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Classic Old Time Radio Commercials MP3 Set CD, Download, USB Drive

Classic Old Time Radio Commercials MP3 Set CD, Download, USB Drive
Classic Old Time Radio Commercials MP3 Set CD, Download, USB Drive
Item# classic-radio-commercials-old-time-radio-mp3-c3
List Price: $29.69
Your Sale Price: $13.36
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13.36 USD. Free Shipping Worldwide!

450 Rare And Classic Radio Commercials From The 1920s To The 1970s - 7 Full Hours Presented As An Archival Quality MP3 CD, MP3 Audio Download Or USB Flash Drive! #RadioCommercials #ClassicRadioCommercials #GoldenAgeOfRadio #MusicRadio #Radio #OldTimeRadio #OTR #Advertising #RadioAdvertising #Commercials #MP3 #CD #AudioDownload #USBFlashDrive


''And Now The Screaming Starts'' Trailer

''Are You Prepared'' Trailer

''Blackula'' Trailer

''Canadian Ace Beer''

''Coffy'' Radio Ad

''Main Street Women''

''Strange Things Are Happening To Joey Heatherton''

''The Dragon Flies''

''The Teenage Psycho Meets Bloody Mary'' Trailer

''TNT Jackson''

Ad for ''Whoope Whoope Burgers'' Hamburgers

2nd War Loan Drive Promo

7-Up The Uncola - Bruce Morrow WABC 6809

7th War Loan Promo

Ad - Lux Toilet Soap

Ad Council PSA - Buckle Up! #2

Ad Council PSA - Buckle Up! #3

Ad Council PSA - Buckle Up!

Ad for Adventure Food: Premiere Of "The Ginsberger" Hamburger

Ad for ''The Hampton Hair & Scalp Clinic''

Ad for Gunther Beer

Ad for Hormel Chili

Ad for James Brown Concert "An Evening With James Brown", International Amphitheatre in Chicago, Illinois, September 10, 1966

AFN - America PSA










AFVN - ''Cool, Clear Water''

AFVN - 'Same Team' Transportation PSA

AFVN - 'Seeing Red' Work Order PSA

AFVN - Airmail PSA

AFVN - America PSA

AFVN - Bob Rossi Reads Movie Schedules

AFVN - Checking PSA Becomes Network Difficulties Announcement

AFVN - Chu Hoi Program & Network Plug

AFVN - Chu Hoi Program PSA

AFVN - Chu Hoi Program

AFVN - Cu Chi University

AFVN - Driving PSA

AFVN - Extending R&R PSA

AFVN - Free Postage & Army Recruiter PSA's


AFVN - Hawaii R&R

AFVN - Laryngitis & Re-enlistment PSA


AFVN - Malaria PSA

AFVN - MOS Test 1970

AFVN - Movie Showings

AFVN - MPC Conversion Announcement

AFVN - NBC Monitor College PSA

AFVN - Network ID & Malaria PSA

AFVN - Orient Express, Church PSA

AFVN - Piaster Spending

AFVN - Re-enlistment Jingle

AFVN - Recruiter PSA

AFVN - Red Cross PSA

AFVN - Savings Bond PSA

AFVN - Skag (Heroin) PSA

AFVN - Special Services

AFVN - Stars & Stripes Ad

AFVN - Tokyo R&R

AFVN - Tokyor R&R Ad

AFVN - Uniformed Savings Deposit Program PSA

AFVN - USO Ad & News


AFVN - VD & Education PSA's

AFVN - War Trophies







AVFN - NBC Monitor College Pacific Stars & Stripes PSA's

Baker Street Ad - Charlie Greer WABC 650126

Biafra PSA - Barbequed Dog

Biafra PSA - Menu

Bob Dayton 19670114 - Cancer Check-Ups PSA - Charlie Greer WABC 1967 Overnight

Bruce Morrow 19670114 - Naval Air Recruitment PSA - Charlie Greer WABC 1967 Overnight

Campbells Soup Ad - Peter Jennings ABC Radio News - Charlie Greer WABC 651014

Charlie Greer 19670114 - Dennison Clothier Ad #1 - Charlie Greer WABC 1967 Overnight

Charlie Greer 19670114 - Dennison Clothier Ad #2 - Charlie Greer WABC 1967 Overnight

Charlie Greer 1969 - Dennison Clothier Ad #1 - Charlie Greer WABC 1969

Charlie Greer 1969 - Dennison Clothier Ad #2- Charlie Greer WABC 1969

Charlie Greer WABC 1969 - Charlie Greer Show Sponsored By Dennisons Show ID #1

Charlie Greer WABC 1969 - Charlie Greer Show Sponsored By Dennisons Show ID #2

Charlie Greer WABC 1969 - Charlie Greer Show Sponsored By Dennisons Show ID #3

Children's Village PSA - Charlie Greer WABC 650126

Chuck Leonard 19670114 - Income Tax PSA - Charlie Greer WABC 1967 Overnight

Creation Of The Humanoids Trailer

Dan Ingram 19670114 - Mayor's Committee On Exploitation Of Workers PSA - Charlie Greer WABC 1967 Overnight

