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Portraits Of The Presidency: POTUS Documentaries DVD, Download, USB

Portraits Of The Presidency: POTUS Documentaries DVD, Download, USB
Portraits Of The Presidency: POTUS Documentaries DVD, Download, USB
Item# portraits-of-the-presidency-roosevelt-wilson-hoover-taft-willkie
List Price: $29.96
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6 Presidential Biographies - Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, William Howard Taft, Herbert Hoover, Warren G. Harding and Wendell Willkie - Plus A Selection Of Nineteen Teens Presidential Newsreels! Over 2 1/2 Hours Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD, MP4 Video Download Or USB Flash Drive! #PortraitsOfThePresidency #PresidentsOfTheUnitedStates #PresidentsOfTheUS #POTUS #POTUSHistory #HistoryOfPOTUS #TheodoreRoosevelt #TR #WoodrowWilson #WilliamHowardTaft #HerbertHoover #WarrenGHarding #WendellWilkie #RobertTaft #CharlesSWhitman #FrancisHendricks #GeorgeWPerkins #ChaunceyMDepew #CharlesEvansHughes #AmericanHistory #USHistory #HistoryOfTheUS #TwentiethCentury @20thCentury #DVD #VideoDownload #MP4 #USBFlashDrive


THEODORE ROOSEVELT (Black and White, 24 Minutes)
Also known as T.R., and to the public (but never to friends and intimates) as Teddy, was the twenty-sixth President of the United States. A leader of the Republican Party and of the Progressive Movement, he was a Governor of New York and a professional historian, naturalist, explorer, author, and soldier. He is most famous for his personality: his energy, his vast range of interests and achievements, his model of masculinity, and his "cowboy" persona. Originating from a story from one of Roosevelt's hunting expeditions, Teddy bears are named after him.

WOODROW WILSON (Black and White, 24 Minutes)
The twenty-eighth President of the United States, a devout Presbyterian, and leading intellectual of the Progressive Era, he served as President of Princeton University and then became the Governor of New Jersey in 1910. Wilson is to date the only president from New Jersey. With Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft dividing the Republican Party vote, Wilson was elected President as a Democrat in 1912. He proved highly successful in leading a Democratic Congress to pass major legislation that included the Federal Trade Commission, the Clayton Antitrust Act, the Underwood Tariff, the Federal Farm Loan Act and most notably the Federal Reserve System.

HERBERT HOOVER (Black and White, 22 Minutes)
The thirty-first President of the United States, he was also a mining engineer and author. As the United States Secretary of Commerce in the 1920s under Presidents Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge, he promoted government intervention under the rubric "economic modernization". In the presidential election of 1928 Hoover easily won the Republican nomination. The nation was prosperous and optimistic, leading to a landslide for Hoover over the Democrat Al Smith, whom many voters distrusted on account of his Roman Catholicism. Hoover deeply believed in the Efficiency Movement (a major component of the Progressive Era), arguing that a technical solution existed for every social and economic problem. That position was challenged by the Great Depression, which began in 1929, the first year of his presidency. He tried to combat the Depression with volunteer efforts and government action, none of which produced economic recovery during his term. The consensus among historians is that Hoover's defeat in the 1932 election was caused primarily by failure to end the downward spiral into deep Depression, compounded by popular opposition to prohibition. Other electoral liabilities were Hoover's lack of charisma in relating to voters, and his poor skills in working with politicians.

THE FRONT PORCH PRESIDENT (Color and Black and White, 28 Minutes)
The people of Marion Ohio pitched in to fund the making of this frank, honest and interesting 1989 TV documentary on the life and legacy of its favorite son, President Warren G. Harding.

WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT (Black and White, 22 Minutes)
Though the subject of this documentary is the political career of Senator Robert Taft, the son of President Taft, its premise is the life of the twenty-seventh President of the United States, the tenth Chief Justice of the United States, a leader of the progressive conservative wing of the Republican Party in the early 20th century, a pioneer in international arbitration and staunch advocate of world peace verging on pacifism, and scion of a leading political family, the Tafts, of Ohio.

WENDELL WILLKIE (Black and White, 22 Minutes)
Republican presidential nominee of 1940, despite having never held a prior elected political office. A corporate lawyer, he received more votes than any previous GOP candidate (22.3 million votes), but still lost to Franklin D. Roosevelt in an Electoral College landslide: 449 to 82, carrying ten states.


On one of many visits to Panama, William Howard Taft inspects canal construction and visits ruins in what may be the Panamanian jungle. Views of crowd of men and women on dock, posing for camera; a tugboat pulls into unidentified harbor, with Taft and General George W. Goethals, chief engineer of the Panama Canal project, seated on upper deck; Taft and entourage in formal dress board what may be the armored cruiser Tennessee, while crew stands at attention; view of cruiser deck; Taft and entourage disembark from unidentified vessel, with crowd gathered on dock; Taft party is greeted at train by General Goethals: party includes Mrs. Helen Herron Taft, wife of the President, and Federico Alfonso Pezet, minister to the United States from Peru. In last scene Taft and members of his party visit site of stone ruins in the jungle.

