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Swing: The Best Of The Big Bands DVD, MP4 Video Download, Flash Drive

Swing: The Best Of The Big Bands DVD, MP4 Video Download, Flash Drive
Swing: The Best Of The Big Bands DVD, MP4 Video Download, Flash Drive
Item# swing-the-best-of-the-big-bands-dvd-complete-tv-series-2-disc2
List Price: $44.69
Your Sale Price: $22.26
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22.26 USD. Free Shipping Worldwide!

All 3 Hours Of The 4 Volume TV Series Featuring Stunning Film Footage Of Rare Performances By Tommy And Jimmy Dorsey, The Hi-Los, Ray Anthony, Benny Carter, Rosemary Clooney, Tony Pastor, Harry James, Billie Holiday, Charlie Barnet, Duke Ellington, The Blackburn Twins With Marion Colby, Gene Krupa, Lionel Hampton, Ralph Marterie, Sugar Chile Robinson, Tex Beneke And The Glenn Miller Orchestra, Nat King Cole, Stan Kenton, Sarah Vaughan, Woody Herman, Billy Daniels, Les Brown, Freddy Martin, Count Basie, Teresa Brewer, The Ink Spots, The Mills Brothers, The Skylarks, Louis Prima And Buddy Rich! *Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS In An Archival Quality 2 Disc All Regions Format DVD Set, MP4 Video Download Or USB Flash Drive! #SwingTheBestOfTheBigBands #SwingMusic #SwingEra #Swing #Jazz #TommyDorsey #JimmyDorsey #DorseyBros #TheHiLos #RayAnthony #BennyCarter #RosemaryClooney #TonyPastor #HarryJames #BillieHoliday #CharlieBarnet #DukeEllington #TheBlackburnTwinsWithMarionColby #GeneKrupa #LionelHampton #RalphMarterie #SugarChileRobinson #TexBenekeAndTheGlennMillerOrchestra #TexBeneke #GlennMillerOrchestra #NatKingCole #StanKenton #SarahVaughan #WoodyHerman #BillyDaniels #LesBrown #FreddyMartin #CountBasie #TeresaBrewer #TheInkSpots #TheMillsBrothers #TheSkylarks #LouisPrima #BuddyRich #DVD #VideoDownload #MP4 #USBFlashDrive

Swing Music is a form of jazz that developed in the United States in the 1930s and 1940s. The name came from the emphasis on the off-beat, or weaker pulse. Swing bands usually featured soloists who would improvise on the melody over the arrangement. The danceable swing style of big bands was the dominant form of American popular music from 1935 to 1946, and is known as the Swing Era. The verb "to swing" is also used as a term of praise for playing that has a strong groove or drive. Notable musicians of the swing era include Duke Ellington, Benny Goodman, Count Basie, Cab Calloway, Jimmy Dorsey, Tommy Dorsey, Woody Herman, Harry James, Lionel Hampton, Glenn Miller and Artie Shaw.