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Nuclear War Films #6 Tumbler, Ivy, Doorstep, Castle Tests DVD MP4 USB

Nuclear War Films #6 Tumbler, Ivy, Doorstep, Castle Tests DVD MP4 USB
Nuclear War Films #6 Tumbler, Ivy, Doorstep, Castle Tests DVD MP4 USB
Item# nuclear-war-films-6-dvd-operations-tumbler-ivy-doorstep-castl6
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Declassified U. S. Government Films Detailing How America Planned To Win A Nuclear War! *Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD, MP4 Video Download Or USB Flash Drive! #NuclearWeaponsTestingFilms #NuclearWeaponsTesting #NuclearWeapons #AtomicWeapons #ThermonuclearWeapons #NuclearWar #AtomicWar #ThermonuclearWar #WeaponsTests #NuclearWeaponsTests #NuclearWeaponsTestsFilms #Abombs #AtomBombs #AtomBomb #AtomicBomb #AtomicBombs #HBombs #HydrogenBombs #Nukes #NuclearWarheads #NuclearBombs #Films #Movies #GovernmentInformationFilms #ClassifiedFilms #FormerlyClassifiedFilms #DVD #VideoDownload #MP4 #USBFlashDrive

Bombing Techniques Tested, First H-Bomb Detonated, New Bomb Designs Perfected & Civil Defense Measures Evaluated


Operation Tumbler - A Photographic Study Of Blast And Thermal Phenomena (1952,Color, 22:21)
With the Korean War raging, the Defense Department was keen to perfect bombing techniques so as to maximize destructive potential against surface targets. A major obstacle to this goal was the unreliability of mathematical formulae then in use to predict blast yield and its associated effects. This film documents the technological and methodological measuring techniques used and photographic analyses employed in the obtaining of data necessary to arrive at more accurate blast yield predictions.

Operation Ivy - Parts 1 & 2 (1952, Color, 1:02:47)
With the Cold War raging and fears that the Soviet Union was gaining on the U.S. in nuclear proficiency after it had successfully detonated its own atomic bomb in 1949, President Truman in 1950 directed the Atomic Energy commission to "work on all forms of atomic weapons, including the so-called hydrogen or "Super Bomb". This directive culminated in Operation Ivy, which resulted in two separate explosive tests, the two most powerful bombs ever created until that time - one a tactical high-yield fission or atomic nuclear weapon, and the other the world's first hydrogen atomic device or thermonuclear weapon.

Operation Doorstep (1953, B&W, 10:15)
An operation that was itself a subset of Operation Upshot-Knothole (which operation is featured in NUCLEAR WAR FILMS VOLUME VII) which subset was especially concerned with Civil Defense related matters and relied upon mannequins, various housing types and general community infrastructure to provide the necessary data with which to predict domestic damage, test Civil Defense assumptions and evaluate the relative damage particular materials and construction types would sustain.

Operation Castle (1953, Color 20:28)
This series of tests of new and more powerful thermonuclear devices resulted in mixed results and helped to clearly show how, and how not, to perfect the design of these weapons.

Nuclear Weapons Tests are experiments carried out to determine the effectiveness, yield, and explosive capability of nuclear weapons. Testing nuclear weapons offers practical information about how the weapons function, as well as how detonations are affected by different conditions; and how personnel, structures, and equipment are affected when subjected to nuclear explosions. However, nuclear testing has often been used as an indicator of scientific and military strength, and many tests have been overtly political in their intention; most nuclear weapons states publicly declared their nuclear status by means of a nuclear test. The first nuclear device was detonated as a test by the United States at the Trinity site in New Mexico on July 16, 1945, with a yield approximately equivalent to 20 kilotons of TNT. The first thermonuclear weapon technology test of an engineered device, codenamed "Ivy Mike", was tested at the Enewetak Atoll in the Marshall Islands on November 1, 1952 (local date), also by the United States. The largest nuclear weapon ever tested was the "Tsar Bomba" of the Soviet Union at Novaya Zemlya on October 30, 1961, with the largest yield ever seen, an estimated 50-58 megatons. In 1963, three (UK, US, Soviet Union) of the then four nuclear states and many non-nuclear states signed the Limited Test Ban Treaty, pledging to refrain from testing nuclear weapons in the atmosphere, underwater, or in outer space. The treaty permitted underground nuclear testing. France continued atmospheric testing until 1974, and China continued until 1980. Neither has signed the treaty. Underground tests in the Soviet Union continued until 1990, the United Kingdom until 1991, the United States until 1992 (its last nuclear test), and both China and France until 1996. In signing the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty in 1996, these states have pledged to discontinue all nuclear testing; the treaty has not yet entered into force because of failure to be ratified by eight countries. Non-signatories India and Pakistan last tested nuclear weapons in 1998. North Korea conducted nuclear tests in 2006, 2009, 2013, 2016, and 2017. As of May 20, 2021, the most recent confirmed nuclear test occurred in September 2017 in North Korea.