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Outer Space Films 9: Mars Probes DVD, Video Download, USB Flash Drive

Outer Space Films 9: Mars Probes DVD, Video Download, USB Flash Drive
Outer Space Films 9: Mars Probes DVD, Video Download, USB Flash Drive
Item# outer-space-films-9-mars-space-probe-projects-viking-amp-mariner-dv9
List Price: $29.96
Your Sale Price: $13.56
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The Robotic Exploration Of Mars And The Search For Life On It, As Told By Narrators Dr. Carl Sagan, Orson Welles, Richard Basehart And More In Four Classic Films Outer Space Exploration Films! Over Two Hours Presented As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD Or MP4 Video Download! #MarsExploration #Mars #PlanetMars #MarsPlanet #SpaceProbes #Mariner9 #MarinerProgram #Viking1 #VikingProgram #CarlSagan #RichardBasehart #OrsonWelles #InterplanetaryExploration #InterplanetarySpaceflight #SpaceflightFirsts #SpaceflightRecords #OuterSpaceFirsts #Spaceflight #SpaceProbes #NASA #SolarSystem #DVD #MP4 #VideoDownload

*11/28/21: Updated And Upgraded: Updated With EQUINOX: MISSION TO MARS, And Upgraded From A Standard Format DVD To An Archival Quality Dual Layer Format DVD!


MARS: THE SEARCH BEGINS (Color, 1974, 29 Minutes)
Dr. Carl Sagan leads the narration of this film chronicling the historic Martian discoveries of Mariner 9 and the preparations based on those discoveries for the 1975 Viking missions to Mars.

PLANET MARS (Color, 1979, 29 Minutes)
Richard Basehart narrates an analysis of the extraordinary discoveries of the Viking 1 and Viking 2 Martian orbiter/lander Viking Program. Especial attention is placed upon attempts to determine if life could or did exist on the planet, as well as revealing the surface, geology and atmosphere of Mars and the presence of water on the planet.

ORSON WELLES - WHO'S OUT THERE? (Color, 1975, 29 Minutes)
The famed wunderkind writer/director/producer, mainly famed for his infamous 1938 "War Of The Worlds" radio broadcast, appropriately narrates this look into the serious possibilities of life throughout the cosmos.

EQUINOX: MISSION TO MARS (Color, 1987, 45 Minutes)
A Channel Four production that surveys all prior Mars landing missions and all the possible future rover systems that could (and ultimately would) be employed on the Martian surface.

The Exploration Of Mars: The planet Mars has been explored remotely by spacecraft. Probes sent from Earth, beginning in the late 20th century, have yielded a large increase in knowledge about the Martian system, focused primarily on understanding its geology and habitability potential. Some Mars missions have met with unexpected success, such as the twin Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity which operated for years beyond their specification. However, engineering interplanetary journeys is complicated, and the exploration of Mars has experienced a high failure rate, especially the early attempts. Roughly sixty percent of all spacecraft destined for Mars failed before completing their missions, and some failed before their observations could begin. With Mars as Earth's closest planetary neighbor, having the shortest distance for spacecraft to travel between them, as well as the shortest travelling time, during which missions failures might occur, the abnormally high mission failure rate gives cause to ponder upon their causes.