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The Historical View A Legacy In Pictures JPG Image Set CD Download USB

The Historical View A Legacy In Pictures JPG Image Set CD Download USB
The Historical View A Legacy In Pictures JPG Image Set CD Download USB
Item# the-historical-view-a-legacy-in-pictures-jpg-photo-cd
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1291 Digital Images Packed Into 1 Photo CD! Digitally Remastered 16 Million Color Images, Most 800 x 600 Pixels Large & Larger, Perfect For Viewing Through Your Computer Monitor OR For Making *Quality Copies* Using Your Computer Printer!

This collection spans the globe to document the human experience through its historical images, preserved for posterity in carefully restored & digitally enhanced image formats ideally suited for printing & framing!


comprised of the historical image legacy of the United States, France, Germany, Russia, China, Italy, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Europe & more:

United States: ''Deposit Contraband Here'' Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico 1971, ''Dope (Ski Wax) Is King'', ''The Landing Of Colombus'' By John Vanderlyn Capital Rotunda, 'Boss' Tweed, 1865 1865! Ho! For The Gold Mines!, 1904 Americas, 1st Tammany Hall Wigwam Nassau & Frankfort Streets 1812, 2nd Tammany Hall Wigwam 14th Street 1868, 3rd & Last Tammany Wigwam 17th & Union Square 1929, Abigail Adams By Gilbert Stuart, Alger Hiss Before US House Un-American Activities Commission, Baron Von Steuben, Benjamin Franklin By Brumidi President's Room Capitol Bldg, Benjamin Franklin By David Martin, Bix Beiderbecke, Buffalo Bill's Wild West Poster, Capitol Dome, Cayce, Centennial Celebrations Before Independence Hall, Charles Bullfinch's Dome Capital Bldg 1837 By W.H. Bartlett, Charles Francis Murphy Tammany Boss 1902-24 Atlantic City Boardwalk, Charles Lindbergh And 'The Spirit Of St. Louis', Charles Wilson Peale's George Washington As C in C Battle Of Princeton, Chinese Immigrants Learn To Read, Christopher Colombus By Brumidi President's Room Capitol Bldg, Christopher Colombus By Sebastiano del Piombo, Columbia Statue, Congressman J William Fulbright 1943, Count Pulaski, Frederick Douglas, Eisenhower Speaks From White House, Eleanor Roosevelt At UN, Eleanor Roosevelt With Universal Declaration On Human Rights, Emperor Roosevelt, His Prime Minister, and CourtFool, Famous G.O.P. Women Arrive Corinne Roosevelt Upper Left 1921, FDR's 1st Freedom - Freedom Of Speech By Norman Rockwell, FDR's 2nd Freedom - Freedom Of Religion By Norman Rockwell, FDR's 3rd Freedom - Freedom From Want By Norman Rockwell, FDR's 4th Freedom - Freedom From Fear By Norman Rockwell, Franklin Delano Roosevelt 1921, President Franklin Roosevelt Broadcasts 1st 'Fireside Chat' 330312, President Roosevelt Indian Headress In Lap, FDR Plywood Podium, FDR Signing Bill, FDR Standing Upright At Podium, FDR Takes Presidential Oath Of Office 330304, FDR Upraised Arm In Car, FDR Warm Springs GA, Fernando Wood Mayor NYC 1850s Member Tammany Hall, Freedom from atop U.S. Capitol Building, Gen. Eisenhower 'Army Week', George Washington By Gilbert Stuart, George Washington Plunckitt Tammany Bard NY County Courthouse Bootblack Stand, Hindenburg Crash, Independance Hall Philadelphia, J. Edgar Hoover With Menu, John Adams By J. S. Copley, John Hancock, Johnson On Senate Floor 5308, Johnson With Class, Liberty's Head On Display Before Shipment, Liberty Bell, Marquis de Lafayette, Martha Washington By Gilbert Stuart, Matthew L. Davis Political Founder Of Tammany Hall, McCarthy Before Microphones 1954, Minuteman Of Concord By Daniel Chester French, NYC Mayor Jimmy Walker Answers Samuel Seabury In Court 1932, New York Stock Exchange 291024 ('Black Thursday') Aerial View, Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy 1963 DC - Addresses Civil Rights Demonstrators, Rufus Zogbaum - Commoder Dewey Aboard Olympia Battle Of Manila Bay, Scene At The Signing Of The Constitution Of The United States - Howard Chandler Christy, Seal Of The President Of The United States, Secy Of State George Marshal 1947, Senate & House With Walkway Watercolor By Architect Benjamin Latrobe 1818, Senator Arthur Vandenburg, Statue Of Liberty, Statue Of Liberty Aerial View, Tammany Wigwam Dedication 1929 - Alfred E. Smith 2nd Right James J. Walker 2nd Left, Teddy Roosevelt, Theodore Roosevelt Uniformed, President Theodore Roosevelt With Booker T. Washington, Thaddeus Kosciusko, The Great Seal Impression from original die, The Great Seal of the United States obverse, The Great Seal of the United States reverse, The Boston Massacre Attributed To Paul Revere, The Boston Tea Party Lithograph By N. Currier, The Landing Of Roger Williams By Alonzo Chappel, The Spirit Of 1776 By Archibald M. Willard, The Surrender Of Lord Cornwallis At Yorktown By John Trumball, The Washington Monument, Thomas Nast Cartoon On Tammany Hall 710819, Thomas Paine By John Wesley Jarvis, Truman Addresses San Francisco Conference, Truman Shakes Hands With Hiss San Francisco UN Conference, U.S. House Mace, USS Constitution By Salisbury Tuckerman, W. G. Read - Rough Riders Charge Up San Juan Hill, Walter Reuther At UAW Meeting, Walt Whitman Photo Reputed To Mathew Brady, Washington Resigns His Commission By John Trumbull, William Bullit DC 1942, William Frederick Cody AKA Buffalo Bill, William S. Devery NYC Police Chief Tammany Crook

