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The Entire Surviving Broadcasts Of 35 Classic Radio Series!
A Date With Judy | Afloat With Henry Morgan | The Air Adventures Of Jimmie Allen | The Aldrich Family | Anne Of The Airlanes | AA Andrews | Baby Snooks | Big Jon & Sparkie | Blackstone The Magic Detective | Buck Rogers In The 25th Century | Captain Midnight | Chandu The Magician | Charlie Chan | Cinnamon Bear | Dick Tracy | The Fantastic Four | Flash Gordon | Hop Harrigan | Horatio Hornblower | Jerry Of The Circus | Jerry At Fair Oaks | Jack Armstrong | Johnathan Thomas And His Christmas On The Moon | Let's Pretend | Little Orphan Annie | Magic Island | The Mickey Mouse Club Theater Of The Air | Popeye The Sailor | Quiz Kids | Smilin' Ed's Buster Brown Gang | Space Patrol | Speed Gibson | Terry And The Pirates | Tom Corbett Space Cadet | The Voyage Of The Scarlet Queen!
Over 668 Hours Packed Into 2,445 MP3s Presented As An Archival Quality 2 Disc MP3 DVD Set, MP3 Audio Download Or USB Flash Drive! #ADateWithJudy #AfloatWithHenryMorgan #TheAirAdventuresOfJimmieAllen #TheAldrichFamily #AnneOfTheAirlanes #ArchieAndrews #BabySnooks #BigJonAndSparkie #BlackstoneTheMagicDetective #BuckRogersInThe25thCentury #CaptainMidnight #ChanduTheMagician #CharlieChan #CinnamonBear #DickTracy #TheFantasticFour #FlashGordon #HopHarrigan #HoratioHornblower #JerryOfTheCircus #JerryAtFairOaks #JackArmstrong #JohnathanThomasAndHisChristmasOnTheMoon #Let'sPretend #LittleOrphanAnnie #MagicIsland #TheMickeyMouseClubTheaterOfTheAir #PopeyeTheSailor #QuizKids #SmilinEdsBusterBrownGang #SpacePatrol #SpeedGibson #TerryAndThePirates #TomCorbettSpaceCadet #TheVoyageOfTheScarletQueen #GoldenAgeOfRadio #GoldenAgeOfRadioComedy #OldTimeRadio #OldTimeRadioChildrensShows #OldTimeRadioJuvenileShows #OldTimeRadioAdventureShows #OTR #OTRChildrensShows #OTRJuvenileShows #OTRAdventureShows #Radio #RadioChildrensShows #RadioJuvenileShow #RadioAdventureShows #WorldWarII #WorldWar2 #WWII #WW2 #WorldWarTwo #WorldWar2 #SecondWorldWar #MP3 #DVD #AudioDownload #USBFlashDrive
The 1940s Bobbysoxer Teenage Comedy Show - 13 Half Hour Episodes!
1941-07-01 0002 - Date with Judy a - Date with Judy - Theme | 1942-08-11 0021 - 29m54s - A Date with Judy - Aunt Lilly Needs a Date | 1944-08-01 0069 - Date with Judy a - Father s Birthday | 1945-02-06 0097 - Date with Judy a - Strange Case of Joseph Cotton the | 1945-03-20 0103 - 29m24s - A Date with Judy - Going to a Frank Sinatra Movie | 1946-04-09 0158 - Date with Judy a - Judy s Father Tries to Go to Bed Early | 1946-05-18 Xxxx - Date with Judy a - New Dress for the Dance a | 1946-09-24 0164 - 30m10s - A Date with Judy - Racetrack the | 1946-10-22 0165 - 30m01s - A Date with Judy - Gregory Hickson Lecture | 1947-02-18 0182 - 31m22s - A Date with Judy - Judy and Oogie Have a Date At the Movies | 1948-05-04 0245 - Date with Judy a - Playing Hooky | 1949-11-03 0272 - 29m32s - A Date with Judy - High School Hot Shots Get a Job | A Date With Judy 460518 A New Dress For The Dance | Xx-Xx-Xx-A Date with Judy-Judy s Party
Set Sail For The Carribean In Search Of Love, Loot & Adventure In This 1932 Pirate Serial - 52 Quarter Hour Episodes!
01 Morgan Accused of Stealing an Aztec Necklace | 02 Kitty Wants the Necklace | 03 Morgan Is Offered a Deal by the Governor | 04 Morgan Assembles His Fleet | 05 Longboat Rescued at Sea by Morgan | 06 Jeffrey Huner Apoligizes to Kitty | 07 Diaz Discovers Kitty and Jeffrey Together | 08 Morgan Guarantees His Future Safety | 09 Kitty Professes Her Love to Jeffrey | 10 Jeffrey Learns of Kity's Whipping | 11 Morgan Confies About Necklace to Jeffrey | 12 Delores and Diaz Plot Against Morgan | 13 Delores Starts Her Seduction of Jeffrey | 14 Delores and Diaz Search Jeffrey's Cabin | 15 Delores Lies to Jeffrey About Being Caught | 16 Jeffrey Confides in Delores About His Trip | 17 Diaz Plants Seeds of Doubt with Kitty | 18 Morgan Reveals Where the Raid Will Be | 19 The Secret of Jeffrey's Past Is Revealed | 20 Kitty Tells Diaz About Jeffrey's Past | 21 Diaz and Delores Find Morgan's Necklace | 22 Plans to Trap Delores | 23 Jeffrey Arrested Kitty Has Necklace | 24 Diaz Has Control of Necklace | 25 Delores Escapes | 26 The Hunt for Delores | 27 Diaz and Delores Plot to Escape to Cuba | 28 Kitty Left in Care of Delores | 29 Jeffrey Heading for Work in Swamp | 30 Jefrey Saves a Prisoner Named Hero | 31 Jeffrey and Hero Plan Their Escape | 32 Morgan Sets Sail | 33 Hero Saves Jeffrey | 34 Diatz in Hiding with Kitty and Delores | 35 Jeffrey and Hero Mistaken for Intruders | 36 Jeffrey Explains His Background | 37 Jeffrey Reveals His Wronged Conviction | 38 Jeffrey and Hero Given Their Freedom | 39 Jeffrey Searches for Morgan | 40 Jeffrey Imprisoned Aboard Ship by Morgan | 41 Morgan Attacks and Sacks a Town | 42 Morgan Releases Jeffrey and Hero | 43 Jeffrey Sails for Havana Cuba | 44 Jeffrey and Delores Meet Again (Drop Out) | 45 Jeffrey Is Under Diaz Control | 46 Jeffrey Is Tortured by Diaz for Information | 47 Jeffrey and Kitty to Be Sold at the Slave Market | 48 Jeffrey and Kitty Flee the Slave Market | 49 Diaz Threatens Delores | 50 Antoniette and Kitty Argue Over Jeffrey | 51 Captain Morgan Returns and Is Arrested | 52 Morgan Freed and the Series Ends
The Popular 1933-47 Children's Aerial Adventure Series - 131 Quarter Hour Episodes!
AAOJA - 0417 | AAOJA - 0418 | AAOJA - 0419 | AAOJA - 0420 | AAOJA - 0421 | AAOJA - 0422 | AAOJA - 0423 | AAOJA - 0424 | AAOJA - 0425 | AAOJA - 0426 | AAOJA - 0439 | AAOJA - 0440 | AAOJA - 0441 | AAOJA - 0442 | AAOJA - 0447 | AAOJA - 0448 | AAOJA - 0450 | AAOJA - 0458 | AAOJA - 0459 | AAOJA - 0459 | AAOJA - 0464 | AAOJA - 0465 | AAOJA - 0468 | AAOJA - 0469 | AAOJA - 0476 | AAOJA - 0477 | AAOJA - 0482 | AAOJA - 0483 | AAOJA - 0484 | AAOJA - 0486 | AAOJA - 0487 | AAOJA - 0490 | AAOJA - 0491 | AAOJA - 0492 | AAOJA - 1039 - Reluctance for Solo Flight | AAOJA - 1040 - Speed Lands Jimmie's Plane | AAOJA - 1041 - Sabotage Suspected | AAOJA - 1042 - Speed to be Jimmie's New Instructor | AAOJA - 1043 - Secret Drawings Stolen | AAOJA - 1044 - Major Moto Spotted | AAOJA - 1045 - Strut Breaks During Flight | AAOJA - 1046 - Looking Over Wreckage | AAOJA - 1047 - Flash Overhears Meeting Time | AAOJA - 1048 - Secret Meeting Overheard | AAOJA - 1049 - Lead Bars Found in Major Moto's Pockets | AAOJA - 1050 - Trouble During Test Flight | AAOJA - 1051 - Lead Weight Found in Wreckage | AAOJA - 1052 - Near Collisions with Major Moto | AAOJA - 1053 - Stolen Documents Found in Speed's Possession | AAOJA - 1054 - Speed Held at Gunpoint | AAOJA - 1055 - Setting Trap for Thieves | AAOJA - 1056 - Mason Spotted in the Hangar | AAOJA - 1057 - Speed Cleared - Thieves Caught | AAOJA - 1058 - Pursuing Major Soto | AAOJA - 1059 - Major Moto's Plane Shot Down | AAOJA - 1060 - Search for Major Moto | AAOJA - 1061 - Major Moto Captured | AAOJA - 1062 - Imposter Leaves wth Major Moto and Stolen Documents | AAOJA - 1063 - Kidnapped by Moto's Gang | AAOJA - 1064 - Moto's gang Captured | AAOJA - 1065 - Solo Flight | AAOJA - 1066 - Gangster's Need to escape | AAOJA - 1067 - Dick Needs a Job | AAOJA - 1068 - Offer to Buy a Tract of Land | AAOJA - 1069 - Mrs. Croft Wants to Sell Land | AAOJA - 1070 - Signing of Agreement Delayed | AAOJA - 1071 - Suspicious of Rip Bender | AAOJA - 1072 - Plans to Look Over Property | AAOJA - 1073 - Discussing Flight Plan to Texas | AAOJA - 1074 - Gangster's Plane Seen | AAOJA - 1075 - Spark Plugs Switched | AAOJA - 1076 - Fight with Biffer and Ace | AAOJA - 1077 - Oil Pressure Drops | AAOJA - 1078 - Forced Landing | AAOJA - 1079 - Telegram for Mrs. Croft | AAOJA - 1080 - Airplane Heard | AAOJA - 1081 - Jimmie, Flash & Speed Finally Arrive | AAOJA - 1082 - Looking over the Croft property | AAOJA - 1083 - Told of Buried Treasure | AAOJA - 1084 - Airplane Tracks Seen | AAOJA - 1085 - Russell Seen on the Mountain | AAOJA - 1086 - Parchment Found | AAOJA - 1087 - Parchment is a Treasure Map | AAOJA - 1088 - Flash Reads Poetry | AAOJA - 1089 - Speed Discovers Bomb | AAOJA - 1090 - Landmark Found | AAOJA - 1091 - Bag of Gold Coins Found | AAOJA - 1092 - Hiding Airplane | AAOJA - 1093 - Plan to Apprehend the Gangsters | AAOJA - 1094 - Barbara Kidnapped | AAOJA - 1095 - Leaving for Home | AAOJA - 1096 - Telegram for Jimmie | AAOJA - 1097 - Collision in the Air | AAOJA - 1098 - Movie Contract Offered | AAOJA - 1099 - Telephone Threat | AAOJA - 1100 - Proposition from Nails Ballou | AAOJA - 1101 - Ramsey Recognizes Ballou | AAOJA - 1102 - Trouble During Practice Flight | AAOJA - 1103 - Flash Arrives | AAOJA - 1104 - Harry Phelps is Unconscious | AAOJA - 1105 - Mike Blackmailed by Ballou | AAOJA - 1106 - Collision in the Air | AAOJA - 1107 - Having to Bail Out | AAOJA - 1108 - Chasing Harry Phelps in the Air | AAOJA - 1109 - Speed & Ballou Fight | AAOJA - 1110 - Discussing Delays with the Flaming | AAOJA - 1111 - Flash Prowling in the Hangar | AAOJA - 1112 - Flash Questions Mike | AAOJA - 1113 - Plans for Crash Being Made | AAOJA - 1114 - Warning from Mike | AAOJA - 1115 - Jimmie does the Crash Stunt | AAOJA - 1116 - Mike Disappears | AAOJA - 1117 - Apology Letter from Mike | AAOJA - 1118 - Sandy Carson Arrives | AAOJA - 1119 - Crash Landing | AAOJA - 1120 - Asking Roy for Help | AAOJA - 1121 - Manuscripts Found | AAOJA - 1122 - Where is Harry Phelps | AAOJA - 1123 - Harry Phelps Fell Out of Plane | AAOJA - 1124 - Ballou was a Nazi Spy | AAOJA - 1125 - Harry Phelps is Dead | AAOJA - 1126 - Ballou Killed | AAOJA - 1127 Talking with Monsoon Engine Executives | AAOJA - 1128 Lays Ground Rules Down for Rags | AAOJA - 1129 Engine Trouble | AAOJA - 1130 Wings Votes Against Jimmie's Second Chance | AAOJA - 36-xx-xx (xxxx) | AAOJA - 36XXXX Air Race Pt 1 | AAOJA - 36XXXX Air Race Pt 2 | AAOJA - 36XXXX Flash Crashes (no close) | AAOJA - 36XXXX Flash Explains (no open)
"Hen-REE! HENRY Aldrich!" The Beloved NBC 1939-1953 Teen/Family Situation Comedy Series - 96 Half Hour Episodes!
TAF - 391013 - Barbara or Constance | TAF - 391017 - Girl Trouble | TAF - 400220 - Pigeon Coops-e | TAF - 400227 - Carrier Pigeons | TAF - 400905 - The Generous Gentleman' Movie Impresses Henry | TAF - 400912 - Henry Loses Gift Watch from Aunt Harriet | TAF - 401031 - Halloween | TAF - 410126 - Pen Pal | TAF - 411023 - Letter | TAF - 420122 - Girlfriend | TAF - 420129 - Henry's Secret Admirer | TAF - 430211 - Valentine's Day Party | TAF - 430225 - Homer's Love Note Goes to Henry's Teacher | TAF - 430311 - Legal Trouble | TAF - 430401 - War Bonds | TAF - 430415 - Henry Collects Props for the School Play | TAF - 431007 - Everybody Sleeps Over | TAF - 440127 - Movie Star | TAF - 440302 - Homer's Piano Recital | TAF - 440309 - Warmest Day in March | TAF - 440413 - Close That Door | TAF - 440420 - Sam and Henry Both Await Important Calls | TAF - 440427 - Henry Has to Replace a Box of Chocolate | TAF - 440511 - Baby Sitting or Movies | TAF - 441120 - Mc Call's Bicycle (Aldrich Family RS) | TAF - 450112 - Henry Sends Candy to Two Girls | TAF - 450125 - Church and Chocolate | TAF - 460926 - Mary Has Joe Graham Over | TAF - 470313 - Birthday Pipe | TAF - 471211 - School Ring | TAF - 480401 - April Fool's Day Jokes | TAF - 480513 - Helen Forbes | TAF - 480624 - Painting Garage | TAF - 480916 - Rotating Parties | TAF - 481007 - Mary's Surprise | TAF - 481014 - The Great Weiner Roast | TAF - 481021 - Baby Sitting | TAF - 481028 - Lead Role | TAF - 481104 - Henry Buys a Hat | TAF - 481111 - Broken Toy | TAF - 481118 - Grab Bag | TAF - 481125 - Thanksgiving Dance and Turkey Run | TAF - 481209 - Grouse for Dinner | TAF - 481216 - Homer's Party | TAF - 481223 - Christmas Program | TAF - 481230 - New Year's Eve Party | TAF - 490113 - French Notes | TAF - 490120 - Kathleen Dinner - AFRS | TAF - 490120 - Kathleen Dinner - JELL-O | TAF - 490203 - Shoveling Snow | TAF - 490217 - Mrs Aldrich's Antique Chairs | TAF - 490303 - Planning a Trip to DC | TAF - 490414 - Henry the Shortstop | TAF - 490421 - Henry Takes Gladys to a Play | TAF - 490428 - Date with a Tall Girl | TAF - 490505 - Homer Accidentally Engaged to Agnes | TAF - 491216 - Homer's Party | TAF - 500914 - Motor Scooter | TAF - 510419 - School Gossip Column | TAF - 510628 - Everyone Expects a Surprise Party for Themselves | TAF - 520221 - The Debating Team | TAF - 520618 - Selling Christmas Cards | TAF - 520911 - Paid in Corn | TAF - 520921 - The Bartar System | TAF - 520928 - He-Man or Mouse | TAF - 521005 - Class Debt Chairman | TAF - 521012 - The Big Deal | TAF - 521019 - The Camping Trip | TAF - 521026 - Parent's Day | TAF - 521102 - Overdue Library Book | TAF - 521109 - The New Suit | TAF - 521116 - The Debating Team | TAF - 521123 - The Thanksgiving Turkey | TAF - 521130 - Henry's Father Is Sick | TAF - 521207 - The Lost Watch | TAF - 521214 - The Roadside Stand | TAF - 521221 - Christmas Eve with the Family | TAF - 530315 - 26 - Latin Homework | TAF - 530426 - 32 - The Delivery Bicycle | TAF - xxxxxx - Anniversary of First Date | TAF - xxxxxx - Cleaning the Furnace | TAF - xxxxxx - Fruitcake | TAF - xxxxxx - Henry Gets a Letter from a Strange Girl | TAF - xxxxxx - Henry Gets Jealous | TAF - xxxxxx - Henry Goes Ice Skating | TAF - xxxxxx - Henry Is Not Wanted on a Sleigh Ride Party | TAF - xxxxxx - Henry Spills Glue at School | TAF - xxxxxx - Hinting for Christmas Present | TAF - xxxxxx - Homers Party | TAF - xxxxxx - Letter from a Loan Company | TAF - xxxxxx - Looking for Tuxedos for School Formal | TAF - xxxxxx - Lost in the Snow | TAF - xxxxxx - Sidewalk Graffiti Causes Trouble for Henry | TAF - xxxxxx - The Boys Throw a Farewell Party for the Girls | TAF - xxxxxx - Trouble with Kathleen's Father | TAF - xxxxxx - Waste Paper Drive
The 1930's Aerial Adventure Series - 24 Episodes!
