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Old Time Radio Children's Show MP3 MegaSet DVD, Download, USB Stick

Old Time Radio Children's Show MP3 MegaSet DVD, Download, USB Stick
Old Time Radio Children's Show MP3 MegaSet DVD, Download, USB Stick
Item# old-time-radio-childrens-show-megaset-2-dual-layer-mp3-dvd-s23
List Price: $29.96
Your Sale Price: $19.96
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19.96 USD. Free Shipping Worldwide!

The Entire Surviving Broadcasts Of 35 Classic Radio Series!

A Date With Judy | Afloat With Henry Morgan | The Air Adventures Of Jimmie Allen | The Aldrich Family | Anne Of The Airlanes | AA Andrews | Baby Snooks | Big Jon & Sparkie | Blackstone The Magic Detective | Buck Rogers In The 25th Century | Captain Midnight | Chandu The Magician | Charlie Chan | Cinnamon Bear | Dick Tracy | The Fantastic Four | Flash Gordon | Hop Harrigan | Horatio Hornblower | Jerry Of The Circus | Jerry At Fair Oaks | Jack Armstrong | Johnathan Thomas And His Christmas On The Moon | Let's Pretend | Little Orphan Annie | Magic Island | The Mickey Mouse Club Theater Of The Air | Popeye The Sailor | Quiz Kids | Smilin' Ed's Buster Brown Gang | Space Patrol | Speed Gibson | Terry And The Pirates | Tom Corbett Space Cadet | The Voyage Of The Scarlet Queen!

Over 668 Hours Packed Into 2,445 MP3s Presented As An Archival Quality 2 Disc MP3 DVD Set, MP3 Audio Download Or USB Flash Drive! #ADateWithJudy #AfloatWithHenryMorgan #TheAirAdventuresOfJimmieAllen #TheAldrichFamily #AnneOfTheAirlanes #ArchieAndrews #BabySnooks #BigJonAndSparkie #BlackstoneTheMagicDetective #BuckRogersInThe25thCentury #CaptainMidnight #ChanduTheMagician #CharlieChan #CinnamonBear #DickTracy #TheFantasticFour #FlashGordon #HopHarrigan #HoratioHornblower #JerryOfTheCircus #JerryAtFairOaks #JackArmstrong #JohnathanThomasAndHisChristmasOnTheMoon #Let'sPretend #LittleOrphanAnnie #MagicIsland #TheMickeyMouseClubTheaterOfTheAir #PopeyeTheSailor #QuizKids #SmilinEdsBusterBrownGang #SpacePatrol #SpeedGibson #TerryAndThePirates #TomCorbettSpaceCadet #TheVoyageOfTheScarletQueen #GoldenAgeOfRadio #GoldenAgeOfRadioComedy #OldTimeRadio #OldTimeRadioChildrensShows #OldTimeRadioJuvenileShows #OldTimeRadioAdventureShows #OTR #OTRChildrensShows #OTRJuvenileShows #OTRAdventureShows #Radio #RadioChildrensShows #RadioJuvenileShow #RadioAdventureShows #WorldWarII #WorldWar2 #WWII #WW2 #WorldWarTwo #WorldWar2 #SecondWorldWar #MP3 #DVD #AudioDownload #USBFlashDrive


The 1940s Bobbysoxer Teenage Comedy Show - 13 Half Hour Episodes!

1941-07-01 0002 - Date with Judy a - Date with Judy - Theme | 1942-08-11 0021 - 29m54s - A Date with Judy - Aunt Lilly Needs a Date | 1944-08-01 0069 - Date with Judy a - Father s Birthday | 1945-02-06 0097 - Date with Judy a - Strange Case of Joseph Cotton the | 1945-03-20 0103 - 29m24s - A Date with Judy - Going to a Frank Sinatra Movie | 1946-04-09 0158 - Date with Judy a - Judy s Father Tries to Go to Bed Early | 1946-05-18 Xxxx - Date with Judy a - New Dress for the Dance a | 1946-09-24 0164 - 30m10s - A Date with Judy - Racetrack the | 1946-10-22 0165 - 30m01s - A Date with Judy - Gregory Hickson Lecture | 1947-02-18 0182 - 31m22s - A Date with Judy - Judy and Oogie Have a Date At the Movies | 1948-05-04 0245 - Date with Judy a - Playing Hooky | 1949-11-03 0272 - 29m32s - A Date with Judy - High School Hot Shots Get a Job | A Date With Judy 460518 A New Dress For The Dance | Xx-Xx-Xx-A Date with Judy-Judy s Party

Set Sail For The Carribean In Search Of Love, Loot & Adventure In This 1932 Pirate Serial - 52 Quarter Hour Episodes!

01 Morgan Accused of Stealing an Aztec Necklace | 02 Kitty Wants the Necklace | 03 Morgan Is Offered a Deal by the Governor | 04 Morgan Assembles His Fleet | 05 Longboat Rescued at Sea by Morgan | 06 Jeffrey Huner Apoligizes to Kitty | 07 Diaz Discovers Kitty and Jeffrey Together | 08 Morgan Guarantees His Future Safety | 09 Kitty Professes Her Love to Jeffrey | 10 Jeffrey Learns of Kity's Whipping | 11 Morgan Confies About Necklace to Jeffrey | 12 Delores and Diaz Plot Against Morgan | 13 Delores Starts Her Seduction of Jeffrey | 14 Delores and Diaz Search Jeffrey's Cabin | 15 Delores Lies to Jeffrey About Being Caught | 16 Jeffrey Confides in Delores About His Trip | 17 Diaz Plants Seeds of Doubt with Kitty | 18 Morgan Reveals Where the Raid Will Be | 19 The Secret of Jeffrey's Past Is Revealed | 20 Kitty Tells Diaz About Jeffrey's Past | 21 Diaz and Delores Find Morgan's Necklace | 22 Plans to Trap Delores | 23 Jeffrey Arrested Kitty Has Necklace | 24 Diaz Has Control of Necklace | 25 Delores Escapes | 26 The Hunt for Delores | 27 Diaz and Delores Plot to Escape to Cuba | 28 Kitty Left in Care of Delores | 29 Jeffrey Heading for Work in Swamp | 30 Jefrey Saves a Prisoner Named Hero | 31 Jeffrey and Hero Plan Their Escape | 32 Morgan Sets Sail | 33 Hero Saves Jeffrey | 34 Diatz in Hiding with Kitty and Delores | 35 Jeffrey and Hero Mistaken for Intruders | 36 Jeffrey Explains His Background | 37 Jeffrey Reveals His Wronged Conviction | 38 Jeffrey and Hero Given Their Freedom | 39 Jeffrey Searches for Morgan | 40 Jeffrey Imprisoned Aboard Ship by Morgan | 41 Morgan Attacks and Sacks a Town | 42 Morgan Releases Jeffrey and Hero | 43 Jeffrey Sails for Havana Cuba | 44 Jeffrey and Delores Meet Again (Drop Out) | 45 Jeffrey Is Under Diaz Control | 46 Jeffrey Is Tortured by Diaz for Information | 47 Jeffrey and Kitty to Be Sold at the Slave Market | 48 Jeffrey and Kitty Flee the Slave Market | 49 Diaz Threatens Delores | 50 Antoniette and Kitty Argue Over Jeffrey | 51 Captain Morgan Returns and Is Arrested | 52 Morgan Freed and the Series Ends

The Popular 1933-47 Children's Aerial Adventure Series - 131 Quarter Hour Episodes!

AAOJA - 0417 | AAOJA - 0418 | AAOJA - 0419 | AAOJA - 0420 | AAOJA - 0421 | AAOJA - 0422 | AAOJA - 0423 | AAOJA - 0424 | AAOJA - 0425 | AAOJA - 0426 | AAOJA - 0439 | AAOJA - 0440 | AAOJA - 0441 | AAOJA - 0442 | AAOJA - 0447 | AAOJA - 0448 | AAOJA - 0450 | AAOJA - 0458 | AAOJA - 0459 | AAOJA - 0459 | AAOJA - 0464 | AAOJA - 0465 | AAOJA - 0468 | AAOJA - 0469 | AAOJA - 0476 | AAOJA - 0477 | AAOJA - 0482 | AAOJA - 0483 | AAOJA - 0484 | AAOJA - 0486 | AAOJA - 0487 | AAOJA - 0490 | AAOJA - 0491 | AAOJA - 0492 | AAOJA - 1039 - Reluctance for Solo Flight | AAOJA - 1040 - Speed Lands Jimmie's Plane | AAOJA - 1041 - Sabotage Suspected | AAOJA - 1042 - Speed to be Jimmie's New Instructor | AAOJA - 1043 - Secret Drawings Stolen | AAOJA - 1044 - Major Moto Spotted | AAOJA - 1045 - Strut Breaks During Flight | AAOJA - 1046 - Looking Over Wreckage | AAOJA - 1047 - Flash Overhears Meeting Time | AAOJA - 1048 - Secret Meeting Overheard | AAOJA - 1049 - Lead Bars Found in Major Moto's Pockets | AAOJA - 1050 - Trouble During Test Flight | AAOJA - 1051 - Lead Weight Found in Wreckage | AAOJA - 1052 - Near Collisions with Major Moto | AAOJA - 1053 - Stolen Documents Found in Speed's Possession | AAOJA - 1054 - Speed Held at Gunpoint | AAOJA - 1055 - Setting Trap for Thieves | AAOJA - 1056 - Mason Spotted in the Hangar | AAOJA - 1057 - Speed Cleared - Thieves Caught | AAOJA - 1058 - Pursuing Major Soto | AAOJA - 1059 - Major Moto's Plane Shot Down | AAOJA - 1060 - Search for Major Moto | AAOJA - 1061 - Major Moto Captured | AAOJA - 1062 - Imposter Leaves wth Major Moto and Stolen Documents | AAOJA - 1063 - Kidnapped by Moto's Gang | AAOJA - 1064 - Moto's gang Captured | AAOJA - 1065 - Solo Flight | AAOJA - 1066 - Gangster's Need to escape | AAOJA - 1067 - Dick Needs a Job | AAOJA - 1068 - Offer to Buy a Tract of Land | AAOJA - 1069 - Mrs. Croft Wants to Sell Land | AAOJA - 1070 - Signing of Agreement Delayed | AAOJA - 1071 - Suspicious of Rip Bender | AAOJA - 1072 - Plans to Look Over Property | AAOJA - 1073 - Discussing Flight Plan to Texas | AAOJA - 1074 - Gangster's Plane Seen | AAOJA - 1075 - Spark Plugs Switched | AAOJA - 1076 - Fight with Biffer and Ace | AAOJA - 1077 - Oil Pressure Drops | AAOJA - 1078 - Forced Landing | AAOJA - 1079 - Telegram for Mrs. Croft | AAOJA - 1080 - Airplane Heard | AAOJA - 1081 - Jimmie, Flash & Speed Finally Arrive | AAOJA - 1082 - Looking over the Croft property | AAOJA - 1083 - Told of Buried Treasure | AAOJA - 1084 - Airplane Tracks Seen | AAOJA - 1085 - Russell Seen on the Mountain | AAOJA - 1086 - Parchment Found | AAOJA - 1087 - Parchment is a Treasure Map | AAOJA - 1088 - Flash Reads Poetry | AAOJA - 1089 - Speed Discovers Bomb | AAOJA - 1090 - Landmark Found | AAOJA - 1091 - Bag of Gold Coins Found | AAOJA - 1092 - Hiding Airplane | AAOJA - 1093 - Plan to Apprehend the Gangsters | AAOJA - 1094 - Barbara Kidnapped | AAOJA - 1095 - Leaving for Home | AAOJA - 1096 - Telegram for Jimmie | AAOJA - 1097 - Collision in the Air | AAOJA - 1098 - Movie Contract Offered | AAOJA - 1099 - Telephone Threat | AAOJA - 1100 - Proposition from Nails Ballou | AAOJA - 1101 - Ramsey Recognizes Ballou | AAOJA - 1102 - Trouble During Practice Flight | AAOJA - 1103 - Flash Arrives | AAOJA - 1104 - Harry Phelps is Unconscious | AAOJA - 1105 - Mike Blackmailed by Ballou | AAOJA - 1106 - Collision in the Air | AAOJA - 1107 - Having to Bail Out | AAOJA - 1108 - Chasing Harry Phelps in the Air | AAOJA - 1109 - Speed & Ballou Fight | AAOJA - 1110 - Discussing Delays with the Flaming | AAOJA - 1111 - Flash Prowling in the Hangar | AAOJA - 1112 - Flash Questions Mike | AAOJA - 1113 - Plans for Crash Being Made | AAOJA - 1114 - Warning from Mike | AAOJA - 1115 - Jimmie does the Crash Stunt | AAOJA - 1116 - Mike Disappears | AAOJA - 1117 - Apology Letter from Mike | AAOJA - 1118 - Sandy Carson Arrives | AAOJA - 1119 - Crash Landing | AAOJA - 1120 - Asking Roy for Help | AAOJA - 1121 - Manuscripts Found | AAOJA - 1122 - Where is Harry Phelps | AAOJA - 1123 - Harry Phelps Fell Out of Plane | AAOJA - 1124 - Ballou was a Nazi Spy | AAOJA - 1125 - Harry Phelps is Dead | AAOJA - 1126 - Ballou Killed | AAOJA - 1127 Talking with Monsoon Engine Executives | AAOJA - 1128 Lays Ground Rules Down for Rags | AAOJA - 1129 Engine Trouble | AAOJA - 1130 Wings Votes Against Jimmie's Second Chance | AAOJA - 36-xx-xx (xxxx) | AAOJA - 36XXXX Air Race Pt 1 | AAOJA - 36XXXX Air Race Pt 2 | AAOJA - 36XXXX Flash Crashes (no close) | AAOJA - 36XXXX Flash Explains (no open)

"Hen-REE! HENRY Aldrich!" The Beloved NBC 1939-1953 Teen/Family Situation Comedy Series - 96 Half Hour Episodes!