Various scenes of the official notification ceremonies held on July 22, 1920 for Warren G. Harding, selected as the Presidential candidate by 17th Republican National Convention and Calvin Coolidge, selected as the Vice Presidential nominee. Opening views of Harding, followed by scenes of him and his wife, Florence Kling Harding, in Marion, Ohio; Harding, Coolidge, and Will H. Hays, Republican National Committee chairman, getting out of auto with other members of Republican Party; several scenes from varying distances of Harding and wife greeting large crowds, Harding delivering a speech from his porch, and standing in a formal receiving line shaking hands; close shot of man, identified by interior title as Harding's father, George T. Harding; views of Hays opening the official ceremony, with Henry Cabot Lodge and other members of Notification Committee visible on speakers' platform. Sequences of Coolidge's notification ceremony held in Northampton, Mass.; views of Coolidge delivering his acceptance speech; views of Edwin P. Morrow, Governor of Kentucky, incorrectly identified by interior title as Edward, delivering the formal notification speech; medium shot of Coolidge and Lodge, surrounded by crowd; several sequences of Coolidge seated at his desk in Boston and performing duties in the rural setting of his home in Plymouth, Vt. Final scene of Harding, Coolidge, and Hays conversing outside the old Senate Office Building in Washington, with the Capitol visible in the background on June 30.

Scenes from the 16th Republican National Convention held in Chicago, June 7-10, 1916. Long shot of delegates outside the Congress Hotel. Medium shots, from left to right, of Mrs. Olive H. Whitman; Governor Charles S. Whitman of New York (1915-1918); Francis Hendricks, former New York State Senator (1886-1891); George W. Perkins, a leader in the Progressive movement (1912-1916); Chauncey M. Depew, former New York State Senator (1899-1911); and a medium shot of the Coliseum where the convention was in session.

Presidential candidate Charles Evans Hughes campaigns in Pittsburgh vicinity on Sept. 27, 1916. Hughes was on a strenuous tour in an attempt to knit together various Republican factions. In Pittsburgh area he was joined by Republican notables, some of whom had been at odds with him: Senator Boies Penrose, Philander Knox, William Flinn. Hughes spoke in opposition to the eight-hour day and was silent on female suffrage. In film Hughes is attended by an official who appears, according to newspaper accounts and photos, to be William H. Coleman, Republican County Chairman. There are three different sequences: Hughes shaking hands with official, both apparently on a flag-draped platform, with young girls in background; Hughes addressing crowd of men in front of stone building; and Hughes speaking to group of workers in street, with background view of row houses. Women and children are visible on house porches. Interior title lists location as Duquesne, Pa.

The President Of The United States (POTUS) is the head of state and head of government of the United States Of America. The president directs the executive branch of the federal government and is the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces. The power of the presidency has grown substantially since its formation, as has the power of the federal government as a whole. While presidential power has ebbed and flowed over time, the presidency has played an increasingly strong role in American political life since the beginning of the 20th century, with a notable expansion during the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt. In contemporary times, the president is also looked upon as one of the world's most powerful political figures as the leader of the only remaining global superpower. As the leader of the nation with the largest economy by nominal GDP, the president possesses significant domestic and international hard and soft power. Article II of the Constitution establishes the executive branch of the federal government and vests the executive power in the president. The power includes the execution and enforcement of federal law and the responsibility to appoint federal executive, diplomatic, regulatory, and judicial officers. Based on constitutional provisions empowering the president to appoint and receive ambassadors and conclude treaties with foreign powers, and on subsequent laws enacted by Congress, the modern presidency has primary responsibility for conducting U.S. foreign policy. The role includes responsibility for directing the world's most expensive military, which has the second largest nuclear arsenal. The president also plays a leading role in federal legislation and domestic policymaking. As part of the system of checks and balances, Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution gives the president the power to sign or veto federal legislation. Since modern presidents are also typically viewed as the leaders of their political parties, major policymaking is significantly shaped by the outcome of presidential elections, with presidents taking an active role in promoting their policy priorities to members of Congress who are often electorally dependent on the president. In recent decades, presidents have also made increasing use of executive orders, agency regulations, and judicial appointments to shape domestic policy. The president is elected indirectly through the Electoral College to a four-year term, along with the vice president. Under the Twenty-second Amendment, ratified in 1951, no person who has been elected to two presidential terms may be elected to a third. In addition, nine vice presidents have become president by virtue of a president's intra-term death or resignation. In all, 45 individuals have served 46 presidencies spanning 58 full four-year terms.