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Mona Lisa Of The Galilee The Sepphoris Mosaic DVD, Download, USB Drive

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The Most Beautiful Women Of The Classical Art World In The Opinion Of Many, Documented Here As-It-Happened In Her 1987 Discovery And 1989 Excavation And Rescuem Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD, MP4 Video Download Or USB Flash Drive! (Color, 1989, 41 Minutes.) #MonaLisaOfPalestine" #MonaLisaOfGalilee #SepphorisMosaic #Galilee #Palestine #RomanPalestine #Mosaics #Sepphoris #DukeUniversity #Nazareth #Rome #AncientRome #Archeology #Archaeology #MP4 #VideoDownload #DVD
In 1987, an archeological team from Duke University of North Carolina discovered during the closing moments of that year's dig a grand 1,700-year-old mosaic in the ancient Roman Palestine city of Sepphoris, located a few miles north of Nazareth. What peeked out at them from across two millenia was a stunningly beautiful woman's face, dubbed on-the-spot "The Mona Lisa Of Palestine", later known as "The Mona Lisa Of Galilee". They carefully covered it back up to protect it from the elements and the curious, and they resolved to return to fully excavate the site at some point in the future, and to keep the find as secret as possible in the mean time. The following year the team did return, and in cooperation with Jerusalem's Hebrew University they carefully excavated the mosaic, cleaned it, prepared it for removal using revolutionary new techniques, and painstakingly moved it onto trucks for transport to the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, where it would be completely restored and put on exhibition. The excavations of this mosaic and other sites in ancient Sepphoris (modern day Tzippori) prove what the Duke University team had set out to determine in both their expeditions: that this city had been a place where Jews, Christians and Pagans could live, work and worship side-by-side in peace and prosperity; and this documentary provides a one-of-a-kind, moment-by-moment documentation of these discoveries while providing marvelous imagery and real-life adventure tales.