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Romer's Egypt Ancient Egypt TV Series/The Hyksos Invasion MP4 DVD Set

Romer's Egypt Ancient Egypt TV Series/The Hyksos Invasion MP4 DVD Set
Romer's Egypt Ancient Egypt TV Series/The Hyksos Invasion MP4 DVD Set
Item# romer39s-egypt-dvd-set-complete-tv-series-2-di392
List Price: $42.69
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The Original TV Archaeology TV Series In Its Three Episode Entirety, Written And Hosted By Famed British Egyptologist, Historian And Archaeologist John Romer, Filmed On The Premises Of The 5000 Years Worth Of Egyptian Archeological Sites He Himself Was Intimately Involved With Excavating (Color, 1982, 3 Episodes Of 2 Hours 6 Minutes Total) PLUS BONUS TITLE: ANCIENT WARRIORS: SOLDIERS OF THE PHARAOH, The Invasion And Overthrow Of Native Egyptian Rule Over Lower Egypt And Middle Egypt By The Middle Eastern Invaders Known As The Hyksos, Who Founded The Fifteenth Dynasty Of Egypt (c. 1650-1550 BC) And Ruled Until Their Defeat By Pharaoh Ahmose I, Founder Of The Eighteenth Dynasty Of Egypt (Color, 1994, 24 Minutes) -- All Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS In An MP4 Video Download Or Archival Quality 2 Disc All Regions Format DVD Set!




Episode 1 - Romer's Egypt: 5000-2215 BC

Episode 2 - Romer's Egypt: 2700-1070 BC


Episode 3 - Romer's Egypt: 1570-30 BC

BONUS TITLE: Ancient Warriors: Soldiers Of The Pharaoh

Ancient Egypt was a civilization of ancient Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River, situated in the place that is now the country Egypt. Ancient Egyptian civilization followed prehistoric Egypt and coalesced around 3100 BC (according to conventional Egyptian chronology) with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under Menes (often identified with Narmer). The history of ancient Egypt occurred as a series of stable kingdoms, separated by periods of relative instability known as Intermediate Periods: the Old Kingdom of the Early Bronze Age, the Middle Kingdom of the Middle Bronze Age and the New Kingdom of the Late Bronze Age. Egypt reached the pinnacle of its power in the New Kingdom, ruling much of Nubia and a sizable portion of the Near East, after which it entered a period of slow decline. During the course of its history Egypt was invaded or conquered by a number of foreign powers, including the Hyksos, the Libyans, the Nubians, the Assyrians, the Achaemenid Persians, and the Macedonians under the command of Alexander the Great. The Greek Ptolemaic Kingdom, formed in the aftermath of Alexander's death, ruled Egypt until 30 BC, when, under Cleopatra, it fell to the Roman Empire and became a Roman province. The success of ancient Egyptian civilization came partly from its ability to adapt to the conditions of the Nile River valley for agriculture. The predictable flooding and controlled irrigation of the fertile valley produced surplus crops, which supported a more dense population, and social development and culture. With resources to spare, the administration sponsored mineral exploitation of the valley and surrounding desert regions, the early development of an independent writing system, the organization of collective construction and agricultural projects, trade with surrounding regions, and a military intended to assert Egyptian dominance. Motivating and organizing these activities was a bureaucracy of elite scribes, religious leaders, and administrators under the control of a pharaoh, who ensured the cooperation and unity of the Egyptian people in the context of an elaborate system of religious beliefs. The many achievements of the ancient Egyptians include the quarrying, surveying and construction techniques that supported the building of monumental pyramids, temples, and obelisks; a system of mathematics, a practical and effective system of medicine, irrigation systems and agricultural production techniques, the first known planked boats, Egyptian faience and glass technology, new forms of literature, and the earliest known peace treaty, made with the Hittites. Ancient Egypt has left a lasting legacy. Its art and architecture were widely copied, and its antiquities carried off to far corners of the world. Its monumental ruins have inspired the imaginations of travelers and writers for millennia. A newfound respect for antiquities and excavations in the early modern period by Europeans and Egyptians led to the scientific investigation of Egyptian civilization and a greater appreciation of its cultural legacy.

