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Radio First Termer: Dave Rabbit Vietnam Radio CD, MP3 Download, USB

Radio First Termer: Dave Rabbit Vietnam Radio CD, MP3 Download, USB
Radio First Termer: Dave Rabbit Vietnam Radio CD, MP3 Download, USB
Item# radio-first-termer-mp3-cd-dave-rabbit-vietnam-war-broadcast3
List Price: $29.49
Your Sale Price: $12.96
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12.96 USD. Free Shipping Worldwide!

The Only Complete Collection Of Radio First Termer Sound Files And Broadcasts, And The Only CD Of RFT Available! An Entire Evening's Broadcast By The Vietnam War's Greatest Pirate DJ, Dave Rabbit -- Four Hours Presented As An Archival Quality MP3 CD, MP3 Audio Download Or USB Flash Drive! #RadioFirstTermer #DaveRabbit #VietnamWar #SecondIndochinaWar #DaveDeLay #MP3 #CD #AudioDownload #USBFlashDrive


"Vietnam's Only Psychedelic FM Stereo Multiplex Radio Station"

A complete 1972 broadcast of the historic, unparalleled pirate radio show hosted by U.S. Air Force Captain Dave Rabbit, and directed towards fulfilling the anti-establishment needs of "the first termers and non-reenlistees in Vietnam". It's unique on a number of counts - it's on FM band ("69 Megahertz on your FM dial"), it's in stereo, and besides being an unauthorised broadcast that flouted every Air Force & civil broadcast regulation, it's acid-rock music (Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, Cream & more), its ideology and its language ("@#&! it before it @#&!s you"), shocking in its time, is still more than an earful today. Of all the pirate broadcast treasures available in archives and collections worldwide, many enthusiasts (including my humble self) consider this the most outstanding and important. This 4 audio CD collection has been digitally restored at some length, removing all the noise not part of the original broadcast, while meticulously and deliberately keeping all the magical FM band hiss that was part of the original broadcast, ensuring that it brings to life the same atmospheric experience as those "first termers and non-reenlistees" had in listening to it over 30 years ago.

Update 2/20/2006: In an astonishing event only possible in the age of the internet, a venerable Vietnam vet decided on February 9th, 2006 to do simple search of Vietnam War media on the internet - and finds out thereby that he's been made a hero and worshipped on that internet for a solid decade without his knowing it! A flurry that turned into a torrent of emails, pictures and brotherly love went wild across the country as those folks who kept the flame of his defiance alive found out the TRUE story of Dave Rabbit and Radio First Termer, whose real name is Dave DeLay!

In January 1995 J. C. Kaelin digitized .wav sound files of this broadcast and posted them to Usenet .wav newsgroups shortly thereafter, and when he founded the EarthStation1.com website on March 26, 1996, it opened with a collection of those sound files at the url http://earthstation1.com/1stermer.html entitled "The Radio First Termer Sound Page". It was this page that in February 2006, the anonymous "Dave Rabbit" who made these broadcasts revealed himself in an email to J. C. as Dave DeLay. In thanks, he sent J. C. a collection of scans of his personal Vietnam War photo collection, including the autographed image of himself expressing his thanks to J. C. that appears on the bottom right of the "Radio First Termer MP3 CD" cover.

Update 1/20/12: Our dear brother Dave DeLay has passed on... may all good and beautiful things be his in the hereafter, always <3 .