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The Golden Age Of Second Avenue DVD, MP4 Video Download, Flash Drive

The Golden Age Of Second Avenue DVD, MP4 Video Download, Flash Drive
The Golden Age Of Second Avenue DVD, MP4 Video Download, Flash Drive
Item# the-golden-age-of-second-ave-yiddish-theatre-in-america-dvd
List Price: $28.46
Your Sale Price: $12.69
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12.69 USD. Free Shipping Worldwide!

A Loving Chronicle Of Yiddish Theatre And Yiddish Cinema In This Wonderful And Unique 1969 Documentary Film, Hosted And Narrated By Yiddish Theatre Prodigy Herschel Bernardi ,Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD, MP4 Video Download Or USB Flash Drive! (Color, 1 Hour 3 Minutes.) #GoldenAgeOfSecondAvenue #HerschelBernardi #YiddishTheatre #YiddishTheatreDistrict #JewishRialto #YiddishRealto #SecondAvenueManhattan #HesterStreetManhattan #AvenueBManhattan #LowerEastSide #HoustonStreet #EastVillage #EastVillageManhattan #GrandTheatre #GrandTheatreNewYorkCity #Vaudeville #BorisThomashefsky #Theater #Theatre #Stage #Acting #PerformingActs #YiddishCinema #IdishSprakhigeKino #IdisheKino #Movies #Film #MotionPictures #Cinema #USCinema #CinemaOfTheUS #DVD #VideoDownload #MP4 #USBFlashDrive

Much of what is considered to be American showbiz in general, and American comedy in particularly, ultimate sprang from the streets of New York City in the Jewish section around Second Avenue and Hester Streets in Manhattan known as the Yiddish Theatre District at the turn of the 20th century. Through this one-of-a-kind journey through the history of that phenomenon, you will discover just how much of their legacy continues to affect the world entertainment industry in the 21st century.

Yiddish Theatre consists of plays written and performed primarily by Jews in Yiddish, the language of the Central European Ashkenazi Jewish community. The range of Yiddish theatre is broad: operetta, musical comedy, and satiric or nostalgic revues; melodrama; naturalist drama; expressionist and modernist plays. At its height, its geographical scope was comparably broad: from the late 19th century until just before World War II, professional Yiddish theatre could be found throughout the heavily Jewish areas of Eastern and East Central Europe, but also in Berlin, London, Paris, Buenos Aires and New York City. Yiddish theatre's roots include the often satiric plays traditionally performed during religious holiday of Purim (known as Purim spiels); other masquerades such as the Dance of Death; the singing of cantors in the synagogues; Jewish secular song and dramatic improvisation; exposure to the theatre traditions of various European countries, and the Jewish literary culture that had grown in the wake of the Jewish enlightenment (Haskalah). Israil Bercovici wrote that it is through Yiddish theatre that "Jewish culture entered in dialogue with the outside world," both by putting itself on display and by importing theatrical pieces from other cultures. Themes such as immigration, poverty, integration, and strong ancestral ties can be found in many Yiddish theatre productions.

Yiddish Cinema (Yiddish: Idish-Sprakhige Kino, Idishe Kino) refers to the Yiddish language film industry which produced some 130 full-length motion pictures and 30 short during its heyday from 1911 and 1940. Yiddish film almost disappeared after World War II, due to the Holocaust and the linguistic acculturation of Jewish immigrants, though new pictures are still made sporadically.