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WJSV Radio Entire Broadcast Day 9/21/1939 MP3 CD, Download, USB Drive

WJSV Radio Entire Broadcast Day 9/21/1939 MP3 CD, Download, USB Drive
WJSV Radio Entire Broadcast Day 9/21/1939 MP3 CD, Download, USB Drive
Item# wjsv-radio-mp3-cd-entire-broadcast-day-sep-3211939
List Price: $29.96
Your Sale Price: $13.56
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The Historic Broadcast Time Capsule Project Recorded For The National Archives - The Entire Broadcast Day Of The CBS Radio Affiliate From Washington, D.C. At A Pivotal Moment In U.S. History When The Great Depression And World War II Met In Time! All 19 Hours Presented As An Archival Quality MP3 CD, MP3 Audio Download Or USB Flash Drive! #WJSV #NationalArchives #TimeCapsules #AudioTimeCapsules #EntireBroadcastDays #LendLease #21September1939 #Radio #OldTimeRadio #OTR #MP3 #CD #AudioDownload #USBFlashDrive


WJSV 390921 01.mp3 -6 a.m. 00:00* Sign-on & music

15:00 technical difficulty

6:30 a.m. 22:15 Sundial with Arthur Godfrey - morning program with recorded music

27:20 boat being sold by station employee

34:18 weather

34:40 Pepsi-Cola advertisement

39:00 mention of the day's recording for posterity

39:40 M.G.M.’s "The Woman" advertisement

44:55 Minute Rub pain reliever advertisement

46:20 birthday announcements

46:45 Leesburg, VA Rotary Club petition drive to improve road

51:10 birthday announcements lost & found

51:55 Zlotnick the Furrier advertisement

WJSV 390921 02.mp3 -7 a.m. 03:30 Sundial with Arthur Godfrey continues

05:15 birthday announcements

05:30 Grainesville Methodist Church ice cream social

08:45 Harvest Moon Ball announcement

15:10 News update

16:45 lost Bulova watch & birthday announcements

17:15 Pontiac dealer advertisement

22:00 News update

23:35 President’s Club Regatta – interviews with Chairman Sims & participants

31:10 Leggett’s 10 cent fudge cake promotion & birthday announcements

35:25 Bond Clothing Store advertisement

39:40 News update sponsored by Arrow Beer & birthday announcements

41:45 lost & found

music: first act of Carmen

44:10 Bond Clothing advertisement

50:20 President’s Regatta & interview with Queen of proceedings

WJSV 390921 03.mp3 -8 a.m. 00:38 8:00 a.m. chime

00:45 to 05:30 News Break brought to you by Arrow Beer

05:45 Peter Paul Mounds advertisement

06:45 to 09:05 Shortening Bread advertisement

09:05 to 09:40 Alka-Seltzer advertisement 09:40 to 10:45 song

10:45 to 11:35 Alka-Seltzer advertisement

11:50 to 12:50 Capital Fur Shop advertisement

12:50 birthday announcements, autumn equinox & music

16:25 Johnny Walker Clothes – Pellsman Store advertisement, birthdays

18:25 Straya (?) College Registration appeal advertisement, birthday announcements

19:45 music resumes

22:30 Kinsmen Optical advertisement & birthdays

24:20 Dr. Pepper advertisement

26:30 Gulf Service Stations advertisement, birthday announcements

27:35 Charles Schwartz & Son radio set advertisement

28:50 Penn-Daw Hotel advertisement

29:30 Butler Cars closeout sale advertisement

30:45 Sundial program ends

8:30 a.m. 31:00 Certified Magic Carpet quiz show sponsored by Certified Double Flavor Bread

