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The Good Old Time Radio Theme Song MP3 CD, Audio Download, USB Drive

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155 Classic Radio Show Tunes Jam Packed Into 2 Hours Presented As An Archival Quality MP3 CD, MP3 Audio Download Or USB Flash Drive! #RadioThemeSongs #OldTimeRadioThemeSongs #ThemeSongs #ThemeMusic #SignatureTunes #SignatureSongs #Leitmotifs #Leitmotivs #Radio #OldTimeRadio #RadioShows #OldTimeRadioShows #GoldenAgeOfRadio #MP3 #CD #AudioDownload #USBFlashDrive
Academy Award Theater Theme
Adventures By Morse Theme
Adventures In Research Theme 1944
Adventures In Research Theme 1947
Alan Freed Farewell Show Closing
Alka-Seltzer Time Theme
Amos & Andy
Archie Andrews Theme 1948
Arthur Godfrey & His Talent Scouts Theme 1950
Author's Playhouse Theme 1943
Barry Craig Private Investigator Theme 1951
Benny Goodman's Camel Caravan 1939
Benny Goodman's Swing School
Big Jon and Sparky Theme
Big Town Theme 1948
Blackstone The Magic Detective Theme 1948
Blair Of The Mounties Theme
Boston Blackie Theme 1944
Box 13 Theme 1948
Broadway Is My Beat Theme 1949
Burns and Allen Theme 380110
Calling All Cars Themes 1939
Campbell Playhouse Theme 390505
Captain Midnight Theme #1
Captain Midnight Theme #2
Casey, Crime Photographer Theme 1947
Cavalcade of America Theme
CBS Radio Top of the Hour Tone 19390529
CBS Radio Workshop Theme 560525
Challenge of the Yukon Theme 1938
Chandu The Magician
Charlie Chan Theme
Cinnamon Bear Theme 1937
Cisco Kid Theme 1953
Cloak & Dagger Theme 500827
Columbia Workshop Theme 1939
Command Performance Theme 1942
Crime Club Theme 1947
Danger, Dr. Danfield Theme 1946
Dangerous Assignment Theme 49
Dick Tracy Theme 1947
Dr Christian Theme 1938
Dr Kildare Radio Theme 1950
Dragnet Radio Theme 490910
Duffy's Tavern Theme 460503
Edgar Bergen & Charlie McCarthy Theme 430418
Edwin C. Hill
Escape Theme 1947-10-29
Family Doctor Theme
Fibber McGee & Molly_Theme
Firefighters Theme
Fred Allen Theme 1943
Gangbusters Theme #1
Gangbusters Theme #2
Grand Central Station
Gunsmoke Radio
Hall Of Fantasy Theme 530126
Halls of Ivy Theme 50-03-10
Heartbeat Theater Theme 1959
Honest Harold Theme
Hop Harrigan
I Was A Communist For The FBI Theme
Information Please Theme 38-09-27
Inner Sanctum Theme 41-12-21
It Pays To Be Ignorant
Jack Armstrong
Jack Benny Theme 1936-04-26
Jean Shepherd Theme
Jeff Regan Theme 48-09-11
Jerry At Fair Oaks Theme
Jerry of the Circus Theme
Jimmy Durante Theme Song
Jubilee Theme 1945
Kraft Music Hall with Bing Crosby Theme 431216
Let's Pretend
Let George Do It Theme 50-03-27
Life of Riley Theme 19450121
Life With Luigi Theme 49-02-06
Lights Out!
Lum 'n' Abner
Mark Trail Theme 500403
Mark Trail
Mercury Theater On-The Air Closing (The War of the Worlds)
Mercury Theater On-The Air Opening (The War of the Worlds)
Mr. District Attorney
My Favorite Husband Theme 481009
Mystery Is My Hobby Theme
NBC University Theater of the Air Theme 48-10-31
Nero Wolfe Theme 1950
Nick Carter Master Detective Theme 19431018
Night Beat Theme 1950
Our Miss Brooks Theme 48-11-21
Ozzie & Harriet Theme 46
Pat Novak for Hire Theme 490320
Perry Mason Radio Theme
Radio City Playhouse Theme 480925
Radio First Termer Opening Theme
Red Skelton Radio Theme 46-02-26
Richard Diamond Theme 490723
Rock 'n' Roll Dance Party
Rocky Jordan Theme 490403
Romance of the Ranchos Theme 41-12-03
Sam Spade Theme 47-11-09
Screen Guild Theater Theme 390402
Sealtest Variety Theater Theme 48-12-23
Sgt. Preston aka Challenge of the Yukon
Shadow Closing Theme
Silent Men Theme 52-02-03
Speed Gibson Theme 370327
Superman 1940 Theme
Superman Radio
Suspense Theme 421110
Suspicion Theme 1935
Terry and the Pirates
Texas Rangers Theme 50-12-03
The Adventures Of Frank Race Theme 510828
The Air Adventures Of Jimmie Allen Theme
The Alan Young Show Theme 1947
The Aldrich Family
The Bill Stern Sports Newsreel
The Black Museum Theme
The Falcon Theme 501022
The Great Gildersleeve Theme 411116
The Greatest Story Ever Told Theme
The Green Hornet Radio
The Hardy Family
The Lone Ranger Theme #1
The Lone Ranger Theme #2
The Lone Ranger Theme #3
The Marlin Hurt and Beulah Show
The Milton Berle Show Radio Theme 471028
The Phil Harris & Alice Faye Show Theme 490102
The Saint Radio Theme 490918
The Shadow Opening Theme #1
The Shadow Opening Theme #2
The Third Man Radio Theme 510914
The Whistler
The Witch's Tale
This Is Your FBI Theme 45-06-15
Tom Corbett Space Cadet
True Detective Mysteries
Turn Your Radio On
Voyage of the Scarlet Queen Theme 1947-09-18
Wild Bill Hickok Theme 51-08-12
World News Today Opening
X Minus One
You Bet Your Life Radio Theme 49.11.09
Your Hit Parade
Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar Theme 540323
Theme Music is a musical composition that is often written specifically for radio programming, television shows, video games, or films and is usually played during the title sequence, opening credits, closing credits, and in some instances at some point during the program. The phrase Theme Song or Signature Tune may also be used to refer to a Signature Song that has become especially associated with a particular performer or dignitary, often used as they make an entrance. The purpose of a theme song is often similar to that of a leitmotif. Such songs can also be used in other ways. One author has made extensive use of them in an effort to explore the feelings behind worldview.