Dan Ingram 19670114 - Social Security Card PSA - Charlie Greer WABC 1967 Overnight

Devil Shake Ad 19670114 - Charlie Greer WABC 1967 Overnight

Dominican Sisters Building Fund PSA - Charlie Greer WABC 650126

Dr. Who & The Daleks Movie Ad - Radio London 19650821 Earl Richmond 1508-1600

Dr. Who & The Daleks Movie Ad (Long) - Radio London 19650821 Earl Richmond 1508-1600


Fibber McGee & Molly - Give Bonds for Christmas Ad 411207

Fibber McGee & Molly 420407 - Buy Only Essentials

GI Jill - GI Bonds 2

GI Jill - GI Bonds

Glenn Miller - Join the WAC

Greater New York Blood Center PSA - Charlie Greer WABC 1969



Hot Rods Bartell (SP) Ad


Jack Webb Safety Belt PSA - Charlie Greer WABC 1969

James Brown - James Brown Concert Radio Ad

James Brown - Radio Ad For James Brown's ''Talk To Me''

James Brown Future Shock T-Shirts Radio Ad

John Lindsey For Mayor Ad - Charlie Greer WABC 651014

John R. WLAC Nashville Ad for ''Soul Brother, Soul Sister'' Medallion

Johnny Cash - Southern Maid Donuts Radio Commercial

Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Dinners WWII Ad

Kraft Velvetta 2

Little Richard Ad for Royal Crown Hair Dressing

Mars Junior Bars Ad - Charlie Greer WABC 651014

Mobil ''Gremlins'' Ad on Raymond Graham Swing News Show

Mobil Grease Ad WWII

Nat D. Williams WDIA Memphis - Ad for ''Martha White Flour''