Europe: Albin Dotsch Austrian Antichauvinist & Ethnic Reconciler 1908, Alexander & Draga Obrenovic King & Queen Of Serbia 1889-1903, Alexander Karadjordjevic Prince Regent Serbia 1914-1918 & Prince Regent Serbs Croats & Slovenes 1918-1921, Alexander Kardjordjevic Prince Of Serbia 1842-58, Bucentaur (Doge Of Venice's Barge) 16th Century, Charlemagne On Charger, Communist Manifesto Cover 1848 German Edition, Czechoslovakian Display For Tito's Visit Just After WWII, Dr. Karl Renner ('Rudolf Springer') Antichauvinist Legal Leader 1905 Moravia, Dr. Rudolf Lodgman Von Auen Austrian Liberal Federalist Bohemian German, Draza Mihajlovic As Serbian Royalist General, Draza Mihajlovic On Trial After WWII, Draza Mihajlovic Testifies At Trial, Farah Pahlevi Empress Of Iran 1975, Farmers Functionaries And Fireworks 1931, Friedrich Engels, German Tito Wanted Poster, Girl Athletes Prague Stadium Early 60s, Goethe, Hans Kudlich Austrian Democratic Reformer Leader Of Liberation Of Serfs 1848, Ilija Garasanin Serbian Statesman & Political Leader 1812-74, Josef Seliger Austrian Social Democrat Bohemian Labor Leader & Ethnic German Antichauvinist, Josip Broz Tito, Jovan Ristic Serbian Statesman & Historian 1831-1899, Karadjordje Petrovic Leader Of 1st Serbian Insurrection 1804-13, Karl & Jenny Marx, Karl Marx, King Ludwig of Bavaria, Kurt Weil, Leipzig Parade Early 60s, Mandean Cosmological Demons twixt Sun & Planets, Mandean righteous souls on boat to Abathur, Manichean Elect with laity, Michael Obrenovic Prince Of Serbia 1839-1842 & 1860-1868, Milan Obrenovic Prince & King Of Serbia 1868-89, Milos Obrenovic Prince Of Serbia 1817-39 & 58-60, Milos Obrenovic As Military Leader Of Serbian Insurrection 1804, Mohammed Reza Pahlevi Shah Of Iran 1975, Molotov Salutes During Visit To See Tito, Natalia Obrenovic Queen Of Serbia 1868-89, Nikola Pasic Serbian Radical Leader Architect Of Corfu Declaration, Peter I. Karadjordjevic King Of Serbia 1903-1918, Pope Pious XI33, Ritter Anton Von Schmerling Austro-Hungarian Integrationist & Prime Minister 1860-65, Seal Of The Governing Council Of Serbia 1804, Serbian Prince Milos Palace Topcider Park 1834, Signers Of Corfu Declaration 1917, Svetozar Markovic Serbian Socialist Leader 1846-1875, Titio Reviews Victorious Troops, Tito's Partisans, Tito & Churchill, Tito And John Foster Dulles 1953, Tito And Staff, Tito As Commander, Tito During Trieste Crisis, Tito Glasses, Tito In Hat, Tito In Moscow Just After WWII, Tito In Profile, Tito Leans Over Map, Tito Makes Public Speech After Trieste Crisis, Tito Makes Public Speech After Trieste Crisis, Tito Plays Chess, Tito Reads Statement London 1953 Anthony Eden Behind, Tito Returns From Moscow Just After WWII, Tito Reviews Victorious Troops, Tito Salutes During Molotov's Visit, Tito Shakes Hands With Churchill, Tito Visits Khrushchev, Tito Watches US Navy Maneuvers, Tito Waves, Tito With Carter, Tito With Churchill 1953, Tito With Khrushchev, Toma Vucic - Perisic Serbian Military Political Leader 1842-58, Villa Wahnfried 1872, Vladimir Baron Von Beck Austrian Liberal Democrat Reformer & Prime Minister 1908, Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic Serbian Linguist Ethnographer & Historian 1787-1864, Wagner 1862, Young Tito