AOTA: E07 | AOTA: E08 | AOTA: E09 | AOTA: E10 | AOTA: E11 | AOTA: E12 | AOTA: E13 | AOTA: E14 | AOTA: E15 | AOTA: E16 | AOTA: E17 | AOTA: E18 | AOTA: E19 | AOTA: E20 | AOTA: E21 | AOTA: E22 | AOTA: E23 | AOTA: E24 | AOTA: E25 | AOTA: E26 | AOTA: E27 | AOTA: E28 | AOTA: E29 | AOTA: E30
The 1943-1953 Teen Sitcom Based On The Beloved Comic Series - 29 Half Hour Episodes!
AA 46-07-27 Drugstore Mixup | AA 46-10-19 Plumbing Woes | AA 47-03-15 The Red Cross Benefit | AA 47-08-09 Taking a Bath | AA 47-09-09 Dad's Bath | AA 47-12-13 Christmas Shopping | AA 48-05-15 The Hiccups(Good Nights Sleep) | AA 48-06-12 AA Fights a Cold | AA 48-07-10 AA Gets Dre~ia | AA 48-07-17 Mr Andrews Wallpapers a Room | AA 48-08-07 Suffering from the Heat | AA 48-08-21 Going on a Picnic | AA 48-09-04 The Big Dance | AA 48-09-11 Borrows a Tire Jack | AA 48-09-18 Archie's in Love | AA 48-10-30 Halloween Party | AA 48-11-06 Locked Out | AA 48-11-13 Going To Bed Early | AA 48-11-20 Guests Are Comi~mb | AA 48-12-04 AA Gets A D~qb | AA 48-12-14 Job at the Drugstore | AA 49-05-21 The New TV Set | AA 49-07-13 Sun Burned | AA 49-10-29 Halloween Party | AA 49-12-17 Christmas Shopping | AA 51-05-20 Fred Tries To E~0c | AA 51-05-27 Babysitting To ~ec | AA 51-06-03 The Economy Program | AA xx-xx-xx Football Tickets
Fanny Brice's Incorrigible & Beloved Child Radio Character - 20 Hours Packed Into 110 MP3s!
FBBS - 371230 Daniel In The Lion's Den | FBBS - 380217 Telling Time And Shaving | FBBS - 380324 Rehearsing A Speech | FBBS - 380331 At The Circus | FBBS - 380406 Why Because - Judy Garland | FBBS - 380505 Vitamins And Hiccups | FBBS - 380519 Beach House | FBBS - 380609 At The Doctors | FBBS - 380616 Daddy's An Elk - different announcer | FBBS - 380922 Aunt Sophie Having A Baby | FBBS - 381222 Visiting Santa Claus | FBBS - 390000 Daddy's Boss Comes to Dinner | FBBS - 390122 Daddy's An Elk - different announcer | FBBS - 390511 Barking Rabbit | FBBS - 390518 Golf Tea | FBBS - 390525 Hugh What | FBBS - 390601 Gone Fishing 7min2sec | FBBS - 390608 Violet Ray 7min8sec | FBBS - 390615 Living By Dyeing | FBBS - 390729 Baby Brother - Jealous 6min44sec | FBBS - 391214 Child Psychology 3min56sec | FBBS - 400104 Bungling Burglars | FBBS - 400111 Male Secretary 7min49sec | FBBS - 400118 Chemical Catastrophe 8min25sec | FBBS - 400125 Shetland Pony | FBBS - 400201 Family Tree | FBBS - 400208 Anatomy of a Robot | FBBS - 400215 Tax Returns | FBBS - 400222 Missing Dollar | FBBS - 400229 Wedding Cake | FBBS - 400307 Snooks Has Amnesia | FBBS - 400314 Tom Thumb | FBBS - 400321a Laying An Egg | FBBS - 400328 Baby Brother - Wants Attention | FBBS - 400404 April Fools | FBBS - 400411 Baby Fish Story | FBBS - 400418 Magic | FBBS - 400622 Tonsils Operation | FBBS - 400711 At The Beach | FBBS - 400718 Library Visit | FBBS - 400725 Porthole Safe | FBBS - 400905 Magazine Scam | FBBS - 400912 New Car | FBBS - 400919 Playing Hooky | FBBS - 400926 Where's the Medicine | FBBS - 401010 Football Game | FBBS - 401017 Wheres My Change | FBBS - 401024 Raising a Loan | FBBS - 401031 Ruined Suit | FBBS - 401114 Measles | FBBS - 401121 Four Fathers - Thanksgiving | FBBS - 401128 Stolen Turkey | FBBS - 401219 Christmas Skates | FBBS - 401226 Returning Presents | FBBS - 410102 Sneaking Out | FBBS - 410109 Art Museum | FBBS - 410123 Flat Tire | FBBS - 410130 Jury Duty | FBBS - 410206 Flower Garden | FBBS - 410213 Taxes Again | FBBS - 410227 At The Races | FBBS - 410320 Photographer | FBBS - 410327 Buying Shoes | FBBS - 410403 At The Zoo | FBBS - 410410 Trout Fishing | FBBS - 410417 Baseball Game | FBBS - 410424 Fixing Supper | FBBS - 410508 Riding Academy | FBBS - 410522 Insomnia | FBBS - 410529 Antique Auction | FBBS - 410605 Calisthenics | FBBS - 410612 X-Ray Machine | FBBS - 410619 Dollar Day | FBBS - 410626 Artist Daddy | FBBS - 410710 Going To Camp | FBBS - 411002 Snooks Returns | FBBS - 411009 New School | FBBS - 411023 Duck Hunting | FBBS - 411030 Halloween | FBBS - 411106 Defense Stamps | FBBS - 411113 Mixed Nuts | FBBS - 411127 The Opera | FBBS - 411218 Air Raid Warden | FBBS - 420101 Hangover | FBBS - 420108 Victory Garden | FBBS - 420115 House Guest | FBBS - 420122 Hiccups | FBBS - 420129 Report Card | FBBS - 420205 Knitting Lessons | FBBS - 420212 Camping In | FBBS - 420226 Stealing Chickens | FBBS - 420319 Fake Measels | FBBS - 420519 Daddy Makes Sugar From Lemon | FBBS - 420528 Abnormal Psychology | FBBS - 431104 Go To Court | FBBS - 440614 The World's Most Patient Father | FBBS - 450513 Live Show At The Bijou | FBBS - 450916 Search For Baby Snooks aka Lost 451216 | FBBS - 460619 The Cat-Man's Revenge | FBBS - 460906 Snooks Stays At Home | FBBS - 461101 Halloween | FBBS - 471024 Snooks Is Unpopular (engagement aka ugly duckling) | FBBS - 501112 Snooks & Tallulah Bankhead | FBBS - 510320 Easter Outfit (Daddy Needs A Loan) | FBBS - 510501 Report Card Blues | FBBS - 510508 Daddys Old Flame | FBBS - Best of Baby Snooks | FBBS - Daddy Gets A Piano Lesson | FBBS - Heres to the Veterans - To Bee or Not to Bee | FBBS - Redecorating the House
The Beloved 1950-58 Children's Fantasy Series - 98 Quarter Hour Episodes!
FAOBJAS - Cp Big Jon Recuperates | FAOBJAS -Little Red Caboose | FAOBJAS - 0a OverTheFallsInAnAirplane | FAOBJAS - 0b The Begining Of A Long Voyage Home | FAOBJAS - 0c TheLongVoyageHome | FAOBJAS - 0d TheMysteriousSpeckOnTheFarHorizon | FAOBJAS - 0e A Surprise Awaits The Mayor | FAOBJAS - 0f ASurpriseAwaitsTheMayor | FAOBJAS - 0g Daffodil Dilly Strikes Again | FAOBJAS - 0h PrisonersOfLove | FAOBJAS - 0i YukieShowsUsHow | FAOBJAS - 0j YukieButchaToTheRescue | FAOBJAS - 0k SparkieInControl | FAOBJAS - 0l TheMayorTellsOfHisWeddingPlans | FAOBJAS - 0m YukieGetsReadyForTheWedding | FAOBJAS - 0n YukieButchaUnvailsAnInvention | FAOBJAS - 0o The Mayor's Wedding Day | FAOBJAS - 0p AnInterruptionInTheMayor'sWedding | FAOBJAS - 0q MissDillyKidnappedFromTheChurch | FAOBJAS - 0r The Great Kidnap Mystery | FAOBJAS - 0s A Telephone Mix Up | FAOBJAS - 0t The Detectives | FAOBJAS - 0u The Stakeout | FAOBJAS - 0v DetectivesSparkyAndYukieGoToWork | FAOBJAS - 0w DetectiveSparkyGetsAnIdea | FAOBJAS - 0x TheKidnappersDoubleBackTripleBack | FAOBJAS - 0y EvenDetectivesMakeMistakes | FAOBJAS - 0z Jailed | FAOBJAS - Aa TheKidnappingCaseContinues | FAOBJAS - Ab TheKidnappingCaseContinues | FAOBJAS - Ac Who'sWho | FAOBJAS - Ad Who'sWhoContinued | FAOBJAS - Ae The Kidnapped Car Is Sighted Short | FAOBJAS - Af Sparky Tracks Down A Clue | FAOBJAS - Ag Sparky'sPrivateEyeAgency | FAOBJAS - Ah BackToNormalIHope | FAOBJAS - Ai A Surprise For All Concerned | FAOBJAS - Aj TheKidnappersEscapeAgain | FAOBJAS - Ak Wheres Yukie Now | FAOBJAS - Al OldClothesIsGoodClues | FAOBJAS - Am SoCloseToTheForestWeCan'tSeeTheTrees | FAOBJAS - An TheProdigalReturns | FAOBJAS - Ao TheReturnOfYukieButcha | FAOBJAS - Ap YukieLooksForALawyer | FAOBJAS - Aq YukieSuesTheCity | FAOBJAS - Ar LookWho'sALawyer | FAOBJAS - As PeaceAndQuietOnceAgainAlmost | FAOBJAS - At SparkyHasPlansForYukie | FAOBJAS - Au ASuddenChangeInClimate | FAOBJAS - Av NotEvenATeamOfHorses | FAOBJAS - Aw GoodbyeMyDilly | FAOBJAS - Ax A Letter From Yukie | FAOBJAS - Ay AMysteriousManInTheShack | FAOBJAS - Az TheMysteriousManInTheShack | FAOBJAS - Ba A Mystreious Man In The Shack Part 2 | FAOBJAS - Bb Who'sFoolingWho[DateInStory530401] | FAOBJAS - Bc Trouble In The Ranks | FAOBJAS - Bd Sparky'sTelephoneTroubles | FAOBJAS - Be A Proposed Solution To A Serious Probl | FAOBJAS - Bf Twelve Down Two To Go | FAOBJAS - Bg NotMuchDoing | FAOBJAS - Bh The Pane In Mrs Two Hill's Window | FAOBJAS - Bi Tickets Tickets Who's Got The Tickets | FAOBJAS - Bj Opening Day 1953 | FAOBJAS - Bk Canine Mutiny | FAOBJAS - Bl What's Wrong With Bunny | FAOBJAS - Bm Where Oh Where Have Our Little Dogs Go | FAOBJAS - Bn The Dogs Get Organized | FAOBJAS - Bo The Dogs Get Together | FAOBJAS - Bp Someone Make Up His Mind | FAOBJAS - Bq Want Ads Get Results | FAOBJAS - Br The Mayor's Plan Begins To Work | FAOBJAS - Bs Almost Captured | FAOBJAS - Bt The Dognappers Get Caught | FAOBJAS - Bu The Mayor Shows Them How | FAOBJAS - Bv The Return Of Yukie Butcha | FAOBJAS - Bw Yukie Makes A Decision | FAOBJAS - Bx The Surprise In The Barn On Yukie's Fa | FAOBJAS - By The Surprise In The Yukie's Barn | FAOBJAS - Bz Sparky Drives A Racing Car | FAOBJAS - Ca More Than One Way To Catch A Fish | FAOBJAS - Cb A Quiet Day On Yukie's Farm | FAOBJAS - Cc Yukie Hits The Jackpot | FAOBJAS - Cd Yukie's Radio Station | FAOBJAS - Ce The Big Broadcast | FAOBJAS - Cf The Ratings Are In | FAOBJAS - Cg Sparky Finds A Bug | FAOBJAS - Ch Sparky's Mysterious Butterfly | FAOBJAS - Ci The Professor Speaks | FAOBJAS - Cj The Day The Butterfly Flew | FAOBJAS - Ck Off To The Races | FAOBJAS - Cl Yukie Tries Out His Racing Machine | FAOBJAS - Cm Yukie Cracks Up | FAOBJAS - Cn The Big Little Race | FAOBJAS - Co Big Jon Gets A Screen Job | FAOBJAS - Cq Cheer Up The Sick Boy | FAOBJAS - Cr Big Jon Takes The Plunge | FAOBJAS - Cs Big Jon Gets Company Again
The Mystical Magical 1948-49 Detective Series That'll Teach You A Magic Trick At The End Of Every Episode - 56 Quarter Hour Shows!
