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The Beloved 1933-50 Children's Adventure Series Of "The All American Boy"! 101 Quarter Hours Episodes, Presented As An Archival Quality MP3 CD, MP3 Audio Download Or USB Flash Drive! #JackArmstrong #JackArmstrongTheAllAmericanBoy #WBBM #JimAmeche #Radio #OldTimeRadio #OTR #GoldenAgeOfRadio #MP3 #CD #AudioDownload #USBFlashDrive
34-01-01 - Ship in Distress
34-01-02 - The Pelican Catches Fire
34-01-03 - Carrying Line to the Pelican
34-01-04 - Pelican Crew is Rescued
40-09-27 Leaving Easter Island
40-09-30 The Search For Professor Loring
40-10-01 Jack Armstrong e2 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring
40-10-02 Jack Armstrong e3 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring
40-10-03 Jack Armstrong e4 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring
40-10-07 Jack Armstrong e6 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring
40-10-08 Jack Armstrong e7 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring
40-10-09 Jack Armstrong e8 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring
40-10-10 Jack Armstrong e9 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring
40-10-11 Jack Armstrong e10 The Luminous Dragon Eye Ring
40-10-14 Jack Armstrong e11 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring
40-10-17 Jack Armstrong e14 Luminous Dragon eye ring
40-10-18 Jack Armstrong e15 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring
40-10-28 Jack Armstrong e21 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring
40-10-29 Jack Armstrong e22 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring
40-11-04 Jack Armstrong e26 luminous Dragon eye ring
40-11-05 Jack Armstrong e27 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring
40-11-08 Jack Armstrong e30 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring
40-11-13 Jack Armstrong e33 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring
40-11-14 Jack Armstrong e34 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring
40-11-15 Jack Armstrong e35 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring
40-11-18 Jack Armstrong e36 Luminous Dragon Eye Ring
40-11-19 Jack Armstrong e37 Luminous Dragon eye Ring
40-11-20 The Message
40-11-21 The O Chan Restaurant
40-11-22 The Black Shark
40-11-25 The Light
40-11-26 Shupeto
40-11-27 The Ring Is Gone
40-11-28 Captured
40-11-29 Jack Armstrong prgm1560
40-12-02 Jack Armstrong e1 Country Of The Head Hunters
40-12-03 Jack Armstrong e2 Country of the Head Hunters
40-12-04 Jack Armstrong e3 Country of the Head Hunters
40-12-05 Jack Armstrong e4 Country of the Head Hunters
40-12-06 Jack Armstrong e5 Country of the Head Hunters
40-12-09 Jack Armstrong e6 Country of the Head Hunters
40-12-10 Jack Armstrong e7 Country of the Head Hunters
40-12-11 Jack Armstrong e8 Country of the Head Hunters
40-12-18 Jack Armstrong e1573 Country of the Head Hunters
40-12-23 Jack Armstrong prgm1576
40-12-24 Jack Armstrong prgm1577
40-12-25 Jack Armstrong prgm1578
40-12-26 Jack Armstrong prgm1579
40-12-27 Jack Armstrong prgm1580
40-12-30 Jack Armstrong prgm1581
40-12-31 Jack Armstrong prgm1582
41-01-01 Jack Armstrong prgm1583
41-01-02 Jack Armstrong prgm1584
41-01-03 Jack Armstrong prgm1585
41-01-06 Jack Armstrong e1 The Zambo Anga Adventure
41-01-07 Jack Armstrong e2 The Zambo Anga Adventure
41-01-08 Jack Armstrong e3 The Zambo Anga Adventure
41-01-09 Jack Armstrong e4 The Zambo Anga Adventure
41-01-20 Jack Armstrong e11 The Zambo Anga Adventure
41-01-27 Jack Armstrong e16 The Zambo Anga Adventure
41-03-05 Jack Armstrong e1 Missing, Professor Loring
41-03-06 Jack Armstrong e2 Missing, Professor Loring
41-03-07 Jack Armstrong e3 Missing, Professor Loring
41-03-10 Jack Armstrong e4 Missing, Professor Loring
41-03-11 Jack Armstrong e5 Missing, Professor Loring
41-03-12 Jack Armstrong e6 Missing, Professor Loring
41-03-13 Jack Armstrong e7 Missing, Professor Loring
41-03-14 Jack Armstrong e8 Missing, Professor Loring
41-03-17 Jack Armstrong e9 Missing, Professor Loring
41-03-18 Jack Armstrong e10 Missing, Professor Loring
42-04-30 Jack Armstrong Land in the Sky
45-08-07 Jack Armstrong Counterfeit Red Coupons
48-04-20 Jack Armstrong House Of Darkness
4x-xx-xx Jack Armstrong The Mutineers
Jack Armstrong, the All-American Boy was a radio adventure series which maintained its popularity from 1933 to 1951. The program originated at WBBM in Chicago on July 31, 1933, and was later carried on CBS, then NBC and finally ABC. It was a creation of General Mills, a pioneer in the development of unique and compelling advertising under the stewardship of Vice-president of Advertising, Samuel Chester Gale. Gale later served as President of the Ad Council. Intending to promote breakfast cereal Wheaties, Gale developed the character of Jack Armstrong as a fictitious "everyboy" whom listeners would emulate: If Jack ate Wheaties, boys across the nation would, too. Early popularity led to commissioning of a radio serial broadcast. The first sung commercial was for Wheaties in 1926. It was a spectacular hit and was sung on the Jack Armstrong show. Lyrics were "Have you tried Wheaties? They're whole with all the bran. Won't you try Wheaties? For wheat is the best food of man." While the adventures were a product of Gale's imagination, there was a real Jack Armstrong, a member of Sam Gale's college fraternity, Phi Sigma Kappa at the University of Minnesota. Gale met Jack while serving as a young advisor to the fraternity, and being impressed by both the red-blooded name and the "wholesome nature" of the young man, he incorporated it as the name of his new invented spokesman. The adventures which captivated listeners each week were entirely fictitious, and led to good-natured ribbing throughout Armstrong's life. Another creation of Sam Gale's fertile mind was the iconic Betty Crocker. The radio serial maintained its popularity from 1933 to 1951. The storylines centered on the globe-trotting adventures of Armstrong (played by Jim Ameche until 1938 and later portrayed by Michael Rye), a popular athlete at Hudson High School, his friends Billy Fairfield and Billy's sister Betty, and their Uncle Jim, James Fairfield, an industrialist. Frequently, Uncle Jim Fairfield would have to visit an exotic part of the world in connection with his business, and he would take Jack Armstrong and the Fairfield siblings along with him. Many of the adventures provided listeners with the equivalent of a travelogue, providing facts about the lands they were visiting. The show was created by writer Robert Hardy Andrews. Sponsored throughout its long run by Wheaties, the program was renamed Armstrong of the SBI when Jack graduated from high school and became a government agent in the final season, when it shifted from a 15-minute serial to a half-hour complete story format. Throughout its broadcast span, the program offered radio premiums that usually related to the adventures in which Jack and his friends were involved. Each episode started a quartet quietly singing the first line of the Hudson High School Fight Song: "Wave the flag for Hudson High, boys, show them how we stand. Ever shall our team be champions, known throughout the land" {quartet continues humming).