Russia: Bolshevik Sailors Fire On Crowds In Petrograd 1917-07, Boris Pasternak, Bulganin And Eisenhower Geneva Conference 1955, Collective Factory At Mealtime USSR 1920s, Demonstrators Stone Tanks East Berlin 195306, Felix Dzerzhinksy, Feodor Dostoyevsky, General Trotsky, Gomulka Visits Khrushchev 15th Anniversary Of Republic Of Poland, Ivan Turgenev, Josef Stalin, Khrushchev Addresses Tito UN 600926, Khrushchev And Mao 5th Anniversay PRC Peking 1954, Khrushchev Visits Tito 1955, Krupskaya Lenin Vladimir's Wife, Kruschev Wags Finger, LEF 1924, Lenin's Family Vladimir Bottom Right, Lenin's Tomb, Lenin & Friends 1897, Lenin Leningrad Palace Square 1971, Lenin 180501, Lenin 190329 Kremlin Recording, Lenin At 22, Lev Bronstein AKA Trotsky Police Photo 1902, May Day Parade Red Square 1959, Molotov Salutes During Visit To See Tito, Nijinsky, Nikita Khrushchev, Prime Minister Alexander Kerensky Reviews Troops Atop Car, Russian Warships Port Arthur 1904 Feb, Soviet 191703 Tauride Palace, Soviet Tank Commander Hungary 1956, Soviet Youth Early 1960s, Stalin 1910 Police Mugshot Frontal, Stalin 1910 Police Mugshot Profile, Stalin And Khrushchev, Stalin And Ribbentropp 3909, Stalin Visits Lenin At His Home 1922, Trotsky Negotiates With Germans Brest-Litovsk Early 1918, Tzar Nicholas II Left King George V Right, USSR Emblem, Young Stalin Gori Georgia Church School

China: Beijing Early 1960s, Chairman Mao, Chiang Ch'ing Addresses Red Guards, Chou En Lai, Khrushchev And Mao 5th Anniversay PRC Peking 1954, Mao & Chiang 1945, Mao & Nixon 1972, Mao Tse-Tung Early 1920s, Mao Ze Dong 1935, Mao 1945 Yenan with Wife Chiang Ch'ing, Mao 1949 Entry Into Peking, MZD55 Inspects 'A New Type Agricultural Tool', Mao 570707 'Intimate Exchanges' with Shanghai 'Personages', Mao 1957 Shanghai 100 Flowers Campaign Viewing Of Posters, Mao 1966 Tiananmen Square, Mao 660725 'Chairman Mao Swims Joyously In The Yangtze', Mao 660818 Tiananmen Square, Nixon Chou En Lai & Mou Chiang Ch'ing 720227, Nixon Reviews PRC Troops With Chou En Lai 7202, Sun Yat-Sen And Chiang Kai-Shek

And Even More!

documenting the lives, art and monuments of the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Nordics, Sumerians, Indus Indians, Minoans, Etruscans & more:

Ancient Egypt: ''Anubis The Legionary'' Statuette 2nd Century AD, Amun Gold Statue, Asiatic Man Royal Floor Tile Palace Of Ramsses III, Bracelet Of Djer 2892 BC Abydos, Brother & Sister In Law Of Vizier Ramose 1355 BC, Canannite Tribute-bearers Egyptian Fresco, Chair Of Hetepheres Reign Of Sneferu 2575-2551 BC, Cippus With Horus On Crocodile Ptolemaic Dynasty, Daughters Of Ikhnaton, Dog Pallette Back, Dog Pallette Front, Drawing Of Egyptian Sistrum (Musical Instrument), Egyptian Book Of The Dead Chapter 125 (Papyrus of Ani) - Hall of Judgment, Egyptian Book Of The Dead Chapter 125a (Papyrus_of_Ani), Egyptian Book Of The Dead Chapter 128, Egyptian Book Of The Dead Chapter 162 Ihet-cow, EBOTD Chapter 167 Udjat Eye Spell, Egyptian Book Of The Dead Chapter 183 Thoth Holds All Life and Dominion, Egyptian Book Of The Dead Chapter 186 (Papyrus of Ani), Egyptian Book Of The Dead Chapter 17 (Sarcophagus of Khonsu) Khonsu Worships Celestial Cow, Egyptian Book Of The Dead Chapter 17 (Papyrus of Ani) - Ba returns to Ka, Egyptian Book Of The Dead Chapter 16 (Papyrus of Hunefer), Egyptian Harem Harp, Lute, Dancer, Double Pipes & Lyre, Egyptian Harem Musicians Play L5te, Harp & Double Flute, Entertainers At Meal Tomb Of Nebamun, Funeral Stelé of Ankhefenkhonsu, Funerary Stela Of Ankhefenkhons 600 BC, Funerary Stele Of Scribe Horjirnakht 1900 BC, Gaming Disc Hemaka's Tomb Saqqara 2850 BC, Geb and Nuit, Great Sphinx 1886, Great Sphinx 1886, Great Sphinx Behind Thutmose IV's Dream Stela, Hathor, Horus Hawk Pendant Tutankhamun, Howard Carter Cleans 3rd Coffin Of King Tut, Howard Carter Crouches Before Gilded Shrine Of King Tut, Ikhnaton Nefertiti & Daughters El-Amarna 1345 BC, King Tut's Isis & Nephthys Pectoral, Libyan Man Royal Floor Tile Palace Of Ramsses III, Maat, Narmer Tablet Back, Narmer Tablet Front, Necklace Counterpoise 870 BC, Nekhbet, Obelisk Of Senswosret I Heliopolis 1920 BC, Rosetta Stone Color, Sekhmet Relief, Servant Girls Vizier Rekhmire's Tomb 1420 BC, Sir Flinders Petrie Egyptologist 1853-1942, Sphinx & Great Pyramid, Stela Of Amun-Re Songstress Denitenkhons 900 BC, Stela Of Bai 19th-20th Dynasty, Stela Of King Qahedjet With Horus 3rd Dynasty, Thoth of the Four Winds from Papyrus of Hor, Tut's ''Golden Throne'' Detail, Tutankhamen's Organ Chest, Tut Atop Lotus