National Show Stores Ad - Bruce Morrow WABC 6809

Naval Air Reserve 85 Day Program Ad - Charlie Greer WABC 650126

NBC Chime

News Of The World Ad - Radio London 19650821 Earl Richmond 1508-1600

Office of Defense Transporation PSA - National Tire Registration Week

Orin G ( ¿) Clothes Ad - (Bruce Morrow WABC 6809

Orson Welles - A Simple Act

Orson Welles - Findus Fish

Orson & Findus 64

OTR Commercial (More Doctors Smoke) Camel Cigarettes

OTR Commercial 1936 Dodge

OTR Commercial 1940 Buick

OTR Commercial 1940s Energine Shoe White

OTR Commercial 1943 Kraft Cheese Spreads

OTR Commercial 1943 Kraft Mustard

OTR Commercial 1943 Wwii Waste Kitchen Fats

OTR Commercial 1944 Grape Nuts Flakes

OTR Commercial 1945 Kelloggs Pep

OTR Commercial 1945 Ww II Merchant Marine

OTR Commercial 1945 Ww II Support

OTR Commercial 1946 House Of Squibb

OTR Commercial 1946 Squibb Dental Cream

OTR Commercial 1948 Life Buoy Health Soap

OTR Commercial 1955 Jello

OTR Commercial 1957 Chevrolet

OTR Commercial 1968 Jack Benny & Dennis Day For Texaco

OTR Commercial Adam Hats Dr. Weird

OTR Commercial Adam Hats

OTR Commercial Adam Hats

OTR Commercial Adler Elevator Shoes

OTR Commercial Admiral

OTR Commercial Ajax Stronger Than Dirt

OTR Commercial Alka Seltzer #1

OTR Commercial Alka Seltzer #2

OTR Commercial Alka Seltzer

OTR Commercial Anacin

OTR Commercial Anchor Hocking

OTR Commercial Anchor Hocking

OTR Commercial Anglo Gum

OTR Commercial Armour Hot Dogs

OTR Commercial Arrid Deodorant

OTR Commercial Auto Lite

OTR Commercial Autolite

OTR Commercial Barbasol

OTR Commercial Batman & Robin Ad for Dep't of Labor 750205

OTR Commercial Beechnut Gum

OTR Commercial Best Bests Buick 1939

OTR Commercial Betty Johns Cereal

OTR Commercial Blackstone Cigar

OTR Commercial Blue Coal #1

OTR Commercial Blue Coal #2

OTR Commercial Books From America

OTR Commercial Brisk Toothpaste

OTR Commercial Bromo Quinine

OTR Commercial Bromo Seltzer

OTR Commercial Brylcream

OTR Commercial Bubble Up

OTR Commercial Bubble Up

OTR Commercial Budweiser The Crew Cuts

OTR Commercial Bulova

OTR Commercial Buy A Bond Bing Crosby

OTR Commercial Camel Cigarettes

OTR Commercial Campbells Soup

OTR Commercial Candy

OTR Commercial Captain Midnite Ovaltine

OTR Commercial Carnation Evaporated Milk

OTR Commercial Carter's Little Liver Pills #1

OTR Commercial Carter's Little Liver Pills #2

OTR Commercial Cellophane Tape

OTR Commercial Chase and Sandborn Dated Coffee Bergen and McCarthy

OTR Commercial Chesterfield Cigarettes Arthur Godfrey

OTR Commercial Chesterfield Cigarettes

OTR Commercial Chesterfield Cigarettes

OTR Commercial Cheverolet

OTR Commercial Chevrolet

OTR Commercial Chevrolet 1957

OTR Commercial Chevrolet Dinah Shore

OTR Commercial Chiquita Banana

OTR Commercial Chiquita Banana

OTR Commercial Chiquita Bananas Im a Chiquita Banana

OTR Commercial Chuckles 450427

OTR Commercial Clark Candy Bar

OTR Commercial Coleman

OTR Commercial Colgate Shaving Cream

OTR Commercial Colgatetooth Powder

OTR Commercial Coney Island Penny Machine

OTR Commercial Contadina

OTR Commercial Cream Of Wheat

OTR Commercial Creamo Cigars w Arthur Godfrey

OTR Commercial Crest Toothpaste

OTR Commercial Cresta Blanca

OTR Commercial Crisco Young Dr. Malone

OTR Commercial Crisco

OTR Commercial DDD Prescription

OTR Commercial Desoto & Plymouth Groucho Marx You Bet Your Life

OTR Commercial Desoto (Groucho Marx)

OTR Commercial Dodge

OTR Commercial Doublemint Gum

OTR Commercial Dr. I.Q. Candy Bar

OTR Commercial Dr Lyons Tooth Powder

OTR Commercial Drive Alert PSA

OTR Commercial Dubonnet

OTR Commercial Dupont

OTR Commercial Duz Laundry Detergent

OTR Commercial Edsel 1958

OTR Commercial Elgin American

OTR Commercial Energine Shoe White

OTR Commercial Ex-Lax

OTR Commercial Exlax

OTR Commercial Fatima Cigarettes

OTR Commercial Fitch Hair Care

OTR Commercial Fitch

OTR Commercial Ford 1950

OTR Commercial Ford Lum and Abner

OTR Commercial Ford The Four Lads

OTR Commercial Fram Filters

OTR Commercial Frankenstein

OTR Commercial Fritos Corn Chips Mel Blanc

OTR Commercial Gem Blades

OTR Commercial Gillete Blue Blades

OTR Commercial Gillette Blue Blades 2

OTR Commercial Glocoat Wax

OTR Commercial GM Guardian Maintenance Bergan and McCarthy

OTR Commercial Goodyear Life Guard Tires

OTR Commercial Goodyear Rubber Cement

OTR Commercial Groves Nose Drops

OTR Commercial Haley's MO

OTR Commercial Halo Shampoo

OTR Commercial Have You Tried Wheaties

OTR Commercial Hawthorne Court

OTR Commercial Hoffman Soda

OTR Commercial Household Finance

OTR Commercial Ingram Gasoline

OTR Commercial Ingram Gasoline

OTR Commercial International Sterling

OTR Commercial Interwoven Pair

OTR Commercial Ipana Toothpaste Bucky Beaver

OTR Commercial Ironized Yeast

OTR Commercial Italian Balm

OTR Commercial Ivory Flakes For Fabrics

OTR Commercial Ivory Soap Denver Darling

OTR Commercial Ivory Soap For Dishes

OTR Commercial Ivory Soap The Gibson Family

OTR Commercial Ivory Soap

OTR Commercial Jello

OTR Commercial Jello 1955

OTR Commercial Jello Chocolate Pudding

OTR Commercial Jergens Lotion

OTR Commercial Johnsons Glo-Coat Wax Fibber McGee and Molly #1

OTR Commercial Johnsons Glo-Coat Wax Fibber McGee and Molly #2

OTR Commercial Kellogs All Bran Cereal

OTR Commercial Kellogs Pep Superman Walkie Talkie

OTR Commercial Kellogs Pep

OTR Commercial Ken-L Ration

OTR Commercial Ken-L Ration Dog Food

OTR Commercial Kent Cigarettes

OTR Commercial King Kong

OTR Commercial Lava Soap

OTR Commercial Levis Jeans Jefferson Airplane

OTR Commercial Lifebouy Health Soap 1948

OTR Commercial Lifebouy Soap

OTR Commercial Lifebuoy Soap Al Jolson

OTR Commercial Lifebuoy Soap B-O!

