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The OSS In WWII Frank Race & Cloak And Dagger Radio MP3, CD, USB Drive

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The Thrilling Stories Of The Dangerous Adventures Of The Office Of Strategic Services (OSS), America's Intelligence Agency During The Second World War, As Told By Those In-The-Know In Two Classic Old Time Radio Series: 1) The 1950 Series Based On Actual Case Histories From Lt. Col. Corey Ford's Book "Cloak And Dagger", And 2) The 1949-1950 Cold War Serial "The Adventures Of Frank Race" With "Chandu The Magician" Star Tom Collins As An Attorney Turned Office Of Strategic Services Agent During World War II! Over 26 Total Hours Of Military Intelligence Magic Presented As An Archival Quality MP3 CD, MP3 Audio Download Or USB Flash Drive!
Cloak & Dagger - 500507 01 Behind the Lines
Cloak & Dagger - 500528 02 Trojan Horse
Cloak & Dagger - 500604 03 Brenner Pass
Cloak & Dagger - 500611 04 People in the Forest
Cloak & Dagger - 500618 05 Kachin Story
Cloak & Dagger - 500625 06 Direct Line to Bombers
Cloak & Dagger - 500702 07 Eyes of Buddha
Cloak & Dagger - 500709 08 The Trap
Cloak & Dagger - 500723 09 Secret Box
Cloak & Dagger - 500730 10 Swastika on the Windmill
Cloak & Dagger - 500806 11 Recommendation From Rommell
Cloak & Dagger - 500813 12 Roof of the World
Cloak & Dagger - 500820 13 Norwegian Incident
Cloak & Dagger - 500827 14 The Black Radio
Cloak & Dagger - 500901 15 War of Words
Cloak & Dagger - 500908 16 Over Ground Railroad
Cloak & Dagger - 500915 17 Seeds of Doubt
Cloak & Dagger - 500922 18 Operation Sellout
Cloak & Dagger - 500929 19 The Last Mission
Cloak & Dagger - 501006 20 Delay on Route
Cloak & Dagger - 501015 21 Wine of Freedom
Cloak & Dagger - 501022 22 Windfall
AdventuresOfFrankRace 510605 001 Hackensack Victory
AdventuresOfFrankRace 510612 002 Darling Debutante
AdventuresOfFrankRace 510619 003 The Istanbul Adventure
AdventuresOfFrankRace 510626 004 Seventeen Black
AdventuresOfFrankRace 510703 005 The Enoch Arden Adventure
AdventuresOfFrankRace 510710 006 Vanishing President
AdventuresOfFrankRace 510717 007 Baradian Letters
AdventuresOfFrankRace 510724 008 The Airborne Adventure
AdventuresOfFrankRace 510731 009 Shanghai Incident
AdventuresOfFrankRace 510807 010 Juvenile Passenger
AdventuresOfFrankRace 510814 011 Reckless Daughter
AdventuresOfFrankRace 510821 012 Silent Heart
AdventuresOfFrankRace 510828 013 Garrulous Bartender
AdventuresOfFrankRace 510904 014 Vanishing Favourite
AdventuresOfFrankRace 510911 015 Embittered Secretary
AdventuresOfFrankRace 510918 016 Talking Bullet
AdventuresOfFrankRace 510925 017 Fat Mans Loot
AdventuresOfFrankRace 511002 018 Generals Lady
AdventuresOfFrankRace 511009 019 Violent Virtuoso
AdventuresOfFrankRace 511016 020 Fourth Round Knockout
AdventuresOfFrankRace 511023 021 Tao Three on a Match
AdventuresOfFrankRace 511030 022 Roughnecks Will
AdventuresOfFrankRace 511106 023 Green Doubloon
AdventuresOfFrankRace 511113 024 Sobbing Bodyguards
AdventuresOfFrankRace 511120 025 Divers Loot
AdventuresOfFrankRace 511127 026 Adventure in Mormon Country
AdventuresOfFrankRace 511204 027 Brooklyn Accent
AdventuresOfFrankRace 511211 028 Six Week Cure
AdventuresOfFrankRace 511218 029 Fairway Beauty
AdventuresOfFrankRace 511225 030 Runway Queen
AdventuresOfFrankRace 520101 031 Lady in the Dark
AdventuresOfFrankRace 520108 032 Silent Tongue
AdventuresOfFrankRace 520115 033 Candy Killing
AdventuresOfFrankRace 520122 034 Undecided Bride
AdventuresOfFrankRace 520129 035 Gold Worshipper
AdventuresOfFrankRace 520205 036 House Divided
AdventuresOfFrankRace 520212 037 Pharaohs Staff
AdventuresOfFrankRace 520219 038 Count Trefanno crest
AdventuresOfFrankRace 520226 039 Night Crawler
AdventuresOfFrankRace 520304 040 Kettle Drum
AdventuresOfFrankRace 520311 041 Loveable Character
AdventuresOfFrankRace 520318 042 Black Friars Bridge
AdventuresOfFrankRace 520325 043 Big Top
The Office Of Strategic Services (OSS) was the intelligence agency of the United States during World War II. The OSS was formed as an agency of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) to coordinate espionage activities behind enemy lines for all branches of the United States Armed Forces. Other OSS functions included the use of propaganda, subversion, and post-war planning. The OSS was dissolved a month after the end of the war. Intelligence tasks were shortly later resumed and carried over by its successors the Department of State's Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR), and the independent Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). On December 14, 2016, the organization was collectively honored with a Congressional Gold Medal.