Ancient Graeco-Roman: Alexander Pursues Darius, Aphrodisias of Southwest Turkey, Aphrodite bathing, Aphrodite Raised From Sea By Nymphs 'Ludovisi Throne' Rome 460 BC, Apollo and Daphne by Bernini, Apollonius of Tyana by Boissard, Apollo Sans Bow Pompeii, Ares statue, Aristotle Relief Bust, Athenian Silver Coin Depicting Bubo 5th Century BCE, Augustus Caesar Portrait Statue, Bacchanalian dance fresco, Byzantine Silver-Gilt Cross, Caraculla Roman Emperor 3rd Century ACE, Caryatids South Porch Of Erechtheum On Acropolis, Ceres Clay Figurine 6th Century BC, Cernunnos between Apollo and Mercury, Colossus of Rhodes from Kircher's 'Turris Babel', Column Of Trajan Forum Of Trajan 113 AD, Commodus, Constantin, Demeter Kore Tripotolemus, Democritus, Diocletian, Emperor Augustus' seal, Emperor Augustus As Pontifex Maximus, Emperor Claudius Bronze Head Colchester, Empress Livia's country villa fresco, Empress Messalina With Child Britannicus, Etruscan Flute Player, Greek Fire Shot From Byzantine Ship, Greek Smiths At Their Labors, Greek Vase Painting Odysseus Resists Siren, Hades and Persephone, Hadrian bust, Hermes Eurydice and Orpheus, Homer, House Of The Faun Pompeii 2nd Century BC, Isis with sistrum & pitcher from Hadrian's villa, Julius Caesar Portrait Bust, Jupiter and Ganymede, Leda & The Swan by da Vinci, Maiden Plays Double Flute 'Ludovisi Throne' Rome 460 BC, Marcus Aurelius mounted on Capitoline Hill, Marcus Aurelius, Mithra slays bull, Nature Mosaic Pompeii, Nero Portrait Bust, Pericles, Phallic beast, Phidias' Chyselephantine Statue Of Athena At Parthenon (Roman Copy), Pluto and Prosperpina, Pompey bust, Poseidon seal, Primavera by Botticelli, Roman Demeter relief, Schliemann's Diary 18730414, Siren's Rock Sicilian coast, Sophia Schliemann Wears Trojan Gold, The Birth of Venus by Botticelli, The Three Graces by Raphael, The Arezzo Chimera Etruscan 4th Century BC, The Capitoline She Wolf 5th Century BC Etruscan Brought To Rome, The Lion Gate Mycenae, The Parthenon, The Pont Du Gard By Nimes In Provence 14 AD, Titus Roman Emperor Conqueror Of Jerusalem, Venus from a Pompeii wall, Venus De Milo from side, Zeno Roman Emperor, Zeus with Thunderbolt Attica 450 BCE

Ancient Nordic: Christian Cross Greenland Viking Colony, Eastre, Harold Fairhair (1st King Of Norway) Receives Guthrum Conqueror Of England, King's Helmet Sutton Hoo, King Canute (Denmark, Norway & Britain) Puts Cross On English Altar 9th Century, Odin On Charger, Purse Lid Sutton Hoo, Ship Excavation Sutton Hoo, The Oseberg Ship Viking Ship Museum Oslo

Ancient Sumerian: Cosmetic Box Top Mari (Trade City Between Mesopotamia & Mediterranean), Ea seal (Shamash to left), Ea Bird seal, Ea seal, Enki stele, Eye Idol, Gilgamesh relief, Iananna seal, Iananna relief, Inanna Cylinder Seal, Iranian Coin Reverse King Adores Star Or Sun Between Crescent Moon Horns, Ishtar Gate of Babylon section, King Ur-Nammu of Ur stele , King Darius' Seal Ahura Mazda Rises In Midst, Marduk, Ninhursag relief, Queen Shudu-Ad's Headress 3M BCE, Sir Leonard Woolley At Ur Of The Chaldees, Sumerian Signature Seal Hero Chases Ostrich, The Standard Of Ur Side 1 Court, The Standard Of Ur Side 2 Armies, Ut-napishtim left Gilgamesh fights Bull creature right, Utu relief