44:45 Arthur Godfrey announces $1.00 prizewinner for Certified Magic Carpet

45:35 R.K. Sunshine Clothes Storage advertisement

8:45 a.m. 46:20 Bachelor’s Children soap opera sponsored by Old Dutch Cleanser

WJSV 390921 04.mp3 -9 a.m. 00:01 Time Chime

00:07 Pretty Kitty Kelly soap opera presented by Wonder Bread

01:25 Wonder Bread advertisement

15:00 Buick automobile advertisement

9:15 a.m. 15:45 Myrt & Marge soap opera presented by Concentrated Super Suds

30:45 Halo Shampoo advertisement

9:30 a.m. 31:40 Hilltop House soap opera presented by Palmolive Soap

9:45 a.m. 47:00 Stepmother soap opera presented by Colgate Tooth Powder

WJSV 390921 05.mp3 -10:01 a.m. 00:01 Time sponsored by Bulova Watches

00:25 to 03:00 News update

03:30 Mary Lee Taylor Cooking show presented by Pet Milk Company

10:15 a.m. 15:17 Sanitary Food Store advertisement

16:00 Life Story of Brenda Curtis soap opera presented by Campbell’s Soup with Agnes Moorehad.

30:20 Campbell’s Tomato Juice advertisement

10:30 a.m. 31:00 promo for Your Family & Mine at 1:30 p.m.

31:22 Rinso clothes detergent advertisement which sponsors Big Sister.

33:35 Big Sister soap opera

46:05 Lifebuoy advertisement

46:35 Aunt Jenny’s Real Life Stories soap opera sponsored by Spry Vegetable Spread.

61:05 The District weather forecast

WJSV 390921 06.mp3 -11:00 a.m. 00:00 Time

00:10 Jean Abbey Notes on Fashion

11:15 a.m. 15:00 When a Girl Marries presented by Prudential Insurance Company of America

11:30 a.m. 29:30 Sanitary Food Stores advertisement

30:00 Romance of Helen Trent soap opera

31:05 Angelus Lipstick advertisement

43:15 Angelus Lipstick advertisement

44:20 3 in 1 Oil advertisement

45:00 Our Gal Sunday soap opera

45:55 Anacin Tablets advertisement

58:05 Anacin Tablets advertisement

59:08 Clat’s (?) Baby Food advertisement

WJSV 390921 07.mp3 -12:00 00:00 The Goldbergs presented by Oxydol detergent

14:35 time change announcement

15:05 Camay soap advertisement

12:15 p.m. 15:35 Life Can Be Beautiful soap opera sponsored by Ivory Flakes

16:36 Ivory Soap advertisement by announcer Ralph Edwards

28:40 Ivory Soap advertisement

12:30 p.m. 31:10 time

31:20 Road of Life soap opera sponsored by Gypsol Detergent

46:04 Ivory Flakes advertisement

12:45 p.m. 46:30 This Day is Ours soap opera sponsored by Crisco

47:30 Crisco sure mix shortening advertisement

58:36 Crisco sure mix shortening advertisement

60:50 time change announcement

61:25 Time announcement – 1:00 p.m.

61:30 Regatta Radio Gram boat racing advertisement

WJSV 390921 08.mp3 -1 p.m. 00:00 to 05:05 News Break (1st 4 minutes missing) sponsored by The Loose-Wiles Biscuit Company Company

05:05 Sunshine Crackers advertisement

06:00 to 06:45 Announcement: the entire day of WJSV broadcast is being recorded for posterity & will be placed in the National Archives.

10:40 Illinois Hair Association adopts resolution urging hair dressers to avoid war hair motif

06:45 to 11:45 News Break continues

12:00 Buick dealers advertisement

1:15 p.m. 12:20 The Life & Love of Doctor Susan soap opera sponsored by Lux Toilet Soap

12:50 Lux Toilet Soap advertisement

24:25 Lux Toilet Soap advertisement

26:15 reminder to listen to Big Sister on C.B.S.

1:30 p.m. 26:30 1:30 time chime sponsored by Sanitary Food Store

27:10 Your Family & Mine soap opera

27:30 Sealtest Dairy New York World’s Fair exhibit advertisement

37:50 Sealtest banana macaroon ice cream advertisement

39:30 Southern Dairy Soda Fountain advertisement

1:45 p.m. 41:00 News broadcast in preparation of special session of Congress

45:15 Market report

45:30 Special Report – Extra Session of Congress

Albert Warner reporting & interviewing Minority Leader Senator Austin from Vermont, a New York Representative, & Democrat Senator Burns

53:00 description of scene & itinerary in the House of Representatives

WJSV 390921 09 - 2 p.m. 00:00 John Charles Daley continues report on Special Session of Congress with background facts.

