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Jim Jones: Jonestown Speeches & Suicide Recording CD, Download, USB

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Thirteen Tracks Toward The Abyss Of Human Nature On One 67 Minute Audio CD. 100% actual speeches by Jones serve as an audio excursion through the madness of the man responsible for the world's worst mass suicide. * Presented As An Archival Quality Audio CD, MP3 Audio Download Or USB Flash Drive! #JimJones #JamesWarrenJones #Preachers #FaithHealers #CultLeaders #PeoplesTemple #JonestownMassSuicide #JonestownMassMurder #JonestownMassSuicideMurder #Jonestown #JonestownGuyana #MassSuicideMurder #MassSuicide #MassMurder #FlavorAid #KoolAid #CoolAid #DrinkTheKoolAid #Cults #FalseProphets #Abominations #CD #MP3 #AudioDownload #USBFlashDrive
Track 01: Cornered (1:48)
Track 02: Freedom From Harrassment (0:30)
Track 03: Got Lotsa Plans (1:47)
Track 04: Kill Your Relatives (2:15)
Track 05: Lives On The Line (2:41)
Track 06: Love Ain't The Only Weapon (2:14)
Track 07: The Mental Health Of Intellectuals (2:04)
Track 08: Such A Good Example (0:54)
Track 09: You May Die Tonight (6:44)
Track 10: Through The Barrel Of A Submachine Gun (1:33)
Track 11: You Can Float Home (2:54)
Track 12: Very Emotionally Disturbed (0:31)
Track 13: The End - The Final Jonestown Recording (41:18)
Jim Jones, American preacher and faith healer turned cult leader, founder of the Peoples Temple who conspired with his inner circle to direct a mass murder-suicide of his followers in his jungle commune at Jonestown, Guyana (May 13, 1931 - November 18, 1978) was born James Warren Jones in a rural area of Crete, Indiana. Jones launched the Peoples Temple in Indiana during the 1950s. Rev. Jones was ordained in 1957 by the Independent Assemblies of God and in 1964 by the Disciples of Christ. He moved his congregation to California in 1965 and gained notoriety with its activities in San Francisco in the 1970s. He then left the United States, bringing many members to a Guyana jungle commune. In 1978, media reports surfaced of human rights abuses in the Peoples Temple in Jonestown. U.S. Representative Leo Ryan led a delegation to the commune to investigate. Ryan and others were murdered by gunfire while boarding a return flight with some former cult members who had wished to leave. Jones then ordered and likely coerced a mass suicide and mass murder of 918 commune members, 304 of them children, almost all by cyanide-poisoned Flavor Aid. The drink became linked to the Jonestown mass murder-and-suicide when it was learned that the cyanide poison taken by or forcibly administered to the commune's members was placed in Flavor Aid. Large barrels filled with the grape variety, laced with the cyanide and a variety of tranquilizer drugs, were found half-consumed amidst the hundreds of bodies. Kool-Aid, rather than Flavor Aid, is usually erroneously referred to as the drink used in the massacre, most likely due to it having become a Generic trademark. The association with Kool-Aid has spawned the figure of speech "drink the Kool-Aid" but is regarded by some sources as a factual error. Others insist this was not a factual error as both Kool-Aid and Flavor Aid were found among the commune's supplies: film footage shot inside the compound prior to the events of November shows Jones opening a large chest in which boxes of both Flavor Aid and Kool-Aid are visible. Criminal investigators testifying at the Jonestown inquest spoke of finding packets of "cool aid" (sic), and eyewitnesses to the incident are also recorded as speaking of "cool aid".