Ancient Indus Indian: Brahma Granting A Favor, Dancer With Tiny Orchestra Mysore India, Indra with Asparases, Kali Dances Upon Shiva, Krishna & Radha Alone In Forest, Krishna and Radha, Krishna steals girls clothes as a youth, Krishna And The Gopi, Krishna Defeats Kaliya, Krishnamurti With Annie Besant 1926, Krishna Overcoming Kaliya Detail, Maharshi Yogi AKA Maharishi, Prince Siddartha as Buddha, Rama Sita & Laksmana In Exile, Ramakrishna (Gadahar Chattopadhyaya) Hindu Saint 1836-1886, Shiva Parvati Skanda Ganesha & Totem Animals Atop Mt. Kailasa, Shiva relief, Shiva With Consort Parvati From Elephanta, The Loves Of Krishna, Vishnu As South Indian God Vardarja Bronze Statue, Vivekananda (Narendranath Dutt) 1863-1902 Bronze Statue Bombay, Vivekananda Statue Base Front, Vivekananda Statue Base Back, Yogini With Serpent Force South India Circa 1800, Yoni Emblem South India 19th Century

Ancient Minoan: 'The Prince's Cup' Minoan Goblet Hagia Tradia, Bull's Head Rhyton (Animal's Head Drinking Cup) Knossos, Bull-leaping Fresco Of Knossos, Cretan Earth Goddess, Minoan Cup With Sculptured Flowerheads Phaistos, Minoan Vessel With Double Axes Pseira Island, Palace Of Knossos, Pithoi Storeroom Palace Of Knossos, Throne Of King Minos Palace Of Knossosz And Still More!

spanning various systems of belief from the mystery cultures of the ancient world, through the world's great religions, up to the religious practices and philosophical systems of today. Includes Judeo-Christian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Minoan, Nordic, Sumerian, Mithraic, Masonic & Rosicrucian & more systems of belief:

Biblical: Adoration of the Lamb from Beatus, Angel of the Order of Powers, Angel with sextile star, Archangel seal, Babylonian Genie on King Sargon's Palace, Byzantine Silver-Gilt Cross, Cherub From King Ahab's 'House Of Ivory' Samaria 9th Century BCE, Christian Cross Greenland Viking Colony, Daniel, Doré's illustration of Canto 31 of Dante's Paradiso, Grand Man of Zohar by J. A. Knapp, Israfil Islamic Angel of Music, Jacob Wrestling with the Angel by Delacroix, Masada, Michael The Archangel, Musical Angels, Paradise Lost - Lucifer contemplates new evil, Paradise Lost - Lucifer, Paradise Lost - The Fall of Angels, Pieta Scene By Giotto, Portaelucis, Raphael in Paradise Lost, Revelation 14 Cologne Bible, Revelations 12,17-10 and 13,1 Cologne Bible, Satan by Doré, Solomon & Sheba Ethiopia, Solomon as Islamic King, Solomon, St. John's vision of Christ & the 7 candlesticks, St. John and the Twenty-four Elders in Heaven by Dürer, St. Luke Bible Illustration, The Elders in the Mystic Procession by Doré, The Fall of the Rebel Angels by Doré, The Nine Angelic Choirs, The Sparkling Circle of the Heavenly Host by Doré, Zephon and Ithuriel confront Satan, Zophiel in Paradise Lost

Masonic & Rosicrucian: Albertus Magnus, Alchemical Conjunction diagram, Alchemical Tree, Earth talismans, Sun talismans, Mercury talsimans, Venus talismans, Moon talismans, Mars talismans, Jupiter talismans, Saturn talismans, Athanasius Kircher, Chakras by Johann Georg Gichtel, Cornelius Agrippa, Corpus Hermeticum - The Harmony of the Spheres, Count Cagliostro, Da Vinci's Man according to Vitruvius, Eliphas Levi, Francis Barret, G. R. S. Mead, Heinrich Khunrath, Heinricus Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim, Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, Hermes Trismegistus by Johann Theodor de Bry, Hermes Trismegistus from Michael Maier, Hermetic Silence from Achilles Bocchius, Invisible College of the Rose Cross Fraternity, Isis from Kircher, Jean Cocteau 192106 Megaphone, Jupiter-Pan from Kircher, Kircher's Hieroglyphic Monad Original, Labore Et Constantia seal, Lesser Clavicle seals, Levi's 7 seals, Eliphas Levi Pentagram, Liber Secretorum Alberti Magni, Macro & Microprosopos, Michael Maier's Viatorium, Michel Nostradamus, Orpheo et vihuela (Orpheus), Ouroboros by Michael Maier, Planisphere of Copernicus, Robert Fludd, Serapis from Kircher, Solar Emblems from Kircher, Tau Serpent, The Cave of the Illuminati from Khunrath, The Clavicle of Solomon cover, The Magician by Rembrandt, The Reign of the Wise by George Wither, The Three Charities by Gustave Doré, Typhon from Kircher, William Lilly, Wirth Astrological Symbol, William Butler Yeats, Zodiacal Man portrait, more

