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The Personal Story Of Caleb Bach And Claudia Bach, One CIA Family's Journey Through The World Of Espionage And Covert Operations During The Cold War (Color, 1978, 46 Minutes.) PLUS BONUS TITLE: IN FROM THE COLD: THE FUTURE ON THE CIA, A MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour Special Report On The Future Of The Agency, Broadcast In Respones To The Postponement Of Robert Gates' Confirmation Hearings For The Post Of CIA Director In The Aftermath Of General Norman Schwarzkopf Damning Senate Intelligence Commitee Testimony On The Lack Of Actionable Intelligence He Recieved From The Agency During The First Gulf War (Color, Wed. July 17, 1991, 20 Minutes), All Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An MP4 Video Download Or Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD! #CalebBach #CIA #CaseOfficers #ClaudiaBach #Spies #Espionage #The1973UruguayanCoup #ProcessoRevolucionarioEmCurso #ColdWar #TrainingFilms #ColdWar #EdwinNewman #NBCNews #NormanSchwarzkopf #RobertGates #GulfWar #PersianGulfWar #FirstGulfWar #GulfWarI #KuwaitWar #FirstIraqWar #IraqWar #MotherOfAllBattles #TheGulf #PersianGulf #DesertShield #OperationDesertShield #DesertStorm #OperationDesertStorm #MP4 #VideoDownload #DVD
May 14, 2022: Updated And Upgraded: Updated To Include IN FROM THE COLD: THE FUTURE OF THE CIA, And Upgraded From A Standard Format DVD To An Archival Quality Dual Layer Format DVD!
Edwin Newman hosts, narrates and interviews for this unique and uncensored account of what CIA case officers do on behalf of the United States government - and on behalf of all of Americans. Mr. Caleb Bach and Mrs. Claudia Bach asked for and received no payment for participation in this documentary; for them, much of it was painful. During their time in the CIA, their marriage nearly broke up. They decided to tell their story in the hope that it would help other Americans, including their former colleagues in the CIA, to understand that the steely-nerved spy with a heart of gold exists mainly in movies and novels; that in the real world, no matter how noble the aim, the practice of deceit carries danger for the deceiver - both the individual and the nation he serves. That danger is to their sense of humanity, their morality, and their own self-respect. As a result, according to CIA head of training Harry E Fitzwater, this documentary was used by the CIA for training their agants to handle these issues. This documentary focuses on Caleb Bach's work for the CIA in the then-democratic state of Uruguay prior to the 1973 Uruguayan Coup, The Portuguese transition to democracy during their Processo Revolucionario Em Curso (Ongoing Revolutionary Process) period, Mexico, Bolivia and the US-USSR Cold War.