BTMD480715 (Audition) Riddle Of The Talking Skull | BTMD 481003 (001) The Ghost That Trapped A Killer | BTMD 481010 (002) The Reluctant Buzzsaw | BTMD 481017 (003) The Emerald In The Fishbowl | BTMD 481024 (004) Maharaja's Gold | BTMD 481031 (005) Educated Dummy | BTMD 481107 (006) Riddle Of The Talking Skull | BTMD 481114 (007) Whispering Bhudah | BTMD 481121 (008) Organ Murder | BTMD 481128 (009) Ghost That Wasn't | BTMD 481205 (010) The Icy Touch | BTMD 481212 (011) Underwater Death | BTMD 481219 (012) Coins Of Confucius | BTMD 481226 (013) Murder On Stage | BTMD 490102 (014) Midway Robberies | BTMD 490109 (015) Frozen Lady | BTMD 490116 (016) Hooded Rider | BTMD 490123 (017) Phantom Intermezzo | BTMD 490130 (018) Vanishing Pearls | BTMD 490206 (019) Curse Of The Yogi | BTMD 490213 (020) Coin Of Cleopatra | BTMD 490220 (021) Hand Of Cagliostro | BTMD 490227 (022) Message From Nowhere | BTMD 490306 (023) Rddle Of The Red Rose | BTMD 490313 (024) Aztec Fire God | BTMD 490320 (025) Missing Palmist | BTMD 490327 (026) Ladder of Wealth | BTMD 490403 (027) Locked Book | BTMD 490410 (028) Deathless Shot | BTMD 490417 (029) TheRiddleOfTheOtherEightBall | BTMD 490424 (030) TheCelliniStatuette(poor sound) | BTMD 490501 (031) The Curse Of Kali | BTMD 490508 (032) FootstepsInTheNight[akaTheRidingBoots] | BTMD 490515 (033) The VooDoo Treasure | BTMD 490522 (034) Four Keys To Crime | BTMD 490529 (035) The Knife From The Dark | BTMD 490605 (036) Death in the Crystal | BTMD 490612 037 Hindu Sword Cabinet | BTMD 490619 038 Face Of Death | BTMD 490626 039 Voice From The Void | BTMD 490703 040 Bird Of Doom | BTMD 490710 041 Phantom Detective | BTMD 490717 042 Riddle Of The Seven Zombies | BTMD 490724 043 Crime in the Stars | BTMD 490731 044 The Devil's Cauldron | BTMD 490807 045 Ghost In The Crypt | BTMD 490814 046 Accusing Corpse | BTMD 490821 (047) Death Defying Death | BTMD 490828 (048) The Criminal Who Caught Himself | BTMD 490904 (49) Vanishing Brooch | BTMD 490911 (50) Crimes On A Merry Go Round | BTMD 490918 (51) Magic Writing | BTMD 491009 (54) Mark Of Crime | BTMD 491016 (55) Creeping Death (end missing) | BTMD 500326 (78) Gory Goldfish-last show | BTMD xxxxxx (xxx) Shark Island Story
The Beloved 1932-1947 Science Fiction Serial - 32 Quarter Hour Episodes!
BR - 321107 - Pilot Episode | BR - 390405 - 001 - Epi. 1 | BR - 390407 - 002 - Epi. 2 | BR - 390409 - 003 - Epi. 3 | BR - 390412 - 004 - Epi. 4 | BR - 390414 - 005 - Epi. 5 | BR - 390416 - 006 - Epi. 6 | BR - 390419 - 007 - Epi. 7 | BR - 390421 - 008 - Epi. 8 | BR - 390423 - 009 - Epi. 9 | BR - 390426 - 010 - Epi. 10 | BR - 390428 - 011 - Epi. 11 | BR - 390430 - 012 - Epi. 12 | BR - 39xxxx - Mechanical Mole 01 | BR - 39xxxx - Mechanical Mole 02 | BR - 39xxxx - Mechanical Mole 03 | BR - 39xxxx - Mechanical Mole 04 | BR - 39xxxx - Mechanical Mole 06 | BR - 39xxxx - Mechanical Mole 07 | BR - 39xxxx - The Chase After Killer Kane 01 | BR - 39xxxx - The Chase After Killer Kane 02 | BR - 39xxxx - The Chase After Killer Kane 03 | BR - 39xxxx - The Chase After Killer Kane 04 | BR - 39xxxx - The Chase After Killer Kane 05 | BR - 470328 - Last Show | BR - xxxxxx - 732 - Pts 1, 2 | BR - xxxxxx - 733 - Parts 1 and 2 | BR - xxxxxx - 736 - Pt 1 | BR - xxxxxx - 737 - Part 1 | BR - xxxxxx - 738 - Pt 2 | BR - xxxxxx - 739 - Part 2 | BR - xxxxxx - 740 - Pt. 1
Over 37 Thrill-Packed Aerial Adventure Hours Packed Into 155 MP3s!
CM Ep01 | CM Ep02 | CM Ep03 | CM Ep04 | CM Ep05 | CM Ep06 | CM Ep07 | CM Ep08 | CM Ep09 | CM Ep10 | CM Ep11 | CM Ep12 | CM Ep13 | CM Ep14 | CM Ep15 | CM Ep16 | CM Ep17 | CM Ep18 | CM Ep19 | CM Ep20 | CM Ep21 | CM Ep22 | CM Ep23 | CM Ep24 | CM Ep25 | CM Ep26 | CM Ep27 | CM Ep28 | CM Ep29 | CM Ep30 | CM Ep31 | CM Ep32 | CM Ep33 | CM Ep34 | CM Ep35 | CM Ep36 | CM Ep37 | CM Ep38 | CM Ep39 | CM Ep40 | CM Ep41 | CM Ep42 | CM Ep43 | CM Ep44 | CM Ep45 | CM Ep46 | CM Ep47 | CM Ep48 | CM Ep49 | CM Ep50 | CM Ep51 | CM Ep52 | CM Ep53 | CM Ep54 | CM Ep55 | CM Ep56 | CM Ep57 | CM Ep58 | CM Ep59 | CM Ep60 | CM Ep61 | CM Ep62 | CM Ep63 | CM Ep64 | CM Ep65 | CM Ep66 | CM Ep67 | CM Ep68 | CM Ep69 | CM Ep70 | CM Ep71 | CM Ep72 | CM Ep73 | CM Ep74 | CM Ep75 | CM Ep76 | CM Ep77 | CM Ep78 | CM Ep79 | CM Ep80 | CM Ep81 | CM Ep82 | CM Ep83 | CM Ep84 | CM Ep85 | CM Ep86 | CM Ep87 | CM Ep88 | CM 391017 [167] The Perada Treasure Epi01 | CM 391018 [168] The Perada Treasure Epi02 | CM 391018 [169] The Perada Treasure Epi03 | CM 391020 [170] The Perada Treasure Epi04 | CM 391023 [171] The Perada Treasure Epi05 | CM 391024 [172] The Perada Treasure Epi06 | CM 391025 [173] The Perada Treasure Epi07 | CM 391026 [174] The Perada Treasure Epi08 | CM 391027 [175] The Perada Treasure Epiisode09 | CM 391030 [176] The Perada Treasure Epi10 | CM 391106 [181] The Perada Treasure Epi15 | CM 391107 [182] The Perada Treasure Epi16 | CM 391108 [183] The Perada Treasure Epi17 | CM 391109 [184] The Perada Treasure Epi18 | CM 391110 [185] The Perada Treasure Epi19 | CM 391113 [186] The Perada Treasure Epi20 | CM 391114 [187] The Perada Treasure Epi21 | CM 391115 [188] The Perada Treasure Epi22 | CM 391116 [189] The Perada Treasure Epi23 | CM 391117 [190] The Perada Treasure Epi24 | CM 391120 [191] The Perada Treasure Epi25 | CM 391121 [192] The Perada Treasure Epi26 | CM 391122 [193] The Perada Treasure Epi 27 | CM 391124 [194] The Perada Treasure Epi28 | CM 391124 [195] The Perada Treasure Epi29 | CM 391125 [196] The Perada Treasure Epi30 | CM 391128 [197] The Perada Treasure Epi31 | CM 391129 [198] The Perada Treasure Epi32 | CM 391130 [199] The Perada Treasure Epi33 | CM 391201 [200] The Perada Treasure Epi34 | CM 391204 [201] The Perada Treasure Epi35 | CM 391205 [202] The Perada Treasure Epi36 | CM 391206 [203] The Perada Treasure Epi37 | CM 391207 [204] The Perada Treasure Epi38 | CM 391208 [205] The Perada Treasure Epi39 | CM 391211 [206] The Perada Treasure Epi40 | CM 391212 [207] The Perada Treasure Epi41 | CM 391213 [208] The Perada Treasure Epi42 | CM 391214 [209] The Perada Treasure Epi43 | CM 391215 [210] The Perada Treasure Epi44 | CM 391218 [211] The Perada Treasure Epi45 | CM 391219 [212] The Perada Treasure Epi46 | CM 391220 [213] The Perada Treasure Epi47 | CM 391221 [214] The Perada Treasure Epi48 | CM 391222 [215] The Perada Treasure Epi49 | CM 391225 [216] The Perada Treasure Epi50 | CM 391226 [217] The Perada Treasure Epi51 | CM 391227 [218] The Perada Treasure Epi52 | CM 391228 [219] The Perada Treasure Epi53 | CM 391229 [220] The Perada Treasure Epi54 | CM 400101 [221] The Perada Treasure Epi55 | CM 400103 [222] The Perada Treasure Epi56 | CM 400105 [223] The Perada Treasure Epi57 | CM 400108 [224] The Perada Treasure Epi58 | CM 400110 [225] The Perada Treasure Epi59 | CM Ep0001-09-30-1940 | CM Ep0003-10-19-1939 | CM Ep0004-10-20-1939 | CM Ep0005-10-23-1939 | CM Ep0006-10-24-1939 | CM Ep0007-10-25-1939 | CM Ep0008-10-26-1939 | CM Ep0009-10-27-1939 | CM Ep0010-10-30-1939 | CM Ep0015-10-31-1939 | CM Ep0016-11-07-1939 | CM Ep0018-11-09-1939
The Beloved 1932-35 & 1949-50 Childrens Adventure Mystery Series - Over 51 Hours Packed Into 210 Episodes!
CTM 320912 136 CTM Warns Nicky | CTM 320913 137 Betty Reminisces | CTM 320914 138 Gunfire Heard | CTM 320930 150 Learns Estaben's Identity | CTM 321003 151 Nadji Disappears | CTM 321004 152 Dimitri Defeated | CTM 321005 153 Exposes Count To Nicholas | CTM 321006 154 Saves Nadji From Fire | CTM 321007 155 Leaving After The Fire | CTM 321011 157 Warns Murderer | CTM 321012 158 Yogi Warns CTM | CTM 321013 159 The Clock Strikes Five | CTM 321108 177 News Of Robert's Whereabouts | CTM 321116 183 Will CTM Save Dorothy | CTM 321117 184 Magic Fails | CTM 321118 185 CTM And Betty Visit Dorothy | CTM 321121 186 Cobra Decides Fate | CTM 321122 187 Bob Plans A Swap | CTM 321123 188 To The Temple | CTM 321124 189 Robert Returns | CTM 321125 190 Finds Betty And Bob | CTM 321128 191 Dr Shaw And Black Magic | CTM 330418 292 Crystal Vision Fulfilled | CTM 330419 293 Nadji Is Murder Suspect | CTM 330424 296 #296 | CTM 330425 297 #297 | CTM 330426 298 #298 | CTM 330427 299 #299 | CTM 330501 301 #301 | CTM 330502 302 #302 | CTM 330503 303 #303 | CTM 330504 304 #304 | CTM 330505 305 #305 (Skips) | CTM 330508 306 #306 | CTM 330509 307 #307 | CTM 330510 308 #308 | CTM 330511 309 #309 | CTM 330517 313 #313 | CTM 330523 317 #317 | CTM 330524 318 #318 | CTM 330525 319 #319 | CTM 330526 320 #320 | CTM 330529 321 #321 | CTM 330530 322 #322 | CTM 330531 323 #323 | CTM 330601 324 #324 | CTM 330707 350 #350 | CTM 330821 381 #381 | CTM 33xxxx-241 Family Reunited | CTM 33xxxx-262 Dimitri Plots to See Betty Lou | CTM 480628-001 Chandler Returns | CTM 480629-002 Regent's Secret aka Secret Papers Missing | CTM 480630-The Psychic Summons | CTM 480701-004 Off to Egypt aka In Alexandria | CTM 480702-005 Dorothy Disappears aka Rug Shop | CTM 480705-006 Search for Dorothy aka Hypnotic Persasion | CTM 480706-007 Slave Auction aka Dorothy Is Rescued | CTM 480707-008 To Cairo aka Cab Ride To Cairo | CTM 480708-009 Blue Flame aka Message In The Blue Flame | CTM 480709-010 Secret Place aka Journey Up The Nile | CTM 480712-011 Note from Nadji aka Pyramid And The Hotel | CTM 480713-012 Betty Meets Abdullah aka Rendevouz In The Garden | CTM 480714-013 CTM Meets Nadji aka Meeting With Princess Nadji | CTM 480715-014 Betty Is Kidnapped | CTM 480716-015 Betty Is Found | CTM 480719-016 Roxor Meets Nadji | CTM 480720-017 Secret Entrance aka Hand Of Horus | CTM 480721-018 Spell on Dorothy aka Spell Of The Ancient Statue (1) | CTM 480721-018 Spell on Dorothy aka Spell Of The Ancient Statue (2) | CTM 480722-019 Crystal Ball aka Statute's Secret | CTM 480723-020 Betty and Bob Disappear | CTM 480726-021 Breaking the Spell aka Exorcism | CTM 480727-022 Secret Door | CTM 480728-023 Hand Of Horus | CTM 480729-024 Roxor Threatens Death (1) | CTM 480729-024 Roxor Threatens Death (2) | CTM 480730-025 Bob Rescued | CTM 480802-026 Abdullah Disappears | CTM 480803-027 Emerald Cask | CTM 480804-028 Disappearing | CTM 480805-029 Looking | CTM 480806-030 Sick Camel | CTM 480809-031 Trouble | CTM 480810-032 Low Water Supply | CTM 480811-033 Abdullah | CTM 480812-034 Gordon Douglas | CTM 480813-035 Douglas' Dinner | CTM 480816-036 Douglas Is An | CTM 480817-037 Finding a Letter | CTM 480818-038 Nile Curse | CTM 480819-039 Chandu's Disappeared | CTM 480820-040 Manuscript | CTM 480823-041 Douglas Tells | CTM 480824-042 Letter Arrives | CTM 480825-043 Roxor's Plan | CTM 480826-044 Fraud's Idenity | CTM 480827-045 Abdullah Stabbed | CTM 480830-046 Inquest Plan | CTM 480831-047 Douglas Disappears | CTM 480901-048 Lost in the Cave | CTM 480902-049 Chandu's Rescue | CTM 480903-050 Roxor Is Alive | CTM 480906-051 CTM Escapes | CTM 480907-052 Reaching the Ruins | CTM 480908-053 Judy Allen | CTM 480909-054 Torture Chamber | CTM 480910-055 Story Teller | CTM 480913-056 Cairo Restauant | CTM 480914-057 Robert's Ring | CTM 480915-058 Arenia the Spy | CTM 480916-059 Curse on Betty | CTM 480917-060 Ben Ali's Home | CTM 480920-061 Opening the L | CTM 480921-062 Sonya Shoots | CTM 480922-063 Betty and Bob | CTM 480923-064 Arenia Is Shot | CTM 480924-065 Message for N | CTM 480927-066 Mirror of Life | CTM 480928-067 Roxor Is Killed | CTM 480929-068 Exploring the Garden | CTM 480930-069 Family Is Reunited | CTM 481001-070 Visions of Di | CTM 481004-071 Danger at Home | CTM 481005-072 Gardener Recognized | CTM 481006-073 Bribery Attempt | CTM 481007-074 Secret Meeting | CTM 481008-075 Landmark Spotted | CTM 481011-076 Map Found | CTM 481012-077 Fortune Told | CTM 481013-078 Dancing Partner Recognized | CTM 481014-079 Meets Dimitri | CTM 481015-080 Spell Cast on Bob | CTM 481018-081 Gypsy Coming After Betty and Bob | CTM 481019-082 Dimitri Asked to Leave | CTM 481020-083 Castle Plans Found | CTM 481021-084 Warning from Nadji | CTM 481022-085 Advice for Nicholas | CTM 481025-086 Tells About Plans | CTM 481026-087 Spell Cast | CTM 481027-088 Nadji Told of Curse | CTM 481028-089 Looking for Dorothy | CTM 481029-090 Finding Dorothy's Hat | CTM 481101-091 Nicholas Has Disappeared | CTM 481102-092 Trying to Escape | CTM 481103-093 Thinks Nicholas Is in the Castle | CTM 481104-094 Nicholas Found | CTM 481105-095 Dwarf Spotted | CTM 481108-096 Chandler Admits Real Mission | CTM 481109-097 To Go to Scimitar Mountain | CTM 481110-098 Call from Paris | CTM 481111-099 Threat from Dimitri | CTM 481112-100 Stranger Spotted | CTM 481115-101 Fortune Told | CTM 481116-102 Chandler Trapped | CTM 481117-103 Enters Cave | CTM 481118-104 Learns Estaben's Identity | CTM 481119-105 Influences Dimitri | CTM 481122-106 Metsos Killed | CTM 481123-107 Spell Broken | CTM 481124-108 Threat from Dwarf | CTM 481125-109 Nadji Arrives | CTM 481126-110 Fire | CTM 481129-111 Chandler Escapes Fire | CTM 481130-112 Forged Letter | CTM 481201-113 Nadji Leaves | CTM 481202-114 Lupu Arrives | CTM 481203-115 Chandler Discovered | CTM 481206-116 Reveals Himself as CTM | CTM 481207-117 Kingdom Regained | CTM 481208-118 Phone Call from Robert | CTM 481209-119 Lab Emptied | CTM 481210-120 Gomez Spotted | CTM 481213-121 Robert Seen in Crystal | CTM 481214-122 Learns Roxor's Location | CTM 481215-123 Wants to Enter Village of the Lost | CTM 481216-124 Jeff Worried | CTM 481217-125 Warned About Jeff | CTM 481220-126 Jeff's New Mission | CTM 481221-127 House in the Desert | CTM 481222-128 Saved from Spider | CTM 481223-129 Jeff Found | CTM 481224-130 Tries to Contact Robert | CTM 481227-131 Imposter Found Out | CTM 481228-132 Robert Found | CTM 481229-133 Story Told | CTM 481230-134 Looking for Betty | CTM 481231-135 Dorothy in Temple | CTM 490103-136 Talks to Chief | CTM 490104-137 Fate to Be Decided Soon | CTM 490105-138 Fails Cobra Test | CTM 490106-139 Refuses Escape Plan | CTM 490107-140 Robert Returns | CTM 490110-141 Dr Shaw's Secret | CTM 490111-142 Truth About Dr Shaw | CTM 490112-143 Help from Yogi | CTM 490113-144 Murderer Revealed | CTM 490114-145 Dorothy Safe | CTM 490117-146 Planning Tiger Hunt | CTM 490118-147 Tiger Killed | CTM 490119-148 Saves Lao Sing | CTM 490120-149 In Calcutta | CTM 490121-150 Dinner Invitation | CTM 490124-151 Dr Shaw in Calcutta | CTM 490125-152 Under Dr Shaw's Influence | CTM 490126-153 Impersonates Chandler | CTM 490127-154 Bob Missing | CTM 490128-155 Strange Markings | CTM 490203-001 The Black Steps | CTM 490210-002 The Village of Thieves | CTM 490217-003 Man with the Photographic Memory
The Legendary 1940s Chinese Detective Series - 60 Quarter Hour Episodes!
