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Horatio Hornblower Radio Series Michael Redgrave MP3s, CD, USB Drive

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Michael Redgrave Stars As C.S. Forester's Heroic Fictional Sea Captain Horatio Hornblower, Royal Navy Officer During The Napoleonic Wars, Presented In This Rousing 1952-1953 Radio Luxembourg Radio Drama Series! 19 Hours Packed Into 52 Episodes:
520707 (01) Horaito Deals With a Mad King | 520714 (02) Horiato Captures the Natividad | 520721 (03) Shakey Alliance With El Supremo | 520728 (04) Battle Against El Surpremo | 520804 (05) Lydia Sinks the Natividad | 520811 (06) Damaged Lidia Heads for Panama | 520818 (07) Return to the Fleet | 520825 (08) Return to the Sea | 520901 (09) Protecting the Convoy | 520908 (10) Disguised as a French Ship | 521003 (11) Guerilla Action | 521010 (12) Spanish Fail to Attack | 521017 (13) Takes on the French Fleet | 521024 (14) Mutiny on the Flame | 521031 (0015) Disguised as the Flame | 521107 (16) The Courtmartial of Berry McCool | 521114 (17) The Capture of La Harve | 521121 (0018) Acting Governor of Le Har | 521128 (0019) Barbara Joins Horatio | 521205 (0020) Napoleon Returns | 521212 21 Napoleon is Defeated | 521219 22 A Prisoner in 1811 | 521226 23 Horatio Meets Marie and Escapes | 530102 24 Horatio Captures a Ship | 530109 25 Rejoining the Fleet | 530116 26 Horatio is Court Martialed | 530123 27 Into the Baltic | 530130 28 Chasing the Blanchie Fluer | 530206 29 Alliance With Russia | 530213 30 Reception With the Czar | 530220 (0031) Attack on Fort at Fisher' | 530227 (0032) Port of Riga | 530306 (0033) Delaying the French | 530313 34 The French are Stopped | 530320 (0035) The Duel | 530327 36 The Spanish Leave Napoleon | 530403 (0037) Hornblower's First Comman | 530410 (0038) Prisoner of the French on | 530417 39 With the 43rd Marines | 530424 (0040) Spain Becomes Neutral | 530501 (41) Exam for Lieutenant | 530508 (42) Quartined for the Plague | 530515 (43) Chasing the Papillion | 530522 (44) Command of the La Mouch | 530529 (45) Prisoner and Rescue of Spanish | 530605 (46) First Meeting With Bush | 530612 (47) Planning Mutiny on the Renoun | 530619 (48) First Attack on Haiti Fails | 530626 (49) Attack on Haiti Fort | 530703 (50) Yellow Fever | 530710 (51) Fighting the Spanish on the Renoun | 530717 (52) Promoted to Captain of the Retribution