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To The Moon: The Story In Sound Set CD, MP3 Download, USB Flash Drive

To The Moon: The Story In Sound Set CD, MP3 Download, USB Flash Drive
To The Moon: The Story In Sound Set CD, MP3 Download, USB Flash Drive
Item# to-the-moon-the-story-in-sound-complete-6-album-set-mp3-63
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The Complete 1969 Commemorative Set Of 6 Records Documenting America's Race To Land A Man On The Moon By The End Of The 1960s! Over 5 1/2 Hours Presented As An Archival Quality MP3 CD, MP3 Audio Download Or USB Flash Drive! #USMoonProgram #USMannedMoonProgram #MannedMoonProgram #MoonLanding #SpaceRace #Astronauts #Cosmonauts #MercuryProgram #ProjectMercury #GeminiProgram #ProjectGemini #ApolloProgram #ProjectApollo #NeilArmstrong #MichaelCollins #BuzzAldrin #RangerProgram #ProjectRanger #Explorer1 #PioneerProgram #SurveyorProgram #SovietSpaceProgram #Sputnik #VostokProgramme #VoskhodProgramme #SoyuzProgramme #ZondProgramme #LunaProgramme #VeneraProgram #Laika #SpaceflightFirsts #SpaceflightRecords #Apollo11 #RocketLaunches #CapeKennedy #CapeCanaveral #Splashdowns #Astronauts #Spaceflight #NACA #NASA #NASAHistory #SpaceExploration #Moon #TheMoon #MannedSpacePrograms #HumanSpaceflight #HumanSpaceflightPrograms #MP3 #CD #AudioDownload #USBFlashDrive



The first message from man on the moon... The moon in legend and in science... The Beginning of Rocketry... Tsiolkovsky... Goddard... Oberth... Goddard's first launch... The American Rocket Society... Dornberger's experiments in Germany... World War II and the V-2s.

World War II ends... U.S. seizes remaining V-2s and the German rocket team surrenders to the Americans ... H-bombs for the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.... The war in Korea... U.S. space program lags... Sputniks stun the world... The humiliation of Vanguard I and the success of Explorer I.


National Aeronautics and Space Administration is set up under the Eisenhower administration... Adapting the Redstone rocket and designing a capsule... Fidel Castro takes over Cuba... Selecting the first seven astronauts for Project Mercury... Testing and training men for space.

U.S. space probes... Russia photographs the moon with Lunik III... Kennedy President... Chimpanzee Ham rides a Mercury capsule... U.S.S.R.'s Gagarin first in orbit... Shepard chosen for first Mercury flight... "Chief Astronaut Jose Jimenez." The flight of Freedom 7. Lunar goal is set.

Grissom's Liberty Bell 7 makes a successful flight — and sinks... Rene Carpenter speaks for the wives. Russia's Titov makes 17 orbits. NASA looks ahead to the moon. Chimp Enos orbits. Glenn scheduled for orbit. Friendship 7 "A-OK" with a heatshield dilemma. Glenn addresses Congress.

Slayton is grounded... Ranger 4 to the dark side of the moon... Carpenter and Aurora 7... Two cosmonauts orbit simultaneously... Schirra's "textbook mission"... Cuban missile crisis... Cooper and Faith 7 end Mercury... Two more Russian cosmonauts, one a woman... JFK assassinated.


Russi, three-man capsule... Vietnam escalates... A Russian spacewalk... A Titan takes up Grissom and Young... Manned Spacecraft Center established... McDivitt and White: first U.S. spacewalk. Cooper and Conrad: 8 days. Borman and Lovell: 14 days. Schirra and Stafford: the first rendezvous.

Armstrong and Scott dock with an Agena but tumble cud over end and must make an emergency landing... Stafford and Cenrnan find an "angry alligator"... Young and Collins dock with an Agena and use its engine... Conrad and Gordon do a linkup... Lovel and Aldrin prove men can work in space.


Grissom, White and Chaf-fee die in a ground test for the first manned Apollo... The tragedy investigated and changes made... An unmanned test of Saturn V... Russia orbits and docks two unmanned vehicles... An unmanned test of the LM... Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy assassinated.

Schirra, Eisele and Cunningham: the first manned flight with a Saturn IB... Live TV from outer space... Nixon wins presidency... Borman, Lovell and Anders lofted by a Saturn V, become the first to escape Earth's gravity and to orbit the moon... "Earthshine"... Genesis and the "good earth."

McDivitt, Scott and Schweickart prepare first manned test in space for LM... In Earth orbit, they perform crucial docking and undocking of "Gumdrop" and "Spider"... Stafford, Cernan and Young test the LM near the moon... Live television in color from "Charley Brown" and "Snoopy."

SIDE 12 At Cape Kennedy during the long countdown... Liftoff for Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins... Translunar injection...... Separation of "Columbia" and "Eagle" in lunar orbit... "Eagle" lands... Armstrong steps down to the surface, and then Aldrin... JFK's goal has been met.

The Space Race was a 20th-century competition between two Cold War adversaries, the Soviet Union (USSR) and the United States (US), to achieve superior spaceflight capability. It had its origins in the ballistic missile-based nuclear arms race between the two nations following World War II. The technological advantage demonstrated by spaceflight achievement was seen as necessary for national security, and became part of the symbolism and ideology of the time. The Space Race brought pioneering launches of artificial satellites, uncrewed space probes to the Moon, Venus, and Mars, and human spaceflight in low Earth orbit and ultimately to the Moon. The competition began on August 2, 1955, when the Soviet Union responded to the US announcement four days earlier to launch an artificial satellite for the International Geophysical Year, by declaring they would also launch a satellite "in the near future". The Soviet Union achieved the first successful artificial satellite launch on October 4, 1957 of Sputnik 1, and sent the first human to space with the orbital flight of Yuri Gagarin on April 12, 1961. The USSR demonstrated an early lead in the race with these and other firsts over the next few years, including the largest Earth orbital lift capability, flight durations measured in days instead of hours, the first multi-person crewed spaceflight, and the first spacewalk. The USSR lost its early lead after US president John F. Kennedy raised the stakes by setting a goal of "landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth". American spaceflight capability overtook the Soviets' with long-duration (up to two week) flights; space rendezvous and docking; working outside spacecraft; use of liquid hydrogen fuel in the Saturn family of rockets; and development of the first super heavy-lift launch vehicle, the Saturn V, large enough to send a three-person orbiter and two-person lander to the Moon. Kennedy's Moon landing goal was achieved in July 1969, with the flight of Apollo 11, a singular achievement generally considered to outweigh any combination of Soviet achievements. The USSR pursued two crewed lunar programs, but failed to develop a launch vehicle powerful enough to land one human on the Moon before the US, and eventually canceled them to concentrate on Earth orbital space stations, while the US landed five more Apollo crews on the Moon.