CC 007 - Eye of Buddha Ruby Pt 1 | CC 008 - Eye of Buddha Ruby Pt 2 | CC 01 Marching Ants, Charlie Ambushed | CC 049 - Fiery Santa Claus | CC 050 - Man Who Murdered Santa | CC 091 - Charlies Daughter is Kidnapped | CC 095 - Murder of Deacon Jessup (450000 & TitleUnkown &02) | CC Baffling Murder Mystery Pt 4 of 7 - 361008 | CC Baffling Murder Mystery Pt 5 of 7 - 361015 | CC Baffling Murder Mystery Pt 6 of 7 - 361022 | CC Baffling Murder Mystery Pt 7 of 7 - 361029 | CC Case Of The Freightened Sharif | CC Case of the Marching Ants - 450000 | CC Case of the Talking Doll | CC Dragon's Tail | CC Escaped Musician | CC In Radio City | CC Landini Murder Pt 07 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 08 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 09 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 10 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 11 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 12 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 13 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 14 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 15 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 16 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 17 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 18 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 19 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 20 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 21 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 22 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 23 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 24 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 25 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 26 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 27 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 28 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 29 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 30 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 31 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 32 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 33 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 34 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 35 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 36 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 37 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 38 of 39 | CC Landini Murder Pt 39 of 39 | CC Man Who Moved Mountains | CC Murder in Cabin 15 | CC Storm in a Teacup | CC Telltale Hands | CC The Curious Ride Of The Sea Witch | CC The Romantic Engineer | CC Title Unknown [ch.7] (bk) | CC Title Unknown [ch.8] (bk) | CC White Heel (inc) | CC Zebra Crossing
Join Jimmy & Judy & Paddy O'Cinnamon On The Hunt For The Lost Silver Tree Star In This Heartwarming Children's Adventure Series Of The 1937 Christmas Season - 26 Quarter Hour Episodes!
CB 37-11-29 - 01 - Paddy O'Cinnamon | CB 37-11-30 - 02 - Weary Willy | CB 37-12-01 - 03 - Crazy Quilt Dragon | CB 37-12-02 - 04 - The Ikaboos | CB 37-12-03 - 05 - Weasley The Wailing Whale | CB 37-12-04 - 06 - Samuel Seal | CB 37-12-05 - 07 - Presto The Magician | CB 37-12-06 - 08 - Candy Pirates | CB 37-12-07 - 09 - Rolly Polly Policeman | CB 37-12-08 - 10 - Professor Whiz | CB 37-12-09 - 11 - Fee Foo The Gentle Giant | CB 37-12-10 - 12 - Rhyming Rabbit | CB 37-12-11 - 13 - The Wintergreen Witch | CB 37-12-12 - 14 - Queen Melissa | CB 37-12-13 - 15 - Snaper Stick The Crocodile | CB 37-12-14 - 16 - Oliver Ostrich | CB 37-12-15 - 17 - Muddlers | CB 37-12-16 - 18 - Cocklebur Cowboys | CB 37-12-17 - 19 - Wooden Indian | CB 37-12-18 - 20 - Flying Hat | CB 37-12-19 - 21 - Snowman | CB 37-12-20 - 22 - Santa Claus | CB 37-12-21 - 23 - The Bad Dolls | CB 37-12-22 - 24 - The Parade | CB 37-12-23 - 25 - Captain Tintop | CB 37-12-24 - 26 - North Pole
The Funny Paper Cartoon Classic That Filled The Airwaves From 1934 To 1948 - 73 Quarter Hour Episodes!
Command Performance - Dick Tracy In B Flat 45-02-15 | DT 1935-xx-xx #000 Audition Program (tess Disappears) | DT 1938-02-08 #027 The Black Pearl Of Osirus | DT 1938-02-09 #028 Pat Goes Overboard | DT 1938-02-10 #029 Mystery In The Hold | DT 1938-02-11 #030 Dick Is Shot | DT 1938-02-14 #031 Dick Gets Ring Of Osirus | DT 1938-02-15 #032 Dick Finds Black Pearl | DT 1938-02-16 #033 Agent Is Murdered | DT 1938-02-17 #034 Gang After The Ring | DT 1938-02-18 #035 Dick Captures The Gang (ring Premium) | DT 1938-02-21 #036 Pat Is Hypnotized | DT 1938-02-22 #037 Dick Is Captured | DT 1938-02-23 #038 Dick Escapes | DT 1938-02-24 #039 Junior Kidnapped | DT 1938-02-25 #040 Junior Escapes | DT 1938-03-07 - 46 - Case of the Firebug Murders | DT 1938-04-11 #071 Mounties At Pitchblend | DT 1938-04-12 #072 Snow Slide | DT 1938-04-13 #073 Who Is The Purple Rider | DT 1938-04-14 #074 Junior Is Kidnapped | DT 1938-04-15 #075 Junior Sends A Mirror Message | DT 1938-04-18 #076 Junior Rescued By And Captures Purple Ride | DT 1938-04-19 #077 Dick Lassoes The Purple Rider | DT 1938-04-20 #078 The Purple Rider Exposed | DT 1938-04-25 #081 Tracy Rescued And Kyle Captured | DT 1938-04-26 #082 Invisible Ink | DT 1944-05-05 #xxx Espionage At The Circus | DT 1944-xx-xx #xxx Case Of The Firebug Murders | DT 1944 01-10 #xxx Case Of The Hooting Owl (stuck In Snow) | DT 1945-05-01 #xxx Case Of The Empty Safe | DT 1945-05-08 #xxx On The Trail Of The Nighthawks | DT 1945-06-22 #xxx Case Of The Pigeon Blood Ruby | DT 1945-09-13 #xxx Case Of The Buried Treasure | DT 1945-09-21 #xxx Case Of The Man Without A Head | DT 1945-09-24 #xxx Case Of The Man Without A Head | DT 1945-10-25 #xxx Case Of The Trained Seal | DT 1945-11-22 #xxx New Mystery Begins | DT 1946-01-19 #xxx Case Of The Dark Corridor | DT 1946-09-13 #xxx Case Of The Broken Window | DT 1946-09-16 #xxx Case Of The Broken Window | DT 1946-12-11 #xxx Case Of The Campus Murder | DT 1947-01-14 #xxx Case Of The Careless Black Widow | DT 1947-01-21 #xxx Case Of The Moth And The Flame | DT 1947-01-22 #xxx Case Of The Moth And The Flame | DT 1947-05-15 #xxx Case Of The No-account Swindle | DT 1947-07-14 #xxx Case Of The Crooked Finger | DT 1947-07-23 #xxx Case Of The Unfunny Clowns | DT 1947-08-20 #xxx Case Of The Sinister Second | DT 1947-09-03 #xxx Case Of The Low Hi-jack | DT 1947-09-04 #xxx Case Of The Low Hi-jack | DT 1947-09-11 #xxx Case Of The Low Hi-jack | DT 1947-10-10 #xxx Case Of The Book Of Four Kings | DT 1947-10-16 #xxx The Case Of The Book Of Four Kings | DT 1947-10-24 #xxx Case Of The Book Of Four Kings | DT 1947-10-31 #xxx Case Of The Honorable Mr. Malice | DT 1947-11-06 #xxx Case Of The Honorable Mr. Malice | DT 1947-11-14 #xxx Case Of The Honorable Mr. Malice | DT 1947-11-18 #xxx Case Of The Deadly Tip Off | DT 1947-11-19 #xxx Case Of The Deadly Tip Off | DT 1947-11-21 #xxx Case Of The Deadly Tip Off | DT 1947-12-16 #xxx Case Of The Poisinous Timber | DT 1947-12-19 #xxx Case Of The Poisonous Timber | DT 1947-12-22 #xxx Case Of The Poisonous Timber | DT 1947-12-31 #xxx Case Of The Big Black Box | DT 1947-xx-xx #xxx Case Of The Graveyard Watch | DT 1948-01-08 #xxx Case Of The Big Black Box | DT 1948-01-22 #xxx Case Of The Positive Negative | DT 1948-01-27 #xxx Case Of The Positive Negative | DT 1948-04-08 #xxx Case Of The Mermaid's Mirrors | DT 1948-04-26 #xxx Case Of The Careless Crooner | DT Xx-xx-xx #xxx Flattop | DT Xxxx-xx-xx #xxx Doc Benson
The 1965 Series Dramatizing All Of Their First 13 Issues - Over 4 1/2 Hour Packed Into 13 MP3s!
F4 01-MeetsTheMoleman 64kb | F4 02-MenaceOfTheMiracleman 64kb | F4 03-ComingOfTheSubmariner 64kb | F4 04-DreadedDoctorDoom 64kb | F4 05-PrisonersOfThePuppetmaster 64kb | F4 06-MeetTheIncredibleHulk 64kb | F4 07-SpellOfTheHateMonger 64kb | F4 08-ReturnOfDoctorDoom 64kb | F4 09-InTheClutchesOfDoctorDoom 64kb | F4 10-SuperSkrullWalksAmongUs 64kb | F4 11-AtTheMercyOfRamaTut 64kb | F4 12-MenaceOfTheRedGhost 64kb | F4 13-SubmarinerStrikes 64kb
The Historic 1935 Children's Science Fantasy Show - Over 9 Hours Packed Into 34 Episodes!
FG 350427 01 On the Planet Mongo | FG 350504 02 Befriends Lion Men | FG 350511 03 Imprisoned by Hawkmen | FG 350518 04 Death Battle Won By Flash | FG 350525 05 Rules Over Cave World | FG 350601 06 Blue Magic Men Capture Flash | FG 350608 07 Dr Zarkoff To The Rescue | FG 350615 08 Aide Tal, Plants Seeds of Doubt | FG 350622 09 Flash Charges Ice Barricade of Hawkmen | FG 350706 10 Dr Zarkoff IsThawed Out | FG 350713 11 Dr Zarkoff Shoots Cooks | FG 350720 12 Flash Regains Memory | FG 350727 13 General Tal Rescued Azora | FG 350803 14 General Tal Attacks Flash Behind A H | FG 350810 15 Dr Zarkoff Builds Invisible Ray Machine | FG 350817 16 The Avenging Shadow | FG 350824 17 Azora Regains Memory | FG 350831 18 Flash, Still Invisible. Escapes | FG 350907 19 General Tal Tries Capturing Dr Zarkoff | FG 350914 20 Pt of Peril & Death Dwarfs | FG 350921 21 Pit of Fire | FG 350928 22 Trapped Behind the Iron Door | FG 351005 23 Flash, King of Cave World | FG 351012 24 General Tal Seizes Azora's Throne | FG 351019 25 Flash, Dale, Dr Zarkoff Crash In Rocket | FG 351026 26 Flash & Dale Married In The Jungle | FG 351218 38 Fake Attack | FG 351219 40 The Titans | FG 351230 45 Showdown with King Taurock | FG 351231 46 Sacrifice for Poseidon | FB xxxxxx 00 Decoy of Ming the Merciless | FB xxxxxx 00 Flash Gordon And The Mole Machine | FB xxxxxx 00 The Lost Continent of Atlantis - Pt 1 | FB xxxxxx 00 The Lost Continent of Atlantis - Pt 2
The World War II Childrens Aerial Adventure Serial - Over 20 Hours Packed Into 96 MP3s!