Ancient Egyptian: ''Anubis The Legionary'' Statuette 2nd Century AD, Amun Gold Statue, Cippus With Horus On Crocodile Ptolemaic Dynasty, Egyptian Book Of The Dead Chapter 125 (Papyrus of Ani) - Hall of Judgment, Egyptian Book Of The Dead Chapter 125a (Papyrus_of_Ani), Egyptian Book Of The Dead Chapter 128, Egyptian Book Of The Dead Chapter 162 Ihet-cow, EBOTD Chapter 167 Udjat Eye Spell, Egyptian Book Of The Dead Chapter 183 Thoth Holds All Life and Dominion, Egyptian Book Of The Dead Chapter 186 (Papyrus of Ani), Egyptian Book Of The Dead Chapter 17 (Sarcophagus of Khonsu) Khonsu Worships Celestial Cow, Egyptian Book Of The Dead Chapter 17 (Papyrus of Ani) - Ba returns to Ka, Egyptian Book Of The Dead Chapter 16 (Papyrus of Hunefer), Funeral Stelé of Ankhefenkhonsu, Funerary Stela Of Ankhefenkhons 600 BC, Funerary Stele Of Scribe Horjirnakht 1900 BC, Geb and Nuit, Great Sphinx 1886, Great Sphinx 1886, Great Sphinx Behind Thutmose IV's Dream Stela, Hathor, Horus Hawk Pendant, Maat, Narmer Tablet Back, Narmer Tablet Front, Nekhbet, Sekhmet Relief, Sphinx & Great Pyramid, Stela Of Bai 19th-20th Dynasty, Stela Of King Qahedjet With Horus 3rd Dynasty, Thoth of the Four Winds from Papyrus of Hor, more

Ancient Graeco-Roman: Aphrodisias of Southwest Turkey, Aphrodite bathing, Aphrodite Raised From Sea By Nymphs 'Ludovisi Throne' Rome 460 BC, Apollo and Daphne by Bernini, Apollo Sans Bow Pompeii, Ares statue, Bacchanalian dance fresco, Caryatids South Porch Of Erechtheum On Acropolis, Ceres Clay Figurine 6th Century BC, Cernunnos between Apollo and Mercury, Demeter Kore Tripotolemus, Greek Vase Painting Odysseus Resists Siren, Hades and Persephone, Hermes Eurydice and Orpheus, Isis with sistrum & pitcher from Hadrian's villa, Jupiter and Ganymede, Leda & The Swan by da Vinci, Maiden Plays Double Flute 'Ludovisi Throne' Rome 460 BC, Mithra slays bull, Phallic beast, Phidias' Chyselephantine Statue Of Athena At Parthenon (Roman Copy), Pluto and Prosperpina, Poseidon seal, Primavera by Botticelli, Roman Demeter relief, Siren's Rock Sicilian coast, The Birth of Venus by Botticelli, The Three Graces by Raphael, The Arezzo Chimera Etruscan 4th Century BC, The Capitoline She Wolf 5th Century BC Etruscan Brought To Rome, The Lion Gate Mycenae, Venus from a Pompeii wall, Venus De Milo from side, Zeus with Thunderbolt Attica 450 BCE, more

Mithraic: Abraxas seal, Mithra slays bull relief, Mithraic Kronos of Florence statue, Mithraic Sun God Sol, Mithraic Torch Bearer Downturned, Mithraic Torch Bearer Upraised, Phallic beast, Roman Mithraic Kronos relief, Tauroctonous Mithra in St. Petersburg, Tauroctonous Mithra in the Vatican

Ancient Nordic: Christian Cross Greenland Viking Colony, Eastre, King Canute (Denmark, Norway & Britain) Puts Cross On English Altar 9th Century, Odin On Charger, Purse Lid Sutton Hoo, more

Ancient Sumerian: Ea seal (Shamash to left), Ea Bird seal, Ea seal, Enki stele, Eye Idol, Gilgamesh relief, Iananna seal, Iananna relief, Inanna Cylinder Seal, Iranian Coin Reverse King Adores Star Or Sun Between Crescent Moon Horns, Ishtar Gate of Babylon section, King Ur-Nammu of Ur stele , King Darius' Seal Ahura Mazda Rises In Midst, Marduk, Ninhursag relief, Queen Shudu-Ad's Headress 3M BCE, Sumerian Signature Seal Hero Chases Ostrich, Ut-napishtim left Gilgamesh fights Bull creature right, Utu relief, more

Ancient Indus Indian: Brahma Granting A Favor, Indra with Asparases, Kali Dances Upon Shiva, Krishna & Radha Alone In Forest, Krishna and Radha, Krishna steals girls clothes as a youth, Krishna And The Gopi, Krishna Defeats Kaliya, Krishnamurti With Annie Besant 1926, Krishna Overcoming Kaliya Detail, Maharshi Yogi AKA Maharishi, Prince Siddartha as Buddha, Rama Sita & Laksmana In Exile, Ramakrishna (Gadahar Chattopadhyaya) Hindu Saint 1836-1886, Shiva Parvati Skanda Ganesha & Totem Animals Atop Mt. Kailasa, Shiva relief, Shiva With Consort Parvati From Elephanta, The Loves Of Krishna, Vishnu As South Indian God Vardarja Bronze Statue, Yogini With Serpent Force South India Circa 1800, Yoni Emblem South India 19th Century, more And More, including Mandaean and Manichaean!