04:50 President Roosevelt enters House of Representatives

06:15 Roosevelt’s speech begins on repealing the U.S.’ Neutrality Law

41:25 Roosevelt’s speech concludes

42:20 French Premier Edouard Daladier (French language)

50:04 C.B.S. New York translation & summary of Daladier’s speech

58:11 C.B.S. New York News summary - Romanian premier assassinated & other news dispatches including German attacks on France

WJSV 390921 10.mp3 - 3 p.m. 00:00 News - CBS in Washington, D.C. - Albert Warner reports & interviews with Congressmen

3:10 p.m. 09:25 time chime sponsored by Bulova Watch Company

09:45 Baseball game begins at 4 p.m.

3:10:30 10:00 Career of Alice Blair soap opera sponsored by Daggett & Lamsel (?)

22:00 Daggett & Lamsel (?) cold cream commercial

25:00 Announcement: Roosevelt’s speech will be repeated at 10:45 p.m.

25:15 to 30:00 News Summary sponsored by Globe Brewing Company's Arrow Beer.

30:15 Rhythm & Romance (music)

37:02 Manhattan Service laundry advertisement

38:00 Rhythm & Romance continues

40:28 M.G.M.’s The Woman advertisement

41:26 M.G.M.’s The Woman advertisement

3:45 p.m. 45:08 Scattergood Baines Show

45:30 to 46:20 Wrigley's Spearmint Gum advertisement

57:30 to 59:10 Wrigley's Spearmint Gum advertisement

WJSV 390921 11.mp3 - 4 p.m. time & station identification

Clevel & Senators & Washington Senators Baseball Game

WJSV 390921 12.mp3 - 5 p.m. Clevel& Senators & Washington Senators Baseball Game (continued)

5:17 p.m. 17:20 time chime sponsored by Bulova Watch Company

14:45 The World Dances (music)

WJSV 390921 13.mp3 - 6 p.m. 00:00 Technical difficulty delaying presentation of Amos & Andy

00:20 organ music

02:42 Amos & Andy sponsored by Campbell’s Soup (in progress)

11:38 to 12:25 Campbell’s Soup advertisement

12:25 organ music & closing of Amos & Andy

13:30 Campbell’s Tomato Juice advertisement

6:15 p.m. 14:30 Parker Family show sponsored by Woodbury Facial Soap

15:15 Woodbury Facial Soap advertisement

16:30 Parker Family (continued)

26:55 Woodbury Facial Soap advertisement

28:00 Parker Family conclusion

6:30 p.m. 29:05 time chime sponsored by Bulova Watch Company.

29:25 Joe E. Brown show sponsored by Post Toasties Corn Flakes

33:55 Post Toasties advertisement

34:35 Joe E. Brown continues

43:30 to 44:20 Post Toasties advertisement w/ plug for Paramount movie

54:05 Joe E. Brown continues

57:00 Post Toasties advertisement by Joe E. Brown & show closing.

7 p.m. 58:25 time chime sponsored by Bulova Watch Company

58:30 request for type 3 blood donors to contact Garfield Hospital

WJSV 390921 14.mp3 - 00:00 Colgate Ask It Basket quiz show sponsored by Colgate Dental Cream

00:40 Colgate Dental Cream advertisement by host & announcer for the show

09:15 Colgate Dental Cream advertisement

10:00 Ask It Basket continues

15:45 Colgate Dental Cream advertisement

16:10 Ask It Basket continues

24:37 Colgate Dental Cream advertisement

25:25 Ask It Basket continues

28:55 Colgate Dental Cream advertisement by host Jim McWilliams

7:30 p.m. 30:20 Strange As It Seems sponsored by Palmolive

31:05 Palmolive Lather Cream advertisement

31:33 Strange as It Seems continues (Most Ingenious Salesman)

35:20 Palmolive Lather Cream advertisement

35:55 Strange as It Seems continues (Most Beautiful Wife in America)

38:40 Palmolive Brushless advertisement

39:15 Strange As It Seems continues (Scientist traded for a race horse)

