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Malcolm X Speeches & Broadcasts 23 Hr MP3 Set CD, Download, USB Drive

Malcolm X Speeches & Broadcasts 23 Hr MP3 Set CD, Download, USB Drive
Malcolm X Speeches & Broadcasts 23 Hr MP3 Set CD, Download, USB Drive
Item# malcolm-x-mp3-dvd-speeches-amp-broadcasts-23-ho323
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The Great Black Nationalist Teacher Speaks To Us Through His Most Famous Lectures -- Over 23 Hours Presented As An Archival Quality MP3 DVD, MP3 Audio Download Or USB Flash Drive! #MalcolmX #ElHajjMalikElShabazz #Ministers #BlackNationalists #CivilRightsActivists #Muslims #BlackMuslims #AfricanAmericans #BlackPeople #BlackNationalism #AfricanAmericanCivilRights #AmericanCivilRightsMovement #BlackCivilRights #CivilRightsMovement #AfricanAmericanHistory #MalcolmXAssassination #AudubonBallroom #Assassinations #MalcolmXDay #MP3 #DVD #AudioDownload


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Malcolm X 1960 ''Mr. Muhummad Speaks'' Weekly Radio Show - Malcolm X Speech #2

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Malcolm X 1963 0123 The Race Problem, ASA, MSU Pt.2

Malcolm X 1963 06 The Black Revolution

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Malcolm X 1963 0810 HARLEM Unity Rally v.1 Pt.2

Malcolm X 1963 0810 HARLEM Unity Rally v.2 Pt.1

Malcolm X 1963 0810 HARLEM Unity Rally v.2 Pt.2

Malcolm X 1963 0810 HARLEM Unity Rally v.2 Pt.3

Malcolm X 1963 0810 HARLEM Unity Rally v.2 Pt.4

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Malcolm X 1963 1110 Message To The Grass Roots v.2 Pt.2

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Malcolm X 1964 0408 The Black Revolution Pt.2

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Malcolm X 1964 0412 The Ballot Or The Bullet V.2 Pt.2

Malcolm X 1964 0625 ''Malcolm X Speaks Again'' Radio Show Pt.1

Malcolm X 1964 0625 ''Malcolm X Speaks Again'' Radio Show Pt.2

Malcolm X 1964 12 NYC - Speech To Missiissippi Youth

Malcolm X 1964 1203 Oxford University Union Speech

Malcolm X 1964 1212 Haryou Act Forum Pt.1

Malcolm X 1964 1212 Haryou Act Forum Pt.2

Malcolm X 1964 1213 OAAU Rally Audubon Ballroom Pt.1

Malcolm X 1964 1213 OAAU Rally Audubon Ballroom Pt.2

Malcolm X 1964 1213 OAAU Rally Audubon Ballroom Pt.3

Malcolm X 1964 1216 Harvard Law School Forum Pt. 1

Malcolm X 1964 1216 Harvard Law School Forum Pt. 2

Malcolm X 1964 Harlem Rally - The Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party

Malcolm X 1964 The Harlem Hate Gang Scare

Malcolm X 196411 Paris - Struggle For Freedom

Malcolm X 1965 0107 Prospects For Freedom Pt.1

Malcolm X 1965 0107 Prospects For Freedom Pt.2

Malcolm X 1965 0107 Prospects For Freedom Pt.3

Malcolm X 1965 0124 OAAU Rally - Afro-American History Pt.1

Malcolm X 1965 0124 OAAU Rally - Afro-American History Pt.2

Malcolm X 1965 0214 The Last Message v.1

Malcolm X 1965 0214 The Last Message v.2 Part 1

Malcolm X 1965 0214 The Last Message v.2 Part 2

Malcolm X 1965 0214 The Last Message v.2 Part 3

Malcolm X 1965 0214 The Last Message v.2 Part 4

Malcolm X 1965 0214 The Last Message v.2 Part 5


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Malcolm X, American Muslim minister, black nationalist and civil rights activist, an electric and popular figure during the American Civil Rights Movement best known for his advocacy for the rights of blacks (May 19, 1925 - February 21, 1965) was born Malcolm Little in Omaha, Nebraska. He relocated to New York City's Harlem neighborhood in 1943, after spending his teenage years in a series of foster homes following his father's murder and his mother's hospitalization. In New York, Little engaged in several illicit activities, and was eventually sentenced to ten years in prison in 1946 for larceny and breaking and entering. In prison, he joined the Nation of Islam (NOI) and changed his name to Malcolm X. After his release, he quickly became one of the organization's most influential leaders after being paroled in 1952. During the civil rights movement, Malcolm X served as the public face of the controversial group for a dozen years, where he advocated for black supremacy, the separation of black and white Americans, and rejected the notion of the civil rights movement for its emphasis on racial integration. He also expressed pride in some of the social achievements he made with the Nation, particularly its free drug rehabilitation program. In the 1950s, Malcolm X endured surveillance from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for the Nation's supposed links to communism. In the 1960s, Malcolm X began to grow disillusioned with the Nation of Islam, and in particular, with its leader Elijah Muhammad. Expressing many regrets about his time with them, which he had come to regard as largely wasted, he instead embraced Sunni Islam. Malcolm X then began to advocate for racial harmony after completing the Hajj, whereby he also became known as el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz. After a brief period of travel across Africa, he notably repudiated the Nation of Islam, and founded Muslim Mosque, Inc. (MMI) and the Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU) to emphasize Pan-Africanism. Throughout 1964, his conflict with the Nation of Islam intensified, and he was repeatedly sent death threats. On February 21, 1965, Malcolm X was preparing to address the OAAU at the Audubon Ballroom on Broadway at West 165th Street in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City when he was assassinated by Thomas Hagan, Thomas Johnson, and Norman Butler, three members of the Nation of Islam. The trio were sentenced to indeterminate life sentences, and were required to serve a minimum of 20 years in prison. Evidence of conspiracy regarding the assassination, and its conception and aid by leading members of the Nation and law enforcement agencies, have persisted for decades after the shooting. Malcolm X was posthumously honored with Malcolm X Day, which commemorates him in various cities and states nationwide. Hundreds of streets and schools in the U.S. have been renamed in his honor, while the Audubon Ballroom, the site of his assassination, was in-part redeveloped in 2005 to accommodate the Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial and Educational Center.

Malcolm X Day, is an American holiday in honor of the civil rights leader Malcolm X which is celebrated either on May 19 (Malcolm's birthday), or the third Sunday of May. Malcolm X was posthumously honored with Malcolm X Day, which commemorates him in various cities and states nationwide with festivals, parades and live performances. In 2015, the commemoration waas been proposed as an official state holiday in the U.S. states of Illinois and Missouri. As of 2019, so far only the city of Berkeley, California observes the holiday by closing its city offices and schools.