HH 470707 (1241) Mystery of the Vanishing Men | HH 470708 (1242) Bill King Arrives | HH 470709 (1243) Follows Stranger to Nolan House | HH 470710 (1244) Tank Missing | HH 470711 (1245) Tank Found | HH 470714 (1246) Ask Ed to Return | HH 470714 MYSTERY OF THE VANISHING MEN | HH 470715 (1247) Tank in Disappearing Act | HH 470716 (1248) Tank Heard but Not Found | HH 470717 (1249) Strange Note | HH 470718 (1250) Ransom Note | HH 470721 (1251) Tank Disappear | HH 470722 (1252) Balloon in Flight | HH 470723 (1253) Balloon Falls to Earth | HH 470724 (1254) Tank Disappears From Hospitall | HH 470725 (1255) Third Strange Message | HH 470728 (1256) Whistling Heard in Funhouse | HH 470729 (1257) Whistling Man in Room | HH 470730 (1258) Bill King Responsible | HH 470731 (1259) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep01 | HH 470801 (1260) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep02 | HH 470803 (1261) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep03 | HH 470804 (1262) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep04 | HH 470806 (1263) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep05 | HH 470807 (1264) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep06 | HH 470808 (1265) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep07 | HH 470811 (1266) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep08 | HH 470814 (1269) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep11 | HH 470818 (1271) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep13 | HH 470819 (1272) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep14 | HH 470821 (1274) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep16 | HH 470822 (1275) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep17 | HH 470825 (1276) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep18 | HH 470826 (1277) Riddle of The Ghostly Avengers ep19 | HH 480204 (1393) Refuses to Sign Agreement | HH 480205 (1394) Dudley Captured | HH 471110 HOP AND TANK IN THE MOVIES EP20 | HH 471111 HOP AND TANK IN THE MOVIES EP21 | HH 471112 HOP AND TANK IN THE MOVIES EP22 | HH 471113 HOP AND TANK IN THE MOVIES EP23 | HH 471114 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP01 | HH 4711 17 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP02 | HH 471118 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP03 | HH 471119 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP04 | HH 471120 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP05 | HH 471121 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP06 | HH 471124 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP07 | HH 471125 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP08 | HH 471126 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP09 | HH 471127 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP10 | HH 471128 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP11 | HH 471201 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP12 | HH 4712 03 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP14 | HH 471204 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP15 | HH 471205 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP16 | HH 471208 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP17 | HH 471209 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP18 | HH 471210 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP19 | HH 471211 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP20 | HH 471212 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP21 | HH 471215 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP22 | HH 471216 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP23 | HH 471217 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP24 | HH 471218 MYSTERY OF THE WAILING WITCHES EP25 | HH 1947-12-19 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP01 | HH 1947-12-22 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP02 | HH 1947-12-23 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP03 | HH 1947-12-24 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP04 | HH 1947-12-25 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP05 | HH 1947-12-26 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP06 | HH 1947-12-29 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP07 | HH 1947-12-30 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP08 | HH 1947-12-31 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP09 | HH 1948-01-02 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP11 | HH 1948-01-05 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP12 | HH 1948-01-06 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP13 | HH 1948-01-07 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP14 | HH 1948-01-08 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP15 | HH 1948-01-09 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP16 | HH 1948-01-12 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP17 | HH 1948-01-13 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP18 | HH 1948-01-14 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP19 | HH 1948-01-15 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP20 | HH 1948-01-16 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP21 | HH 1948-01-19 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP22 | HH 1948-01-20 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP23 | HH 1948-01-21 SECRET OF LAKEVILLE BELL EP24 | HH 1948-01-22 AIRLINE PROTECTION RACKET EP01 | HH 1948-01-23 AIRLINE PROTECTION RACKET EP02 | HH 1948-01-26 AIRLINE PROTECTION RACKET EP03 | HH 1948-01-27 AIRLINE PROTECTION RACKET EP04 | HH 1948-01-28 AIRLINE PROTECTION RACKET EP05 | HH 1948-01-29 AIRLINE PROTECTION RACKET EP06 | HH 1948-01-30 AIRLINE PROTECTION RACKET EP07 | HH 1948-02-02 AIRLINE PROTECTION RACKET EP08 | HH 1948-02-03 AIRLINE PROTECTION RACKET EP09
Michael Redgrave Stars As C.S. Forester's Heroic Sea Captain In This 1952-1953 Radio Luxembourg Drama Series - 19 Hours Packed Into 52 Episodes!
520707 (01) Horatio Deals With a Mad King | 520714 (02) Horiato Captures the Natividad | 520721 (03) Shakey Alliance With El Supremo | 520728 (04) Battle Against El Surpremo | 520804 (05) Lydia Sinks the Natividad | 520811 (06) Damaged Lydia Heads for Panama | 520818 (07) Return to the Fleet | 520825 (08) Return to the Sea | 520901 (09) Protecting the Convoy | 520908 (10) Disguised as a French Ship | 521003 (11) Guerilla Action | 521010 (12) Spanish Fail to Attack | 521017 (13) Takes on the French Fleet | 521024 (14) Mutiny on the Flame | 521031 (0015) Disguised as the Flame | 521107 (16) The Courtmartial of Berry McCool | 521114 (17) The Capture of La Harve | 521121 (0018) Acting Governor of La Harve | 521128 (0019) Barbara Joins Horatio | 521205 (0020) Napoleon Returns | 521212 21 Napoleon is Defeated | 521219 22 A Prisoner in 1811 | 521226 23 Horatio Meets Marie and Escapes | 530102 24 Horatio Captures a Ship | 530109 25 Rejoining the Fleet | 530116 26 Horatio is Court Martialed | 530123 27 Into the Baltic | 530130 28 Chasing the Blanchie Fluer | 530206 29 Alliance With Russia | 530213 30 Reception With the Czar | 530220 (0031) Attack on Fort at Fisher' | 530227 (0032) Port of Riga | 530306 (0033) Delaying the French | 530313 34 The French are Stopped | 530320 (0035) The Duel | 530327 36 The Spanish Leave Napoleon | 530403 (0037) Hornblower's First Command | 530410 (0038) Prisoner of the French | 530417 39 With the 43rd Marines | 530424 (0040) Spain Becomes Neutral | 530501 (41) Exam for Lieutenant | 530508 (42) Quarantined for the Plague | 530515 (43) Chasing the Papillion | 530522 (44) Command of the La Mouch | 530529 (45) Prisoner and Rescue of Spanish | 530605 (46) First Meeting With Bush | 530612 (47) Planning Mutiny on the Renown | 530619 (48) First Attack on Haiti Fails | 530626 (49) Attack on Haiti Fort | 530703 (50) Yellow Fever | 530710 (51) Fighting the Spanish on the Renown | 530717 (52) Promoted to Captain of the Retribution
Join Jerry & His Dog Rags In This 1930s Childrens Adventure series - 152 Quarter Hour Episodes!
001 Letter for Sam Randall | 002 Poisoned Meat Put Out | 003 Rags is Missing | 004 Jerry in Jail | 005 Jason Pays the $22 | 006 Rags in Training | 007 Circus Payroll Stolen | 008 Guns is Jason's | 009 Lorenz is Suspected | 010 Lorenz and Decker L | 011 Both in the Hospita | 012 A Possible Relation | 013 Decker is Uncle Dan | 014 Uncle Dan is Cleare | 015 Helping Clara | 016 Night Check | 017 Camera Plan | 018 The Prowler is Aga | 019 Showdown with Major | 020 Johnny Bradley is Ill | 021 The Tent with a Fla | 022 Safe Deposit Box Key | 023 Jerry's Clown Debut | 023 Letter for Sam Randall | 024 Poisoned Meat Put Out | 025 Rags is Missing | 026 Jerry in Jail | 027 Jason Pays the $22 | 028 Rags in Training | 029 Circus Payroll Stolen | 030 Guns is Jason's | 031 Lorenz is Suspected | 032 Lorenz and Decker L | 033 Both in the Hospita | 034 A Possible Relation | 035 Decker is Uncle Dan | 036 Uncle Dan is Cleare | 037 Helping Clara | 038 Night Check | 039 Camera Plan | 040 The Prowler is Aga | 041 Showdown with Major | 042 Johnny Bradley is Ill | 043 The Tent with a Fla | 044 Safe Deposit Box Key | 045 Jerry's Clown Debut | 046 Johnny Stays on the | 047 Rags' Leg is Clawed | 048 Jerry Learns Walk O | 049 Getting Up Early to | 050 High Wire Breaks an | 051 Railroad Bridge Pro | 052 Major Mike Locked i | 053 Jerry Learns Locati | 054 Bank Found but Will | 055 Jerry's Lawyer is S | 056 A Gale Threatens th | 057 Hippo With a Tootha | 058 Lawyer Invite Johnn | 059 Richard Grayson See | 060 Johnny Decides to Visit his Son | 061 Johnny Visits His Son in his Office | 062 Zeke Causes Trouble | 063 Zeke Leaves the Circus Fast | 064 Wanted Poster Spotted in Post Office | 065 Jerry Walks Wire Lion Gets Lose | 066 Lion is Finally Cor | 067 Lion Captured Hears | 068 Loose Snake Jerry R | 069 Jerry Won't Tell | 069 Spike Saves Jerry b | 070 Jerry's Court Actio | 070 Major Mike Confesses | 071 Jerry Rescues Splen | 072 Spike is Recognized | 073 Spike is Arrested | 074 A Hospital Show.mp3 | 075 Major Mike Loses.mp | 076 Fortunes Told | 077 Johnny Will Leave | 078 Fire Breaks Out | 079 Fire Put Out | 080 Trunk Search | 081 $5 Vest.mp3 | 082 Caught in the Act | 083 A Search for Platt | 084 Platt is Arrested | 085 Tom Joins the Circus | 086 Lights Go Off | 087 Threatening Notes | 088 El Mundo Doesn't Obey | 089 Jerry and El Mundo | 090 The Lost Beard | 091 Major Mike Confesses | 092 A Wild Ride | 093 Bendini's Get Offer | 094 A Lead for Tom | 095 Colenel Alger Has the Measels | 096 An Exam for All | 097 Strawberry Rash | 098 Tom Finds His Father | 099 Blaze is Slow | 100 Warren Quits | 101 Race About to Start | 102 Blaze Wins the Race | 103 Spike Rejoins the Circus | 104 An Abandonen Kitten | 105 Counterfeit Money Passed | 106 Forty $10 Bills Passed | 107 Joe Hadley Hired | 108 Spike is Suspected | 109 Patsy Accepts a Date | 110 Belco Suspected | 111 Spike Suspected More | 112 Hadley Arrests Spike | 113 Tony Tonetti Spotted | 114 Hadley Arrests Belco | 115 Circus Lot Floods | 116 Fake Invitation Sent to Boris | 117 Boris Gets the Invitation | 118 Fast Landing | 119 A Bet for Dan | 120 Too Many Monkeys | 121 $117.00 Receipt Increase | 122 Restless Animals | 123 Storm Warnings | 124 Circus Hit by Cyclone | 125 Borrowing $25000 | 126 Patsy Leaves Early | 127 Jerry Inherits Forty Acres | 128 Boris and Jason Fight | 129 Patsy Wins $25000 | 130 Boris Eyes the Money | 131 Jason is Clawed by the Cat | 132 Jason Quickly Recovers | 133 Boris Starts Dissension | 134 A Strike is Possible | 135 The Strike Begins | 136 Strikers are Worried | 137 The Strike Ends | 138 A New Scheme by Boris | 139 Rex Runs Away | 140 Speed Demonstrates | 141 Advice for Patsy | 142 Spud is Hired Boris Has a New Plot | 143 Spuds Tricks Fool Jerry | 144 Spuds Bad Trick | 145 Financial Troubles for Randall | 146 Patsy Loans the Circus $20000 | 147 Jerry Sells His Land for $7500 | 148 Jerry Chooses Fair Oaks for His School | 149 Jerry Leaves the Circus
Stay With "Jerry Of The Circus" As He Pursues His Education In This 1930s Childrens Adventure Spin-Off - 65 Quarter Hour Episodes!
036 Roommate Assigned | 037 Meeting Red Tubby and Harold | 038 Learning About Demerits | 039 Meeting Ted and William | 040 Red Gets 13 Demerits | 041 Ready for Polo Team Tryout | 042 Tryout Against Two Others | 043 Three Way Tie Cards Drawn | 044 Financing An Invention | 045 Harold Almost Drowns | 046 Runaway Horse Stopped | 047 Two Hundred Amnd Fifty Dollar Turned Down | 048 Invention Was Too Late | 049 Jerry to Paint Smokestack | 050 Jerry Gets Caught | 051 Cleaning Paint | 052 Top of the List | 053 Splendor | 054 Paul Rides Splendor | 055 Saddle Loosened | 056 Court Martial | 057 Hopeless Case | 058 Jerry Found Innocent | 059 Bomber Crash | 060 Harold Leaves | 061 Treasure Hunt Planned | 062 Treasure Hunt Begins | 063 Someone Falls in Hole | 064 Getting Help | 065 Red is Rescued | 066 Red is Recovering | 067 Boat to the Island | 068 Seeing Smoke | 069 Plot for Safety | 070 Guy Linwell Arrives | 071 Suspicious of Man | 072 Yorga Wants Secrets | 073 Letter Taken | 074 Harold Disappears | 075 Yorga Spotted | 076 Traced to Farm House | 077 All are Arrested | 078 Guy Will Teach | 079 Bruce Campbell Arrives | 080 Pony and Polo Interest | 081 Red Talks with Sergeant | 082 Mr X Arrives at Fair Oak | 083 Jerry and Lee Meet Mr X | 084 Splendor is Sick | 085 Mr Randall and Bumps Com | 086 Lee and Tubby Fight with Red | 087 The Meet | 088 Celebrating Victory | 089 Punishment for Fighting with Red | 090 Bruce and Jerry Argue | 091 Mrs Gardner Takes a Hand | 092 Disagreement with Bruce Settled | 093 Practice Basketball Game | 094 Friends with Bruce | 095 Lee Talks with Major Davis | 096 Jerry Plans to Help Lee | 097 Lee and Bruce Invited to Circus | 098 Mr Thorpe Under Suspicion | 099 Dinner with Mr Randall | 100 Corporal Jerry Dougan
The Beloved 1933-50 Children's Adventure Series Of "The All American Boy" - Updated To Include 101 Quarter Hours Episodes!
34-01-01 - Ship in Distress | 34-01-02 - The Pelican Catches Fire | 34-01-03 - Carrying Line to the Pelican | 34-01-04 - Pelican Crew is Rescued | 40-09-27 Leaving Easter Island | 40-09-30 The Search For Professor Loring | 40-10-01 Jack Armstrong e2 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-10-02 Jack Armstrong e3 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-10-03 Jack Armstrong e4 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-10-07 Jack Armstrong e6 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-10-08 Jack Armstrong e7 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-10-09 Jack Armstrong e8 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-10-10 Jack Armstrong e9 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-10-11 Jack Armstrong e10 The Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-10-14 Jack Armstrong e11 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-10-17 Jack Armstrong e14 Luminous Dragon eye ring | 40-10-18 Jack Armstrong e15 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-10-28 Jack Armstrong e21 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-10-29 Jack Armstrong e22 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-11-04 Jack Armstrong e26 luminous Dragon eye ring | 40-11-05 Jack Armstrong e27 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-11-08 Jack Armstrong e30 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-11-13 Jack Armstrong e33 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-11-14 Jack Armstrong e34 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-11-15 Jack Armstrong e35 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-11-18 Jack Armstrong e36 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring | 40-11-19 Jack Armstrong e37 Luminous Dragon eye Ring | 40-11-20 The Message | 40-11-21 The O Chan Restaurant | 40-11-22 The Black Shark | 40-11-25 The Light | 40-11-26 Shupeto | 40-11-27 The Ring Is Gone | 40-11-28 Captured | 40-11-29 Jack Armstrong prgm1560 | 40-12-02 Jack Armstrong e1 Country Of The Head Hunters | 40-12-03 Jack Armstrong e2 Country of the Head Hunters | 40-12-04 Jack Armstrong e3 Country of the Head Hunters | 40-12-05 Jack Armstrong e4 Country of the Head Hunters | 40-12-06 Jack Armstrong e5 Country of the Head Hunters | 40-12-09 Jack Armstrong e6 Country of the Head Hunters | 40-12-10 Jack Armstrong e7 Country of the Head Hunters | 40-12-11 Jack Armstrong e8 Country of the Head Hunters | 40-12-12 | 40-12-13 | 40-12-16 | 40-12-17 | 40-12-18 Jack Armstrong e1573 Country of the Head Hunters | 40-12-19 | 40-12-20 | 40-12-23 Jack Armstrong prgm1576 | 40-12-24 Jack Armstrong prgm1577 | 40-12-25 Jack Armstrong prgm1578 | 40-12-26 Jack Armstrong prgm1579 | 40-12-27 Jack Armstrong prgm1580 | 40-12-30 Jack Armstrong prgm1581 | 40-12-31 Jack Armstrong prgm1582 | 41-01-01 Jack Armstrong prgm1583 | 41-01-02 Jack Armstrong prgm1584 | 41-01-03 Jack Armstrong prgm1585 | 41-01-06 Jack Armstrong e1 The Zambo Anga Adventure | 41-01-07 Jack Armstrong e2 The Zambo Anga Adventure | 41-01-08 Jack Armstrong e3 The Zambo Anga Adventure | 41-01-09 Jack Armstrong e4 The Zambo Anga Adventure | 41-01-10 | 41-01-13 | 41-01-14 | 41-01-15 | 41-01-16 | 41-01-17 | 41-01-20 Jack Armstrong e11 The Zambo Anga Adventure | 41-01-21 | 41-01-22 | 41-01-23 | 41-01-24 | 41-01-27 Jack Armstrong e16 The Zambo Anga Adventure | 41-01-28 | 41-01-29 | 41-01-30 | 41-01-31 | 41-02-03 | 41-02-04 | 41-02-05 | 41-02-06 | 41-03-04 | 41-03-05 Jack Armstrong e1 Missing, Professor Loring | 41-03-06 Jack Armstrong e2 Missing, Professor Loring | 41-03-07 Jack Armstrong e3 Missing, Professor Loring | 41-03-09 | 41-03-10 Jack Armstrong e4 Missing, Professor Loring | 41-03-11 Jack Armstrong e5 Missing, Professor Loring | 41-03-12 Jack Armstrong e6 Missing, Professor Loring | 41-03-13 Jack Armstrong e7 Missing, Professor Loring | 41-03-14 Jack Armstrong e8 Missing, Professor Loring | 41-03-16 | 41-03-17 Jack Armstrong e9 Missing, Professor Loring | 41-03-18 Jack Armstrong e10 Missing, Professor Loring | 42-04-30 Jack Armstrong Land in the Sky | 45-08-07 Jack Armstrong Counterfeit Red Coupons | 48-04-20 Jack Armstrong House Of Darkness | 4x-xx-xx Jack Armstrong The Mutineers
The 1938 Holiday Classic Broadcast Yearly Between Thanksgiving & Christmas - Over 5 Hours Packed Into All 26 Episodes!