A short interview with George Washington Carver

47:15 Palmolive Shave Cream advertisement

47:40 Strange As It Seems continues (General Putnam dueling by powder keg)

52:42 Palmolive Brushless advertisement

53:30 Strange As It Seems continues (Only 44 States in the U.S.A.) & concludes

54:40 News with Elmer Davis

WJSV 390921 15.mp3 - 8:00 p.m. 00:00 time chime brought to you by Hailey’s Car Dealers for 1940 Plymouth automobiles

00:30 Major Bowes’ Original Amateur Hour sponsored by Plymouth, Dodge, Desoto, & Chrysler

05:30 to 07:20 City of Mansfield, Ohio tribute

11:15 Chrysler advertisement

27:30 to 31:20 Chrysler advertisement for 1940 models

32:00 Major Bowes’ Original Amateur Hour continues

33:30 “Over the Rainbow” sung by Dorothy Moore

WJSV 390921 16.mp3 - 00:00 H.B. Leary Jr. & Brothers Chrysler dealership advertisement

9 p.m. 00:25 time chime

01:00 Columbia Workshop “Now It’s Summer” by Arthur Cobur

30:10 to 30:30 Buick automobiles advertisement

9:30 p.m. 31:00 Americans at Work (true stories) episode about auctioneers

10:00 p.m. 59:58 time chime brought to you by Bulova Watch Company

WJSV 390921 17.mp3 - 00:00 News sponsored by Arrow Beer

04:40 to 04:55 Buick automobiles advertisement

05:00 to 05:30 Amoco advertisement

05:35 News continues

11:00 to 11:35 Amoco advertisement

10:15 p.m. 14:40 time chime

14:40 to 15:00 National Bohemian beer advertisement

15:05 Streamline Interlude (music) with the Freddie Monroe Orchestra

18:33 to 19:30 news commentator Sullivan program promo

19:32 music continues, Marian Forbes vocals & more

25:55 to 26:45 Zlotnick the Furrier advertisement

26:45 music continues

10:30 p.m. 29:40 to 30:05 time chime brought to you by Bulova Watch Company’s President watch

30:20 to 45:00 Mid-week Review with Albert Warner

45:55 transcription recording of Franklin Roosevelt’s speech aired earlier

WJSV 390921 18.mp3 - 00:00 to 20:45 continuing repeat of F.D.R.’s speech aired lived earlier

11:21 p.m. 20:45 to 21:00 time chime brought to you by Bulova Watch Company

21:05 Jerry Livingston Orchestra

11:30 p.m. 29:08 to 29:30 time chime sponsored by National Bohemian beer advertisement

30:05 Teddy Powell Orchestra

Midnight 60:10 time chime

WJSV 390921 19.mp3 - 00:00 Louis Prima Orchestra's New Orleans Brand of Swing Show at the New York Hickory House

12:30 a.m. 29:50 time chime

30:15 Bob Chester Orchestra from Hotel VanCleve, Dayton, Ohio

55:28 to 59:50 News recap

60:00 to 60:40 Washington, D.C. area weather

60:40 sign-off & National Anthem

WJSV originally came on the air in 1926 as WTRC in Brooklyn, New York then was moved to Arlington, Virginia, the following year and became WJSV in 1928. CBS bought the station from the previous owner in 1931, officially moved the station to Washington, D.C., although the transmitter site remained in Virginia. CBS made WJSV its affiliate in the nation's capital. Among the more famous events involving WJSV was the recording of its entire broadcast day on September 21, 1939. The recording includes many famous radio programs of the time (including Amos 'n Andy and Major Bowes' Original Amateur Hour), local programs featuring Arthur Godfrey and John Charles Daly before their national successes, a Cleveland Indians-Washington Senators baseball game, and a speech by President Franklin Roosevelt. The recording was saved in the National Archives and still exists today; many old time radio websites have excerpts of the WJSV broadcast day and offer copies for sale. A sampling of the material broadcast that day was featured on the 70th anniversary of the event on National Public Radio's All Things Considered of September 21, 2009, also there is a copy of the entire broadcast on the Internet Archive web page. WJSV changed its call letters to WTOP in 1943; the station is still on the air to this day.