They wrote slogans on walls, organized an underground press, and sometimes attacked German officers. Reprisals by the Germans were swift and harsh. Following the Allied invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944, the French Resistance in Paris launched an uprising on August 19, seizing the police headquarters and other government buildings. The city was liberated by French and American troops on August 25; the next day, General de Gaulle led a triumphant parade down the Champs-Elysees on August 26, made a rousing speech from the Hotel de Ville, and organized a new government. In the following months, ten thousand Parisians who had collaborated with the Germans were arrested and tried, eight thousand convicted, and 116 executed. On April 29 and May 13, 1945, the first post-war municipal elections were held, in which French women voted for the first time.

The Military Administration in France (German: Militarverwaltung in Frankreich; French: Occupation de la France par l'Allemagne) was an interim occupation authority established by Nazi Germany during World War II to administer the occupied zone in areas of northern and western France. This so-called zone occupee was renamed zone nord ("north zone") in November 1942, when the previously unoccupied zone in the south known as zone libre ("free zone") was also occupied and renamed zone sud ("south zone"). Its role in France was partly governed by the conditions set by the Second Armistice at Compiegne after the blitzkrieg success of the Wehrmacht leading to the Fall of France; at the time both French and Germans thought the occupation would be temporary and last only until Britain came to terms, which was believed to be imminent. For instance, France agreed that its soldiers would remain prisoners of war until the cessation of all hostilities. The "French State" (Etat Francais), with its sovereignty and authority limited to the free zone, replaced the French Third Republic that had dissolved in defeat. As Paris was located in the occupied zone, its government was seated in the spa town of Vichy in Auvergne, and therefore it was more commonly known as Vichy France. While the Vichy government was nominally in charge of all of France, the military administration in the occupied zone was a de facto Nazi dictatorship. Nazi rule was extended to the free zone when it was invaded by Germany and Italy during Case Anton on 11 November 1942 in response to Operation Torch, the Allied landings in French North Africa on 8 November 1942. The Vichy government remained in existence, even though its authority was now severely curtailed. The German military administration in France ended with the Liberation of France after the Normandy and Provence landings. It formally existed from May 1940 to December 1944, though most of its territory had been liberated by the Allies by the end of summer 1944.