JTAHCOTM 38-11-29 ep01-Santa Claus Is Kidnapped By The Squeebublians | JTAHCOTM 38-11-30 ep02-Jonathan Promises To Find Santa Claus | JTAHCOTM 38-12-01 ep03-Jonathan Meets Gorgonzola The Horse | JTAHCOTM 38-12-02 ep04-In The Valley Of The Three Dwarfs | JTAHCOTM 38-12-03 ep05-The Merry-Go-Round River | JTAHCOTM 38-12-04 ep06-The Fairy Queen | JTAHCOTM 38-12-05 ep07-Dragon With The Thirteen Tails | JTAHCOTM 38-12-06 ep08-Whiskery Bill The Squirrel | JTAHCOTM 38-12-07 ep09-Jonathan Has Fallen Under The Witchs Spell | JTAHCOTM 38-12-08 ep10-Jonathan In The Witchs Dream Cave | JTAHCOTM 38-12-09 ep11-Whiskery Bill Meets The Walrus | JTAHCOTM 38-12-10 ep12-Getting Rubies At The Rainbow Bridge | JTAHCOTM 38-12-11 ep13-Crossing The Frozen River | JTAHCOTM 38-12-12 ep14-Jonathan Wakes Up From The Witchs Spell | JTAHCOTM 38-12-13 ep15-OGigraf The Lion | JTAHCOTM 38-12-14 ep16-Saving The Elf King | JTAHCOTM 38-12-15 ep17-The Wall Of Doors | JTAHCOTM 38-12-16 ep18-In The Kingdom Of Alice | JTAHCOTM 38-12-17 ep19-Queen Alices Ball | JTAHCOTM 38-12-18 ep20-King Squeebubbly And Santa Claus | JTAHCOTM 38-12-19 ep21-Jonathan Grows Large And Small | JTAHCOTM 38-12-20 ep22-Kirmit The Hermit | JTAHCOTM 38-12-21 ep23-The Dragon With The Thirteen Tails Again | JTAHCOTM 38-12-22 ep24-Captured By The Squeebubblians | JTAHCOTM 38-12-23 ep25-Rescuing Santa Claus | JTAHCOTM 38-12-24 ep26-Going Home
The Beloved 1929-1954 Children's Theater Series - 52 Half Hour Episodes!
LP420822 - Why the Sea Is Salty | LP420829 - Little Mermaid, The | LP420905 - Elves and The Shoemaker, The | LP420912 - Water of Life, The | LP421219 - Prince Gigi and the Magic Ring | LP421226 - House of the World - Christmas Special | LP430320 - Princess Moonbeam | LP460504 - Jorinda and Joringal | LP460727 - The Yellow Dwarf | LP460803 - The Goose Girl | LP460810 - The Story of Faithfull John | LP461026 - Jack and the Bean Stalk | LP461102 - Puss and Boots | LP470607 - Six Swans | LP470621 - Blue Beard | LP470628 Thumbelina | LP470705 - Brother and Sister | LP470719 Rapunzel | LP470726 - The Chinese Nightingale | LP470803 - Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp | LP470816 - Youth Who | LP470823 - Melilot | LP470906 - The Twelve Months | LP470913 The Donkey, the Table, and the Stick | LP470920 - The Enchanted Frog | LP470927 - Cinderella | LP490403 - The Princess and the Pea | LP490416 - Snowdrop and the Seven Dwarves | LP490709 - The Tinderbox | LP520816 - The White Cat | LP521129 - One Eye Two Eyes Three Eyes | LP521213 - Snow Queen | LP521220 - Twas the Night Before Christmas | LP530131 The Brave Little Tailor | LP531101 - Ceres & Proserpina | LP540109 - Robin Hood | LP540605 - Beauty and the Beast | LP540619 - Andine | LP540719 - Rapunzel | LP541002 - King Arthur | LP541009 - Hansel and Gretel | LP541023 - Jorinda and Joringal | LPxxxxxx - Douban the Physician | LPxxxxxx - King Midas and the Golden Touch | LPxxxxxx - King Thrushbeard | LPxxxxxx - Man on the Corn | LPxxxxxx - Sleeping Beauty | LPxxxxxx - The Emperor's New Clothes | LPxxxxxx - The Frog Prince | LPxxxxxx - The Golden Fleece | LPxxxxxx - The Juniper Tree | LPxxxxxx - The Magic Carpet
Radio's First Late Afternoon Children's Serial - 8 Hours Packed Into 31 Episodes!
LOA 1934THETINBOX | LOA 19351018AnniesBigSurprise0917 | LOA 19351021JakeIsSick0918 | LOA 19351023ToWork0919 | LOA 19360616WrightBrothers1164 | LOA 19360617WhoShotTomBainesDog1165 | LOA 1936AnnieAndJoeGoingOnTrip1069 | LOA 1936BillCorwinGone1038 | LOA 1936BridgeisDestroyed1066 | LOA 1936FlintSellsStockToJake1019 | LOA 1936LightInOldHome1027 | LOA 1936LookingForCorwin1039 | LOA 1936MrFlintSellingStock1018 | LOA 1936SecondGradeLogs1021 | LOA 1936SiloPreparesForTrip1068 | LOA 1936TelegramForSilo1067 | LOA 1936TonyIsArrested1026 | LOA 1936WatchingTheBridge1020 | LOA 1938BuildingTransmitter1534 | LOA 1938DaddyWarbucksHearsSignals1539 | LOA 1938DaddyWarbucksSearches1535 | LOA 1938Diamonds1537 | LOA 1938QueenoftheIsland1536 | LOA 1938TempleinJungle1554 | LOA 1938TestingforDiamonds1538 | LOA 19400929AnnieFollowsLady | LOA 194010xxPearlDiver | LOA 1940BlackJacket | LOA 1940MonteCapturedByKirby | LOA 1940NightontheIsland | loaNODATE36AuctionSaleNONUMBER
The Beloved 1936 Weekly Childrens Adventure Series - 128 Quarter Hour Episodes!
MI 36xxxx e001 Jerry Hall's Proposal | MI 36xxxx e002 Leaving LA for Magic Island | MI 36xxxx e003 Strange Windstorm | MI 36xxxx e004 Strange Bank Of Fog | MI 36xxxx e005 Tex Prepares Straightascope | MI 36xxxx e006 Island In The Viewer | MI 36xxxx e007 Pulled By Magnetic Force | MI 36xxxx e008 Joan Found On Euclidia | MI 36xxxx e009 G47 Uses His Ray Gun | MI 36xxxx e010 False Radio Mesg | MI 36xxxx e011 Island Secrets | MI 36xxxx e012 Last Radio Msg Frm Magic Island | MI 36xxxx e013 Joan Stays On The Yacht | MI 36xxxx e014 Cloth Factory On The Island | MI 36xxxx e015 Staged Escape Attempt | MI 36xxxx e016 Soundproof Seaweed Cloth | MI 36xxxx e017 Homing Pidgeon | MI 36xxxx e018 Pidgeons Released | MI 36xxxx e019 The Secret Formula | MI 36xxxx e020 G47 Has The Pidgeon & Formula | MI 36xxxx e021 A Different Formula | MI 36xxxx e022 Trapped In An Elevator | MI 36xxxx e023 Elevator Escape | MI 36xxxx e024 Stolen Oxygen Tank | MI 36xxxx e025 Battleships Approach | MI 36xxxx e026 Magic Island Prepares To Submerge | MI 36xxxx e027 Radio Signals Within The Island | MI 36xxxx e028 Joan & Jerry Board The Submarine | MI 36xxxx e029 A Woman Commander | MI 36xxxx e030 Message To Johnson | MI 36xxxx e031 Joan & Jerry Ray Gunned | MI 36xxxx e032 Sub Heads For Johnsons Ship | MI 36xxxx e033 Sub Surfaces To Meet Johnsons Ship | MI 36xxxx e034 Johnson Speeds Away | MI 36xxxx e035 Tex Contacts Johnson | MI 36xxxx e036 Johnson's Ship Runs Out Of Fuel | MI 36xxxx e037 Gregory's Yacht Is Pulled Out Into the Light | MI 36xxxx e038 Commander Talks To Johnson | MI 36xxxx e039 Everyone Arrives | MI 36xxxx e040 McLeod Poses As Johnson | MI 36xxxx e041 Help From The Sub Commander | MI 36xxxx e042 The Gas Is Released | MI 36xxxx e043 Jerry & Joan Escape | MI 36xxxx e044 Transferring Oil | MI 36xxxx e045 Escape Attempt Tonight | MI 36xxxx e046 Power Shutdown Plan | MI 36xxxx e047 Joan Fires At Jerry | MI 36xxxx e048 Escape From Guard | MI 36xxxx e049 Ready To Throw Switches | MI 36xxxx e050 The Alarm Sound | MI 36xxxx e051 Swim For The Boat | MI 36xxxx e052 Island Sinks & A Susccessful Escape | MI 36xxxx e053 Lighted Buoys Mark The Route | MI 36xxxx e054 Out Of Fuel | MI 36xxxx e055 Sub Catches Up | MI 36xxxx e056 Sub Tows Yacht Back To Island | MI 36xxxx e057 Two Guards Knocked Out | MI 36xxxx e058 In A Chamber 90' Underground | MI 36xxxx e059 Island Gets Ready To Move | MI 36xxxx e060 Chamber Filling With Water | MI 36xxxx e061 Tex Is Ray Gunned | MI 36xxxx e062 Safe For 3 Days | MI 36xxxx e063 Keystone Notes | MI 36xxxx e064 Locked In Rooms | MI 36xxxx e065 Reunited | MI 36xxxx e066 Stealing A Sub | MI 36xxxx e067 The Warning Signal | MI 36xxxx e068 90 Second Intervals | MI 36xxxx e069 Attacked From The Air | MI 36xxxx e070 Sub Dives To 9000' | MI 36xxxx e071 10 Secs For The Combination | MI 36xxxx e072 Protection Around The Sub | MI 36xxxx e073 Stern Section Dumpted Off | MI 36xxxx e074 Getting Seasick | MI 36xxxx e075 Another Sub Follows | MI 36xxxx e076 Tex Tries The Radio | MI 36xxxx e077 Coded Message Keynotes Hit Sub | MI 36xxxx e078 Sailboat Pickup | MI 36xxxx e079 Sprayed With A Chemical | MI 36xxxx e080 Rescued By Oil Tanker | MI 36xxxx e081 Joan & Jerry Stay Behind | MI 36xxxx e082 Jerry Shows L.A. To Joan | MI 36xxxx e083 Someone's In The House | MI 36xxxx e084 Smelling Smoke Alarms Everyone | MI 36xxxx e085 Planning The Return | MI 36xxxx e086 Joan Is Afraid | MI 36xxxx e087 Sailing For The Magic Island | MI 36xxxx e088 Joan Questions The Crew | MI 36xxxx e089 Large Bad Storm CVauses Problms | MI 36xxxx e090 Engineer Peterson Is Taken Prisoner | MI 36xxxx e091 Ship Arrives At The Island | MI 36xxxx e092 Descent Into Modern Atlantis | MI 36xxxx e093 Everyone Disappears | MI 36xxxx e094 Questioned By G47 | MI 36xxxx e095 Beautiful Apartment | MI 36xxxx e096 City Is Discovered | MI 36xxxx e097 13 Large Cave Rooms | MI 36xxxx e098 Old Skipper Found Caring For Animals | MI 36xxxx e099 Meeting Master Builder | MI 36xxxx e100 Artificial Valcano Eruption | MI 36xxxx e101 Ships Moved Away | MI 36xxxx e102 Comparing Notes | MI 36xxxx e103 The Pigeons | MI 36xxxx e104 Talk About Future Plans | MI 36xxxx e105 Jerry & Tex Disappear | MI 36xxxx e106 Listening To Radio Broadcast | MI 36xxxx e107 Aboard A Test Rocket Plane | MI 36xxxx e108 Test Flight | MI 36xxxx e109 Instruments Have Failed | MI 36xxxx e110 Rocket Plane In The Water | MI 36xxxx e111 All Four Are Rescued | MI 36xxxx e112 Elaine Has A New Home | MI 36xxxx e113 An Arilock Is Discovered | MI 36xxxx e114 Making Escape Plans | MI 36xxxx e115 Keystone Note Demonstration | MI 36xxxx e116 Tex Is Suspicious Of Elaine | MI 36xxxx e117 Daring Escape Attempt | MI 36xxxx e118 Landing On Lake Hollywood | MI 36xxxx e119 Second Return Is Planned | MI 36xxxx e120 Tex Takes Off With Elaine & Is Seen | MI 36xxxx e121 Stopping Reporters Story | MI 36xxxx e122 Tex & Elaine Control Euclidia | MI 36xxxx e123 Motor Almost Dead | MI 36xxxx e124 Island Being Raised | MI 36xxxx e125 They Are Sinking | MI 36xxxx e126 On A Life Raft | MI 36xxxx e127 G47 Surrenders | MI 36xxxx e128 G47 Has Disappeared
The Children's Musical Variety Series Created To Promote Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs - 7 Half Hour Episodes!
MMTOTA 38-01-09 ep02-Snow White | MMTOTA 38-02-13 ep07-Mother Goose Land | MMTOTA 38-02-27 ep09-Cinderella | MMTOTA 38-03-06 ep10-King Neptune | MMTOTA 38-03-13 ep11-The Pied Piper | MMTOTA 38-04-03 ep14-The Old Woman in the Shoe | MMTOTA 38-05-15 ep20-Old Macdonald
America's Beloved Spinach-Eating Hero On Radio - 6 Quarter Hour Episodes!
Popeye-BreaksUpWithOlive 64kb | PopeyeTheSailor36-xx-xxxx-ARaceToTheMoon | PopeyeTheSailor36-xx-xxxx-PopeyeAndGangAtTheZoo | PopeyeTheSailor36-xx-xxxxPopeyeMeetsRobinHood | PopeyeTheSailor36-xx-xxxxPopeyeMeetsTheGiant 64kb | PopeyeTheSailor36-xx-xxxxTheRiverQueen 64kb
The Famed Whiz Kids Of Old Time Radio - 76 Half Hour Episodes!
