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Forty Years Of Fine Tuning (1984) WNEW TV Channel 5 DVD, Download, USB

Forty Years Of Fine Tuning (1984) WNEW TV Channel 5 DVD, Download, USB
Forty Years Of Fine Tuning (1984) WNEW TV Channel 5 DVD, Download, USB
Item# forty-years-of-fine-tuning-dvd-wnew-tv-channel-5-ny5
List Price: $29.96
Your Sale Price: $13.56
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Carroll O'Connor Hosts This Legendary 1984 Retrospective Documentary On The History Of New York's Beloved TV Station, WNEW Channel 5! 2 Full Fascinating Hours Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD, MP4 Video Download Or USB Flash Drive! #WNEWTV #WNEW #DumontNetwork #WNEWTVHistory #WNEWHistory #CarrollOConnor #RosemaryClooney #MelTorme #TonyMottola #RichardKiley #BillBoggs #BettyFurness #SkitchHenderson #GeneRayburn #MikeWallace #DavidFrost #DavidSusskind #BillMcCreary #EdKoch #RoxieRoker #MarionEtoileWatson #JudyLicht #SandyBecker #DonHastings #FredScott #ChuckMcCann #JohnnyOlson #SonnyFox #SoupySales #HarryCoyle #DennisJames #ChrisSchenkel #BillMazer #JohnJOConnor #MoreyAmsterdam #SidCaesar #EdieAdams #TelevisionHistory #GoldenAgeOfTelevision #TVHistory #GoldenAgeOfTV #TelevisionNetworks #TV #Television #TVShows #TelevisionShows #TVInTheUS #TelevisionInTheUS #TVNews #TelevisionNews #TalkShows #TalkShowHosts #DVD #VideoDownload #MP4 #USBFlashDrive


40 YEARS OF FINE TUNING (Color, 1984, 1:59:00)
One of the great gems of EarthStation1 MediaOutlet: Caroll O'Connor of "All In The Family" fame hosts this fascinating retrospective of WNEW-TV Channel 5 New York and it's originator, The Dumont Network, with the able assistance of such entertainment luminaries as Rosemary Clooney, Mel Torme, Tony Mottola, Richard Kiley, Bill Boggs, Betty Furness, Skitch Henderson, Gene Rayburn, Mike Wallace, David Frost, David Susskind, Bill McCreary, Ed Koch, Roxie Roker, Marion Etoile Watson, Judy Licht, Sandy Becker, Don Hastings, Fred Scott, Chuck McCann, Johnny Olson, Sonny Fox, Soupy Sales, Harry Coyle, Dennis James, Chris Schenkel, Bill Mazer, Archbishop John J. O'Connor, Morey Amsterdam, Sid Caesar and Edie Adams. Beginning as WABD in 1944, it broadcast live to the few citizens of New York CIty that had TV sets the breaking news of the D-Day landings, clips of which are actually shown in this presentation. After the war, it became the flagship station of the Dumont Television Network, a network that ultimately included New York City, Boston, Cincinnati, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Kansas City and the District of Columbia, and dedicated to selling the TV sets that the Dumont corporation manufactured. It's programming became legendary, but as sales of the company's TV's waned, the network was sold to MetroMedia and became Metromedia Television, with its flagship station renamed as WNEW-TV. From there the network continued to break new ground in entertainment, providing programming for the presentation of music, engaging talk shows, documentaries and investigative programming, news, drama, childrens shows, sports and comedy, and one by one, the eminent guests on this show illuminate the unfolding of a broadcast legend. Anyone alive at this place and time in broadcast history will find this one-of-a-kind presentation a truly precious one!