such as United States Presidential Portraits, the Pioneers of Flight, the Civil Rights movement, the United Nations & more:

Presidential Portraits: Abraham Lincoln By G. P. A. Healy, Andrew Jackson By John Wesley Jarvis, Andrew Johnson By E. F. Andrews, Benjamin Harrison By Eastman Johnson, Calvin Coolidge By Charles S. Hopkinson, Chester Alan Arthur By Daniel Huntington, Dwight David Eisenhower By J. Anthony Wills, Franklin Delano Roosevelt By Frank O. Salisbury, Franklin Pierce By G. P. A. Healy, George Washington By Gilbert Stuart, Gerald Ford, Grover Cleveland By Eastman Johnson, Harry S. Truman By Martha G. Kempton, Herbert Hoover By Elmer W. Greene, James Abram Garfield By Calvin Curtis, James Buchanan By William B. Chase, James Knox Polk By G. P. A. Healy, James Madison By John Vanderlyn, James Monroe By Samuel F. B. Morse, John Adams By Edgar Parker, John Fitzgerald Kennedy By Aaron Shikler, John Quincy Adams By G. P. A. Healy, John Tyler By G. P. A. Healy, Lyndon Baines Johnson By Elizabeth Shoumatoff, Martin Van Buren By G. P. A. Healy, Millard Fillmore By G. P. A. Healy, Richard Milhous Nixon By Robert S. Oakes, Rutherford B. Hayes By Daniel Huntington, Theodore Roosevelt By John Singer Sargent, Thomas Jefferson By Rembrandt Peale, Ulysses Simpson Grant By Henry Ulke, Warren Gamaliel Harding By E. Hodgson Smart, William Henry Harrison By E. F. Andrews, William Howard Taft By Anders L. Zorn, William McKinley By Harriet Murphy, Woodrow Wilson By F. Graham Cootes, Zachary Taylor By Joseph H. Bush

The Pioneers Of Flight: ''La France'' Renard & Krebs Made 1st Roundtrip Flight 18840809, 1930 National Air Races Poster, Alberto Santos-Dumont Airship Pioneer, Cayley's 1804 Glider, Cayley's 1849 Triplane Glider, da Vinci's Helicopter, da Vinci's Parachute, French Charles Renard & Arthur Krebs With ''La France'', French Clement - Bayard II 1st Airship To Cross English Channel 19101016, French Santos-Dumont No. 1 Before Only Ascent Zoological Gardens Paris 18980920, French Santos-Dumont No. 6 Flew Around Eiffel Tower 19011019, German David Schwartz's Dirigible 1st All Metal Ship 1897, Gusmao's 'Great Bird' Fancifully Depicted, Italian Nobile N-1 ''Norge'' 1st To Cross North Pole 19260512, Jimmy Doolittle R3C-2(Won 1925 Schneider Trophy), John Stringfellow's Steam Engine 1st To Power Aeroplane, LZ-120 ''Bodensee'' Airliner 1919 Confiscated By Allied 1920 Became Italian ''Esperia'', LZ-127 ''Graf Zeppelin'' First Transatlantic Airliner 1928-1937, LZ-129 ''Hindenburg'' 1936-1937, Montgolfier's Balloon 1st Flight, Orville Wright, Orville Wright Flies Demonstration Ft.Myer VA0809, Otto Lillienthal With Glider, Penaud's Model Glider 1st Powered By Elastic Bands, Ruth Oliver Flies Race Against Car, Samuel P. Langley & His 'Aerodrome' Pilot Charles M. Manly, Santos-Dumont's Lebaudey 1st Long Distance Airship, UK Beardmore R-34 Made 1st Roundtrip Atlantic Flight 19190602-16 Roosevelt Field NYC, Wilbur Wright, Wilbur Wright, Zeppelin LZ-11 ''Viktoria Luise'' First Major Airliner, Zeppelin LZ-130 ''Graf Zeppelin'' 1938-1940, Zeppelin LZ-1 Lake Constance 1900, Zeppelin LZ-41908 1st Aircraft To Fly 24 Hrs Non-Stop

