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Top Gun And Beyond: The Evolution Of Fighter Aircraft DVD MP4 USB

Top Gun And Beyond: The Evolution  Of Fighter Aircraft DVD MP4 USB
Top Gun And Beyond: The Evolution Of Fighter Aircraft DVD MP4 USB
Item# top-gun-and-beyond-dvd-1988-fighter-aircraft-combat-capabi1988
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The Standard-Setting Comprehensive Documentary Analysis Of The Art Of Aerial Combat, As It Evolved Into The Form Taught At America's Most Prestigious Fighter Pilot School, Top Gun, Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD, MP4 Video Download Or USB Flash Drive! (Color, 1988, 58 Minutes.) #TopGunAndBeyond #NOVA #TopGun #AerialWarfare #AerialWarfareTactics #AirCombat #AirCombatManoeuvring #Dogfights #ACM #BasicFighterManeuvers #BFM #DictaBoelcke #AerialTactics #FighterAircraft #FighterPilots #Fighters #InterceptorAircraft #Interceptors #Fighters #FighterAircraft #Interceptors #FighterAces #FlyingAces #AirAces #Aces #MilitaryAviation #MilitaryAviationHistory #HistoryOfMilitaryAviation #Aviation #AviationHistory #HistoryOfAviation #DVD #VideoDownload #MP4 #USBFlashDrive

Selected Quotes:

Brig. Gen. Robin Olds, USAF: I was told in the Pentagon by my boss, who was a two star general... in 1963... 'Olds, go back to your desk and stop coming up with all of these studies proving that we don't have a conventional capability in the United States Air Force. You've got to get it through your head that we're not going to fight conventional wars anymore...' so about four years later, I was going up the Gulf of Tonkin, in this airplane - had a nice kid in the back seat named Steve Croaker; I said 'Stevie baby, look at all this that's going on around us right now, all those tankers and the Thuds over there, and we're going to go up and drop iron bombs on a railroad and probably hassle with MiGs, but I want you not to worry about it, because I have it on good authority that this is not happening.

Howard G. Fisher, San Diego Aerospace Museum Historian: When airplanes first began fighting each other seriously, the designers thought that the key element of the fight was maneuverability. And so, for most of World War I, they designed aircraft with multiple wings, so that the aircraft would get a lot of lift and be able to turn very rapidly... Had they looked at their own data, however... they would have found... that eighty percent of all kills in World War I were actually when one plane made a single pass at another and hit the pilot before he ever knew what was happening... so they went down a false road, if you will... but by the 30s, we knew that the single wing aiplane, being faster, was a much better killing machine.

Randy "Duke" Cunningham, National University Flight School Dean, San Diego: You have to know the absolute limit of your physical being and of your machine, and the idea is that you ride on the perfect edge, the balance of disaster and the balance of winning.

C.J. "Heater" Heatley III, Former Top Gun Instructor: Even Star Wars had a pilot in a cockpit.


G-Rating of pilots; technology now exceeds fighter pilot's ability to respond it all; overview of the capabilities and shortcomings of the F-14, F-15, F-16 and F-18; how fighter pilot tactics and technological advances during World War I ultimately evolved into modern aerial combat; the overthrow of propeller figthers by jets; how scientific and bureaucratic theories about jet dogfighting being impossible were proven wrong by the pilots who went ahead and did it anyway, and the slow design response to providing and maintaining this capability; information overload for pilots during combat; the drop in 10 to 1 kill ratios experienced by U.S. air forces during World War II and Korea to 2 1/2 to 1 during the beginning of the Vietnam war; Capt. Frank Alt's crucial report that addressed the kill ratio drop, which report resulted in the formation of Top Gun fighter combat school and raised the kill ratio up to 13 to 1; the historic legendary dogfight between U.S. Navy pilot Randy Cunningham and North Vietnamese People's Air Force pilot "Colonel Tomb"; key issues that aspiring fighter pilots need to successfully address; physiological problems regarding high gravitational forces, aka "G's", and techniques to solved them; the development of vitual reality weapons and flight systems to provide situational awareness, and syncronizing them with the pilot's brain waves and eye movements; the basics still as important as ever.