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The Search For The Disappeared Of Argentina DVD, MP4, USB Drive

The Search For The Disappeared Of Argentina DVD, MP4, USB Drive
The Search For The Disappeared Of Argentina DVD, MP4, USB Drive
Item# the-search-for-the-disappeared-of-argentina-dvd-mp4-us4
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How Science Was Used In Argentina To Find And Identify Thousands Of People Who Disappeared In The Aftermath Of The Political Mass Murder Of Argentina's 1976-1983 Military Dictatorship Of The National Reorganization Process Junta: Forensic Techniques To Identify The Dead By A Team Lead By Forensic Anthropologist Clyde Snow (Who Identified The Body Of Josef Mengele Among Many Other Notables) And Genetic Testing To Reveal The True Identity Of The Children Who Were Kidnapped When Their Parents Were Assassinated, And The Admission Of That Evidence To Local Law Enforcement To Successfully Reunite Families, To Document Their Findings With The National Commission On The Disappearance Of Persons Of 1983, And To Help Judges Deliberate In The Trial Against The Junta Leaders, The Argentine National Commission On The Disappeared Of 1986, Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD, MP4 Video Download Or USB Flash Drive! (Color, 1986, 58 Minutes.) #SearchForTheDisappeard #TheDisappeared #OperationCondor #DirtyWar #ForcedDisappearance #EnforcedDisappearanceInArgentina #EnforcedDisappearance #1976ArgentineCoupDetat #NationalReorganizationProcess #HabeasCorpus #Argentina #ArgentineHistory #HistoryOfArgentina #HumanRights #WarCrimes #Genocide #ColdWar #NuncaMas #NeverAgain #Desaparecidos #TheProcess #ForensicScience #Genetics #MassMurder #Juntas #MilitaryDicatorships #DeathSquads #DVD #VideoDownload #MP4 #USBFlashDrive

Enforced Disappearance: Argentina: During Argentina's Dirty War and Operation Condor, many alleged political dissidents were abducted or illegally detained and kept in clandestine detention centers such as ESMA, where they were questioned, tortured, and almost always killed. There were about 500 clandestine detention camps, including those of Garaje Azopardo and Orletti. These places of torture, located mostly in Buenos Aires, Argentina, contributed over 30,000 desaparecidos, or disappeared persons, to the overall count in the Dirty War. The victims would be shipped to places like a garage or basement and tortured day after day. The disappeared ones were people who were considered to be a political or ideological threat to the military junta. The Argentine military justified torture to obtain intelligence and saw the disappearances as a way to curb political dissidence. Abducted pregnant women were kept captive until they gave birth, then often killed. It is estimated that 500 babies born in this way were given for informal adoption to families with close ties to the military. Eventually, many of the captives were heavily drugged and loaded onto aircraft, from which they were thrown alive while in flight over the Atlantic Ocean in "death flights" (vuelos de la muerte), so as to leave no trace of their death. Without any dead bodies, the government could deny any knowledge of their whereabouts and accusations that they had been killed. The forced disappearances were the military junta's attempt to silence the opposition and break the determination of the guerrillas. Missing people who are presumed to have been murdered in this and other ways are today referred to as "the disappeared" (los desaparecidos). Activist groups Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo and Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo were formed in 1977 by mothers and grandmothers of the "disappeared" victims of the dictatorship, with the goal of finding the children stolen by the Argentine government during the Dirty War, and later to determine the culprits of crimes against humanity and promote their trial and sentencing. Some 500 children are estimated to have been stolen; 120 cases had been confirmed by DNA tests as of 2016. The term desaparecidos was used by de facto President General Jorge Rafael Videla, who said in a press conference "They are just that_ desaparecidos. They are not alive, neither are they dead. They are just missing". It is thought that between 1976 and 1983 in Argentina, up to 30,000 people (8,960 named cases, according to the official report by the CONADEP) were killed and in many cases disappeared. In an originally classified cable first published by John Dinges in 2004, the Argentine 601st Intelligence Battalion, which started counting victims in 1975, in mid-1978 estimated that 22,000 persons had been killed or "disappeared".