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Thatcher The Final Days 1991 TV Docudrama DVD, MP4 Download, USB Drive

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Margaret Thatcher's Fall From Power As Conservative Party Leader And British Prime Minister Is Dramatized From Documentary Records And The Public And Private Recollections Of Those Involved, Providing A Dramatic Record Of The Historic 1990 Conservative Party Leadership Election, Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD, MP4 Video Download Or USB Flash Drive! (Color, 1991, 49 Minutes.) #MargaretThatcher #LeadersOfTheConservativeParty #PrimeMinistersOfTheUK #1990ConservativePartyLeadershipElection #MichaelHeseltine #JohnMajor #ConservativePartyUK #Conservatism #Thatcherism #Privatization #Deregulation #UK #UKHistory #HistoryOfTheUK #Britain #BritishHistory #HistoryOfGreatBritain #DVD #MP4 #VideoDownload
The 1990 Conservative Party Leadership Election in the United Kingdom took place on November 20, 1990 following the decision of Michael Heseltine, former Defence and Environment Secretary, to challenge Margaret Thatcher, the incumbent Prime Minister, for leadership of the Conservative Party. Thatcher failed to win outright on the first ballot, and was persuaded to withdraw from the second round of voting. She announced her resignation on November 22, 1990, ending more than 15 years as Conservative leader and 11 years as Prime Minister.