TAF - 391013 - Barbara or Constance | TAF - 391017 - Girl Trouble | TAF - 400220 - Pigeon Coops-e | TAF - 400227 - Carrier Pigeons | TAF - 400905 - The Generous Gentleman' Movie Impresses Henry | TAF - 400912 - Henry Loses Gift Watch from Aunt Harriet | TAF - 401031 - Halloween | TAF - 410126 - Pen Pal | TAF - 411023 - Letter | TAF - 420122 - Girlfriend | TAF - 420129 - Henry's Secret Admirer | TAF - 430211 - Valentine's Day Party | TAF - 430225 - Homer's Love Note Goes to Henry's Teacher | TAF - 430311 - Legal Trouble | TAF - 430401 - War Bonds | TAF - 430415 - Henry Collects Props for the School Play | TAF - 431007 - Everybody Sleeps Over | TAF - 440127 - Movie Star | TAF - 440302 - Homer's Piano Recital | TAF - 440309 - Warmest Day in March | TAF - 440413 - Close That Door | TAF - 440420 - Sam and Henry Both Await Important Calls | TAF - 440427 - Henry Has to Replace a Box of Chocolate | TAF - 440511 - Baby Sitting or Movies | TAF - 441120 - Mc Call's Bicycle (Aldrich Family RS) | TAF - 450112 - Henry Sends Candy to Two Girls | TAF - 450125 - Church and Chocolate | TAF - 460926 - Mary Has Joe Graham Over | TAF - 470313 - Birthday Pipe | TAF - 471211 - School Ring | TAF - 480401 - April Fool's Day Jokes | TAF - 480513 - Helen Forbes | TAF - 480624 - Painting Garage | TAF - 480916 - Rotating Parties | TAF - 481007 - Mary's Surprise | TAF - 481014 - The Great Weiner Roast | TAF - 481021 - Baby Sitting | TAF - 481028 - Lead Role | TAF - 481104 - Henry Buys a Hat | TAF - 481111 - Broken Toy | TAF - 481118 - Grab Bag | TAF - 481125 - Thanksgiving Dance and Turkey Run | TAF - 481209 - Grouse for Dinner | TAF - 481216 - Homer's Party | TAF - 481223 - Christmas Program | TAF - 481230 - New Year's Eve Party | TAF - 490113 - French Notes | TAF - 490120 - Kathleen Dinner - AFRS | TAF - 490120 - Kathleen Dinner - JELL-O | TAF - 490203 - Shoveling Snow | TAF - 490217 - Mrs Aldrich's Antique Chairs | TAF - 490303 - Planning a Trip to DC | TAF - 490414 - Henry the Shortstop | TAF - 490421 - Henry Takes Gladys to a Play | TAF - 490428 - Date with a Tall Girl | TAF - 490505 - Homer Accidentally Engaged to Agnes | TAF - 491216 - Homer's Party | TAF - 500914 - Motor Scooter | TAF - 510419 - School Gossip Column | TAF - 510628 - Everyone Expects a Surprise Party for Themselves | TAF - 520221 - The Debating Team | TAF - 520618 - Selling Christmas Cards | TAF - 520911 - Paid in Corn | TAF - 520921 - The Bartar System | TAF - 520928 - He-Man or Mouse | TAF - 521005 - Class Debt Chairman | TAF - 521012 - The Big Deal | TAF - 521019 - The Camping Trip | TAF - 521026 - Parent's Day | TAF - 521102 - Overdue Library Book | TAF - 521109 - The New Suit | TAF - 521116 - The Debating Team | TAF - 521123 - The Thanksgiving Turkey | TAF - 521130 - Henry's Father Is Sick | TAF - 521207 - The Lost Watch | TAF - 521214 - The Roadside Stand | TAF - 521221 - Christmas Eve with the Family | TAF - 530315 - 26 - Latin Homework | TAF - 530426 - 32 - The Delivery Bicycle | TAF - xxxxxx - Anniversary of First Date | TAF - xxxxxx - Cleaning the Furnace | TAF - xxxxxx - Fruitcake | TAF - xxxxxx - Henry Gets a Letter from a Strange Girl | TAF - xxxxxx - Henry Gets Jealous | TAF - xxxxxx - Henry Goes Ice Skating | TAF - xxxxxx - Henry Is Not Wanted on a Sleigh Ride Party | TAF - xxxxxx - Henry Spills Glue at School | TAF - xxxxxx - Hinting for Christmas Present | TAF - xxxxxx - Homers Party | TAF - xxxxxx - Letter from a Loan Company | TAF - xxxxxx - Looking for Tuxedos for School Formal | TAF - xxxxxx - Lost in the Snow | TAF - xxxxxx - Sidewalk Graffiti Causes Trouble for Henry | TAF - xxxxxx - The Boys Throw a Farewell Party for the Girls | TAF - xxxxxx - Trouble with Kathleen's Father | TAF - xxxxxx - Waste Paper Drive

The 1930's Aerial Adventure Series - 24 Episodes!

AOTA: E07 | AOTA: E08 | AOTA: E09 | AOTA: E10 | AOTA: E11 | AOTA: E12 | AOTA: E13 | AOTA: E14 | AOTA: E15 | AOTA: E16 | AOTA: E17 | AOTA: E18 | AOTA: E19 | AOTA: E20 | AOTA: E21 | AOTA: E22 | AOTA: E23 | AOTA: E24 | AOTA: E25 | AOTA: E26 | AOTA: E27 | AOTA: E28 | AOTA: E29 | AOTA: E30

The 1943-1953 Teen Sitcom Based On The Beloved Comic Series - 29 Half Hour Episodes!

AA 46-07-27 Drugstore Mixup | AA 46-10-19 Plumbing Woes | AA 47-03-15 The Red Cross Benefit | AA 47-08-09 Taking a Bath | AA 47-09-09 Dad's Bath | AA 47-12-13 Christmas Shopping | AA 48-05-15 The Hiccups(Good Nights Sleep) | AA 48-06-12 AA Fights a Cold | AA 48-07-10 AA Gets Dre~ia | AA 48-07-17 Mr Andrews Wallpapers a Room | AA 48-08-07 Suffering from the Heat | AA 48-08-21 Going on a Picnic | AA 48-09-04 The Big Dance | AA 48-09-11 Borrows a Tire Jack | AA 48-09-18 Archie's in Love | AA 48-10-30 Halloween Party | AA 48-11-06 Locked Out | AA 48-11-13 Going To Bed Early | AA 48-11-20 Guests Are Comi~mb | AA 48-12-04 AA Gets A D~qb | AA 48-12-14 Job at the Drugstore | AA 49-05-21 The New TV Set | AA 49-07-13 Sun Burned | AA 49-10-29 Halloween Party | AA 49-12-17 Christmas Shopping | AA 51-05-20 Fred Tries To E~0c | AA 51-05-27 Babysitting To ~ec | AA 51-06-03 The Economy Program | AA xx-xx-xx Football Tickets

Fanny Brice's Incorrigible & Beloved Child Radio Character - 20 Hours Packed Into 110 MP3s!

FBBS - 371230 Daniel In The Lion's Den | FBBS - 380217 Telling Time And Shaving | FBBS - 380324 Rehearsing A Speech | FBBS - 380331 At The Circus | FBBS - 380406 Why Because - Judy Garland | FBBS - 380505 Vitamins And Hiccups | FBBS - 380519 Beach House | FBBS - 380609 At The Doctors | FBBS - 380616 Daddy's An Elk - different announcer | FBBS - 380922 Aunt Sophie Having A Baby | FBBS - 381222 Visiting Santa Claus | FBBS - 390000 Daddy's Boss Comes to Dinner | FBBS - 390122 Daddy's An Elk - different announcer | FBBS - 390511 Barking Rabbit | FBBS - 390518 Golf Tea | FBBS - 390525 Hugh What | FBBS - 390601 Gone Fishing 7min2sec | FBBS - 390608 Violet Ray 7min8sec | FBBS - 390615 Living By Dyeing | FBBS - 390729 Baby Brother - Jealous 6min44sec | FBBS - 391214 Child Psychology 3min56sec | FBBS - 400104 Bungling Burglars | FBBS - 400111 Male Secretary 7min49sec | FBBS - 400118 Chemical Catastrophe 8min25sec | FBBS - 400125 Shetland Pony | FBBS - 400201 Family Tree | FBBS - 400208 Anatomy of a Robot | FBBS - 400215 Tax Returns | FBBS - 400222 Missing Dollar | FBBS - 400229 Wedding Cake | FBBS - 400307 Snooks Has Amnesia | FBBS - 400314 Tom Thumb | FBBS - 400321a Laying An Egg | FBBS - 400328 Baby Brother - Wants Attention | FBBS - 400404 April Fools | FBBS - 400411 Baby Fish Story | FBBS - 400418 Magic | FBBS - 400622 Tonsils Operation | FBBS - 400711 At The Beach | FBBS - 400718 Library Visit | FBBS - 400725 Porthole Safe | FBBS - 400905 Magazine Scam | FBBS - 400912 New Car | FBBS - 400919 Playing Hooky | FBBS - 400926 Where's the Medicine | FBBS - 401010 Football Game | FBBS - 401017 Wheres My Change | FBBS - 401024 Raising a Loan | FBBS - 401031 Ruined Suit | FBBS - 401114 Measles | FBBS - 401121 Four Fathers - Thanksgiving | FBBS - 401128 Stolen Turkey | FBBS - 401219 Christmas Skates | FBBS - 401226 Returning Presents | FBBS - 410102 Sneaking Out | FBBS - 410109 Art Museum | FBBS - 410123 Flat Tire | FBBS - 410130 Jury Duty | FBBS - 410206 Flower Garden | FBBS - 410213 Taxes Again | FBBS - 410227 At The Races | FBBS - 410320 Photographer | FBBS - 410327 Buying Shoes | FBBS - 410403 At The Zoo | FBBS - 410410 Trout Fishing | FBBS - 410417 Baseball Game | FBBS - 410424 Fixing Supper | FBBS - 410508 Riding Academy | FBBS - 410522 Insomnia | FBBS - 410529 Antique Auction | FBBS - 410605 Calisthenics | FBBS - 410612 X-Ray Machine | FBBS - 410619 Dollar Day | FBBS - 410626 Artist Daddy | FBBS - 410710 Going To Camp | FBBS - 411002 Snooks Returns | FBBS - 411009 New School | FBBS - 411023 Duck Hunting | FBBS - 411030 Halloween | FBBS - 411106 Defense Stamps | FBBS - 411113 Mixed Nuts | FBBS - 411127 The Opera | FBBS - 411218 Air Raid Warden | FBBS - 420101 Hangover | FBBS - 420108 Victory Garden | FBBS - 420115 House Guest | FBBS - 420122 Hiccups | FBBS - 420129 Report Card | FBBS - 420205 Knitting Lessons | FBBS - 420212 Camping In | FBBS - 420226 Stealing Chickens | FBBS - 420319 Fake Measels | FBBS - 420519 Daddy Makes Sugar From Lemon | FBBS - 420528 Abnormal Psychology | FBBS - 431104 Go To Court | FBBS - 440614 The World's Most Patient Father | FBBS - 450513 Live Show At The Bijou | FBBS - 450916 Search For Baby Snooks aka Lost 451216 | FBBS - 460619 The Cat-Man's Revenge | FBBS - 460906 Snooks Stays At Home | FBBS - 461101 Halloween | FBBS - 471024 Snooks Is Unpopular (engagement aka ugly duckling) | FBBS - 501112 Snooks & Tallulah Bankhead | FBBS - 510320 Easter Outfit (Daddy Needs A Loan) | FBBS - 510501 Report Card Blues | FBBS - 510508 Daddys Old Flame | FBBS - Best of Baby Snooks | FBBS - Daddy Gets A Piano Lesson | FBBS - Heres to the Veterans - To Bee or Not to Bee | FBBS - Redecorating the House

The Beloved 1950-58 Children's Fantasy Series - 98 Quarter Hour Episodes!

FAOBJAS - Cp Big Jon Recuperates | FAOBJAS -Little Red Caboose | FAOBJAS - 0a OverTheFallsInAnAirplane | FAOBJAS - 0b The Begining Of A Long Voyage Home | FAOBJAS - 0c TheLongVoyageHome | FAOBJAS - 0d TheMysteriousSpeckOnTheFarHorizon | FAOBJAS - 0e A Surprise Awaits The Mayor | FAOBJAS - 0f ASurpriseAwaitsTheMayor | FAOBJAS - 0g Daffodil Dilly Strikes Again | FAOBJAS - 0h PrisonersOfLove | FAOBJAS - 0i YukieShowsUsHow | FAOBJAS - 0j YukieButchaToTheRescue | FAOBJAS - 0k SparkieInControl | FAOBJAS - 0l TheMayorTellsOfHisWeddingPlans | FAOBJAS - 0m YukieGetsReadyForTheWedding | FAOBJAS - 0n YukieButchaUnvailsAnInvention | FAOBJAS - 0o The Mayor's Wedding Day | FAOBJAS - 0p AnInterruptionInTheMayor'sWedding | FAOBJAS - 0q MissDillyKidnappedFromTheChurch | FAOBJAS - 0r The Great Kidnap Mystery | FAOBJAS - 0s A Telephone Mix Up | FAOBJAS - 0t The Detectives | FAOBJAS - 0u The Stakeout | FAOBJAS - 0v DetectivesSparkyAndYukieGoToWork | FAOBJAS - 0w DetectiveSparkyGetsAnIdea | FAOBJAS - 0x TheKidnappersDoubleBackTripleBack | FAOBJAS - 0y EvenDetectivesMakeMistakes | FAOBJAS - 0z Jailed | FAOBJAS - Aa TheKidnappingCaseContinues | FAOBJAS - Ab TheKidnappingCaseContinues | FAOBJAS - Ac Who'sWho | FAOBJAS - Ad Who'sWhoContinued | FAOBJAS - Ae The Kidnapped Car Is Sighted Short | FAOBJAS - Af Sparky Tracks Down A Clue | FAOBJAS - Ag Sparky'sPrivateEyeAgency | FAOBJAS - Ah BackToNormalIHope | FAOBJAS - Ai A Surprise For All Concerned | FAOBJAS - Aj TheKidnappersEscapeAgain | FAOBJAS - Ak Wheres Yukie Now | FAOBJAS - Al OldClothesIsGoodClues | FAOBJAS - Am SoCloseToTheForestWeCan'tSeeTheTrees | FAOBJAS - An TheProdigalReturns | FAOBJAS - Ao TheReturnOfYukieButcha | FAOBJAS - Ap YukieLooksForALawyer | FAOBJAS - Aq YukieSuesTheCity | FAOBJAS - Ar LookWho'sALawyer | FAOBJAS - As PeaceAndQuietOnceAgainAlmost | FAOBJAS - At SparkyHasPlansForYukie | FAOBJAS - Au ASuddenChangeInClimate | FAOBJAS - Av NotEvenATeamOfHorses | FAOBJAS - Aw GoodbyeMyDilly | FAOBJAS - Ax A Letter From Yukie | FAOBJAS - Ay AMysteriousManInTheShack | FAOBJAS - Az TheMysteriousManInTheShack | FAOBJAS - Ba A Mystreious Man In The Shack Part 2 | FAOBJAS - Bb Who'sFoolingWho[DateInStory530401] | FAOBJAS - Bc Trouble In The Ranks | FAOBJAS - Bd Sparky'sTelephoneTroubles | FAOBJAS - Be A Proposed Solution To A Serious Probl | FAOBJAS - Bf Twelve Down Two To Go | FAOBJAS - Bg NotMuchDoing | FAOBJAS - Bh The Pane In Mrs Two Hill's Window | FAOBJAS - Bi Tickets Tickets Who's Got The Tickets | FAOBJAS - Bj Opening Day 1953 | FAOBJAS - Bk Canine Mutiny | FAOBJAS - Bl What's Wrong With Bunny | FAOBJAS - Bm Where Oh Where Have Our Little Dogs Go | FAOBJAS - Bn The Dogs Get Organized | FAOBJAS - Bo The Dogs Get Together | FAOBJAS - Bp Someone Make Up His Mind | FAOBJAS - Bq Want Ads Get Results | FAOBJAS - Br The Mayor's Plan Begins To Work | FAOBJAS - Bs Almost Captured | FAOBJAS - Bt The Dognappers Get Caught | FAOBJAS - Bu The Mayor Shows Them How | FAOBJAS - Bv The Return Of Yukie Butcha | FAOBJAS - Bw Yukie Makes A Decision | FAOBJAS - Bx The Surprise In The Barn On Yukie's Fa | FAOBJAS - By The Surprise In The Yukie's Barn | FAOBJAS - Bz Sparky Drives A Racing Car | FAOBJAS - Ca More Than One Way To Catch A Fish | FAOBJAS - Cb A Quiet Day On Yukie's Farm | FAOBJAS - Cc Yukie Hits The Jackpot | FAOBJAS - Cd Yukie's Radio Station | FAOBJAS - Ce The Big Broadcast | FAOBJAS - Cf The Ratings Are In | FAOBJAS - Cg Sparky Finds A Bug | FAOBJAS - Ch Sparky's Mysterious Butterfly | FAOBJAS - Ci The Professor Speaks | FAOBJAS - Cj The Day The Butterfly Flew | FAOBJAS - Ck Off To The Races | FAOBJAS - Cl Yukie Tries Out His Racing Machine | FAOBJAS - Cm Yukie Cracks Up | FAOBJAS - Cn The Big Little Race | FAOBJAS - Co Big Jon Gets A Screen Job | FAOBJAS - Cq Cheer Up The Sick Boy | FAOBJAS - Cr Big Jon Takes The Plunge | FAOBJAS - Cs Big Jon Gets Company Again

The Mystical Magical 1948-49 Detective Series That'll Teach You A Magic Trick At The End Of Every Episode - 56 Quarter Hour Shows!

