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Speeches Of Winston Churchill MP3 & JPG Set CD, Download, USB Drive

Speeches Of Winston Churchill MP3 & JPG Set CD-ROM Download USB Drive
Speeches Of Winston Churchill MP3 & JPG Set CD-ROM Download USB Drive
Item# the-speeches-of-winston-churchill-mp3-cd--jpg-image-galler3
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13 Hours Packed Into 58 MP3s PLUS 105 JPGs On 1 CD! The Oratorical Mastery Of The Statesman, Winston Churchill, Whose Speeches (Provided Here Practically All in Their Entirety!) Helped Save Western Civilization, PLUS EXTRA SPECIAL BONUSES: Over 80 Minutes Packed Into 110 Wav Files (Perfect For System Events Sound Effects!) PLUS Select JPG Image Gallery -- All Presented As An Archival Quality MP3 CD-ROM, File Download Or USB Flash Drive! #WinstonChurchill #Statesman #PrimeMinisterOfTheUnitedKingdom #PrimeMinisterOfTheUK #Authors #Historians #Artists #Painters #BloodTearsToilSweat #SpencerFamily #HouseOfSpencer #DukeOfMarlborough #BritishArmy #BritishIndia #AngloSudanWar #SecondBoerWar #WorldWarI #WorldWarOne #WorldWar1 #WWI #WW1 #FirstWorldWar #FirstEuropeanWar #EuropeanCivilWar #PresidentOfTheBoardOfTrade #HomeSecretary #FirstLordOfTheAdmiralty #GallipoliCampaign #WesternFrontWorldWarI #WesternFrontWWI #RoyalScotsFusiliers #MinisterOfMunitions #SecretaryOfStateForWar #SecretaryOfStateForAir #ChancellorOfTheExchequer #GoldStandard #WorldWarII #WWII #SecondWorldWar #EuropeanTheatreOfWorldWarII #WW2 #WorldWarTwo #WorldWar2 #SecondEuropeanWar #MP3 #CDROM #FileDownload #USBFlashDrive



Churchill-'IHaveNotAlwaysBeenWrong' | Churchill-LendLease'MostUnsordidAct' | Churchill 381016 - Broadcast to US - ''We Must Arm!'' | Churchill 450508 MinistryOfHealthBldg | Churchill as 1st Sea Lord 391001 | Churchill as 1st Sea Lord 391112 | Churchill as 1st Sea Lord 391218 | Churchill as 1st Sea Lord 400120 | Churchill as 1st Sea Lord Guild Hall - 'CocklesOfTheBritishHeart' | Churchill as 1st Sea Lord to the World 400330 | Churchill Christmas Message 411224 | Churchill from Quebec 430831 | Churchill Guild Hall London 430630 | Churchill Harvard University 430906 | Churchill Mansion House London 421110 | Churchill Mansion House London 441109 | Churchill Royal Academy Banquet 380430 - ''Collective Security'' | Churchill Royal Albert Hall 441123 | Churchill to London County Council 410714 | Churchill to US 410616 | Churchill Westminster College 460305 - TheSinewsOfPeaceAKAIronCurtainSpeech | Churchill_411110 | Churchill_on_HMS_Prince_of_Wales | Churchill_to_France _-_Vive_Le_France | Churchill401021-ToThePeopleOfFrance#1 | Churchill191811-'WinTheGreatPeace' | Churchill341116-TheThreatOfNaziGermany | Churchill341116 | Churchill401021-ToThePeopleOfFrance#2 | Churchill80thBirthday541130-'TheRoar!' | ChurchillAsLiberalAttacksConservativeTaxation1909 | ChurchillEarly30's-'StabbingPain' | ChurchillOffersToRun1950 | ChurchillOnFinnishResistanceToSovietInvasion | ChurchillOnWriting | ChurchillUS490331-'WarOfNerves' | ChurchillZurichSummer46-UnitedStatesOfEurope | WCPM01 400519 1st Broadcast as PM | WCPM02 400617 Their Finest Hour | WCPM03 400714 Attack upon French Fleet | WCPM04 400911 The Battle of Britain | WCPM05 401021 To the People of France | WCPM06 401223 To the People of Italy | WCPM07 410209 Give Us The Tools | WCPM08 410427 War Review | WCPM09 410622 German Attack upon Russia | WCPM10 410824 The Atlantic Charter | WCPM11 411208 War Against Japan Begins | WCPM12 411226 Address to US Congress | WCPM13 411230 Address to Canadian Parliament | WCPM14 420215 Japanese Conquests | WCPM15 420510 Two Years as PM | WCPM16 421129 A Warning to Italy | WCPM17 430321 After The War | WCPM18 430519 Address to US Congress | WCPM19 440326 The Hour is Approaching | WCPM20 450508 Victory in Europe | WCPM21 450513 5 Years as Prime Minister


