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Manners And Etiquette Social Guidance Films DVD, Download, USB Drive

Manners And Etiquette Social Guidance Films DVD, Download, USB Drive
Manners And Etiquette Social Guidance Films DVD, Download, USB Drive
Item# manners-and-etiquette-films-2-dvd-se2
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The Films You Need To See To Learn About Manners And Etiquette! 22 Silver Screen Social Guidance Films Of Yesteryear Teach Us The Timeless Do's and Don'ts Of Social Situations Today! Five Full Hours Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS In An Archival Quality 2 Disc All Regions Format DVD Set, MP4 Video Download Or USB Flash Drive! #Manners #GoodManners #Politeness #Politesse #Etiquette #Convention #SocialConvention #SocialRules #ConventionalRules #Norms #SocialNorms #SocialBehavior #Society #SocialClass #SocialGroups #Habits #SocialHabits #PopularCulture #Culture #Refinement #Morality #SocialGuidanceFilms #SocialGuidance #SocialGuidanceFilms #Movies #Films #MotionPictures #DVD #VideoDownload #MP4 #USBFlashDrive


This extraordinary film suggests that making "a date with your family" - that is, a family's making an appointment for what we now call "quality time" - consists of unemotional behavior, deceitful pleasantness and pretense of affection. It nonetheless also illustrates some inappropriate behavior that is just as much so nowadays as it was then.

CINDY GOES TO A PARTY (1955, 9:21)
She goes because she has an honest-to-goodness fairy godmother who bestows on her social grace and etiquette as well as a invitation.

DINING TOGETHER (1951, 10:15)
A primer in table manners for the very young becomes a showcase for the values of the cold war American family.

DINNER PARTY (1945, 15:30)
A primer in table manners for teenagers.

The full range of courtesy activities is discussed and instucted upon, including invitations, telephone calls, entertaining and introductions.

Gluttony is the especial target of this film, which seeks to instruct the viewer in how to nourish oneself and avoid "the hidden hunger" of malnourishment caused by eating poorly.

An education in how sportsmanship can help teens and pre-teens to think beyond self-interest to the interest of the group as a whole.

GOOD TABLE MANNERS (1951, 10:19)
An ill-mannered 14 year old boy doesn't want to go to a party because he's unsure of his manners, but all that gets solved when his 21 year old self comes to the rescue and teaches his younger self all he needs to know.

GOSSIP (1953, 10:05)
Jack is the school Casanova, and Jean's a wonderful girl. Jack takes her out and tries to take liberties with her. She refuses him, and Jack gets even by spreading rumors about her. How does one fix such a situation?

HOW DO YOU DO? (1946, 13:35)
After World War II, efforts were made, such as this film, to teach kids how to be mannerly again after the premature adulthood brought about by the war left such niceties behind. In this attempt, the art of the introduction is carefully explained.

Told through an artist's drawing board, this is the story of a feral little boy who was turned into a pig until his "good self" was able to prevail over his "bad self".

LET'S PLAY FAIR (1949, 8:41)
A film for youngsters on how obedience, sharing and turn-taking make for fair play and fun playtime.

MIND YOUR MANNERS (1953, 10:36)
A film for teenagers on the cultivation of good manners through a genuine desire to get along with one's fellow man.

OBLIGATIONS (1950, 16:25)
This is a tale of two families and how they illustrate the right and wrong ways of keeping their obligations to each other.

A film that teaches children how to be on one's best behavior during play time.

SOCIAL COURTESY (1951, 10:16)
Bill thinks bringing social courtesy along to the party with Carol is "old fashioned". The narrator shows Bill his error and educates him in the niceties of social politesse.

TABLE MANNERS (1947, 10:07)
Emily Post herself presents and narrates this film on how to behave properly at a dinner party and all the table etiquette respective to it.

Teaches teenagers to have insight into the likes and wants of others and the social graces that help bring them to realization.

THE GOOD LOSER (1953, 12:42)
Ray always wins at whatever he does - until Marilyn beats him. He was always a good winner, but this films shows how he learned to be just as good at losing.

THE GOSSIP (1955, 12:44)
A nice high school girl becomes the victim of petty gossip, and the person spreading it is a well respected fellow student. The film shows how such abuse of social standing and irresponsible talk bring about the disgrace of the innocent.

THE PROM - HOW TO BEHAVE (1961, 17:11)
The title says it all!

Nora and Walter went to Grandmother's house, and their desire to write her a thank-you note results in a lesson on the five parts of a friendly letter.

Etiquette is the set of conventional rules of personal behaviour in polite society, usually in the form of an ethical code that delineates the expected and accepted social behaviours that accord with the conventions and norms observed by a society, a social class, or a social group. In modern English usage, the French word etiquette (ticket) dates from the year 1750.

Politeness (Politesse) is the practical application of good manners or etiquette so as not to offend others. It is a culturally defined phenomenon, and therefore what is considered polite in one culture can sometimes be quite rude or simply eccentric in another cultural context. While the goal of politeness is to refrain from behaving in an offensive way so as not to offend others and make all people feel relaxed and comfortable with one another, these culturally defined standards at times may be manipulated.