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War And Peace In The Nuclear Age TV Series DVD, Download, USB Drive

War And Peace In The Nuclear Age TV Series DVD, Download, USB Drive
War And Peace In The Nuclear Age TV Series DVD, Download, USB Drive
Item# war-and-peace-in-the-nuclear-age-dvd-set-tv-series-7-disc7
List Price: $104.26
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66.36 USD. Free Shipping Worldwide!

The Landmark 1988 TV College Telecourse Series On The Effects Nuclear Weapons Have Had On The Course Of History! All 13 Hour-Long Episodes, PLUS BONUS: America's Defense Monitor: Scrapping Nuclear Weapons (Color, 1992, 28 Minutes), Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS In An Archival Quality 7 Disc All Regions Format DVD Set, MP4 Video Download Or USB Flash Drive! #WarAndPeaceInTheNuclearAge #AtomicAge #AtomicEra #NuclearAge #NuclearEra #NuclearWeapons #NuclearWar #AtomicWeapons #AtomicWar #SaltI #SaltII #INFTreaty #NuclearArmsControl #NuclearProliferation #NuclearDisarmament #ArmsControl #BallisticMissiles #MX #MXMissile #LGM118Peacekeeper#StrategicDefenseInitiative #SDI #StarWarsProgram #CubanMissileCrisis #OctoberCrisis #CaribbeanCrisis #MissileScare #NuclearArms #FissionWeapons #AtomicBombs #ABombs #ThermonuclearWeapons #FusionWeapons #HydrogenBombs #HBombs #Franklin#Roosevelt #FDR #HarrySTruman #DwightDEisenhower #JosephStalin #JohnFKennedy #JFK #NikitaKhrushchev #RobertMcNamara #LyndonBJohnson #LBJ #RichardNixon #GeraldFord #JimmyCarter #RonaldReagan #ColdWar #AntiNuclearMovement #US #UnitedStates #AmericanHistory #USHistory #HistoryOfTheUS #USSR #SovietHistory #SovietUnion #CCCP #WesternCulture #WesternCivilization #WesternTradition #StoryOfCivilization #DVD #VideoDownload #MP4 #USBFlashDrive

*October 15, 2021: Updated with "America's Defense Monitor: Scrapping Nuclear Weapons"!



Episode 1: Dawn

Episode 2: The Weapon Of Choice


Episode 3: More Bang For The Buck

Episode 4: Europe Goes Nuclear


Episode 5: At The Brink (Cuban Missle Crisis )

Episode 6: The Education Of Robert McNamara


Episode 7: One Step Forward (Salt I)

Episode 8: The Haves And The Have Nots


Episode 9: Carter's New World

Episode 10: Zero Option (INF Treaty)


Episode 11: Missle Experimental

Episode 12: Reagan's Shield


Episode 13: Visions Of War And Peace

Bonus: America's Defense Monitor: Scrapping Nuclear Weapons

The Nuclear Age, also known as the Nuclear Era, Atomic Age or Atomic Era, is the period of history following the detonation of the first nuclear weapon, The Gadget at the Trinity test in New Mexico, on July 16, 1945, during World War II. Although nuclear chain reactions had been hypothesized in 1933 and the first artificial self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction (Chicago Pile-1) had taken place in December 1942, the Trinity test and the ensuing bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that ended World War II represented the first large-scale use of nuclear technology and ushered in profound changes in sociopolitical thinking and the course of technology development. While atomic power was promoted for a time as the epitome of progress and modernity, entering into the nuclear power era also entailed frightful implications of nuclear warfare, the Cold War, mutual assured destruction, nuclear proliferation, the risk of nuclear disaster (potentially as extreme as anthropogenic global nuclear winter), as well as beneficial civilian applications in nuclear medicine. It is no easy matter to fully segregate peaceful uses of nuclear technology from military or terrorist uses (such as the fabrication of dirty bombs from radioactive waste), which complicated the development of a global nuclear-power export industry right from the outset. In 1973, concerning a flourishing nuclear power industry, the United States Atomic Energy Commission predicted that, by the turn of the 21st century, one thousand reactors would be producing electricity for homes and businesses across the U.S. However, the "nuclear dream" fell far short of what was promised because nuclear technology produced a range of social problems, from the nuclear arms race to nuclear meltdowns, and the unresolved difficulties of bomb plant cleanup and civilian plant waste disposal and decommissioning. Since 1973, reactor orders declined sharply as electricity demand fell and construction costs rose. Many orders and partially completed plants were cancelled. By the late 1970s, nuclear power had suffered a remarkable international destabilization, as it was faced with economic difficulties and widespread public opposition, coming to a head with the Three Mile Island accident in 1979, and the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, both of which adversely affected the nuclear power industry for many decades.