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A Flower For the President , 1953 | A Serious Inspection w Eisenhower , 1944 | Anonymous. Winston Churchill in Blenheim Palace, 1916 | Boer 'Wanted' poster in Dutch, with translation | Cartoon from Punch Magazine, November 2, 1938 | Cartoon showing D-Day invasion of France by British troops in a parody of the Bayeux Tapestry, 1944 | Churchill'sCoatOfArms | Churchill-in-quebec-1944- | Churchill-Roosevelt-Stalin | Churchill 'V' | Churchill & Baruch Talk in Car in Front of Baruch's Home , 1961 | Churchill At Work on the War Again , 1943 | Churchill BBC Mikes | Churchill Bows Out , 1955 | Churchill Dons Helmet , 1940 | Churchill im Weissen Haus (Churchill at the White House) | Churchill met Tommy Gun | Churchill Places Wreath on FDR's Grave , 1946 | Churchill Plaid | Churchill sculpture | Churchill Semiprofile | Churchill Tommy Gun | Churchill Uniform | Churchill V Smile | Churchill V | Churchill_ V_Sign_ | Churchill_portrait | Churchills Leave Thanksgiving Service , 1945 | Churchills with a British Symbol , 1943 | ChurchillVisitsCoventryCathedralAfterBombing | Conference of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Marshal Josef Stalin and Prime Minister Winston Churchill 1943. jpg | Crimean Conference, 1945 | Dwight D. Eisenhower and Winston Churchill, 1946 | Edward Tennyson Reed - Parliamentary 'Liberty Men' Return to H.M.S. 'Loquacity,' 1908 | Pencil drawing. | Edwin Marcus. New Year Callers , 1952 | FDR&Churchill410814-HMSPrinceOfWalesAtlanticCharterMtg | Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, August 9, 1941 | George Scarbo - We Want Service! | Hail and Farewell , 1953 | Henry Mayo Bateman. Winston Churchill Smiles at the Camera, 1912 Ink over pencil drawing | Herbert Block Working On Him, 1941. Ink and crayon drawing | J. E. Purdy. Winston Churchill, 1900 | Justin Murray - Winston Churchill (Befriendus Leaselendus) 1945. Photomechanical print | King George VI to Winston Churchill, July 25, 1941 Pg. 1 | King George VI to Winston Churchill, July 25, 1941 Pg. 2 | Lord Randolph Churchill's Brilliant Son, [London] Sunday Telegraph, February 18, 1900 | Lord Randolph Churchill, ca. 1894. | Meeting of Three Old Friends , 1953 | Office of War Information. Churchill and Stalin in Moscow, 1942 | Old Friends Get Together , 1951 | On the Campus Grounds , 1946 | Portrait of Lady Randolph Churchill with her two sons, 1889 | President Franklin D. Roosevelt to Harry Hopkins for transmission to Winston Churchill, April 12, 1942 Pg. 1 | President Franklin D. Roosevelt to Harry Hopkins for transmission to Winston Churchill, April 12, 1942 Pg. 2 | President John F. Kennedy to Sir Winston Churchill, July 6, 1962 | Prime Minister Churchill with the globe presented to him by the United States War Department, Christmas 1942. jpg | Prime Minister Sees Flying Fortresses, June 6, 1941 | Prime Minister Winston Churchill,, July, 1941 | Professor Frederick Lindemann to Winston Churchill, December 30, 1931 | Religious Services at Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, August 10, 1941 | Rollin Kirby. 'Heavy Firing Heard on the Western Front', 1939. Drawing | School report for Winston Churchill issued by St. George's School, Ascot, November 1883 | Seppla [Josef Plank], Churchill as an octopus | Sir-Winston-Churchill Color Portrait | Sir_Winston_Churchill_V | Studio portrait of Lord and Lady Randolph Churchill, ca. 1874. | The Prime Minister's Return Journey Across the Atlantic , August, 1941 | Underwood & Underwood. Winston Churchill, 1924 | WC | winston-churchill-1 | winston-churchill-1943-the-famous-victory-salute | Winston-Churchill-British-Prime-Minister-in-Later-Life-Reading-a-Letter-Posters | Winston-Churchill-Car | Winston-Churchill-Formal | Winston-Churchill-Franklin-D-Roosevelt-and-Joseph-Stalin-at-Yalta-in-1945-Photograph-C12281794 | Winston-Churchill-Hussar-1896 | Winston-Churchill-Tough | Winston-Churchill smile | Winston-Churchill | Winston-Churchills-I&II | Winston Churchill 1943 | Winston Churchill addressing joint session of Congress, 1943 | Winston Churchill and T. E. Lawrence, 1921 | Winston Churchill to Franklin Roosevelt, August 23, 1944. Telegram | Winston Churchill to Neville Chamberlain, October 1, 1939 | Winston Churchill to President Harry S Truman, May 9, 1945 Pg. 1 | Winston Churchill to President Harry S Truman, May 9, 1945 Pg. 2 | Winston Churchill to Professor Frederick Lindemann, December 24, 1931 | Winston Churchill to The Duke of Marlborough | Winston Churchill Uniform V | Winston Churchill with Harry Hopkins, 1942 | Winston Churchill, 1919 | Winston Churchill, 1941 | Winston Churchill, ca. 1880 | Winston Churchill, ca. 1900 | Winston Churchill. Flowers in a Green Vase , ca. 1930s | Winston, Randolph, and Winston Churchill, 1953 | winston_churchill suspenders | winston_churchill | Winston_Churchill_(1874-1965)_with_fiancee_Clementine_Hozier_(1885-1977)_shortly_before_their_marriage_in_1908 | Winston_churchill_10_downing_st | winston_churchill_earnest | WinstonChurchill1937 | WinstonChurchillCrowd | young-winston-churchill