QK 41-04-16 ep043-Guest - Jackie Benny | QK 43-01-24 ep136-Guest - Sister Elizabeth Kenny | QK 43-02-21 ep140-Guest - Jack Benny | QK 43-03-28 ep145-Guest - Fred Allen | QK 46-03-24 ep301-What Husband Gave His Wife Her Only Name | QK 46-07-21 ep318-Guest - Vanessa Brown | QK 47-03-09 ep351-Ambassador Wilhelm Morgenstern | QK 47-05-18 ep361-From Denver Colorado | QK 47-07-27 ep371-Three Explorers Names La De Da | QK 48-03-21 ep405-Who Hopes To Whip Cream In June | QK 48-03-28 ep406-Easter Bunny Visits | QK 48-04-11 ep408-From Dearborn Michigan | QK 48-04-18 ep409-What Animal Has Always Had The New Look | QK 48-04-25 ep410-What City Has A New Jack In The Box | QK 48-05-09 ep412-The Quiz Kids Mothers | QK 48-05-23 ep414-Visitors to Pittsburgh | QK 48-05-30 ep415-A Nymph with a Telescope Looking at a Comet | QK 48-06-06 ep416-Baseball Dessert | QK 48-06-20 ep418-The Quiz Kids Fathers | QK 48-06-27 ep419-Eight Anniversary Show | QK 48-07-04 ep420-Celebrating Independence Day | QK 48-07-11 ep421-What Combination Of Names Means Damp Rabbit | QK 48-07-18 ep422-Popular Song Is Name Of Explorer | QK 48-07-25 ep423-Tom Dick And Harry Were In The News | QK 48-08-01 ep424-A Monarch Recently Turned Indian | QK 48-08-08 ep425-What Skin Makes The Best Slippers | QK 48-08-15 ep426-Wear Into The White House | QK 48-08-29 ep428-Sign Name For Hershey | QK 48-09-05 ep429-Who Is The Most Recent Queen For A Day | QK 48-09-12 ep430-The Railroad Fair | QK 48-09-26 ep432-If Hawaii Is The Forty-ninth State | QK 48-10-03 ep433-Fish and the Generals Name | QK 48-10-10 ep434-A Presidents Name Is an Indian Tribe | QK 48-10-17 ep435-From St Louis Missouri | QK 48-11-07 ep438-A Mousetrap a Buttonhook and the Statue of Liberty | QK 48-11-21 ep440-Thanksgiving Poem | QK 48-12-05 ep442-There Really Is a Santa Claus | QK 48-12-12 ep443-Two Buckets At Different Temperatures | QK 48-12-19 ep444-Christmas Party | QK 48-12-26 ep445-Similar Name | QK 49-02-06 ep451-Fish Spelled Backwards Is General | QK 49-03-20 ep457-Atomic Numbers | QK 49-03-27 ep458-Outstanding Man Who Was PM then MP | QK 49-04-03 ep459-Al Capp | QK 49-04-10 ep460-A Hackle and a Ginger Quill | QK 49-04-24 ep462-The Achilles of Baseball | QK 49-05-01 ep463-Diego Rivera | QK 49-05-29 ep467-Class Of People In Washington DC | QK 50-04-02 ep512-Quiz Kids Vs The Professors | QK 50-07-02 ep525-Farm Questions | QK 50-08-06 ep530-Voting to Music | QK 50-08-13 ep531-International Trade Fair | QK 50-08-20 ep532-Geographical Delegate | QK 50-08-27 ep533-Hiawatha and Mini Ha Ha | QK 50-09-03 ep534-Gambosi a Finnus | QK 50-09-10 ep535-Beauty Pack Mule Pack or Cinpac | QK 50-09-17 ep536-Kiwannis Club International | QK 50-09-24 ep537-Betty McDonalds First Book | QK 50-10-01 ep538-Tallahassee Is the Capitol | QK 50-10-08 ep539-A Nursery Rhyme Seventh US President and a Pier | QK 50-10-15 ep540-The Fraternal Order of Eagles | QK 50-10-22 ep541-First Landing Across the Atlantic | QK 50-10-29 ep542-He Threw off His Bird Cage and Ran Past the Woodpile | QK 50-11-05 ep543-A Mammals Life Span | QK 50-11-12 ep544-My Sugar Is So Refined | QK 50-11-19 ep545-Rotary International | QK 50-11-26 ep546-4 H Club Members | QK 50-12-03 ep547-Lions Club | QK 50-12-17 ep548-Elks Club | QK 51-01-21 ep553-Moses Father-In-Law | QK 51-01-28 ep554-Noah Playing Canasta on the Ark | QK 51-02-25 ep558-Twins from Syracuse | QK 51-03-04 ep559-Walker Bulldogs | QK 51-03-11 ep560-St Patricks Day Diamond | QK 51-03-18 ep561-American Legion Womens Auxiliary | QK 51-03-25 ep562-Live From The Shamrock Hotel
The Children's Shoe Company's Own Radio Series - 20 Half Hour Episodes!
SEBBG - 1944-10-14 - xxxx | SEBBG - Billy Stanley - 32-22 - 27m09s | 1946-05-26 - xxxx - SEBBG - Pegasus The Winged Horse - 32-22 - 28m06s | 1946-07-27 - xxxx - SEBBG - Knights And Tournaments - 32-22 - 28m34s | 1947-08-30 - xxxx - SEBBG - A Carieb Indian Story - 32-22 - 27m20s | 1947-12-13 - xxxx - SEBBG - A Plane Called Yankee Doodle - 24-16 - 28m24s | 1948-05-15 - xxxx - SEBBG - Pirates And The Parrott - 32-22 - 29m48s | 1949-01-15 - xxxx - SEBBG - The Enchanted King - 32-22 - 28m36s | 1949-02-26 - xxxx - SEBBG - Kulah s Brother - 32-22 - 22m08s | 1949-03-05 - xxxx - SEBBG - Alamo The Race Horse - 32-22 - 28m51s | 1949-04-30 - xxxx - SEBBG - A Wolf Named Fang - 32-22 - 28m54s | 1949-08-13 - xxxx - SEBBG - Robin Hood Helps Young Knight - 32-22 - 28m58s | 1950-03-04 - 0013 - SEBBG - Little Fox - 32-22 - 24m36s | 1952-08-23 - xxxx - SEBBG - Zacha And The Mutiny - 32-22 - 29m28s | 1952-08-30 - xxxx - SEBBG - The Goddess Statue - 32-22 - 28m54s | 1952-09-06 - xxxx - SEBBG - Melon Patch Murder - 32-22 - 29m02s | 1952-09-13 - xxxx - SEBBG - Little Foxes Moose Hunt - 32-22 - 28m46s | 1952-09-20 - xxxx - SEBBG - Enchanted South Winds - 32-22 - 29m23s | 1952-09-27 - xxxx - SEBBG - The Monkey Gods - 32-22 - 15m09s | 1952-10-04 - xxxx - SEBBG - The Boy Who Wouldn t Obey - 32-22 - 13m43s | 19xx-xx-xx - xxxx - SEBBG - A Tribute To The Girl Scouts - 32-22 - 29m17s | 19xx-xx-xx - xxxx - SEBBG - Jerry And Judy - 32-22 - 28m05s
The Beloved 1950-55 Children's Sci-Fi Adventure Series - Over 48 Hours Packed Into 101 Episodes!
SP 52.10.04 Ep0001 Commander Cory | SP 52.10.25 Ep0004 The Hole In Empty Space | SP 52.11.08 Ep0006 The City Of The Sun | SP 52.11.15 Ep0007 Queen Of Space | SP 52.11.22 Ep0008 The Giant Bubble | SP 52.11.29 Ep0009 The Electronic Burglar | SP 52.12.06 Ep0010 The Space Shark | SP 52.12.13 Ep0011 Search For Asteroid X | SP 52.12.20 Ep0012 The Lady From Venus | SP 52.12.27 Ep0013 Lastvoyageoflonesomeleana | SP 53.01.03 Ep0014 Thebrainbank | SP 53.01.10 Ep0015 The Sleep Walker | SP 53.01.24 Ep0017 The Scavengers Of Space | SP 53.01.31 Ep0018 The Top Secret D - Ray | SP 53.02.07 Ep0019 Crash Landing | SP 53.02.14 Ep0020 The Mysterious Meteor | SP 53.02.21 Ep0021 The Moon Beetles | SP 53.02.28 Ep0022 The Strange Gift Of The New Star | SP 53.03.07 Ep0023 The Seed Crystals Of Zeldabran | SP 53.03.13 Ep0024 The Magic Space Pictures | SP 53.03.21 Ep0025 The Caverns Of Venus | SP 53.03.28 Ep0026 The Forgotten City | SP 53.04.25 Ep0030 The Prisoner Of Pluto | SP 53.05.02 Ep0031 The Venus Space Factory | SP 53.05.09 Ep0032 The Cosmic Ray Detector | SP 53.05.16 Ep0033 The Secret Of Sublevel 7 | SP 53.05.23 Ep0034 Treachery In Outerspace | SP 53.05.30 Ep0035 The Immortal Brain | SP 53.06.20 Ep0038 The Indestructible Germ | SP 53.06.26 Ep0039 The Treasure Of Planetoid - 6 | SP 53.08.01 Ep0044 The Sleeping Demon Of Saturn | SP 53.08.08 Ep0045 Trouble Aboard Supernova | SP 53.08.15 Ep0046 Peril Over Jupiter | SP 53.08.22 Ep0047 The Menace Of Planet X | SP 53.08.29 Ep0048 The Trap On Planet X | SP 53.09.05 Ep0049 The Valley Of Dread | SP 53.09.12 Ep0050 Escapefromplanetx | SP 53.09.19 Ep0051 Thespiesfromplanetx | SP 53.09.26 Ep0052 Targetjupiter | SP 53.10.03 Ep0053 Returntoplanetx | SP 53.10.10 Ep0054 Ontheicecapofplanetx | SP 53.10.17 Ep0055 Rescuefromplanetx | SP 53.10.24 Ep0056 Thesecretofadargoruins | SP 53.10.31 Ep0057 Ironeatersofplanetx | SP 53.11.07 Ep0058 Cycloneinouterspace | SP 53.11.14 Ep0059 Undertheseaofplanetx | SP 53.11.21 Ep0060 Seamonsterofplanetx | SP 53.11.28 Ep0061 Revoltofthespacerats | SP 53.12.05 Ep0062 Baccaratissecretweapon | SP 53.12.12 Ep0063 Thelostcondor | SP 53.12.19 Ep0064 Venustulaniamystery | SP 53.12.26 Ep0065 Thelostdimension | SP 54.01.02 Ep0066 Wistfulwizzardofneptunesmoon | SP 54.01.09 Ep0067 Theclawofvenus | SP 54.01.23 Ep0069 Martian Masquerade | SP 54.01.30 Ep0070 Treasure Of Mount Rocob | SP 54.02.04 Ep0071 The Invisible Enemy | SP 54.02.13 Ep0072 Revenge Of Dryeager | SP 54.02.27 Ep0074 Serpents Of Saturn | SP 54.03.13 Ep0076 Test For Survival | SP 54.03.20 Ep0077 Secret Of Dr Borodeck | SP 54.03.27 Ep0078 The Zero Ray | SP 54.04.03 Ep0079 Superbrain Of Balmercastr | SP 54.04.10 Ep0080 Tests Of The Xk3 | SP 54.04.17 Ep0081 Image Of Evil | SP 54.05.08 Ep0084 Captain Haggart's Planetoid | SP 54.05.22 Ep0086 Strange Voyager | SP 54.05.29 Ep0087 The Red Demon Of Venus | SP 54.06.05 Ep0088 Mystery Of The Masked Martian | SP 54.06.12 Ep0089 The Tattoed Atom | SP 54.06.19 Ep0090 Cavern Of Fear | SP 54.06.26 Ep0091 Race Against Time | SP 54.07.03 Ep0092 The Robot Of Vortena | SP 54.07.10 Ep0093 Trial By Terror | SP 54.08.14 Ep0098 The Counterfeit Atom | SP 54.08.21 Ep0099 Formula For Crime | SP 54.09.11 Ep0102 Design For Danger | SP 54.09.18 Ep0103 Prisoners Of Tiranna | SP 54.09.25 Ep0104 Invasion From Tiranna | SP 54.10.02 Ep0105 Voice From The Future | SP 54.10.30 Ep0109 Realm Of The Robot | SP 54.11.06 Ep0110 Watchman Of Wormic | SP 54.11.13 Ep0111 The Frightened Robot | SP 54.12.04 Ep0114 The Invisible Enemy | SP 54.12.11 Ep0115 The City Of Hidden Doom | SP 54.12.18 Ep0116 Escape From Neptune | SP 54.12.25 Ep0117 The Lost Galaxy | SP 55.01.01 Ep0118 Ambush In Space | SP 55.01.08 Ep0119 Prison Planet | SP 55.01.15 Ep0120 The Crown Of Dargeeda | SP 55.01.22 Ep0121 The Shadow Of Shardu | SP 55.01.29 Ep0122 The Planet Of Discord | SP 55.02.05 Ep0123 The Conquest Of Dargeeda | SP 55.02.12 Ep0124 The Hermit Of Pluto | SP 55.02.19 Ep0125 The Time Pirates | SP 55.02.26 Ep0126 Voyage To The Future | SP 55.03.05 Ep0127 The Monster From The Past | SP 55.03.12 Ep0128 The Weed Of Despair | SP 55.03.19 Ep0129 The Fugitive From Telarma | SP xx.xx.xx Bees | SP xx.xx.xx Kiddie Record
Hitch A Ride Aboard Speed's Super Airplane In This Classic 1937-38 Children's Adventure Series - All 178 Classic Adventure Episodes!
