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Children Of The Third Reich: Victims & Villains Heal DVD MP4 Download

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The Children And Grandchildren Of Holocaust Survivors Meet In Israel With The Children Of Nazi War Criminals (Including Martin Bormann's Eldest Son, Martin Adolf Bormann, Hitler's Godson) On A Four-Day Retreat, To Confront Together Their Parallel Legacies And To Reconcile As Mutual Victims Of Nazi Germany, Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD Or MP4 Video Download! (Color, 1994, 48 Minutes.) #ChildrenOfTheThirdReich #HolocaustVictims #NaziWarCriminals #ChildrenOfHolocaustVictims #ChildrenOfNaziWarCriminals #Holocaust #HolocaustSurvivors #JewishPogroms #Jews #JewishPeople #Israel #MartinBormann #MartinAdolfBormann #MartinBormannJr #ThirdReich #NaziGermany #Pogroms #Children #WorldWarII #WWII #WW2 #WorldWarTwo #WorldWar2 #SecondWorldWar #SecondEuropeanWar #EuropeanCivilWar #DVD #VideoDownload #MP4 #USBFlashDrive
This documentary is about a truly extraordinary event. It could be called a reunion, even though the people involved had never met before. Some are Jews - American and Israeli, whose parents and grandparents managed to survive the holocaust; and some are Germans - the offspring of Nazi German war criminals. One is the daughter of a doctor who performed experiments on Jews; another, the godson of Adolf Hitler himself. The two groups were brought together by a psychologist. For four emotion-filled days, they met and spoke candidly about what had happened during the Holocaust; about the scars that remained with them. Whether their parents were victims or villains, all are children of the Third Reich.