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Props And Jets: U.S. Spy Planes Of The Cold War DVD, MP4, USB Drive

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America's Aerial Reconnaissance Vehicles As They Evolved At The Height Of The Cold War And The Military And Technological History That Brought It Into Being, Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD, MP4 Video Download Or USB Flash Drive! (Two Documentaries, 1987 Australian Version And 1990 American Verseion, Approx. 45 Minutes Each.) #SpyPlanes #USSpyPlanes #ReconnaisancePlanes #USReconnaisancePlanes #ReconnaisanceVehicles #USReconnaisanceVehicles #SpyVehicles #USSpyVehicles #ColdWarAirPower #USColdWarAirPower #SpyMachines #USSpyMachines #PropsAndJets #ColdWar #USAirPower #AerialOrderOfBattle #Aviation #AviationHistory #HistoryOfAviation #MilitaryAviation #MilitaryAviation #MilitaryAviationHistory #HistoryOfMilitaryAviation #DVD #VideoDownload #MP4 #USBFlashDrive
A Reconnaissance Aircraft, colloquially known as a Spy Plane, is a military aircraft designed or adapted to perform aerial reconnaissance with roles including collection of imagery intelligence (including using photography), signals intelligence, as well as measurement and signature intelligence. Modern technology has also enabled some aircraft and UAVs to carry out real-time surveillance in addition to general intelligence gathering. Before the development of devices such as radar, military forces relied on reconnaissance aircraft for visual observation and scouting of enemy movement. An example is the PBY Catalina maritime patrol flying boat used by the Allies in World War II: a flight of U.S. Navy Catalinas spotted part of the Japanese fleet approaching Midway Island, beginning the Battle Of Midway. After World War II and during the Cold War the United States developed several dedicated reconnaissance aircraft designs, including the U-2 and SR-71, to monitor the nuclear threat from the Soviet Union. Other types of reconnaissance aircraft were built for specialized roles in signals intelligence and electronic monitoring, such as the RB-47, Boeing RC-135 and the Ryan Model 147 drones.