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Fall From Grace The Jim And Tammy Faye Bakker Story DVD, Download, USB

Fall From Grace The Jim And Tammy Faye Bakker Story DVD, Download, USB
Fall From Grace The Jim And Tammy Faye Bakker Story DVD, Download, USB
Item# fall-from-grace-the-jim-and-tammy-faye-bakker-story-dvd
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Stars Kevin Spacey As Jim Bakker And Bernadette Peters As Tammy Faye Bakker Document In Dramatic Form For Television The Rise And Fall Of The Great Televangelist Couple Of The 1980s, From Their Zenith As Hosts Of The PTL Club Evangelical TV Show To Their Nadir Of Financial Scandal And The Famed Jessica Hahn Sex Scandal, Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD, MP4 Video Download Or USB Flash Drive! (Color, 1990, 1 Hour 40 Minutes.) #FallFromGrace #PTLScandal #KevinSpacey #BernadettePeters #JimBakker #TammyFayeBakker #TammyFayeMessner #Evangelists #Evangelism #TVEvangelists #Televangelists #PTLClub #HeritageUSA #EvangelistScandals #TelevangelistScandals #TV #Television #TVShows #TelevisionShows #TVInTheUS #TelevisionInTheUS #ChristianFundamentalism #DVD #VideoDownload #MP4 #USBFlashDrive

Karen Arthur

Ken Trevey

Bernadette Peters ... Tammy Faye Bakker
Kevin Spacey ... Jim Bakker
Richard Herd ... Richard Dortch
Beth Grant ... Paulene
John McLiam ... Rev. Aubrey Sara
Richard Paul ... Rev. Jerry Falwell
Travis Swords ... Patrick
Jon Lindstrom ... Brian
Justin Lord Justin Lord

The PTL Club, also known as The Jim and Tammy Show, was a Christian television program that was first hosted by evangelists Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker, running from 1974 to 1989. The program was later known as PTL Today and as Heritage Today. During its final years, The PTL Club, which adopted a talk show format, was the flagship television program of the Bakkers' PTL Satellite Network.

The PTL Club: Scandal And Subsequent Demise: Due to his involvement in highly publicized financial and sexual scandals, Jim Bakker resigned on March 19, 1987. He turned all ministry assets over to Lynchburg, Virginia-based pastor and broadcaster Jerry Falwell, who became CEO of the parent organization, Heritage Village Church and Missionary Fellowship, Inc. and assumed control of Heritage USA, the cable network, and of its flagship program. Falwell's involvement was deemed newsworthy, as the PTL ministries were a part of the Assemblies of God denomination and Falwell was a Southern Baptist. Ministry supporters questioned Falwell's intentions and attributed his interest solely to maintaining control of the lucrative cable-television empire owned by PTL to broadcast his own ministry programming. One commentator noted that "Bakker arranged for Falwell to take over PTL in March in an effort to avoid what he called a 'hostile takeover' of the television ministry by people threatening to expose a sexual encounter he admitted to having had seven years earlier with church secretary Jessica Hahn." According to Hahn, on the afternoon of December 6, 1980, when she was a 21-year-old church secretary, Bakker and another preacher, John Wesley Fletcher drugged her and raped her for "about 15 minutes". Hahn stated she overheard Bakker say afterward to another PTL staffer, "Did you get her too?" A federal grand jury indicted Bakker for directing millions of dollars of church funds to personal use. Much of the nation watched the court case to see the outcome of the 165M USD in donations. The PTL Club continued as a television program for a considerable time after this, first with Falwell as its host and PTL personality Doug Oldham as co-host. Falwell later brought in Christian singer Gary McSpadden as the show's co-host, along with PTL musical talent Ron Aldridge. The show was renamed PTL Today, then-in an effort to distance the show from the PTL name-Heritage Today. Aldridge continued as co-host alongside another PTL singer, Brenda Davis, after Falwell suddenly resigned from the now-bankrupt PTL ministry. McSpadden and Oldham subsequently left the show out of support for Falwell's decision to resign his position with the ministry. With Falwell's resignation, Sam Johnson, a member of the PTL ministry team, assumed leadership and incorporated a new entity known as Heritage Ministries to run the television program and associated ministry functions. As Heritage USA and the PTL assets were now tied up in bankruptcy reorganization, the new ministry and the television program had to move from their longtime Heritage USA broadcast studios to newly purchased property on Nations Ford Road in Charlotte that was named Heritage Place. The program remained on the air as late as September 1988, when Johnson faced problems with the IRS. In 1989, evangelist Morris Cerullo purchased the network out of bankruptcy. As of 2012 it operates as INSP from broadcast facilities in Charlotte, with headquarters in nearby Indian Land, South Carolina. On August 23, 1991, after the second and final day of his re-sentencing hearing, the court reduced Bakker's original 45-year sentence to 18 years, five of which he actually served before being released. In February 2009, Atlanta, Georgia investment-banker Ben Dyer announced his intention to auction off over 15,000 hours of videotaped episodes of The PTL Club on March 27, 2009. A friend of Jim Bakker's purchased the programs. The master library of PTL programming has been returned to Jim Bakker, and the old tapes are being digitally remastered and restored. Restored programs are being run on the new PTL Television Network on Roku and online at the PTL Television Network's website.