Hyksos (Ancient Egyptian: Heqau Khasut, "Rulers Of Foreign Lands") is a term which, in modern Egyptology, designates the kings of the Fifteenth Dynasty of Egypt (c. 1650-1550 BC). The seat of power of these kings was the city of Avaris in the Nile Delta, from where they ruled over Lower Egypt and Middle Egypt up to Cusae. In the Aegyptiaca, a history of Egypt written by the Greco-Egyptian priest and historian Manetho in the 3rd century BC, the term Hyksos is used ethnically to designate people of probable West Semitic, Levantine origin. While Manetho portrayed the Hyksos as invaders and oppressors, this interpretation is questioned in modern Egyptology. Instead, Hyksos rule might have been preceded by groups of Canaanite peoples who gradually settled in the Nile delta from the end of the Twelfth Dynasty onwards and who may have seceded from the crumbling and unstable Egyptian control at some point during the Thirteenth Dynasty. The Hyksos period marks the first in which Egypt was ruled by foreign rulers. Many details of their rule, such as the true extent of their kingdom and even the names and order of their kings, remain uncertain. The Hyksos practiced many Levantine or Canaanite customs as well as many Egyptian customs. They have been credited with introducing several technological innovations to Egypt, such as the horse and chariot, as well as the sickle sword and the composite bow, a theory which is disputed. The Hyksos did not control all of Egypt. Instead, they coexisted with the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Dynasties, which were based in Thebes. Warfare between the Hyksos and the pharaohs of the late Seventeenth Dynasty eventually culminated in the defeat of the Hyksos by Ahmose I, who founded the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt. In the following centuries, the Egyptians would portray the Hyksos as bloodthirsty and oppressive foreign rulers.

Ahmose I (Ancient Egyptian: "Iah (The Moon) Is born"), also known as Amosis or Aahmes, meaning was a pharaoh and founder of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt, classified as the first dynasty of the New Kingdom of Egypt, the era in which ancient Egypt achieved the peak of its power. He was a member of the Theban royal house, the son of pharaoh Seqenenre Tao and brother of the last pharaoh of the Seventeenth Dynasty, Kamose. During the reign of his father or grandfather, Thebes rebelled against the Hyksos, the rulers of Lower Egypt. When he was seven years old, his father was killed, and he was about ten when his brother died of unknown causes after reigning only three years. Ahmose I assumed the throne after the death of his brother, and upon coronation became known as Nebpehtyre (Ancient Egyptian: "The Lord Of Strength Is Ra"). During his reign, Ahmose completed the conquest and expulsion of the Hyksos from the Nile Delta, restored Theban rule over the whole of Egypt and successfully reasserted Egyptian power in its formerly subject territories of Nubia and Canaan. He then reorganized the administration of the country, reopened quarries, mines and trade routes and began massive construction projects of a type that had not been undertaken since the time of the Middle Kingdom. This building program culminated in the construction of the last pyramid built by native Egyptian rulers. Ahmose's reign laid the foundations for the New Kingdom, under which Egyptian power reached its peak. His reign is usually dated to the mid-16th century BC.

Egyptology is the study of ancient Egyptian history, language, literature, religion, architecture and art from the 5th millennium BC until the end of its native religious practices in the 4th century AD. A practitioner of the discipline is an "Egyptologist". In Europe, particularly on the Continent, Egyptology is primarily regarded as being a philological (involving the study of language in oral and written historical sources) discipline, while in North America it is often regarded as a branch of archaeology.

John Romer, British Egyptologist, historian historian and archaeologist, was born John Lewis Romer in Surrey, England ib September 30, 1941. He has created and appeared in many TV archaeology series, including Romer's Egypt, Ancient Lives, Testament, The Seven Wonders of the World, Byzantium: The Lost Empire and Great Excavations: The Story of Archaeology. He is an expert on the lives and legacy of the inhabitants of the ancient artisan village of Deir El-Medina, home of the craftsmen of the tombs of the egyptian valley of the kings, about whom more is known than any other settlement of antiquity. Romer was educated at Ottershaw School, a boarding school near Woking, Surrey, and came to archaeology through his epigraphic studies of painting and drawing at the Royal College of Art in London. He later worked as an artist in Persepolis and Cairo, drawing and studying ancient inscriptions. He began his archaeological work in 1966 when he participated in the University of Chicago's Epigraphic Survey at the temples and tombs of the ancient Egyptian site of Thebes (modern-day Luxor). From 1977 to 1979 he originated and organised a major expedition to the Valley of the Kings which carried out the first excavation there since the discovery of Tutankhamen's tomb in 1922. In 1979 he headed the Brooklyn Museum's expedition to excavate the tomb of Ramesses XI. In 1979 Romer and his wife (Elizabeth Romer, also an archaeologist and designer) founded The Theban Foundation, in Berkeley, California, a body dedicated to the conservation and documentation of the Royal Tombs of Thebes. One result of this was the creation of the Theban Mapping Project. Romer's books (some co-written with his wife) include Valley of the Kings, Ancient Lives, Testament and The Seven Wonders of the World, many of which were televised. His most recent works, A History of Ancient Egypt: From the First Farmers to the Great Pyramid, and A History of Ancient Egypt Volume 2: From the Great Pyramid to the Fall of the Middle Kingdom were published in 2012 and 2017. Romer lives in Tuscany, Italy.