BTMD480715 (Audition) Riddle Of The Talking Skull | BTMD 481003 (001) The Ghost That Trapped A Killer | BTMD 481010 (002) The Reluctant Buzzsaw | BTMD 481017 (003) The Emerald In The Fishbowl | BTMD 481024 (004) Maharaja's Gold | BTMD 481031 (005) Educated Dummy | BTMD 481107 (006) Riddle Of The Talking Skull | BTMD 481114 (007) Whispering Bhudah | BTMD 481121 (008) Organ Murder | BTMD 481128 (009) Ghost That Wasn't | BTMD 481205 (010) The Icy Touch | BTMD 481212 (011) Underwater Death | BTMD 481219 (012) Coins Of Confucius | BTMD 481226 (013) Murder On Stage | BTMD 490102 (014) Midway Robberies | BTMD 490109 (015) Frozen Lady | BTMD 490116 (016) Hooded Rider | BTMD 490123 (017) Phantom Intermezzo | BTMD 490130 (018) Vanishing Pearls | BTMD 490206 (019) Curse Of The Yogi | BTMD 490213 (020) Coin Of Cleopatra | BTMD 490220 (021) Hand Of Cagliostro | BTMD 490227 (022) Message From Nowhere | BTMD 490306 (023) Rddle Of The Red Rose | BTMD 490313 (024) Aztec Fire God | BTMD 490320 (025) Missing Palmist | BTMD 490327 (026) Ladder of Wealth | BTMD 490403 (027) Locked Book | BTMD 490410 (028) Deathless Shot | BTMD 490417 (029) TheRiddleOfTheOtherEightBall | BTMD 490424 (030) TheCelliniStatuette(poor sound) | BTMD 490501 (031) The Curse Of Kali | BTMD 490508 (032) FootstepsInTheNight[akaTheRidingBoots] | BTMD 490515 (033) The VooDoo Treasure | BTMD 490522 (034) Four Keys To Crime | BTMD 490529 (035) The Knife From The Dark | BTMD 490605 (036) Death in the Crystal | BTMD 490612 037 Hindu Sword Cabinet | BTMD 490619 038 Face Of Death | BTMD 490626 039 Voice From The Void | BTMD 490703 040 Bird Of Doom | BTMD 490710 041 Phantom Detective | BTMD 490717 042 Riddle Of The Seven Zombies | BTMD 490724 043 Crime in the Stars | BTMD 490731 044 The Devil's Cauldron | BTMD 490807 045 Ghost In The Crypt | BTMD 490814 046 Accusing Corpse | BTMD 490821 (047) Death Defying Death | BTMD 490828 (048) The Criminal Who Caught Himself | BTMD 490904 (49) Vanishing Brooch | BTMD 490911 (50) Crimes On A Merry Go Round | BTMD 490918 (51) Magic Writing | BTMD 491009 (54) Mark Of Crime | BTMD 491016 (55) Creeping Death (end missing) | BTMD 500326 (78) Gory Goldfish-last show | BTMD xxxxxx (xxx) Shark Island Story

The Beloved 1932-1947 Science Fiction Serial - 32 Quarter Hour Episodes!

BR - 321107 - Pilot Episode | BR - 390405 - 001 - Epi. 1 | BR - 390407 - 002 - Epi. 2 | BR - 390409 - 003 - Epi. 3 | BR - 390412 - 004 - Epi. 4 | BR - 390414 - 005 - Epi. 5 | BR - 390416 - 006 - Epi. 6 | BR - 390419 - 007 - Epi. 7 | BR - 390421 - 008 - Epi. 8 | BR - 390423 - 009 - Epi. 9 | BR - 390426 - 010 - Epi. 10 | BR - 390428 - 011 - Epi. 11 | BR - 390430 - 012 - Epi. 12 | BR - 39xxxx - Mechanical Mole 01 | BR - 39xxxx - Mechanical Mole 02 | BR - 39xxxx - Mechanical Mole 03 | BR - 39xxxx - Mechanical Mole 04 | BR - 39xxxx - Mechanical Mole 06 | BR - 39xxxx - Mechanical Mole 07 | BR - 39xxxx - The Chase After Killer Kane 01 | BR - 39xxxx - The Chase After Killer Kane 02 | BR - 39xxxx - The Chase After Killer Kane 03 | BR - 39xxxx - The Chase After Killer Kane 04 | BR - 39xxxx - The Chase After Killer Kane 05 | BR - 470328 - Last Show | BR - xxxxxx - 732 - Pts 1, 2 | BR - xxxxxx - 733 - Parts 1 and 2 | BR - xxxxxx - 736 - Pt 1 | BR - xxxxxx - 737 - Part 1 | BR - xxxxxx - 738 - Pt 2 | BR - xxxxxx - 739 - Part 2 | BR - xxxxxx - 740 - Pt. 1

Over 37 Thrill-Packed Aerial Adventure Hours Packed Into 155 MP3s!

CM Ep01 | CM Ep02 | CM Ep03 | CM Ep04 | CM Ep05 | CM Ep06 | CM Ep07 | CM Ep08 | CM Ep09 | CM Ep10 | CM Ep11 | CM Ep12 | CM Ep13 | CM Ep14 | CM Ep15 | CM Ep16 | CM Ep17 | CM Ep18 | CM Ep19 | CM Ep20 | CM Ep21 | CM Ep22 | CM Ep23 | CM Ep24 | CM Ep25 | CM Ep26 | CM Ep27 | CM Ep28 | CM Ep29 | CM Ep30 | CM Ep31 | CM Ep32 | CM Ep33 | CM Ep34 | CM Ep35 | CM Ep36 | CM Ep37 | CM Ep38 | CM Ep39 | CM Ep40 | CM Ep41 | CM Ep42 | CM Ep43 | CM Ep44 | CM Ep45 | CM Ep46 | CM Ep47 | CM Ep48 | CM Ep49 | CM Ep50 | CM Ep51 | CM Ep52 | CM Ep53 | CM Ep54 | CM Ep55 | CM Ep56 | CM Ep57 | CM Ep58 | CM Ep59 | CM Ep60 | CM Ep61 | CM Ep62 | CM Ep63 | CM Ep64 | CM Ep65 | CM Ep66 | CM Ep67 | CM Ep68 | CM Ep69 | CM Ep70 | CM Ep71 | CM Ep72 | CM Ep73 | CM Ep74 | CM Ep75 | CM Ep76 | CM Ep77 | CM Ep78 | CM Ep79 | CM Ep80 | CM Ep81 | CM Ep82 | CM Ep83 | CM Ep84 | CM Ep85 | CM Ep86 | CM Ep87 | CM Ep88 | CM 391017 [167] The Perada Treasure Epi01 | CM 391018 [168] The Perada Treasure Epi02 | CM 391018 [169] The Perada Treasure Epi03 | CM 391020 [170] The Perada Treasure Epi04 | CM 391023 [171] The Perada Treasure Epi05 | CM 391024 [172] The Perada Treasure Epi06 | CM 391025 [173] The Perada Treasure Epi07 | CM 391026 [174] The Perada Treasure Epi08 | CM 391027 [175] The Perada Treasure Epiisode09 | CM 391030 [176] The Perada Treasure Epi10 | CM 391106 [181] The Perada Treasure Epi15 | CM 391107 [182] The Perada Treasure Epi16 | CM 391108 [183] The Perada Treasure Epi17 | CM 391109 [184] The Perada Treasure Epi18 | CM 391110 [185] The Perada Treasure Epi19 | CM 391113 [186] The Perada Treasure Epi20 | CM 391114 [187] The Perada Treasure Epi21 | CM 391115 [188] The Perada Treasure Epi22 | CM 391116 [189] The Perada Treasure Epi23 | CM 391117 [190] The Perada Treasure Epi24 | CM 391120 [191] The Perada Treasure Epi25 | CM 391121 [192] The Perada Treasure Epi26 | CM 391122 [193] The Perada Treasure Epi 27 | CM 391124 [194] The Perada Treasure Epi28 | CM 391124 [195] The Perada Treasure Epi29 | CM 391125 [196] The Perada Treasure Epi30 | CM 391128 [197] The Perada Treasure Epi31 | CM 391129 [198] The Perada Treasure Epi32 | CM 391130 [199] The Perada Treasure Epi33 | CM 391201 [200] The Perada Treasure Epi34 | CM 391204 [201] The Perada Treasure Epi35 | CM 391205 [202] The Perada Treasure Epi36 | CM 391206 [203] The Perada Treasure Epi37 | CM 391207 [204] The Perada Treasure Epi38 | CM 391208 [205] The Perada Treasure Epi39 | CM 391211 [206] The Perada Treasure Epi40 | CM 391212 [207] The Perada Treasure Epi41 | CM 391213 [208] The Perada Treasure Epi42 | CM 391214 [209] The Perada Treasure Epi43 | CM 391215 [210] The Perada Treasure Epi44 | CM 391218 [211] The Perada Treasure Epi45 | CM 391219 [212] The Perada Treasure Epi46 | CM 391220 [213] The Perada Treasure Epi47 | CM 391221 [214] The Perada Treasure Epi48 | CM 391222 [215] The Perada Treasure Epi49 | CM 391225 [216] The Perada Treasure Epi50 | CM 391226 [217] The Perada Treasure Epi51 | CM 391227 [218] The Perada Treasure Epi52 | CM 391228 [219] The Perada Treasure Epi53 | CM 391229 [220] The Perada Treasure Epi54 | CM 400101 [221] The Perada Treasure Epi55 | CM 400103 [222] The Perada Treasure Epi56 | CM 400105 [223] The Perada Treasure Epi57 | CM 400108 [224] The Perada Treasure Epi58 | CM 400110 [225] The Perada Treasure Epi59 | CM Ep0001-09-30-1940 | CM Ep0003-10-19-1939 | CM Ep0004-10-20-1939 | CM Ep0005-10-23-1939 | CM Ep0006-10-24-1939 | CM Ep0007-10-25-1939 | CM Ep0008-10-26-1939 | CM Ep0009-10-27-1939 | CM Ep0010-10-30-1939 | CM Ep0015-10-31-1939 | CM Ep0016-11-07-1939 | CM Ep0018-11-09-1939

The Beloved 1932-35 & 1949-50 Childrens Adventure Mystery Series - Over 51 Hours Packed Into 210 Episodes!

CTM 320912 136 CTM Warns Nicky | CTM 320913 137 Betty Reminisces | CTM 320914 138 Gunfire Heard | CTM 320930 150 Learns Estaben's Identity | CTM 321003 151 Nadji Disappears | CTM 321004 152 Dimitri Defeated | CTM 321005 153 Exposes Count To Nicholas | CTM 321006 154 Saves Nadji From Fire | CTM 321007 155 Leaving After The Fire | CTM 321011 157 Warns Murderer | CTM 321012 158 Yogi Warns CTM | CTM 321013 159 The Clock Strikes Five | CTM 321108 177 News Of Robert's Whereabouts | CTM 321116 183 Will CTM Save Dorothy | CTM 321117 184 Magic Fails | CTM 321118 185 CTM And Betty Visit Dorothy | CTM 321121 186 Cobra Decides Fate | CTM 321122 187 Bob Plans A Swap | CTM 321123 188 To The Temple | CTM 321124 189 Robert Returns | CTM 321125 190 Finds Betty And Bob | CTM 321128 191 Dr Shaw And Black Magic | CTM 330418 292 Crystal Vision Fulfilled | CTM 330419 293 Nadji Is Murder Suspect | CTM 330424 296 #296 | CTM 330425 297 #297 | CTM 330426 298 #298 | CTM 330427 299 #299 | CTM 330501 301 #301 | CTM 330502 302 #302 | CTM 330503 303 #303 | CTM 330504 304 #304 | CTM 330505 305 #305 (Skips) | CTM 330508 306 #306 | CTM 330509 307 #307 | CTM 330510 308 #308 | CTM 330511 309 #309 | CTM 330517 313 #313 | CTM 330523 317 #317 | CTM 330524 318 #318 | CTM 330525 319 #319 | CTM 330526 320 #320 | CTM 330529 321 #321 | CTM 330530 322 #322 | CTM 330531 323 #323 | CTM 330601 324 #324 | CTM 330707 350 #350 | CTM 330821 381 #381 | CTM 33xxxx-241 Family Reunited | CTM 33xxxx-262 Dimitri Plots to See Betty Lou | CTM 480628-001 Chandler Returns | CTM 480629-002 Regent's Secret aka Secret Papers Missing | CTM 480630-The Psychic Summons | CTM 480701-004 Off to Egypt aka In Alexandria | CTM 480702-005 Dorothy Disappears aka Rug Shop | CTM 480705-006 Search for Dorothy aka Hypnotic Persasion | CTM 480706-007 Slave Auction aka Dorothy Is Rescued | CTM 480707-008 To Cairo aka Cab Ride To Cairo | CTM 480708-009 Blue Flame aka Message In The Blue Flame | CTM 480709-010 Secret Place aka Journey Up The Nile | CTM 480712-011 Note from Nadji aka Pyramid And The Hotel | CTM 480713-012 Betty Meets Abdullah aka Rendevouz In The Garden | CTM 480714-013 CTM Meets Nadji aka Meeting With Princess Nadji | CTM 480715-014 Betty Is Kidnapped | CTM 480716-015 Betty Is Found | CTM 480719-016 Roxor Meets Nadji | CTM 480720-017 Secret Entrance aka Hand Of Horus | CTM 480721-018 Spell on Dorothy aka Spell Of The Ancient Statue (1) | CTM 480721-018 Spell on Dorothy aka Spell Of The Ancient Statue (2) | CTM 480722-019 Crystal Ball aka Statute's Secret | CTM 480723-020 Betty and Bob Disappear | CTM 480726-021 Breaking the Spell aka Exorcism | CTM 480727-022 Secret Door | CTM 480728-023 Hand Of Horus | CTM 480729-024 Roxor Threatens Death (1) | CTM 480729-024 Roxor Threatens Death (2) | CTM 480730-025 Bob Rescued | CTM 480802-026 Abdullah Disappears | CTM 480803-027 Emerald Cask | CTM 480804-028 Disappearing | CTM 480805-029 Looking | CTM 480806-030 Sick Camel | CTM 480809-031 Trouble | CTM 480810-032 Low Water Supply | CTM 480811-033 Abdullah | CTM 480812-034 Gordon Douglas | CTM 480813-035 Douglas' Dinner | CTM 480816-036 Douglas Is An | CTM 480817-037 Finding a Letter | CTM 480818-038 Nile Curse | CTM 480819-039 Chandu's Disappeared | CTM 480820-040 Manuscript | CTM 480823-041 Douglas Tells | CTM 480824-042 Letter Arrives | CTM 480825-043 Roxor's Plan | CTM 480826-044 Fraud's Idenity | CTM 480827-045 Abdullah Stabbed | CTM 480830-046 Inquest Plan | CTM 480831-047 Douglas Disappears | CTM 480901-048 Lost in the Cave | CTM 480902-049 Chandu's Rescue | CTM 480903-050 Roxor Is Alive | CTM 480906-051 CTM Escapes | CTM 480907-052 Reaching the Ruins | CTM 480908-053 Judy Allen | CTM 480909-054 Torture Chamber | CTM 480910-055 Story Teller | CTM 480913-056 Cairo Restauant | CTM 480914-057 Robert's Ring | CTM 480915-058 Arenia the Spy | CTM 480916-059 Curse on Betty | CTM 480917-060 Ben Ali's Home | CTM 480920-061 Opening the L | CTM 480921-062 Sonya Shoots | CTM 480922-063 Betty and Bob | CTM 480923-064 Arenia Is Shot | CTM 480924-065 Message for N | CTM 480927-066 Mirror of Life | CTM 480928-067 Roxor Is Killed | CTM 480929-068 Exploring the Garden | CTM 480930-069 Family Is Reunited | CTM 481001-070 Visions of Di | CTM 481004-071 Danger at Home | CTM 481005-072 Gardener Recognized | CTM 481006-073 Bribery Attempt | CTM 481007-074 Secret Meeting | CTM 481008-075 Landmark Spotted | CTM 481011-076 Map Found | CTM 481012-077 Fortune Told | CTM 481013-078 Dancing Partner Recognized | CTM 481014-079 Meets Dimitri | CTM 481015-080 Spell Cast on Bob | CTM 481018-081 Gypsy Coming After Betty and Bob | CTM 481019-082 Dimitri Asked to Leave | CTM 481020-083 Castle Plans Found | CTM 481021-084 Warning from Nadji | CTM 481022-085 Advice for Nicholas | CTM 481025-086 Tells About Plans | CTM 481026-087 Spell Cast | CTM 481027-088 Nadji Told of Curse | CTM 481028-089 Looking for Dorothy | CTM 481029-090 Finding Dorothy's Hat | CTM 481101-091 Nicholas Has Disappeared | CTM 481102-092 Trying to Escape | CTM 481103-093 Thinks Nicholas Is in the Castle | CTM 481104-094 Nicholas Found | CTM 481105-095 Dwarf Spotted | CTM 481108-096 Chandler Admits Real Mission | CTM 481109-097 To Go to Scimitar Mountain | CTM 481110-098 Call from Paris | CTM 481111-099 Threat from Dimitri | CTM 481112-100 Stranger Spotted | CTM 481115-101 Fortune Told | CTM 481116-102 Chandler Trapped | CTM 481117-103 Enters Cave | CTM 481118-104 Learns Estaben's Identity | CTM 481119-105 Influences Dimitri | CTM 481122-106 Metsos Killed | CTM 481123-107 Spell Broken | CTM 481124-108 Threat from Dwarf | CTM 481125-109 Nadji Arrives | CTM 481126-110 Fire | CTM 481129-111 Chandler Escapes Fire | CTM 481130-112 Forged Letter | CTM 481201-113 Nadji Leaves | CTM 481202-114 Lupu Arrives | CTM 481203-115 Chandler Discovered | CTM 481206-116 Reveals Himself as CTM | CTM 481207-117 Kingdom Regained | CTM 481208-118 Phone Call from Robert | CTM 481209-119 Lab Emptied | CTM 481210-120 Gomez Spotted | CTM 481213-121 Robert Seen in Crystal | CTM 481214-122 Learns Roxor's Location | CTM 481215-123 Wants to Enter Village of the Lost | CTM 481216-124 Jeff Worried | CTM 481217-125 Warned About Jeff | CTM 481220-126 Jeff's New Mission | CTM 481221-127 House in the Desert | CTM 481222-128 Saved from Spider | CTM 481223-129 Jeff Found | CTM 481224-130 Tries to Contact Robert | CTM 481227-131 Imposter Found Out | CTM 481228-132 Robert Found | CTM 481229-133 Story Told | CTM 481230-134 Looking for Betty | CTM 481231-135 Dorothy in Temple | CTM 490103-136 Talks to Chief | CTM 490104-137 Fate to Be Decided Soon | CTM 490105-138 Fails Cobra Test | CTM 490106-139 Refuses Escape Plan | CTM 490107-140 Robert Returns | CTM 490110-141 Dr Shaw's Secret | CTM 490111-142 Truth About Dr Shaw | CTM 490112-143 Help from Yogi | CTM 490113-144 Murderer Revealed | CTM 490114-145 Dorothy Safe | CTM 490117-146 Planning Tiger Hunt | CTM 490118-147 Tiger Killed | CTM 490119-148 Saves Lao Sing | CTM 490120-149 In Calcutta | CTM 490121-150 Dinner Invitation | CTM 490124-151 Dr Shaw in Calcutta | CTM 490125-152 Under Dr Shaw's Influence | CTM 490126-153 Impersonates Chandler | CTM 490127-154 Bob Missing | CTM 490128-155 Strange Markings | CTM 490203-001 The Black Steps | CTM 490210-002 The Village of Thieves | CTM 490217-003 Man with the Photographic Memory