370102 001 OctopusGangActive | 370109 002 SecretPolice | 370116 003 HeadingForHongKong | 370123 004 ShootingAtempt | 370130 005 OctupusOrdersKidnapping | 370206 006 RemainingAtWakeIsland | 370213 007 SpeedIsMissing | 370220 008 SPLINTERS IN CUSTODY | 370227 009 SplintersGetsAway | 370306 010 BarneyFlliesTheMysteryPlane | 370313 011 TrioAmbushedOnGuam | 370320 012 OctopusPlansASurprise | 370327 013 ArrivalInHongKong | 370403 014 ClinsSuspiciousOfMrWu | 370410 015 ClintToStayWithDrKingsley | 370417 016 HotelRoomsAreRansacked | 370424 017 MarshaIsKidnapped | 370501 018 TheOctopusRevealsPlans | 370508 019 DisguisedAsCoolies | 370515 020 SpeedIsKnockedOut | 370522 021 LeaveOnABulletPlane | 370529 022 SpeedTriedToWarnClint | 370605 023 ShotAtAndForcedDown | 370612 024 FlowerBoatIsSighted | 370619 025 PrisonerOnTheFlowerBoat | 370626 026 Clint&BarneyAreCaptured | 370703 027 SpeedArrivesAndHelpsClint&Barney | 370710 028 BobGilmoreSwornIntoSecretPolice | 370717 029 Speed&BobFlyToHelpDrKingsely | 370724 030 TheOctopus'sSecretHeadquarters | 370731 031 SpeedDiscoversTheSecretEntrance | 370807 032 ATrapHasBeenSet | 370814 033 TunnelFillsWithWater | 370821 034 WaterContinuesTRise | 370828 035 DynamiteMustBeUsed | 370904 036 SpeedIsLostInTheTunnel | 370911 037 SpeedIsFound | 370918 038 BarneyHeadsForTheHut | 370925 039 ATeahouseFire | 371002 040 NewInstructionsFromTheOctopus | 371009 041 TheOctopusContinuesPLans | 371016 042 PlanIntoEffect | 371023 043 SpeedThinksQuanWuIsAGangMember | 371030 044 SetUpInATrap | 371106 045 TheOctopusTrapsSpeedAndJane | 371113 046 AlTakenPrisoner | 371120 047 TheOctopusEscapes | 371127 048 HidingInASecretRoom | 371204 049 PoisonGasBomb | 371211 050 HowToCatchTheOctopus | 371218 051 EveryoneReadyForTheTrip | 371225 052 FightingBreaksOut | 380101 053 HeadingIntoTibet | 380108 054 TheOctopusWillGoToBlackPass | 380115 055 FollowingTheOctopus | 380122 056 MonoplaneIsAirborn | 380129 057 SpeedTalksWithTheOctopusViaRadio | 380205 058 FollowTheDragon | 380212 059 ATibetanAvalanche | 380219 060 AllNarrowlyEscape | 380226 061 TheOctopusPlaneSpotted | 380305 062 TheSecretPoliceAreJailed | 380312 063 TheOctopusReachesSecretHouse | 380319 064 PassOfTheIronDragon | 380326 065 SurroundingTheOctopus'SecretHome | 380402 066 SecretPoliceCaptureTheOctopus | 380409 067 KidnappingPlan | 380416 068 BarneyKidnapped | 380423 069 ThoughtRecordingMachine | 380430 070 AFalseFloor | 380507 071 ASecretTortureChamber | 380514 072 ThoughtHelmetTaken | 380521 073 BlankThoughtWaves | 380528 074 BarneyFoundWandering | 380604 075 ArrowAlmostHitsSpeed | 380611 076 TibetanFeast | 380618 077 TheOctopusVisitsZeeRing'sHome | 380625 078 PicnicPlanning | 380702 079 SpeedInDisguise | 380709 080 SpeedCaughtByTheOctopus | 380716 081 ClintSavesSpeedFromStorm | 380723 082 OctopusPicturesToTheStates | 380730 083 MarshaWinfieldHeldPrisoner | 380806 084 SlaveRaidsBegin | 380813 085 Clint&SpeedBeginAnAirFlight | 380820 086 MarciaAndHerBrotherFound | 380827 087 AplinterAndWuAreCaptured | 380903 088 SplinterIsShot | 380910 SpeedGidcon-089-SplinterIsCareFor | 380917 090 SplinterIsHiding | 380924 091 MarciaRecoversFromVaporsOfSleep | 381001 092 ShootingBreaksOut | 381008 093 RepoCatchesPilotsAtBlackPass | 381015 094 OpenRadioAccident | 381022 095 AnAerialDogFight | 381029 096 OctopusPlaneCrashes | 381105 097 ReadyForAttackOnTheOctopus | 381112 098 TimeForAShowdown | 381119 099 OctopusAndMenCaptured | 381126 100 TheOctopusJumpsFromPlaneInFlight | 381203 101 AtlantianInvestigationInAfrica | 381210 102 AnAirborneFire | 381217 103 SafeLandingIsMade | 381224 104 FallingIntoATrap | 381231 105 NoWaterAboardThePlane | 390107 106 TheTimeBomb | 390114 107 LeedsKillsHimself | 390121 108 DavisShotByOctopusGang | 390128 109 DavisKilled | 390204 110 TheOctopusIsStillAlive | 390211 111 AnOctopusGunboatOutside | 390218 112 TrappedInCaveWithNoWater | 390225 113 EveryoneRescued | 390304 114 MarieIsStowaway | 390311 115 SmileyIsMissing | 390318 116 IsSmileyDead | 390325 117 MessengerArrives | 390401 118 AngryCrowdAtCasablanc | 390408 119 AirportDisguise | 390415 120 OctopusGangMovesIn | 390422 121 PowerMagazinePlan | 390425 122 StopPlansForExplosion | 390506 123 Clint&CarlosInABadStorm | 390513 124 DroppingASignal | 390520 125 APoisonDart | 390527 126 THeOctopus'OldHeadquarters | 390603 127 PlanFlightToTheSaraha | 390610 128 FlyToLegionnaireOutpost | 390617 129 AttackRepelled | 390624 130 BadSandStorm | 390701 131 ClintLandsInTheDesert | 390708 132 DiscoveredInTheDesert | 390715 133 OctopusLearnsTheirLocation | 390722 134 Speed&ClintArrestedInKarno | 390729 135 ARingGetsThemOutOfJail | 390805 136 TheOctopusVisitsAreExplained | 390812 137 EnemyPlaneCrashes | 390819 138 BoatingDownTheCongo | 390826 139 SpeedIsConfrontedByALeopard | 390902 140 LeavingCamp | 390909 141 ClintRescuesMrsBuchanan | 390916 142 SearchForJohnBuchanan | 390923 143 BarneyHypnotizedByGiantMothWings | 390930 144 TroublesWithABoaConstrictors | 391007 145 FumesOvercomeEveryone | 391014 146 InThePathOfCannibalAnts | 391021 147 TheOctopusSuspectsTrap | 391028 148 WarriorsHelpInSearchingForHQ | 391104 149 NativeAttackNearOctopusHQ | 391111 150 AttackStoppedWithElephantStampede | 391118 151 SearchOfHQStarted | 391125 152 SavedFromSuffocating | 391202 153 LeavingForGorillaCountry | 391209 154 TheOctopusPreparesDeathRay | 391216 155 TheOctopusOverheardOnTheRadio | 391223 156 ElephantGrassFire | 391230 157 AJungleCrashLanding | 400106 158 SurpriseMeetingWithNatives | 400113 159 BarneyConfrontedTalkingGorilla | 400120 160 TalkingGorillaStartsAttack | 400127 161 EntireCampCaptured | 400203 162 OctopusPacksDeathRayMachine | 400210 163 EveryoneEscapesGorillaAttack | 400217 164 AllAreCaughtInJungleStorm | 400224 165 JohnBuchananFoundInHut | 400302 166 SurroundedByPygmyHeadhunters | 400309 167 SafeTake-off | 400316 168 SpeedMissingAgain | 400323 169 TheOctopusWaits | 400330 170 CarCrash | 400406 171 OctopusGangMemberIsQuestioned | 400413 172 ClintWorriesAboutLanding | 400420 173 Clint'sPlaneCatchesOnFire | 400427 174 AnOctopusAgentConfessesToFire | 400504 175 DesertRaidersAttack | 400511 176 OctopusCampIsReached | 400518 177 DeathRayBlownUp | 400525 178 THE OCTOPUS FINALLY CAPTURED
The Exotic & Multicultural Juvenile Adventure Series - 60 Quarter Hour Episodes!
TOTP 1941-12-01WGNprgm041 | TOTP 1941-12-02WGNprgm042 | TOTP 1941-12-03WGNprgm043 | TOTP 1941-12-04WGNprgm044 | TOTP 1941-12-05WGNprgm045 | TOTP 1941-12-08WGNprgm046 | TOTP 1941-12-09WGNprgm047 | TOTP 1941-12-10WGNprgm048 | TOTP 1941-12-11WGNprgm049 | TOTP 1941-12-12WGNprgm050 | TOTP 1941-12-15WGNprgm051 | TOTP 1941-12-16WGNprgm052 | TOTP 1941-12-17WGNprgm053 | TOTP 1941-12-18WGNprgm054 | TOTP 1941-12-19WGNprgm055 | TOTP 1941-12-22WGNprgm056 | TOTP 1941-12-23WGNprgm057 | TOTP 1941-12-24WGNprgm058 | TOTP 1941-12-25WGNprgm059 | TOTP 1941-12-26WGNprgm060 | TOTP 1942-02-19CaptBlaze | TOTP 1942-07-06TheBaronVonKrell | TOTP 1943-03-31CaptBlazesaved | TOTP 1943-0x-0xCalcuttaSpies | TOTP 1944-01-10TheBaron | TOTP 1944-01-27TheBaron | TOTP 1944-02-03TheBaron | TOTP 1944-09-27TheSearchforAbnerKane | TOTP 1944-10-19JapAttack | TOTP 1945-05-08PlanningaVacation | TOTP 1945-09-24TheAdventureoftheThirteen | TOTP 1946-12-02TheBuggedHotelRoom | TOTP 1946-12-04RepresentativeMossBunker | TOTP 1946-12-11AprehendingCuthney | TOTP 1946-12-13CuthneyDropsDead | TOTP 1946-12-20TheSearchforDrQuil | TOTP 1946-12-25SpecialChristmasRhyme | TOTP 1946-12-26TheManWhoNeverSleeps | TOTP 1946-12-xxTheManWhoNeverSleeps | TOTP 1947-01-10TheManWhoNeverSleeps | TOTP 1947-01-13TheManWhoNeverSleeps | TOTP 1947-01-14TheManWhoNeverSleeps | TOTP 1947-01-15TheManWhoNeverSleeps | TOTP 1947-01-16TheManWhoNeverSleeps | TOTP 1947-01-17TheManWhoNeverSleeps | TOTP 1947-01-xxTheManWhoNeverSleeps | TOTP 1947-05-20Puzzleofthe13Orphans | TOTP 1947-05-29AdventureoftheLimestoneLe | TOTP 1947-07-14TCOTGoofyGosling | TOTP 1947-08-01UnderAPileofHay | TOTP 1947-10-12ThePirateGoldDetectorRing | TOTP 1947-10-14TheDragonLadySrtikesBack | TOTP 1947-10-20TheDragonLadyStrikesBack | TOTP 1947-10-24TheDragonLadyStrikesBack | TOTP 1947-10-31TheDragonLadyStrikesBack | TOTP 1947-11-07TheDragonLadyStrikesBack | TOTP 1947-11-14TheMechanicalEye | TerryANDThePirates44-10-19JapAttack | TerryANDThePirates45-05-08PlanningAVacation | TerryANDThePirates45-09-24TheAdventureOfTheThirteen
The Beloved 1952 Kids Science Fiction Series - Over 17 Hours Packed Into 45 High Resolution MP3s!
TCSC 52 01 01 #01 Living Crystals of Titan, Part 1 | TCSC 52 01 03 #02 Crystal Smugglers Of Titan (2-2) | TCSC 52 01 08 #03 Rocket Into Danger (1-2) | TCSC 52 01 10 #04 Rocket Into Danger (2-2) | TCSC 52 01 15 #05 Space Station Of Danger (1-2) | TCSC 52 01 17 #06 Space Station of Danger (2-2) | TCSC 52 01 22 #07 Shanghaied (1-2) | TCSC 52 01 24 #08 Shanghaied (2-2) | TCSC 52 01 29 #09 Operation Hide & Seek (1-2) | TCSC 52 02 07 #12 Doomed Cargo (2-2) | TCSC 52 02 12 13 the ice cave | TCSC 52 02 21 #16 Ice Caves Of Pluto (1-1) | TCSC 52 02 26 #17 Trial In Space (1-2) | TCSC 52 02 28 #18 Trial In Space (2-2) HQ | TCSC 52 03 04 #19 Asteroid Of Danger (1-2) HQ | TCSC 52 03 06 #20 Asteroid Of Danger (2-2) HQ | TCSC 52 03 11 #21 Giant Of Mercury (1-2) | TCSC 52 03 13 #22 Giant Of Mercury (2-2) | TCSC 52 03 18 #23 Atmosphere Of Death (1-2) HQ | TCSC 52 03 20 #24 Atmosphere Of Death (2-20 HQ) | TCSC 52 03 25 #25 Mission Of Mercy (1-2) | TCSC 52 03 27 #26 Mission Of Mercy (2-2) HQ | TCSC 52 04 01 #27 Double Cross In Space (1-2) | TCSC 52 04 03 #28 Double Cross In Space (2-2) | TCSC 52 04 08 #29 Sparkling Meteor (1-2) | TCSC 52 04 10 #30 Sparkling Meteor (2-2) | TCSC 52 04 15 #31 Holiday Of Terror (1-2) HQ | TCSC 52 04 17 #32 Holiday Of Terror (2-2) | TCSC 52 04 22 #33 Riddle Of Astro (1-2) HQ | TCSC 52 04 24 #34 Riddle Of Astro (2-2) HQ | TCSC 52 04 29 #35 Escort Of Death (1-2) | TCSC 52 05 01 #36 Escort Of Death (2-2) | TCSC 52 05 06 #37 Danger In Deep Space (1-2) HQ | TCSC 52 05 13 #39 Marooned With Death (1-2) HQ | TCSC 52 05 15 #40 Marooned With Death (2-2) HQ | TCSC 52 05 20 #41 Greatest Show In The Universe (1-2) HQ | TCSC 52 05 22 #42 Greatest Show In The Universe (2-2) HQ | TCSC 52 05 27 #43 Revolt On Prison Rock (1-2) HQ | TCSC 52 05 29 #44 Revolt On Prison Rock (2-2) HQ | TCSC 52 06 03 #45 Vultures Of Space (1-2) HQ | TCSC 52 06 05 #46 Vultures Of Space (2-2) | TCSC 52 06 10 #47 Satellite Of Death (1-2) | TCSC 52 06 12 #48 Satellite Of Death (2-2) | TCSC 52 06 17 #49 Pursuit Of Danger (1-2) | TCSC 52 06 19 #50 Pursuit Of Danger (2-2)
The Classic 1947-48 Seafaring Adventure Series - 35 Half Hour Episodes!
SQ 1947-02-02 (aud)The Death of David Malone | SQ 1947-07-03 (01)The Shanghi Secret | SQ 1947-07-10 (02)Report of the White Jade Buddha | SQ 1947-07-17 (03)The Spaniard and the Laskar Pirates | SQ 1947-07-24 (04)The Boston Geisha and Chesapeake Bay | SQ 1947-07-31 (05)Lily in the Chimoipo Bar | SQ 1947-08-07 (06)The White Cargo Act and Ah Sin | SQ 1947-08-14 (07) The White Cargo Act and Ah Sin | SQ 1947-08-21 (08)Story of the Eight Historic Periods | SQ 1947-08-28 (09)The Barefoot Nymph and the Mother Hubbard Jacket | SQ 1947-09-04 (10) The Jewel Thieves and the Straw Filled Dummy | SQ 1947-09-11 (11)Jewel Thieves and the Straw Filled Dummy | SQ 1947-09-18 (12)The Courtship of Anna May Lamour | SQ 1947-09-25 (13)Shore Leave and the Unhappy Wife | SQ 1947-10-02 (14)The Fat Trader and the Sword of Apokaezhan | SQ 1947-10-09 (15)The Tatooed Beaver and Baby Food for Pare Pare | SQ 1947-10-16 (16)Ah Sin and the Balinese Beaux Arts Ball | SQ 1947-10-23 (17)Grafter's Fort and the Black Pearl of Galahla Bay | SQ 1947-10-30 (18)Lonely Sultan of Isabella De Basilan | SQ 1947-11-06 (19)Kang's Treasure and the Ghost of Tangolan Bay | SQ 1947-11-13 (20)Beautiful Girl in the Bargin Basement | SQ 1947-11-20 (21)Huntsman's Quarry and the Dead Chinese | SQ 1947-12-03 (22)The Green Tourist and the Temple Bell | SQ 1947-12-10 (23)The Wandering Master and the Warlord at Rest | SQ 1947-12-17 (24)Red Beard and the Bag of Pearls | SQ 1947-12-24 (25)The 15Th Llama and the Wise Guy from the East | SQ 1947-12-31 (26)Hattie McCormick and the Patient Stowaway | SQ 1948-01-07 (27)The Derelict and the Wandering Boy | SQ 1948-01-14 (28)Fang Rubies and the Black Siamese | SQ 1948-01-21 (29)The Ambitious Hostess on South Bridge Road | SQ 1948-01-28 (30)The Bubble Dancer and the Buccaneers | SQ 1948-02-04 (31)The Pegleg Skipper and the Iberian Blade | SQ 1948-02-11 (32)Rocky III and the Dead Man's Chest | SQ 1948-02-18 (33)Queen Anne Pistols and the Dealer on King George Road | SQ 1948-02-25 (34)Winchester Rifle and the Ambitious Groom
Golden Age Of Radio: Children's Programming: The line-up of late afternoon adventure serials included Bobby Benson and the B-Bar-B Riders, The Cisco Kid, Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy, Captain Midnight, and The Tom Mix Ralston Straight Shooters. Badges, rings, decoding devices and other radio premiums offered on these adventure shows were often allied with a sponsor's product, requiring the young listeners to mail in a boxtop from a breakfast cereal or other proof of purchase.