Winston Churchill (November 30, 1874 - January 24, 1965) was born in Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire, England. Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill, KG, OM, CH, TD, PCc, DL, FRS, RA was a British statesman, army officer, artist, painter, historian and writer. He served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955. As a Member of Parliament (MP), he represented five constituencies over the course of his career. As Prime Minister, Churchill led Britain to victory during the Second World War. He led the Conservative Party for fifteen years from 1940 to 1955. Churchill was #born into an aristocratic family, the son of an English politician and American socialite. Joining the British Army, he saw action in British India, the Anglo-Sudan War, and the Second Boer War, gaining fame as a war correspondent and writing books about his campaigns. Moving into politics, before the First World War, he served as President of the Board of Trade, Home Secretary, and First Lord of the Admiralty as part of Asquith's Liberal government. During the war, Churchill departed from government following the disastrous Gallipoli Campaign. He briefly resumed active army service on the Western Front as a battalion commander in the Royal Scots Fusiliers. He returned to government under Lloyd George as Minister of Munitions, Secretary of State for War, Secretary of State for Air, then Secretary of State for the Colonies. After two years out of Parliament, he served as Chancellor of the Exchequer in Baldwin's Conservative government of 1924-1929, controversially returning the pound sterling in 1925 to the gold standard at its pre-war parity, a move widely seen as creating deflationary pressure on the UK economy. Out of office during the 1930s, Churchill took the lead in warning about Nazi Germany and in campaigning for rearmament. At the outbreak of the Second World War, he was again appointed First Lord of the Admiralty. Following Neville Chamberlain's resignation in May 1940, Churchill became Prime Minister. His speeches and radio broadcasts helped inspire British resistance, especially during the difficult days of 1940-41 when the British Commonwealth and Empire stood almost alone in its active opposition to Adolf Hitler. He led Britain as Prime Minister until after the German surrender in 1945. After the Conservative Party's defeat in the 1945 general election, he became Leader of the Opposition to the Labour Government. He publicly warned of an "Iron Curtain" of Soviet influence in Europe and promoted European unity. He was re-elected Prime Minister in the 1951 election. His second term was preoccupied by foreign affairs, including the Malayan Emergency, Mau Mau Uprising, Korean War, and a UK-backed Iranian coup. Domestically his government laid great emphasis on house-building. Churchill suffered a serious stroke in 1953 and retired as Prime Minister in 1955, although he remained an MP until 1964. Churchill suffered his final stroke on January 12, 1965. He died nearly two weeks later on the 24th, which was the seventieth anniversary of his father's death. He was given a state funeral six days later on January 30, , the first for a non-royal person since Lord Carson in 1935. Planning for Churchill's funeral had begun in 1953 under the code-name of "Operation Hope Not" and a detailed plan had been produced by 1958. His coffin lay in state at Westminster Hall for three days and the funeral ceremony was at St Paul's Cathedral. Afterwards, the coffin was taken by boat along the River Thames to Waterloo Station and from there by a special train to the family plot at St Martin's Church, Bladon, near his birthplace at Blenheim Palace. Churchill was an accomplished artist and took great pleasure in painting; he was so successful as a painter that had he only painted, he still would have attained fame as a financially and professionally successful artist. Named the Greatest Briton of all time in a 2002 poll, Churchill is among the most influential people in British history, consistently ranking well in opinion polls of Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom. As a writer, he won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1953 for his overall, lifetime body of work. His highly complex legacy continues to stimulate intense debate amongst writers and historians.