The Legendary 1940s Chinese Detective Series - 60 Quarter Hour Episodes!

CC 007 - Eye of Buddha Ruby Pt 1 | CC 008 - Eye of Buddha Ruby Pt 2 | CC 01 Marching Ants, Charlie Ambushed | CC 049 - Fiery Santa Claus | CC 050 - Man Who Murdered Santa | CC 091 - Charlies Daughter is Kidnapped | CC 095 - Murder of Deacon Jessup (450000 & TitleUnkown &02) | CC Baffling Murder Mystery Pt 4 of 7 - 361008 | CC Baffling Murder Mystery Pt 5 of 7 - 361015 | CC Baffling Murder Mystery Pt 6 of 7 - 361022 | CC Baffling Murder Mystery Pt 7 of 7 - 361029 | CC Case Of The Freightened Sharif | CC Case of the Marching Ants - 450000 | CC Case of the Talking Doll | CC Dragon's Tail | CC Escaped Musician | CC In Radio City | CC Landini Murder Pt 07 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 08 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 09 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 10 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 11 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 12 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 13 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 14 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 15 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 16 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 17 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 18 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 19 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 20 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 21 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 22 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 23 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 24 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 25 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 26 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 27 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 28 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 29 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 30 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 31 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 32 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 33 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 34 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 35 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 36 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 37 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 38 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 39 of 39 | CC Man Who Moved Mountains | CC Murder in Cabin 15 | CC Storm in a Teacup | CC Telltale Hands | CC The Curious Ride Of The Sea Witch | CC The Romantic Engineer | CC Title Unknown [ch.7] (bk) | CC Title Unknown [ch.8] (bk) | CC White Heel (inc) | CC Zebra Crossing

Join Jimmy & Judy & Paddy O'Cinnamon On The Hunt For The Lost Silver Tree Star In This Heartwarming Children's Adventure Series Of The 1937 Christmas Season - 26 Quarter Hour Episodes!

CB 37-11-29 - 01 - Paddy O'Cinnamon | CB 37-11-30 - 02 - Weary Willy | CB 37-12-01 - 03 - Crazy Quilt Dragon | CB 37-12-02 - 04 - The Ikaboos | CB 37-12-03 - 05 - Weasley The Wailing Whale | CB 37-12-04 - 06 - Samuel Seal | CB 37-12-05 - 07 - Presto The Magician | CB 37-12-06 - 08 - Candy Pirates | CB 37-12-07 - 09 - Rolly Polly Policeman | CB 37-12-08 - 10 - Professor Whiz | CB 37-12-09 - 11 - Fee Foo The Gentle Giant | CB 37-12-10 - 12 - Rhyming Rabbit | CB 37-12-11 - 13 - The Wintergreen Witch | CB 37-12-12 - 14 - Queen Melissa | CB 37-12-13 - 15 - Snaper Stick The Crocodile | CB 37-12-14 - 16 - Oliver Ostrich | CB 37-12-15 - 17 - Muddlers | CB 37-12-16 - 18 - Cocklebur Cowboys | CB 37-12-17 - 19 - Wooden Indian | CB 37-12-18 - 20 - Flying Hat | CB 37-12-19 - 21 - Snowman | CB 37-12-20 - 22 - Santa Claus | CB 37-12-21 - 23 - The Bad Dolls | CB 37-12-22 - 24 - The Parade | CB 37-12-23 - 25 - Captain Tintop | CB 37-12-24 - 26 - North Pole

The Funny Paper Cartoon Classic That Filled The Airwaves From 1934 To 1948 - 73 Quarter Hour Episodes!

Command Performance - Dick Tracy In B Flat 45-02-15 | DT 1935-xx-xx #000 Audition Program (tess Disappears) | DT 1938-02-08 #027 The Black Pearl Of Osirus | DT 1938-02-09 #028 Pat Goes Overboard | DT 1938-02-10 #029 Mystery In The Hold | DT 1938-02-11 #030 Dick Is Shot | DT 1938-02-14 #031 Dick Gets Ring Of Osirus | DT 1938-02-15 #032 Dick Finds Black Pearl | DT 1938-02-16 #033 Agent Is Murdered | DT 1938-02-17 #034 Gang After The Ring | DT 1938-02-18 #035 Dick Captures The Gang (ring Premium) | DT 1938-02-21 #036 Pat Is Hypnotized | DT 1938-02-22 #037 Dick Is Captured | DT 1938-02-23 #038 Dick Escapes | DT 1938-02-24 #039 Junior Kidnapped | DT 1938-02-25 #040 Junior Escapes | DT 1938-03-07 - 46 - Case of the Firebug Murders | DT 1938-04-11 #071 Mounties At Pitchblend | DT 1938-04-12 #072 Snow Slide | DT 1938-04-13 #073 Who Is The Purple Rider | DT 1938-04-14 #074 Junior Is Kidnapped | DT 1938-04-15 #075 Junior Sends A Mirror Message | DT 1938-04-18 #076 Junior Rescued By And Captures Purple Ride | DT 1938-04-19 #077 Dick Lassoes The Purple Rider | DT 1938-04-20 #078 The Purple Rider Exposed | DT 1938-04-25 #081 Tracy Rescued And Kyle Captured | DT 1938-04-26 #082 Invisible Ink | DT 1944-05-05 #xxx Espionage At The Circus | DT 1944-xx-xx #xxx Case Of The Firebug Murders | DT 1944 01-10 #xxx Case Of The Hooting Owl (stuck In Snow) | DT 1945-05-01 #xxx Case Of The Empty Safe | DT 1945-05-08 #xxx On The Trail Of The Nighthawks | DT 1945-06-22 #xxx Case Of The Pigeon Blood Ruby | DT 1945-09-13 #xxx Case Of The Buried Treasure | DT 1945-09-21 #xxx Case Of The Man Without A Head | DT 1945-09-24 #xxx Case Of The Man Without A Head | DT 1945-10-25 #xxx Case Of The Trained Seal | DT 1945-11-22 #xxx New Mystery Begins | DT 1946-01-19 #xxx Case Of The Dark Corridor | DT 1946-09-13 #xxx Case Of The Broken Window | DT 1946-09-16 #xxx Case Of The Broken Window | DT 1946-12-11 #xxx Case Of The Campus Murder | DT 1947-01-14 #xxx Case Of The Careless Black Widow | DT 1947-01-21 #xxx Case Of The Moth And The Flame | DT 1947-01-22 #xxx Case Of The Moth And The Flame | DT 1947-05-15 #xxx Case Of The No-account Swindle | DT 1947-07-14 #xxx Case Of The Crooked Finger | DT 1947-07-23 #xxx Case Of The Unfunny Clowns | DT 1947-08-20 #xxx Case Of The Sinister Second | DT 1947-09-03 #xxx Case Of The Low Hi-jack | DT 1947-09-04 #xxx Case Of The Low Hi-jack | DT 1947-09-11 #xxx Case Of The Low Hi-jack | DT 1947-10-10 #xxx Case Of The Book Of Four Kings | DT 1947-10-16 #xxx The Case Of The Book Of Four Kings | DT 1947-10-24 #xxx Case Of The Book Of Four Kings | DT 1947-10-31 #xxx Case Of The Honorable Mr. Malice | DT 1947-11-06 #xxx Case Of The Honorable Mr. Malice | DT 1947-11-14 #xxx Case Of The Honorable Mr. Malice | DT 1947-11-18 #xxx Case Of The Deadly Tip Off | DT 1947-11-19 #xxx Case Of The Deadly Tip Off | DT 1947-11-21 #xxx Case Of The Deadly Tip Off | DT 1947-12-16 #xxx Case Of The Poisinous Timber | DT 1947-12-19 #xxx Case Of The Poisonous Timber | DT 1947-12-22 #xxx Case Of The Poisonous Timber | DT 1947-12-31 #xxx Case Of The Big Black Box | DT 1947-xx-xx #xxx Case Of The Graveyard Watch | DT 1948-01-08 #xxx Case Of The Big Black Box | DT 1948-01-22 #xxx Case Of The Positive Negative | DT 1948-01-27 #xxx Case Of The Positive Negative | DT 1948-04-08 #xxx Case Of The Mermaid's Mirrors | DT 1948-04-26 #xxx Case Of The Careless Crooner | DT Xx-xx-xx #xxx Flattop | DT Xxxx-xx-xx #xxx Doc Benson

The 1965 Series Dramatizing All Of Their First 13 Issues - Over 4 1/2 Hour Packed Into 13 MP3s!

F4 01-MeetsTheMoleman 64kb | F4 02-MenaceOfTheMiracleman 64kb | F4 03-ComingOfTheSubmariner 64kb | F4 04-DreadedDoctorDoom 64kb | F4 05-PrisonersOfThePuppetmaster 64kb | F4 06-MeetTheIncredibleHulk 64kb | F4 07-SpellOfTheHateMonger 64kb | F4 08-ReturnOfDoctorDoom 64kb | F4 09-InTheClutchesOfDoctorDoom 64kb | F4 10-SuperSkrullWalksAmongUs 64kb | F4 11-AtTheMercyOfRamaTut 64kb | F4 12-MenaceOfTheRedGhost 64kb | F4 13-SubmarinerStrikes 64kb

The Historic 1935 Children's Science Fantasy Show - Over 9 Hours Packed Into 34 Episodes!

FG 350427 01 On the Planet Mongo | FG 350504 02 Befriends Lion Men | FG 350511 03 Imprisoned by Hawkmen | FG 350518 04 Death Battle Won By Flash | FG 350525 05 Rules Over Cave World | FG 350601 06 Blue Magic Men Capture Flash | FG 350608 07 Dr Zarkoff To The Rescue | FG 350615 08 Aide Tal, Plants Seeds of Doubt | FG 350622 09 Flash Charges Ice Barricade of Hawkmen | FG 350706 10 Dr Zarkoff IsThawed Out | FG 350713 11 Dr Zarkoff Shoots Cooks | FG 350720 12 Flash Regains Memory | FG 350727 13 General Tal Rescued Azora | FG 350803 14 General Tal Attacks Flash Behind A H | FG 350810 15 Dr Zarkoff Builds Invisible Ray Machine | FG 350817 16 The Avenging Shadow | FG 350824 17 Azora Regains Memory | FG 350831 18 Flash, Still Invisible. Escapes | FG 350907 19 General Tal Tries Capturing Dr Zarkoff | FG 350914 20 Pt of Peril & Death Dwarfs | FG 350921 21 Pit of Fire | FG 350928 22 Trapped Behind the Iron Door | FG 351005 23 Flash, King of Cave World | FG 351012 24 General Tal Seizes Azora's Throne | FG 351019 25 Flash, Dale, Dr Zarkoff Crash In Rocket | FG 351026 26 Flash & Dale Married In The Jungle | FG 351218 38 Fake Attack | FG 351219 40 The Titans | FG 351230 45 Showdown with King Taurock | FG 351231 46 Sacrifice for Poseidon | FB xxxxxx 00 Decoy of Ming the Merciless | FB xxxxxx 00 Flash Gordon And The Mole Machine | FB xxxxxx 00 The Lost Continent of Atlantis - Pt 1 | FB xxxxxx 00 The Lost Continent of Atlantis - Pt 2


The World War II Childrens Aerial Adventure Serial - Over 20 Hours Packed Into 96 MP3s!

