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The Milton Berle Show Old Time Radio Comedy Series MP3 CD Download

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Uncle Milty In His First Eponymous Broadcast Series Comes To Radio As The Hilarious Weekly Old Time Radio Comedy Series The Milton Berle Show (1947-1948) Costarring Arnold Stang! 36 Half Hour Episodes Presented As An Archival Quality MP3 CD, MP3 Audio Download Or USB Flash Drive! #TheMiltonBerleShow #MiltonBerleShow #TheMiltonBerleRadioShow #MiltonBerleRadioShow #MiltonBerle #UncleMilty #ArnoldStang #HalBlock #MartinRagaway #PertKelton #MarySchipp #JackAlbertson #ArthurQBryan #EdBegley #DickFarney #FrankGallop #PhilipMorris #GoldenAgeOfRadio #GoldenAgeOfRadioComedy #OldTimeRadio #OldTimeRadioComedy #OTR #OTRComedy #Radio #RadioComedy #OldTimeRadioVarietyShows #OTR #OTRVarietyShows #Radio #RadioVarietyShows #MP3 #CD #AudioDownload #USBFlashDrive
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The Milton Berle Show was a weekly half-hour comedy series from the Golden Age Of Radio scripted by Hal Block and Martin Ragaway, and also featured Arnold Stang, later a familiar face as Berle's TV sidekick. Others in the cast were Pert Kelton, Mary Schipp, Jack Albertson, Arthur Q. Bryan, Ed Begley, Brazilian singer Dick Farney, and announcer Frank Gallop. Sponsored by Philip Morris, it aired on NBC from March 11, 1947, until April 13, 1948. Berle later described this series as "the best radio show I ever did ... a hell of a funny variety show." It served as a springboard for Berle's emergence as television's first major star.