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Kennedy V Wallace: A Crisis Up Close DVD, Video Download, USB Drive

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The Historic 1963 TV Broadcast That For The First And Only Time Documented In Motion Pictures A Major Presidential Decision As It Happened: The Show-Down Between The Kennedy Administration And Governor George Wallace Over The Admittance Of Two Black Students To The University Of Alabama And The Subsequent Civil RIghts Speech Delivered By Kennedy In A Televised Address To The Nation -- Updated In 1988 To Include Commentary By One Of The Students, Vivian Malone, And Nicholas Katzenbach, Then Deputy U.S. Attorney General For Civil Rights Who Confronted Wallace At The Front Door Of Foster Auditorium At The University Of Alabama, Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD, MP4 Video Download Or USB Flash Drive! (Color, 1963/1988, 59 Minutes.) #StandInTheSchoolhouseDoor #GeorgeWallace #FosterAuditorium #UniversityOfAlabama #UOA #VivianMalone #JamesHood #RacialSegregation #Segregation #RacialDesegregation #Desegregation #AfricanAmericanCivilRightsMovement #AmericanCivilRightsMovement #CivilRightsMovement #Education #JohnFKennedy #JFK #PresidencyOfJohnFKennedy #PresidencyOfJFK #AlabamaNationalGuard #OvalOfficeAddress #CivilRightsActOf1964 #TV ##LiveTV Television #LiveTelevision #Radio #LiveRadio #DVD #VideoDownload #MP4 #USBFlashDrive
Until the 1960s, the University of Alabama only admitted white students. The practice of racial segregation was common in the American South at this time and the university barred all students of color from attending. The first attempt to integrate the university occurred in 1956 when Autherine Lucy successfully enrolled on February 3 as a graduate student in library sciences after she secured a court order preventing the university from rejecting her application on the basis of race. In the face of violent protests against her attendance, Lucy was suspended (and later outright expelled) three days later by the board of trustees on the basis of being unable to provide a safe learning environment for her. The university was not integrated until 1963 when Vivian Malone and James Hood registered for classes on June 11. Governor George Wallace made his infamous "Stand in the Schoolhouse Door", standing in the front entrance of Foster Auditorium in a symbolic attempt to stop Malone and Hood's enrollment. When confronted by U.S. deputy attorney general Nicholas Katzenbach and federal marshals sent in by Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, Wallace stepped aside. President John F. Kennedy had called for the integration of the University of Alabama, as well. Although Hood dropped out of school after two months, he returned and, in 1997, received his PhD in philosophy. Malone persisted in her studies and became the first African American to graduate from the university. In 2000, the university granted her a doctorate of humane letters. Autherine Lucy's expulsion was rescinded in 1980, and she re-enrolled and graduated with a master's degree in 1992. Later in his life, Wallace apologized for his opposition at that time to racial integration. In 2010, the university formally honored Lucy, Hood and Malone by rechristening the plaza in front of Foster Auditorium as Malone-Hood Plaza and erecting a clock tower - Autherine Lucy Clock Tower - in the plaza.