HH 470707 (1241) Mystery of the Vanishing Men | HH 470708 (1242) Bill King Arrives | HH 470709 (1243) Follows Stranger to Nolan House | HH 470710 (1244) Tank Missing | HH 470711 (1245) Tank Found | HH 470714 (1246) Ask Ed to Return | HH 470714 MYSTERY OF THE VANISHING MEN | HH 470715 (1247) Tank in Disappearing Act | HH 470716 (1248) Tank Heard but Not Found | HH 470717 (1249) Strange Note | HH 470718 (1250) Ransom Note | HH 470721 (1251) Tank Disappear | HH 470722 (1252) Balloon in Flight | HH 470723 (1253) Balloon Falls to Earth | HH 470724 (1254) Tank Disappears From Hospitall | HH 470725 (1255) Third Strange Message | HH 470728 (1256) Whistling Heard in Funhouse | HH 470729 (1257) Whistling Man in Room | HH 470730 (1258) Bill King Responsible | HH 470731 (1259) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep01 | HH 470801 (1260) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep02 | HH 470803 (1261) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep03 | HH 470804 (1262) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep04 | HH 470806 (1263) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep05 | HH 470807 (1264) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep06 | HH 470808 (1265) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep07 | HH 470811 (1266) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep08 | HH 470814 (1269) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep11 | HH 470818 (1271) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep13 | HH 470819 (1272) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep14 | HH 470821 (1274) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep16 | HH 470822 (1275) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep17 | HH 470825 (1276) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep18 | HH 470826 (1277) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep19 | HH 480204 (1393) Refuses to Sign Agreement | HH 480205 (1394) Dudley Captured | HH 471110 HOP AND TANK IN THE MOVIES EP20 | HH 471111 HOP AND TANK IN THE MOVIES EP21 | HH 471112 HOP AND TANK IN THE MOVIES EP22 | HH 471113 HOP AND TANK IN THE MOVIES EP23 | HH 471114 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP01 | HH 4711 17 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP02 | HH 471118 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP03 | HH 471119 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP04 | HH 471120 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP05 | HH 471121 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP06 | HH 471124 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP07 | HH 471125 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP08 | HH 471126 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP09 | HH 471127 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP10 | HH 471128 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP11 | HH 471201 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP12 | HH 4712 03 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP14 | HH 471204 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP15 | HH 471205 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP16 | HH 471208 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP17 | HH 471209 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP18 | HH 471210 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP19 | HH 471211 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP20 | HH 471212 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP21 | HH 471215 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP22 | HH 471216 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP23 | HH 471217 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP24 | HH 471218 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP25 | HH 1947-12-19 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP01 | HH 1947-12-22 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP02 | HH 1947-12-23 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP03 | HH 1947-12-24 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP04 | HH 1947-12-25 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP05 | HH 1947-12-26 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP06 | HH 1947-12-29 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP07 | HH 1947-12-30 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP08 | HH 1947-12-31 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP09 | HH 1948-01-02 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP11 | HH 1948-01-05 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP12 | HH 1948-01-06 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP13 | HH 1948-01-07 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP14 | HH 1948-01-08 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP15 | HH 1948-01-09 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP16 | HH 1948-01-12 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP17 | HH 1948-01-13 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP18 | HH 1948-01-14 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP19 | HH 1948-01-15 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP20 | HH 1948-01-16 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP21 | HH 1948-01-19 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP22 | HH 1948-01-20 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP23 | HH 1948-01-21 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP24 | HH 1948-01-22 AIRLINE PROTECTION RACKET EP01 | HH 1948-01-23 AIRLINE PROTECTION RACKET EP02 | HH 1948-01-26 AIRLINE PROTECTION RACKET EP03 | HH 1948-01-27 AIRLINE PROTECTION RACKET EP04 | HH 1948-01-28 AIRLINE PROTECTION RACKET EP05 | HH 1948-01-29 AIRLINE PROTECTION RACKET EP06 | HH 1948-01-30 AIRLINE PROTECTION RACKET EP07 | HH 1948-02-02 AIRLINE PROTECTION RACKET EP08 | HH 1948-02-03 AIRLINE PROTECTION RACKET EP09

Michael Redgrave Stars As C.S. Forester's Heroic Sea Captain In This 1952-1953 Radio Luxembourg Drama Series - 19 Hours Packed Into 52 Episodes!

520707 (01) Horatio Deals With a Mad King | 520714 (02) Horiato Captures the Natividad | 520721 (03) Shakey Alliance With El Supremo | 520728 (04) Battle Against El Surpremo | 520804 (05) Lydia Sinks the Natividad | 520811 (06) Damaged Lydia Heads for Panama | 520818 (07) Return to the Fleet | 520825 (08) Return to the Sea | 520901 (09) Protecting the Convoy | 520908 (10) Disguised as a French Ship | 521003 (11) Guerilla Action | 521010 (12) Spanish Fail to Attack | 521017 (13) Takes on the French Fleet | 521024 (14) Mutiny on the Flame | 521031 (0015) Disguised as the Flame | 521107 (16) The Courtmartial of Berry McCool | 521114 (17) The Capture of La Harve | 521121 (0018) Acting Governor of La Harve | 521128 (0019) Barbara Joins Horatio | 521205 (0020) Napoleon Returns | 521212 21 Napoleon is Defeated | 521219 22 A Prisoner in 1811 | 521226 23 Horatio Meets Marie and Escapes | 530102 24 Horatio Captures a Ship | 530109 25 Rejoining the Fleet | 530116 26 Horatio is Court Martialed | 530123 27 Into the Baltic | 530130 28 Chasing the Blanchie Fluer | 530206 29 Alliance With Russia | 530213 30 Reception With the Czar | 530220 (0031) Attack on Fort at Fisher' | 530227 (0032) Port of Riga | 530306 (0033) Delaying the French | 530313 34 The French are Stopped | 530320 (0035) The Duel | 530327 36 The Spanish Leave Napoleon | 530403 (0037) Hornblower's First Command | 530410 (0038) Prisoner of the French | 530417 39 With the 43rd Marines | 530424 (0040) Spain Becomes Neutral | 530501 (41) Exam for Lieutenant | 530508 (42) Quarantined for the Plague | 530515 (43) Chasing the Papillion | 530522 (44) Command of the La Mouch | 530529 (45) Prisoner and Rescue of Spanish | 530605 (46) First Meeting With Bush | 530612 (47) Planning Mutiny on the Renown | 530619 (48) First Attack on Haiti Fails | 530626 (49) Attack on Haiti Fort | 530703 (50) Yellow Fever | 530710 (51) Fighting the Spanish on the Renown | 530717 (52) Promoted to Captain of the Retribution

Join Jerry & His Dog Rags In This 1930s Childrens Adventure series - 152 Quarter Hour Episodes!

001 Letter for Sam Randall | 002 Poisoned Meat Put Out | 003 Rags is Missing | 004 Jerry in Jail | 005 Jason Pays the $22 | 006 Rags in Training | 007 Circus Payroll Stolen | 008 Guns is Jason's | 009 Lorenz is Suspected | 010 Lorenz and Decker L | 011 Both in the Hospita | 012 A Possible Relation | 013 Decker is Uncle Dan | 014 Uncle Dan is Cleare | 015 Helping Clara | 016 Night Check | 017 Camera Plan | 018 The Prowler is Aga | 019 Showdown with Major | 020 Johnny Bradley is Ill | 021 The Tent with a Fla | 022 Safe Deposit Box Key | 023 Jerry's Clown Debut | 023 Letter for Sam Randall | 024 Poisoned Meat Put Out | 025 Rags is Missing | 026 Jerry in Jail | 027 Jason Pays the $22 | 028 Rags in Training | 029 Circus Payroll Stolen | 030 Guns is Jason's | 031 Lorenz is Suspected | 032 Lorenz and Decker L | 033 Both in the Hospita | 034 A Possible Relation | 035 Decker is Uncle Dan | 036 Uncle Dan is Cleare | 037 Helping Clara | 038 Night Check | 039 Camera Plan | 040 The Prowler is Aga | 041 Showdown with Major | 042 Johnny Bradley is Ill | 043 The Tent with a Fla | 044 Safe Deposit Box Key | 045 Jerry's Clown Debut | 046 Johnny Stays on the | 047 Rags' Leg is Clawed | 048 Jerry Learns Walk O | 049 Getting Up Early to | 050 High Wire Breaks an | 051 Railroad Bridge Pro | 052 Major Mike Locked i | 053 Jerry Learns Locati | 054 Bank Found but Will | 055 Jerry's Lawyer is S | 056 A Gale Threatens th | 057 Hippo With a Tootha | 058 Lawyer Invite Johnn | 059 Richard Grayson See | 060 Johnny Decides to Visit his Son | 061 Johnny Visits His Son in his Office | 062 Zeke Causes Trouble | 063 Zeke Leaves the Circus Fast | 064 Wanted Poster Spotted in Post Office | 065 Jerry Walks Wire Lion Gets Lose | 066 Lion is Finally Cor | 067 Lion Captured Hears | 068 Loose Snake Jerry R | 069 Jerry Won't Tell | 069 Spike Saves Jerry b | 070 Jerry's Court Actio | 070 Major Mike Confesses | 071 Jerry Rescues Splen | 072 Spike is Recognized | 073 Spike is Arrested | 074 A Hospital Show.mp3 | 075 Major Mike Loses.mp | 076 Fortunes Told | 077 Johnny Will Leave | 078 Fire Breaks Out | 079 Fire Put Out | 080 Trunk Search | 081 $5 Vest.mp3 | 082 Caught in the Act | 083 A Search for Platt | 084 Platt is Arrested | 085 Tom Joins the Circus | 086 Lights Go Off | 087 Threatening Notes | 088 El Mundo Doesn't Obey | 089 Jerry and El Mundo | 090 The Lost Beard | 091 Major Mike Confesses | 092 A Wild Ride | 093 Bendini's Get Offer | 094 A Lead for Tom | 095 Colenel Alger Has the Measels | 096 An Exam for All | 097 Strawberry Rash | 098 Tom Finds His Father | 099 Blaze is Slow | 100 Warren Quits | 101 Race About to Start | 102 Blaze Wins the Race | 103 Spike Rejoins the Circus | 104 An Abandonen Kitten | 105 Counterfeit Money Passed | 106 Forty $10 Bills Passed | 107 Joe Hadley Hired | 108 Spike is Suspected | 109 Patsy Accepts a Date | 110 Belco Suspected | 111 Spike Suspected More | 112 Hadley Arrests Spike | 113 Tony Tonetti Spotted | 114 Hadley Arrests Belco | 115 Circus Lot Floods | 116 Fake Invitation Sent to Boris | 117 Boris Gets the Invitation | 118 Fast Landing | 119 A Bet for Dan | 120 Too Many Monkeys | 121 $117.00 Receipt Increase | 122 Restless Animals | 123 Storm Warnings | 124 Circus Hit by Cyclone | 125 Borrowing $25000 | 126 Patsy Leaves Early | 127 Jerry Inherits Forty Acres | 128 Boris and Jason Fight | 129 Patsy Wins $25000 | 130 Boris Eyes the Money | 131 Jason is Clawed by the Cat | 132 Jason Quickly Recovers | 133 Boris Starts Dissension | 134 A Strike is Possible | 135 The Strike Begins | 136 Strikers are Worried | 137 The Strike Ends | 138 A New Scheme by Boris | 139 Rex Runs Away | 140 Speed Demonstrates | 141 Advice for Patsy | 142 Spud is Hired Boris Has a New Plot | 143 Spuds Tricks Fool Jerry | 144 Spuds Bad Trick | 145 Financial Troubles for Randall | 146 Patsy Loans the Circus $20000 | 147 Jerry Sells His Land for $7500 | 148 Jerry Chooses Fair Oaks for His School | 149 Jerry Leaves the Circus

Stay With "Jerry Of The Circus" As He Pursues His Education In This 1930s Childrens Adventure Spin-Off - 65 Quarter Hour Episodes!

036 Roommate Assigned | 037 Meeting Red Tubby and Harold | 038 Learning About Demerits | 039 Meeting Ted and William | 040 Red Gets 13 Demerits | 041 Ready for Polo Team Tryout | 042 Tryout Against Two Others | 043 Three Way Tie Cards Drawn | 044 Financing An Invention | 045 Harold Almost Drowns | 046 Runaway Horse Stopped | 047 Two Hundred Amnd Fifty Dollar Turned Down | 048 Invention Was Too Late | 049 Jerry to Paint Smokestack | 050 Jerry Gets Caught | 051 Cleaning Paint | 052 Top of the List | 053 Splendor | 054 Paul Rides Splendor | 055 Saddle Loosened | 056 Court Martial | 057 Hopeless Case | 058 Jerry Found Innocent | 059 Bomber Crash | 060 Harold Leaves | 061 Treasure Hunt Planned | 062 Treasure Hunt Begins | 063 Someone Falls in Hole | 064 Getting Help | 065 Red is Rescued | 066 Red is Recovering | 067 Boat to the Island | 068 Seeing Smoke | 069 Plot for Safety | 070 Guy Linwell Arrives | 071 Suspicious of Man | 072 Yorga Wants Secrets | 073 Letter Taken | 074 Harold Disappears | 075 Yorga Spotted | 076 Traced to Farm House | 077 All are Arrested | 078 Guy Will Teach | 079 Bruce Campbell Arrives | 080 Pony and Polo Interest | 081 Red Talks with Sergeant | 082 Mr X Arrives at Fair Oak | 083 Jerry and Lee Meet Mr X | 084 Splendor is Sick | 085 Mr Randall and Bumps Com | 086 Lee and Tubby Fight with Red | 087 The Meet | 088 Celebrating Victory | 089 Punishment for Fighting with Red | 090 Bruce and Jerry Argue | 091 Mrs Gardner Takes a Hand | 092 Disagreement with Bruce Settled | 093 Practice Basketball Game | 094 Friends with Bruce | 095 Lee Talks with Major Davis | 096 Jerry Plans to Help Lee | 097 Lee and Bruce Invited to Circus | 098 Mr Thorpe Under Suspicion | 099 Dinner with Mr Randall | 100 Corporal Jerry Dougan

The Beloved 1933-50 Children's Adventure Series Of "The All American Boy" - Updated To Include 101 Quarter Hours Episodes!

34-01-01 - Ship in Distress | 34-01-02 - The Pelican Catches Fire | 34-01-03 - Carrying Line to the Pelican | 34-01-04 - Pelican Crew is Rescued | 40-09-27 Leaving Easter Island | 40-09-30 The Search For Professor Loring | 40-10-01 Jack Armstrong e2 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-10-02 Jack Armstrong e3 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-10-03 Jack Armstrong e4 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-10-07 Jack Armstrong e6 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-10-08 Jack Armstrong e7 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-10-09 Jack Armstrong e8 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-10-10 Jack Armstrong e9 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-10-11 Jack Armstrong e10 The Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-10-14 Jack Armstrong e11 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-10-17 Jack Armstrong e14 Luminous Dragon eye ring | 40-10-18 Jack Armstrong e15 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-10-28 Jack Armstrong e21 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-10-29 Jack Armstrong e22 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-11-04 Jack Armstrong e26 luminous Dragon eye ring | 40-11-05 Jack Armstrong e27 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-11-08 Jack Armstrong e30 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-11-13 Jack Armstrong e33 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-11-14 Jack Armstrong e34 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-11-15 Jack Armstrong e35 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-11-18 Jack Armstrong e36 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-11-19 Jack Armstrong e37 Luminous Dragon eye Ring | 40-11-20 The Message | 40-11-21 The O Chan Restaurant | 40-11-22 The Black Shark | 40-11-25 The Light | 40-11-26 Shupeto | 40-11-27 The Ring Is Gone | 40-11-28 Captured | 40-11-29 Jack Armstrong prgm1560 | 40-12-02 Jack Armstrong e1 Country Of The Head Hunters | 40-12-03 Jack Armstrong e2 Country of the Head Hunters | 40-12-04 Jack Armstrong e3 Country of the Head Hunters | 40-12-05 Jack Armstrong e4 Country of the Head Hunters | 40-12-06 Jack Armstrong e5 Country of the Head Hunters | 40-12-09 Jack Armstrong e6 Country of the Head Hunters | 40-12-10 Jack Armstrong e7 Country of the Head Hunters | 40-12-11 Jack Armstrong e8 Country of the Head Hunters | 40-12-12 | 40-12-13 | 40-12-16 | 40-12-17 | 40-12-18 Jack Armstrong e1573 Country of the Head Hunters | 40-12-19 | 40-12-20 | 40-12-23 Jack Armstrong prgm1576 | 40-12-24 Jack Armstrong prgm1577 | 40-12-25 Jack Armstrong prgm1578 | 40-12-26 Jack Armstrong prgm1579 | 40-12-27 Jack Armstrong prgm1580 | 40-12-30 Jack Armstrong prgm1581 | 40-12-31 Jack Armstrong prgm1582 | 41-01-01 Jack Armstrong prgm1583 | 41-01-02 Jack Armstrong prgm1584 | 41-01-03 Jack Armstrong prgm1585 | 41-01-06 Jack Armstrong e1 The Zambo Anga Adventure | 41-01-07 Jack Armstrong e2 The Zambo Anga Adventure | 41-01-08 Jack Armstrong e3 The Zambo Anga Adventure | 41-01-09 Jack Armstrong e4 The Zambo Anga Adventure | 41-01-10 | 41-01-13 | 41-01-14 | 41-01-15 | 41-01-16 | 41-01-17 | 41-01-20 Jack Armstrong e11 The Zambo Anga Adventure | 41-01-21 | 41-01-22 | 41-01-23 | 41-01-24 | 41-01-27 Jack Armstrong e16 The Zambo Anga Adventure | 41-01-28 | 41-01-29 | 41-01-30 | 41-01-31 | 41-02-03 | 41-02-04 | 41-02-05 | 41-02-06 | 41-03-04 | 41-03-05 Jack Armstrong e1 Missing, Professor Loring | 41-03-06 Jack Armstrong e2 Missing, Professor Loring | 41-03-07 Jack Armstrong e3 Missing, Professor Loring | 41-03-09 | 41-03-10 Jack Armstrong e4 Missing, Professor Loring | 41-03-11 Jack Armstrong e5 Missing, Professor Loring | 41-03-12 Jack Armstrong e6 Missing, Professor Loring | 41-03-13 Jack Armstrong e7 Missing, Professor Loring | 41-03-14 Jack Armstrong e8 Missing, Professor Loring | 41-03-16 | 41-03-17 Jack Armstrong e9 Missing, Professor Loring | 41-03-18 Jack Armstrong e10 Missing, Professor Loring | 42-04-30 Jack Armstrong Land in the Sky | 45-08-07 Jack Armstrong Counterfeit Red Coupons | 48-04-20 Jack Armstrong House Of Darkness | 4x-xx-xx Jack Armstrong The Mutineers

The 1938 Holiday Classic Broadcast Yearly Between Thanksgiving & Christmas - Over 5 Hours Packed Into All 26 Episodes!