Civil Rights: 'Daddy' Rice Performs 'Jim Crow' Minstrel Song, 'Mr. Rice As The Far Famed Jim Crow', 'Scottsboro Boys' Release Anti- ynching March 30s, 369th Infantry Regiment Marches Up 5th Ave 1919, AL State Troopers Beat Selma Marchers John Lewis Foreground 650307, A. Philip Randolph 63 John Lewis Left Jim Farmer Right, Bayard Rustin LCCR, Benjamin Banneker's Almanac, Birmingham 630303 Police Dog Attack, Birmingham 630306 Fire Hosing, Booker T. Washington, Booker T. Washington At Desk Tuskegee, Booker T. Washington Hampton Institute Era, Bull Conner 63 Addresses Citizens' Council, Carl T. Rowan Journalist, Daisy Bates AK NAACP President Central HS Student Protector, Daniel A. Payne 1st Black College President Wilberforce College, Detroit MI670726 MI National Guard, Dr. Ralph Bunche Undersecy Of UN, Elizabeth Eckford Harrassed Little Rock AK 1957, Emperor Roosevelt His Prime Minister and Court Fool, Fannie Lou Hamer 64 Democratic National Convention, Frederick Douglass, Fred Hampton, Freedom's Journal 1st US Black-owned Newspaper, Freedom Democratic Party Jackson MI 660626, Freedom Riders 61 Bus Firebombed Outside Anniston AL, George Washington Carver, Greensboro Sit-In 600202 Woolworth's Lunch Counter Day 2, Harriet Tubman, James Farmer Founder Of CORE, JFK 63 Meets March On Washington Leaders, Jimmie Lee Jackson, Jimmy Lee Jackson's Funeral 050465, John A. Copeland Captured Harper's Ferry, John Hope 1st Black President Of Atlanta Baptist College Anti Booker T. Washington, John Lewis 610520 With James Schwerg Montgomery, John Lewis Beaten By AL State Troopers Selma 650307, Josephine Baker, Langston Hughes, Langston Hughes In ROTC Uniform 17 Yrs Old, Leadbelly, Lewis Sherrard Leary Killed Harper's Ferry, Lincoln-To-Washington Memorial 630828, Lincoln Rockwell & ANP At NOI Meeting DC61, Major Alexander T. Augusta Canadian Surgeon Union Army, Malcolm Little 1941, Malcolm Shabbaz 6405 Accra-Alhaji Isa Wali, Malcolm Shabbaz 6405 Kennedy Airport Return From Hajj, Malcolm Shabbaz 650203 Brown Chapel AME Church Selma, Malcolm Shabbaz 650214 House Firebombed, Malcolm Shabbaz 650221 Stretcher, Malcolm Shabbaz 650221 Audobon Ballroom Gene Roberts Attempts Resuscitation, Malcolm Shabbaz 650227 Muslim Burial Dress, Malcolm X 600919 Meets Castro Theresa Hotel, Malcolm X 63 Writing Autobiography With Alex Haley, Malcolm X 630323 NMAB Ross Burnett Effigy Above, Malcolm X 64 NY State Bldg Percy Sutton Right Charles Rangel Left, March On Washington 630828 Capitol Crowd, Marcus Garvey, Marcus Garvey Cap & Gown, Marcus Garvey Seated, Memphis Sanitation March 68-328 TN State Troopers, Martin Luther King 'Black Is Beautiful', MLK 50s Sr. & Jr., MLK 55 With Abernathy And Rosa Parks, MLK 58 Arrested Montgomery AL, MLK 611216 Albany GA Sheriff Laurie Pritchett & Rev W. G. Anderson, MLK 6304 Birmingham Jail, MLK 630828 Waving To Crowd Before Lincoln Memorial, MLK 63 DC Return From Winning Nobel Peace Prize, MLK 64 King With Parents Wife And Children, MLK 6411 Ebenezer Baptist Church, MLK Profile, Montgomery Demonstrators Beaten 650317, Murdered Rev James Reeb Far Left 650309, MX & MLK 640326 DC, NAACP Rally As WWII Looms 41, Nat Love, Osborne P. Anderson Escaped Harper's Ferry, Paul Robeson, Phillis Wheatley Black American Poet 1753-1784, Proceedings Of The Colored National Convention 1853, Ralph Abernathy 63 With Bayard Rustin Left, Ralph Bunche Accepts 'Father Of The Year' Award 490526, Ralph Bunche As UCLA Basketball Player, Ralph Bunche Reads His Nobel Peace Prize Diploma Oslo 501210, Re-Elect Jim Clark Poster, Rev. Reeb Memorial Services, Richard Allen Founder African Methodist Episcopal Church, Richard Wright WPA Author, Robert C. Ogden William Howard Taft Booker T. Washington Andrew Carnegie, Rosa Parks, Rosa Parks Finger-printed Montgomery AL 1955, Selma March 650307 AL State Troopers Foot Of Pettus Bridge, Selma Marchers Beaten 650307, Selma March No. 3 1st Rank, Sheriff Jim Clark Beats Selma Protestor Into Arrest 650126, Sojourner Truth, Stokley Carmichael, Teddy Roosevelt With Booker T. Washington, The Anti-Slavery Almanac Of 1840, The Niagra Movement Leaders DuBois 2nd Row Right, The Scottsboro Boys Wrongly Convicted Of Raping 2 White Girls 1931 Alabama, The State Convention Of The Colored Citizens Of Tennessee 1871 Proceedings, Thomas Jefferson's Slave List 1774, W. E. B. DuBois, Wallace 63 Reviews AL National Guard, Watts Riot Aftermath

And Still More!