JTAHCOTM 38-11-29 ep01-Santa Claus Is Kidnapped By The Squeebublians | JTAHCOTM 38-11-30 ep02-Jonathan Promises To Find Santa Claus | JTAHCOTM 38-12-01 ep03-Jonathan Meets Gorgonzola The Horse | JTAHCOTM 38-12-02 ep04-In The Valley Of The Three Dwarfs | JTAHCOTM 38-12-03 ep05-The Merry-Go-Round River | JTAHCOTM 38-12-04 ep06-The Fairy Queen | JTAHCOTM 38-12-05 ep07-Dragon With The Thirteen Tails | JTAHCOTM 38-12-06 ep08-Whiskery Bill The Squirrel | JTAHCOTM 38-12-07 ep09-Jonathan Has Fallen Under The Witchs Spell | JTAHCOTM 38-12-08 ep10-Jonathan In The Witchs Dream Cave | JTAHCOTM 38-12-09 ep11-Whiskery Bill Meets The Walrus | JTAHCOTM 38-12-10 ep12-Getting Rubies At The Rainbow Bridge | JTAHCOTM 38-12-11 ep13-Crossing The Frozen River | JTAHCOTM 38-12-12 ep14-Jonathan Wakes Up From The Witchs Spell | JTAHCOTM 38-12-13 ep15-OGigraf The Lion | JTAHCOTM 38-12-14 ep16-Saving The Elf King | JTAHCOTM 38-12-15 ep17-The Wall Of Doors | JTAHCOTM 38-12-16 ep18-In The Kingdom Of Alice | JTAHCOTM 38-12-17 ep19-Queen Alices Ball | JTAHCOTM 38-12-18 ep20-King Squeebubbly And Santa Claus | JTAHCOTM 38-12-19 ep21-Jonathan Grows Large And Small | JTAHCOTM 38-12-20 ep22-Kirmit The Hermit | JTAHCOTM 38-12-21 ep23-The Dragon With The Thirteen Tails Again | JTAHCOTM 38-12-22 ep24-Captured By The Squeebubblians | JTAHCOTM 38-12-23 ep25-Rescuing Santa Claus | JTAHCOTM 38-12-24 ep26-Going Home

The Beloved 1929-1954 Children's Theater Series - 52 Half Hour Episodes!

LP420822 - Why the Sea Is Salty | LP420829 - Little Mermaid, The | LP420905 - Elves and The Shoemaker, The | LP420912 - Water of Life, The | LP421219 - Prince Gigi and the Magic Ring | LP421226 - House of the World - Christmas Special | LP430320 - Princess Moonbeam | LP460504 - Jorinda and Joringal | LP460727 - The Yellow Dwarf | LP460803 - The Goose Girl | LP460810 - The Story of Faithfull John | LP461026 - Jack and the Bean Stalk | LP461102 - Puss and Boots | LP470607 - Six Swans | LP470621 - Blue Beard | LP470628 Thumbelina | LP470705 - Brother and Sister | LP470719 Rapunzel | LP470726 - The Chinese Nightingale | LP470803 - Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp | LP470816 - Youth Who | LP470823 - Melilot | LP470906 - The Twelve Months | LP470913 The Donkey, the Table, and the Stick | LP470920 - The Enchanted Frog | LP470927 - Cinderella | LP490403 - The Princess and the Pea | LP490416 - Snowdrop and the Seven Dwarves | LP490709 - The Tinderbox | LP520816 - The White Cat | LP521129 - One Eye Two Eyes Three Eyes | LP521213 - Snow Queen | LP521220 - Twas the Night Before Christmas | LP530131 The Brave Little Tailor | LP531101 - Ceres & Proserpina | LP540109 - Robin Hood | LP540605 - Beauty and the Beast | LP540619 - Andine | LP540719 - Rapunzel | LP541002 - King Arthur | LP541009 - Hansel and Gretel | LP541023 - Jorinda and Joringal | LPxxxxxx - Douban the Physician | LPxxxxxx - King Midas and the Golden Touch | LPxxxxxx - King Thrushbeard | LPxxxxxx - Man on the Corn | LPxxxxxx - Sleeping Beauty | LPxxxxxx - The Emperor's New Clothes | LPxxxxxx - The Frog Prince | LPxxxxxx - The Golden Fleece | LPxxxxxx - The Juniper Tree | LPxxxxxx - The Magic Carpet

Radio's First Late Afternoon Children's Serial - 8 Hours Packed Into 31 Episodes!

LOA 1934THETINBOX | LOA 19351018AnniesBigSurprise0917 | LOA 19351021JakeIsSick0918 | LOA 19351023ToWork0919 | LOA 19360616WrightBrothers1164 | LOA 19360617WhoShotTomBainesDog1165 | LOA 1936AnnieAndJoeGoingOnTrip1069 | LOA 1936BillCorwinGone1038 | LOA 1936BridgeisDestroyed1066 | LOA 1936FlintSellsStockToJake1019 | LOA 1936LightInOldHome1027 | LOA 1936LookingForCorwin1039 | LOA 1936MrFlintSellingStock1018 | LOA 1936SecondGradeLogs1021 | LOA 1936SiloPreparesForTrip1068 | LOA 1936TelegramForSilo1067 | LOA 1936TonyIsArrested1026 | LOA 1936WatchingTheBridge1020 | LOA 1938BuildingTransmitter1534 | LOA 1938DaddyWarbucksHearsSignals1539 | LOA 1938DaddyWarbucksSearches1535 | LOA 1938Diamonds1537 | LOA 1938QueenoftheIsland1536 | LOA 1938TempleinJungle1554 | LOA 1938TestingforDiamonds1538 | LOA 19400929AnnieFollowsLady | LOA 194010xxPearlDiver | LOA 1940BlackJacket | LOA 1940MonteCapturedByKirby | LOA 1940NightontheIsland | loaNODATE36AuctionSaleNONUMBER

The Beloved 1936 Weekly Childrens Adventure Series - 128 Quarter Hour Episodes!

MI 36xxxx e001 Jerry Hall's Proposal | MI 36xxxx e002 Leaving LA for Magic Island | MI 36xxxx e003 Strange Windstorm | MI 36xxxx e004 Strange Bank Of Fog | MI 36xxxx e005 Tex Prepares Straightascope | MI 36xxxx e006 Island In The Viewer | MI 36xxxx e007 Pulled By Magnetic Force | MI 36xxxx e008 Joan Found On Euclidia | MI 36xxxx e009 G47 Uses His Ray Gun | MI 36xxxx e010 False Radio Mesg | MI 36xxxx e011 Island Secrets | MI 36xxxx e012 Last Radio Msg Frm Magic Island | MI 36xxxx e013 Joan Stays On The Yacht | MI 36xxxx e014 Cloth Factory On The Island | MI 36xxxx e015 Staged Escape Attempt | MI 36xxxx e016 Soundproof Seaweed Cloth | MI 36xxxx e017 Homing Pidgeon | MI 36xxxx e018 Pidgeons Released | MI 36xxxx e019 The Secret Formula | MI 36xxxx e020 G47 Has The Pidgeon & Formula | MI 36xxxx e021 A Different Formula | MI 36xxxx e022 Trapped In An Elevator | MI 36xxxx e023 Elevator Escape | MI 36xxxx e024 Stolen Oxygen Tank | MI 36xxxx e025 Battleships Approach | MI 36xxxx e026 Magic Island Prepares To Submerge | MI 36xxxx e027 Radio Signals Within The Island | MI 36xxxx e028 Joan & Jerry Board The Submarine | MI 36xxxx e029 A Woman Commander | MI 36xxxx e030 Message To Johnson | MI 36xxxx e031 Joan & Jerry Ray Gunned | MI 36xxxx e032 Sub Heads For Johnsons Ship | MI 36xxxx e033 Sub Surfaces To Meet Johnsons Ship | MI 36xxxx e034 Johnson Speeds Away | MI 36xxxx e035 Tex Contacts Johnson | MI 36xxxx e036 Johnson's Ship Runs Out Of Fuel | MI 36xxxx e037 Gregory's Yacht Is Pulled Out Into the Light | MI 36xxxx e038 Commander Talks To Johnson | MI 36xxxx e039 Everyone Arrives | MI 36xxxx e040 McLeod Poses As Johnson | MI 36xxxx e041 Help From The Sub Commander | MI 36xxxx e042 The Gas Is Released | MI 36xxxx e043 Jerry & Joan Escape | MI 36xxxx e044 Transferring Oil | MI 36xxxx e045 Escape Attempt Tonight | MI 36xxxx e046 Power Shutdown Plan | MI 36xxxx e047 Joan Fires At Jerry | MI 36xxxx e048 Escape From Guard | MI 36xxxx e049 Ready To Throw Switches | MI 36xxxx e050 The Alarm Sound | MI 36xxxx e051 Swim For The Boat | MI 36xxxx e052 Island Sinks & A Susccessful Escape | MI 36xxxx e053 Lighted Buoys Mark The Route | MI 36xxxx e054 Out Of Fuel | MI 36xxxx e055 Sub Catches Up | MI 36xxxx e056 Sub Tows Yacht Back To Island | MI 36xxxx e057 Two Guards Knocked Out | MI 36xxxx e058 In A Chamber 90' Underground | MI 36xxxx e059 Island Gets Ready To Move | MI 36xxxx e060 Chamber Filling With Water | MI 36xxxx e061 Tex Is Ray Gunned | MI 36xxxx e062 Safe For 3 Days | MI 36xxxx e063 Keystone Notes | MI 36xxxx e064 Locked In Rooms | MI 36xxxx e065 Reunited | MI 36xxxx e066 Stealing A Sub | MI 36xxxx e067 The Warning Signal | MI 36xxxx e068 90 Second Intervals | MI 36xxxx e069 Attacked From The Air | MI 36xxxx e070 Sub Dives To 9000' | MI 36xxxx e071 10 Secs For The Combination | MI 36xxxx e072 Protection Around The Sub | MI 36xxxx e073 Stern Section Dumpted Off | MI 36xxxx e074 Getting Seasick | MI 36xxxx e075 Another Sub Follows | MI 36xxxx e076 Tex Tries The Radio | MI 36xxxx e077 Coded Message Keynotes Hit Sub | MI 36xxxx e078 Sailboat Pickup | MI 36xxxx e079 Sprayed With A Chemical | MI 36xxxx e080 Rescued By Oil Tanker | MI 36xxxx e081 Joan & Jerry Stay Behind | MI 36xxxx e082 Jerry Shows L.A. To Joan | MI 36xxxx e083 Someone's In The House | MI 36xxxx e084 Smelling Smoke Alarms Everyone | MI 36xxxx e085 Planning The Return | MI 36xxxx e086 Joan Is Afraid | MI 36xxxx e087 Sailing For The Magic Island | MI 36xxxx e088 Joan Questions The Crew | MI 36xxxx e089 Large Bad Storm CVauses Problms | MI 36xxxx e090 Engineer Peterson Is Taken Prisoner | MI 36xxxx e091 Ship Arrives At The Island | MI 36xxxx e092 Descent Into Modern Atlantis | MI 36xxxx e093 Everyone Disappears | MI 36xxxx e094 Questioned By G47 | MI 36xxxx e095 Beautiful Apartment | MI 36xxxx e096 City Is Discovered | MI 36xxxx e097 13 Large Cave Rooms | MI 36xxxx e098 Old Skipper Found Caring For Animals | MI 36xxxx e099 Meeting Master Builder | MI 36xxxx e100 Artificial Valcano Eruption | MI 36xxxx e101 Ships Moved Away | MI 36xxxx e102 Comparing Notes | MI 36xxxx e103 The Pigeons | MI 36xxxx e104 Talk About Future Plans | MI 36xxxx e105 Jerry & Tex Disappear | MI 36xxxx e106 Listening To Radio Broadcast | MI 36xxxx e107 Aboard A Test Rocket Plane | MI 36xxxx e108 Test Flight | MI 36xxxx e109 Instruments Have Failed | MI 36xxxx e110 Rocket Plane In The Water | MI 36xxxx e111 All Four Are Rescued | MI 36xxxx e112 Elaine Has A New Home | MI 36xxxx e113 An Arilock Is Discovered | MI 36xxxx e114 Making Escape Plans | MI 36xxxx e115 Keystone Note Demonstration | MI 36xxxx e116 Tex Is Suspicious Of Elaine | MI 36xxxx e117 Daring Escape Attempt | MI 36xxxx e118 Landing On Lake Hollywood | MI 36xxxx e119 Second Return Is Planned | MI 36xxxx e120 Tex Takes Off With Elaine & Is Seen | MI 36xxxx e121 Stopping Reporters Story | MI 36xxxx e122 Tex & Elaine Control Euclidia | MI 36xxxx e123 Motor Almost Dead | MI 36xxxx e124 Island Being Raised | MI 36xxxx e125 They Are Sinking | MI 36xxxx e126 On A Life Raft | MI 36xxxx e127 G47 Surrenders | MI 36xxxx e128 G47 Has Disappeared

The Children's Musical Variety Series Created To Promote Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs - 7 Half Hour Episodes!

MMTOTA 38-01-09 ep02-Snow White | MMTOTA 38-02-13 ep07-Mother Goose Land | MMTOTA 38-02-27 ep09-Cinderella | MMTOTA 38-03-06 ep10-King Neptune | MMTOTA 38-03-13 ep11-The Pied Piper | MMTOTA 38-04-03 ep14-The Old Woman in the Shoe | MMTOTA 38-05-15 ep20-Old Macdonald

America's Beloved Spinach-Eating Hero On Radio - 6 Quarter Hour Episodes!

Popeye-BreaksUpWithOlive 64kb | PopeyeTheSailor36-xx-xxxx-ARaceToTheMoon | PopeyeTheSailor36-xx-xxxx-PopeyeAndGangAtTheZoo | PopeyeTheSailor36-xx-xxxxPopeyeMeetsRobinHood | PopeyeTheSailor36-xx-xxxxPopeyeMeetsTheGiant 64kb | PopeyeTheSailor36-xx-xxxxTheRiverQueen 64kb

The Famed Whiz Kids Of Old Time Radio - 76 Half Hour Episodes!

QK 41-04-16 ep043-Guest - Jackie Benny | QK 43-01-24 ep136-Guest - Sister Elizabeth Kenny | QK 43-02-21 ep140-Guest - Jack Benny | QK 43-03-28 ep145-Guest - Fred Allen | QK 46-03-24 ep301-What Husband Gave His Wife Her Only Name | QK 46-07-21 ep318-Guest - Vanessa Brown | QK 47-03-09 ep351-Ambassador Wilhelm Morgenstern | QK 47-05-18 ep361-From Denver Colorado | QK 47-07-27 ep371-Three Explorers Names La De Da | QK 48-03-21 ep405-Who Hopes To Whip Cream In June | QK 48-03-28 ep406-Easter Bunny Visits | QK 48-04-11 ep408-From Dearborn Michigan | QK 48-04-18 ep409-What Animal Has Always Had The New Look | QK 48-04-25 ep410-What City Has A New Jack In The Box | QK 48-05-09 ep412-The Quiz Kids Mothers | QK 48-05-23 ep414-Visitors to Pittsburgh | QK 48-05-30 ep415-A Nymph with a Telescope Looking at a Comet | QK 48-06-06 ep416-Baseball Dessert | QK 48-06-20 ep418-The Quiz Kids Fathers | QK 48-06-27 ep419-Eight Anniversary Show | QK 48-07-04 ep420-Celebrating Independence Day | QK 48-07-11 ep421-What Combination Of Names Means Damp Rabbit | QK 48-07-18 ep422-Popular Song Is Name Of Explorer | QK 48-07-25 ep423-Tom Dick And Harry Were In The News | QK 48-08-01 ep424-A Monarch Recently Turned Indian | QK 48-08-08 ep425-What Skin Makes The Best Slippers | QK 48-08-15 ep426-Wear Into The White House | QK 48-08-29 ep428-Sign Name For Hershey | QK 48-09-05 ep429-Who Is The Most Recent Queen For A Day | QK 48-09-12 ep430-The Railroad Fair | QK 48-09-26 ep432-If Hawaii Is The Forty-ninth State | QK 48-10-03 ep433-Fish and the Generals Name | QK 48-10-10 ep434-A Presidents Name Is an Indian Tribe | QK 48-10-17 ep435-From St Louis Missouri | QK 48-11-07 ep438-A Mousetrap a Buttonhook and the Statue of Liberty | QK 48-11-21 ep440-Thanksgiving Poem | QK 48-12-05 ep442-There Really Is a Santa Claus | QK 48-12-12 ep443-Two Buckets At Different Temperatures | QK 48-12-19 ep444-Christmas Party | QK 48-12-26 ep445-Similar Name | QK 49-02-06 ep451-Fish Spelled Backwards Is General | QK 49-03-20 ep457-Atomic Numbers | QK 49-03-27 ep458-Outstanding Man Who Was PM then MP | QK 49-04-03 ep459-Al Capp | QK 49-04-10 ep460-A Hackle and a Ginger Quill | QK 49-04-24 ep462-The Achilles of Baseball | QK 49-05-01 ep463-Diego Rivera | QK 49-05-29 ep467-Class Of People In Washington DC | QK 50-04-02 ep512-Quiz Kids Vs The Professors | QK 50-07-02 ep525-Farm Questions | QK 50-08-06 ep530-Voting to Music | QK 50-08-13 ep531-International Trade Fair | QK 50-08-20 ep532-Geographical Delegate | QK 50-08-27 ep533-Hiawatha and Mini Ha Ha | QK 50-09-03 ep534-Gambosi a Finnus | QK 50-09-10 ep535-Beauty Pack Mule Pack or Cinpac | QK 50-09-17 ep536-Kiwannis Club International | QK 50-09-24 ep537-Betty McDonalds First Book | QK 50-10-01 ep538-Tallahassee Is the Capitol | QK 50-10-08 ep539-A Nursery Rhyme Seventh US President and a Pier | QK 50-10-15 ep540-The Fraternal Order of Eagles | QK 50-10-22 ep541-First Landing Across the Atlantic | QK 50-10-29 ep542-He Threw off His Bird Cage and Ran Past the Woodpile | QK 50-11-05 ep543-A Mammals Life Span | QK 50-11-12 ep544-My Sugar Is So Refined | QK 50-11-19 ep545-Rotary International | QK 50-11-26 ep546-4 H Club Members | QK 50-12-03 ep547-Lions Club | QK 50-12-17 ep548-Elks Club | QK 51-01-21 ep553-Moses Father-In-Law | QK 51-01-28 ep554-Noah Playing Canasta on the Ark | QK 51-02-25 ep558-Twins from Syracuse | QK 51-03-04 ep559-Walker Bulldogs | QK 51-03-11 ep560-St Patricks Day Diamond | QK 51-03-18 ep561-American Legion Womens Auxiliary | QK 51-03-25 ep562-Live From The Shamrock Hotel

The Children's Shoe Company's Own Radio Series - 20 Half Hour Episodes!

SEBBG - 1944-10-14 - xxxx | SEBBG - Billy Stanley - 32-22 - 27m09s | 1946-05-26 - xxxx - SEBBG - Pegasus The Winged Horse - 32-22 - 28m06s | 1946-07-27 - xxxx - SEBBG - Knights And Tournaments - 32-22 - 28m34s | 1947-08-30 - xxxx - SEBBG - A Carieb Indian Story - 32-22 - 27m20s | 1947-12-13 - xxxx - SEBBG - A Plane Called Yankee Doodle - 24-16 - 28m24s | 1948-05-15 - xxxx - SEBBG - Pirates And The Parrott - 32-22 - 29m48s | 1949-01-15 - xxxx - SEBBG - The Enchanted King - 32-22 - 28m36s | 1949-02-26 - xxxx - SEBBG - Kulah s Brother - 32-22 - 22m08s | 1949-03-05 - xxxx - SEBBG - Alamo The Race Horse - 32-22 - 28m51s | 1949-04-30 - xxxx - SEBBG - A Wolf Named Fang - 32-22 - 28m54s | 1949-08-13 - xxxx - SEBBG - Robin Hood Helps Young Knight - 32-22 - 28m58s | 1950-03-04 - 0013 - SEBBG - Little Fox - 32-22 - 24m36s | 1952-08-23 - xxxx - SEBBG - Zacha And The Mutiny - 32-22 - 29m28s | 1952-08-30 - xxxx - SEBBG - The Goddess Statue - 32-22 - 28m54s | 1952-09-06 - xxxx - SEBBG - Melon Patch Murder - 32-22 - 29m02s | 1952-09-13 - xxxx - SEBBG - Little Foxes Moose Hunt - 32-22 - 28m46s | 1952-09-20 - xxxx - SEBBG - Enchanted South Winds - 32-22 - 29m23s | 1952-09-27 - xxxx - SEBBG - The Monkey Gods - 32-22 - 15m09s | 1952-10-04 - xxxx - SEBBG - The Boy Who Wouldn t Obey - 32-22 - 13m43s | 19xx-xx-xx - xxxx - SEBBG - A Tribute To The Girl Scouts - 32-22 - 29m17s | 19xx-xx-xx - xxxx - SEBBG - Jerry And Judy - 32-22 - 28m05s

The Beloved 1950-55 Children's Sci-Fi Adventure Series - Over 48 Hours Packed Into 101 Episodes!

SP 52.10.04 Ep0001 Commander Cory | SP 52.10.25 Ep0004 The Hole In Empty Space | SP 52.11.08 Ep0006 The City Of The Sun | SP 52.11.15 Ep0007 Queen Of Space | SP 52.11.22 Ep0008 The Giant Bubble | SP 52.11.29 Ep0009 The Electronic Burglar | SP 52.12.06 Ep0010 The Space Shark | SP 52.12.13 Ep0011 Search For Asteroid X | SP 52.12.20 Ep0012 The Lady From Venus | SP 52.12.27 Ep0013 Lastvoyageoflonesomeleana | SP 53.01.03 Ep0014 Thebrainbank | SP 53.01.10 Ep0015 The Sleep Walker | SP 53.01.24 Ep0017 The Scavengers Of Space | SP 53.01.31 Ep0018 The Top Secret D - Ray | SP 53.02.07 Ep0019 Crash Landing | SP 53.02.14 Ep0020 The Mysterious Meteor | SP 53.02.21 Ep0021 The Moon Beetles | SP 53.02.28 Ep0022 The Strange Gift Of The New Star | SP 53.03.07 Ep0023 The Seed Crystals Of Zeldabran | SP 53.03.13 Ep0024 The Magic Space Pictures | SP 53.03.21 Ep0025 The Caverns Of Venus | SP 53.03.28 Ep0026 The Forgotten City | SP 53.04.25 Ep0030 The Prisoner Of Pluto | SP 53.05.02 Ep0031 The Venus Space Factory | SP 53.05.09 Ep0032 The Cosmic Ray Detector | SP 53.05.16 Ep0033 The Secret Of Sublevel 7 | SP 53.05.23 Ep0034 Treachery In Outerspace | SP 53.05.30 Ep0035 The Immortal Brain | SP 53.06.20 Ep0038 The Indestructible Germ | SP 53.06.26 Ep0039 The Treasure Of Planetoid - 6 | SP 53.08.01 Ep0044 The Sleeping Demon Of Saturn | SP 53.08.08 Ep0045 Trouble Aboard Supernova | SP 53.08.15 Ep0046 Peril Over Jupiter | SP 53.08.22 Ep0047 The Menace Of Planet X | SP 53.08.29 Ep0048 The Trap On Planet X | SP 53.09.05 Ep0049 The Valley Of Dread | SP 53.09.12 Ep0050 Escapefromplanetx | SP 53.09.19 Ep0051 Thespiesfromplanetx | SP 53.09.26 Ep0052 Targetjupiter | SP 53.10.03 Ep0053 Returntoplanetx | SP 53.10.10 Ep0054 Ontheicecapofplanetx | SP 53.10.17 Ep0055 Rescuefromplanetx | SP 53.10.24 Ep0056 Thesecretofadargoruins | SP 53.10.31 Ep0057 Ironeatersofplanetx | SP 53.11.07 Ep0058 Cycloneinouterspace | SP 53.11.14 Ep0059 Undertheseaofplanetx | SP 53.11.21 Ep0060 Seamonsterofplanetx | SP 53.11.28 Ep0061 Revoltofthespacerats | SP 53.12.05 Ep0062 Baccaratissecretweapon | SP 53.12.12 Ep0063 Thelostcondor | SP 53.12.19 Ep0064 Venustulaniamystery | SP 53.12.26 Ep0065 Thelostdimension | SP 54.01.02 Ep0066 Wistfulwizzardofneptunesmoon | SP 54.01.09 Ep0067 Theclawofvenus | SP 54.01.23 Ep0069 Martian Masquerade | SP 54.01.30 Ep0070 Treasure Of Mount Rocob | SP 54.02.04 Ep0071 The Invisible Enemy | SP 54.02.13 Ep0072 Revenge Of Dryeager | SP 54.02.27 Ep0074 Serpents Of Saturn | SP 54.03.13 Ep0076 Test For Survival | SP 54.03.20 Ep0077 Secret Of Dr Borodeck | SP 54.03.27 Ep0078 The Zero Ray | SP 54.04.03 Ep0079 Superbrain Of Balmercastr | SP 54.04.10 Ep0080 Tests Of The Xk3 | SP 54.04.17 Ep0081 Image Of Evil | SP 54.05.08 Ep0084 Captain Haggart's Planetoid | SP 54.05.22 Ep0086 Strange Voyager | SP 54.05.29 Ep0087 The Red Demon Of Venus | SP 54.06.05 Ep0088 Mystery Of The Masked Martian | SP 54.06.12 Ep0089 The Tattoed Atom | SP 54.06.19 Ep0090 Cavern Of Fear | SP 54.06.26 Ep0091 Race Against Time | SP 54.07.03 Ep0092 The Robot Of Vortena | SP 54.07.10 Ep0093 Trial By Terror | SP 54.08.14 Ep0098 The Counterfeit Atom | SP 54.08.21 Ep0099 Formula For Crime | SP 54.09.11 Ep0102 Design For Danger | SP 54.09.18 Ep0103 Prisoners Of Tiranna | SP 54.09.25 Ep0104 Invasion From Tiranna | SP 54.10.02 Ep0105 Voice From The Future | SP 54.10.30 Ep0109 Realm Of The Robot | SP 54.11.06 Ep0110 Watchman Of Wormic | SP 54.11.13 Ep0111 The Frightened Robot | SP 54.12.04 Ep0114 The Invisible Enemy | SP 54.12.11 Ep0115 The City Of Hidden Doom | SP 54.12.18 Ep0116 Escape From Neptune | SP 54.12.25 Ep0117 The Lost Galaxy | SP 55.01.01 Ep0118 Ambush In Space | SP 55.01.08 Ep0119 Prison Planet | SP 55.01.15 Ep0120 The Crown Of Dargeeda | SP 55.01.22 Ep0121 The Shadow Of Shardu | SP 55.01.29 Ep0122 The Planet Of Discord | SP 55.02.05 Ep0123 The Conquest Of Dargeeda | SP 55.02.12 Ep0124 The Hermit Of Pluto | SP 55.02.19 Ep0125 The Time Pirates | SP 55.02.26 Ep0126 Voyage To The Future | SP 55.03.05 Ep0127 The Monster From The Past | SP 55.03.12 Ep0128 The Weed Of Despair | SP 55.03.19 Ep0129 The Fugitive From Telarma | SP xx.xx.xx Bees | SP xx.xx.xx Kiddie Record

Hitch A Ride Aboard Speed's Super Airplane In This Classic 1937-38 Children's Adventure Series - All 178 Classic Adventure Episodes!

370102 001 OctopusGangActive | 370109 002 SecretPolice | 370116 003 HeadingForHongKong | 370123 004 ShootingAtempt | 370130 005 OctupusOrdersKidnapping | 370206 006 RemainingAtWakeIsland | 370213 007 SpeedIsMissing | 370220 008 SPLINTERS IN CUSTODY | 370227 009 SplintersGetsAway | 370306 010 BarneyFlliesTheMysteryPlane | 370313 011 TrioAmbushedOnGuam | 370320 012 OctopusPlansASurprise | 370327 013 ArrivalInHongKong | 370403 014 ClinsSuspiciousOfMrWu | 370410 015 ClintToStayWithDrKingsley | 370417 016 HotelRoomsAreRansacked | 370424 017 MarshaIsKidnapped | 370501 018 TheOctopusRevealsPlans | 370508 019 DisguisedAsCoolies | 370515 020 SpeedIsKnockedOut | 370522 021 LeaveOnABulletPlane | 370529 022 SpeedTriedToWarnClint | 370605 023 ShotAtAndForcedDown | 370612 024 FlowerBoatIsSighted | 370619 025 PrisonerOnTheFlowerBoat | 370626 026 Clint&BarneyAreCaptured | 370703 027 SpeedArrivesAndHelpsClint&Barney | 370710 028 BobGilmoreSwornIntoSecretPolice | 370717 029 Speed&BobFlyToHelpDrKingsely | 370724 030 TheOctopus'sSecretHeadquarters | 370731 031 SpeedDiscoversTheSecretEntrance | 370807 032 ATrapHasBeenSet | 370814 033 TunnelFillsWithWater | 370821 034 WaterContinuesTRise | 370828 035 DynamiteMustBeUsed | 370904 036 SpeedIsLostInTheTunnel | 370911 037 SpeedIsFound | 370918 038 BarneyHeadsForTheHut | 370925 039 ATeahouseFire | 371002 040 NewInstructionsFromTheOctopus | 371009 041 TheOctopusContinuesPLans | 371016 042 PlanIntoEffect | 371023 043 SpeedThinksQuanWuIsAGangMember | 371030 044 SetUpInATrap | 371106 045 TheOctopusTrapsSpeedAndJane | 371113 046 AlTakenPrisoner | 371120 047 TheOctopusEscapes | 371127 048 HidingInASecretRoom | 371204 049 PoisonGasBomb | 371211 050 HowToCatchTheOctopus | 371218 051 EveryoneReadyForTheTrip | 371225 052 FightingBreaksOut | 380101 053 HeadingIntoTibet | 380108 054 TheOctopusWillGoToBlackPass | 380115 055 FollowingTheOctopus | 380122 056 MonoplaneIsAirborn | 380129 057 SpeedTalksWithTheOctopusViaRadio | 380205 058 FollowTheDragon | 380212 059 ATibetanAvalanche | 380219 060 AllNarrowlyEscape | 380226 061 TheOctopusPlaneSpotted | 380305 062 TheSecretPoliceAreJailed | 380312 063 TheOctopusReachesSecretHouse | 380319 064 PassOfTheIronDragon | 380326 065 SurroundingTheOctopus'SecretHome | 380402 066 SecretPoliceCaptureTheOctopus | 380409 067 KidnappingPlan | 380416 068 BarneyKidnapped | 380423 069 ThoughtRecordingMachine | 380430 070 AFalseFloor | 380507 071 ASecretTortureChamber | 380514 072 ThoughtHelmetTaken | 380521 073 BlankThoughtWaves | 380528 074 BarneyFoundWandering | 380604 075 ArrowAlmostHitsSpeed | 380611 076 TibetanFeast | 380618 077 TheOctopusVisitsZeeRing'sHome | 380625 078 PicnicPlanning | 380702 079 SpeedInDisguise | 380709 080 SpeedCaughtByTheOctopus | 380716 081 ClintSavesSpeedFromStorm | 380723 082 OctopusPicturesToTheStates | 380730 083 MarshaWinfieldHeldPrisoner | 380806 084 SlaveRaidsBegin | 380813 085 Clint&SpeedBeginAnAirFlight | 380820 086 MarciaAndHerBrotherFound | 380827 087 AplinterAndWuAreCaptured | 380903 088 SplinterIsShot | 380910 SpeedGidcon-089-SplinterIsCareFor | 380917 090 SplinterIsHiding | 380924 091 MarciaRecoversFromVaporsOfSleep | 381001 092 ShootingBreaksOut | 381008 093 RepoCatchesPilotsAtBlackPass | 381015 094 OpenRadioAccident | 381022 095 AnAerialDogFight | 381029 096 OctopusPlaneCrashes | 381105 097 ReadyForAttackOnTheOctopus | 381112 098 TimeForAShowdown | 381119 099 OctopusAndMenCaptured | 381126 100 TheOctopusJumpsFromPlaneInFlight | 381203 101 AtlantianInvestigationInAfrica | 381210 102 AnAirborneFire | 381217 103 SafeLandingIsMade | 381224 104 FallingIntoATrap | 381231 105 NoWaterAboardThePlane | 390107 106 TheTimeBomb | 390114 107 LeedsKillsHimself | 390121 108 DavisShotByOctopusGang | 390128 109 DavisKilled | 390204 110 TheOctopusIsStillAlive | 390211 111 AnOctopusGunboatOutside | 390218 112 TrappedInCaveWithNoWater | 390225 113 EveryoneRescued | 390304 114 MarieIsStowaway | 390311 115 SmileyIsMissing | 390318 116 IsSmileyDead | 390325 117 MessengerArrives | 390401 118 AngryCrowdAtCasablanc | 390408 119 AirportDisguise | 390415 120 OctopusGangMovesIn | 390422 121 PowerMagazinePlan | 390425 122 StopPlansForExplosion | 390506 123 Clint&CarlosInABadStorm | 390513 124 DroppingASignal | 390520 125 APoisonDart | 390527 126 THeOctopus'OldHeadquarters | 390603 127 PlanFlightToTheSaraha | 390610 128 FlyToLegionnaireOutpost | 390617 129 AttackRepelled | 390624 130 BadSandStorm | 390701 131 ClintLandsInTheDesert | 390708 132 DiscoveredInTheDesert | 390715 133 OctopusLearnsTheirLocation | 390722 134 Speed&ClintArrestedInKarno | 390729 135 ARingGetsThemOutOfJail | 390805 136 TheOctopusVisitsAreExplained | 390812 137 EnemyPlaneCrashes | 390819 138 BoatingDownTheCongo | 390826 139 SpeedIsConfrontedByALeopard | 390902 140 LeavingCamp | 390909 141 ClintRescuesMrsBuchanan | 390916 142 SearchForJohnBuchanan | 390923 143 BarneyHypnotizedByGiantMothWings | 390930 144 TroublesWithABoaConstrictors | 391007 145 FumesOvercomeEveryone | 391014 146 InThePathOfCannibalAnts | 391021 147 TheOctopusSuspectsTrap | 391028 148 WarriorsHelpInSearchingForHQ | 391104 149 NativeAttackNearOctopusHQ | 391111 150 AttackStoppedWithElephantStampede | 391118 151 SearchOfHQStarted | 391125 152 SavedFromSuffocating | 391202 153 LeavingForGorillaCountry | 391209 154 TheOctopusPreparesDeathRay | 391216 155 TheOctopusOverheardOnTheRadio | 391223 156 ElephantGrassFire | 391230 157 AJungleCrashLanding | 400106 158 SurpriseMeetingWithNatives | 400113 159 BarneyConfrontedTalkingGorilla | 400120 160 TalkingGorillaStartsAttack | 400127 161 EntireCampCaptured | 400203 162 OctopusPacksDeathRayMachine | 400210 163 EveryoneEscapesGorillaAttack | 400217 164 AllAreCaughtInJungleStorm | 400224 165 JohnBuchananFoundInHut | 400302 166 SurroundedByPygmyHeadhunters | 400309 167 SafeTake-off | 400316 168 SpeedMissingAgain | 400323 169 TheOctopusWaits | 400330 170 CarCrash | 400406 171 OctopusGangMemberIsQuestioned | 400413 172 ClintWorriesAboutLanding | 400420 173 Clint'sPlaneCatchesOnFire | 400427 174 AnOctopusAgentConfessesToFire | 400504 175 DesertRaidersAttack | 400511 176 OctopusCampIsReached | 400518 177 DeathRayBlownUp | 400525 178 THE OCTOPUS FINALLY CAPTURED

The Exotic & Multicultural Juvenile Adventure Series - 60 Quarter Hour Episodes!

TOTP 1941-12-01WGNprgm041 | TOTP 1941-12-02WGNprgm042 | TOTP 1941-12-03WGNprgm043 | TOTP 1941-12-04WGNprgm044 | TOTP 1941-12-05WGNprgm045 | TOTP 1941-12-08WGNprgm046 | TOTP 1941-12-09WGNprgm047 | TOTP 1941-12-10WGNprgm048 | TOTP 1941-12-11WGNprgm049 | TOTP 1941-12-12WGNprgm050 | TOTP 1941-12-15WGNprgm051 | TOTP 1941-12-16WGNprgm052 | TOTP 1941-12-17WGNprgm053 | TOTP 1941-12-18WGNprgm054 | TOTP 1941-12-19WGNprgm055 | TOTP 1941-12-22WGNprgm056 | TOTP 1941-12-23WGNprgm057 | TOTP 1941-12-24WGNprgm058 | TOTP 1941-12-25WGNprgm059 | TOTP 1941-12-26WGNprgm060 | TOTP 1942-02-19CaptBlaze | TOTP 1942-07-06TheBaronVonKrell | TOTP 1943-03-31CaptBlazesaved | TOTP 1943-0x-0xCalcuttaSpies | TOTP 1944-01-10TheBaron | TOTP 1944-01-27TheBaron | TOTP 1944-02-03TheBaron | TOTP 1944-09-27TheSearchforAbnerKane | TOTP 1944-10-19JapAttack | TOTP 1945-05-08PlanningaVacation | TOTP 1945-09-24TheAdventureoftheThirteen | TOTP 1946-12-02TheBuggedHotelRoom | TOTP 1946-12-04RepresentativeMossBunker | TOTP 1946-12-11AprehendingCuthney | TOTP 1946-12-13CuthneyDropsDead | TOTP 1946-12-20TheSearchforDrQuil | TOTP 1946-12-25SpecialChristmasRhyme | TOTP 1946-12-26TheManWhoNeverSleeps | TOTP 1946-12-xxTheManWhoNeverSleeps | TOTP 1947-01-10TheManWhoNeverSleeps | TOTP 1947-01-13TheManWhoNeverSleeps | TOTP 1947-01-14TheManWhoNeverSleeps | TOTP 1947-01-15TheManWhoNeverSleeps | TOTP 1947-01-16TheManWhoNeverSleeps | TOTP 1947-01-17TheManWhoNeverSleeps | TOTP 1947-01-xxTheManWhoNeverSleeps | TOTP 1947-05-20Puzzleofthe13Orphans | TOTP 1947-05-29AdventureoftheLimestoneLe | TOTP 1947-07-14TCOTGoofyGosling | TOTP 1947-08-01UnderAPileofHay | TOTP 1947-10-12ThePirateGoldDetectorRing | TOTP 1947-10-14TheDragonLadySrtikesBack | TOTP 1947-10-20TheDragonLadyStrikesBack | TOTP 1947-10-24TheDragonLadyStrikesBack | TOTP 1947-10-31TheDragonLadyStrikesBack | TOTP 1947-11-07TheDragonLadyStrikesBack | TOTP 1947-11-14TheMechanicalEye | TerryANDThePirates44-10-19JapAttack | TerryANDThePirates45-05-08PlanningAVacation | TerryANDThePirates45-09-24TheAdventureOfTheThirteen

The Beloved 1952 Kids Science Fiction Series - Over 17 Hours Packed Into 45 High Resolution MP3s!

TCSC 52 01 01 #01 Living Crystals of Titan, Part 1 | TCSC 52 01 03 #02 Crystal Smugglers Of Titan (2-2) | TCSC 52 01 08 #03 Rocket Into Danger (1-2) | TCSC 52 01 10 #04 Rocket Into Danger (2-2) | TCSC 52 01 15 #05 Space Station Of Danger (1-2) | TCSC 52 01 17 #06 Space Station of Danger (2-2) | TCSC 52 01 22 #07 Shanghaied (1-2) | TCSC 52 01 24 #08 Shanghaied (2-2) | TCSC 52 01 29 #09 Operation Hide & Seek (1-2) | TCSC 52 02 07 #12 Doomed Cargo (2-2) | TCSC 52 02 12 13 the ice cave | TCSC 52 02 21 #16 Ice Caves Of Pluto (1-1) | TCSC 52 02 26 #17 Trial In Space (1-2) | TCSC 52 02 28 #18 Trial In Space (2-2) HQ | TCSC 52 03 04 #19 Asteroid Of Danger (1-2) HQ | TCSC 52 03 06 #20 Asteroid Of Danger (2-2) HQ | TCSC 52 03 11 #21 Giant Of Mercury (1-2) | TCSC 52 03 13 #22 Giant Of Mercury (2-2) | TCSC 52 03 18 #23 Atmosphere Of Death (1-2) HQ | TCSC 52 03 20 #24 Atmosphere Of Death (2-20 HQ) | TCSC 52 03 25 #25 Mission Of Mercy (1-2) | TCSC 52 03 27 #26 Mission Of Mercy (2-2) HQ | TCSC 52 04 01 #27 Double Cross In Space (1-2) | TCSC 52 04 03 #28 Double Cross In Space (2-2) | TCSC 52 04 08 #29 Sparkling Meteor (1-2) | TCSC 52 04 10 #30 Sparkling Meteor (2-2) | TCSC 52 04 15 #31 Holiday Of Terror (1-2) HQ | TCSC 52 04 17 #32 Holiday Of Terror (2-2) | TCSC 52 04 22 #33 Riddle Of Astro (1-2) HQ | TCSC 52 04 24 #34 Riddle Of Astro (2-2) HQ | TCSC 52 04 29 #35 Escort Of Death (1-2) | TCSC 52 05 01 #36 Escort Of Death (2-2) | TCSC 52 05 06 #37 Danger In Deep Space (1-2) HQ | TCSC 52 05 13 #39 Marooned With Death (1-2) HQ | TCSC 52 05 15 #40 Marooned With Death (2-2) HQ | TCSC 52 05 20 #41 Greatest Show In The Universe (1-2) HQ | TCSC 52 05 22 #42 Greatest Show In The Universe (2-2) HQ | TCSC 52 05 27 #43 Revolt On Prison Rock (1-2) HQ | TCSC 52 05 29 #44 Revolt On Prison Rock (2-2) HQ | TCSC 52 06 03 #45 Vultures Of Space (1-2) HQ | TCSC 52 06 05 #46 Vultures Of Space (2-2) | TCSC 52 06 10 #47 Satellite Of Death (1-2) | TCSC 52 06 12 #48 Satellite Of Death (2-2) | TCSC 52 06 17 #49 Pursuit Of Danger (1-2) | TCSC 52 06 19 #50 Pursuit Of Danger (2-2)

The Classic 1947-48 Seafaring Adventure Series - 35 Half Hour Episodes!

SQ 1947-02-02 (aud)The Death of David Malone | SQ 1947-07-03 (01)The Shanghi Secret | SQ 1947-07-10 (02)Report of the White Jade Buddha | SQ 1947-07-17 (03)The Spaniard and the Laskar Pirates | SQ 1947-07-24 (04)The Boston Geisha and Chesapeake Bay | SQ 1947-07-31 (05)Lily in the Chimoipo Bar | SQ 1947-08-07 (06)The White Cargo Act and Ah Sin | SQ 1947-08-14 (07) The White Cargo Act and Ah Sin | SQ 1947-08-21 (08)Story of the Eight Historic Periods | SQ 1947-08-28 (09)The Barefoot Nymph and the Mother Hubbard Jacket | SQ 1947-09-04 (10) The Jewel Thieves and the Straw Filled Dummy | SQ 1947-09-11 (11)Jewel Thieves and the Straw Filled Dummy | SQ 1947-09-18 (12)The Courtship of Anna May Lamour | SQ 1947-09-25 (13)Shore Leave and the Unhappy Wife | SQ 1947-10-02 (14)The Fat Trader and the Sword of Apokaezhan | SQ 1947-10-09 (15)The Tatooed Beaver and Baby Food for Pare Pare | SQ 1947-10-16 (16)Ah Sin and the Balinese Beaux Arts Ball | SQ 1947-10-23 (17)Grafter's Fort and the Black Pearl of Galahla Bay | SQ 1947-10-30 (18)Lonely Sultan of Isabella De Basilan | SQ 1947-11-06 (19)Kang's Treasure and the Ghost of Tangolan Bay | SQ 1947-11-13 (20)Beautiful Girl in the Bargin Basement | SQ 1947-11-20 (21)Huntsman's Quarry and the Dead Chinese | SQ 1947-12-03 (22)The Green Tourist and the Temple Bell | SQ 1947-12-10 (23)The Wandering Master and the Warlord at Rest | SQ 1947-12-17 (24)Red Beard and the Bag of Pearls | SQ 1947-12-24 (25)The 15Th Llama and the Wise Guy from the East | SQ 1947-12-31 (26)Hattie McCormick and the Patient Stowaway | SQ 1948-01-07 (27)The Derelict and the Wandering Boy | SQ 1948-01-14 (28)Fang Rubies and the Black Siamese | SQ 1948-01-21 (29)The Ambitious Hostess on South Bridge Road | SQ 1948-01-28 (30)The Bubble Dancer and the Buccaneers | SQ 1948-02-04 (31)The Pegleg Skipper and the Iberian Blade | SQ 1948-02-11 (32)Rocky III and the Dead Man's Chest | SQ 1948-02-18 (33)Queen Anne Pistols and the Dealer on King George Road | SQ 1948-02-25 (34)Winchester Rifle and the Ambitious Groom

Golden Age Of Radio: Children's Programming: The line-up of late afternoon adventure serials included Bobby Benson and the B-Bar-B Riders, The Cisco Kid, Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy, Captain Midnight, and The Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters. Badges, rings, decoding devices and other radio premiums offered on these adventure shows were often allied with a sponsor's product, requiring the young listeners to mail in a boxtop from a breakfast cereal or other proof of purchase.