OTR Commercial Lifebuoy Soap Critical Moments

OTR Commercial Longines Moonlight Sonata

OTR Commercial Lucky Beer

OTR Commercial Lucky Strike Cigarettes

OTR Commercial Lucky Strikes Jack Benny

OTR Commercial Lucky Strikes Sold To American

OTR Commercial Lucky Beer

OTR Commercial Lucky Strike Cigarettes

OTR Commercial Luster Cream Girl

OTR Commercial Luster Cream

OTR Commercial Lux Soap Lux Radio Theater

OTR Commercial Lux Toilet Soap

OTR Commercial Magic Kiss Rug Cleaner

OTR Commercial Magic Touch Makeup

OTR Commercial March Of Dimes

OTR Commercial Marlboro

OTR Commercial Maxwellhouse Coffee

OTR Commercial Mayfield Cigarettes

OTR Commercial Miller Beer

OTR Commercial Murine

OTR Commercial N E S T L E S

OTR Commercial Nabisco

OTR Commercial Nash Automobiles

OTR Commercial Nedicks

OTR Commercial Nescafe

OTR Commercial Northwest Orient Airlines

OTR Commercial Old Spice

OTR Commercial Olga Coal

OTR Commercial Olivetti Typewriters

OTR Commercial Opening Theme Duz Truth Or Consequences

OTR Commercial Opening Theme Int'l Silver Company Ozzie & Harriet

OTR Commercial Opening Theme Jello The Aldrich Family

OTR Commercial Opening Theme Sloans Liniment Gangbusters

OTR Commercial Ovaltine Captain Midnight

OTR Commercial Ovaltine Little Orphan Annie Shake-Up Mugs

OTR Commercial Ovaltine

OTR Commercial Oxydol on Ma Perkins

OTR Commercial Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer

OTR Commercial Pabst Blue Ribbon Truth Or Consequences

OTR Commercial Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer

OTR Commercial Palmolive Soap

OTR Commercial Palmolive Soap

OTR Commercial Patti Cake Cookies

OTR Commercial Pepsi Be Sociable

OTR Commercial Pepsi Cola Hits The Spot

OTR Commercial Pepsi Nickle Trickle

OTR Commercial Pepsi

OTR Commercial Pepsodent Bob Hope

OTR Commercial Pepsodent

OTR Commercial Perfect Circle Piston Rings

OTR Commercial Philip Morris

OTR Commercial Philip Morris Cigarettes

OTR Commercial Pontiac

OTR Commercial Popsicle

OTR Commercial Post Toasties

OTR Commercial Postum

OTR Commercial Quaker Cereals Shot From Guns Terry & The Pirates

OTR Commercial Quaker

OTR Commercial Quaker Puffs

OTR Commercial Radio Free Europe

OTR Commercial Radio Promo

OTR Commercial Raleigh 903 Cigarettes

OTR Commercial Ralston Cereal

OTR Commercial Religious Worship PSA

OTR Commercial Rexall Druggists

OTR Commercial Reynolds Aluminum

OTR Commercial Rheingold Beer

OTR Commercial Rice A Roni

OTR Commercial Rice Krispies

OTR Commercial Richard J. Daley

OTR Commercial Rinso #1

OTR Commercial Rinso #2

OTR Commercial Rinso Amos and Andy

OTR Commercial Roitan Cigars

OTR Commercial Roy Rogers Quick Shooter Hat

OTR Commercial Salhapatica Fred Allen Show

OTR Commercial Schaefer Beer

OTR Commercial Schlitz

OTR Commercial Sealtest Ice Cream

OTR Commercial Seato PSA

OTR Commercial Security Bonds

OTR Commercial Shick Eversharp Injector Razors Bloody

OTR Commercial Shick Eversharp Injector Razors Henry Morgan

OTR Commercial Signal Gasoline

OTR Commercial Skelly Oil Company

OTR Commercial Starkist Tuna

OTR Commercial Studebaker Lark

OTR Commercial Sturdy Dog Food

OTR Commercial Tackle

OTR Commercial Tempo Cigarettes

OTR Commercial Tenderleaf Tea

OTR Commercial Ting Pimple Cream

OTR Commercial Tootsie Roll Pops

OTR Commercial Top Value Stamps

OTR Commercial Tums

OTR Commercial United States Security Bonds

OTR Commercial V-8 Juice Fred Allen

OTR Commercial VA Hospitals Tuberculosis Patients

OTR Commercial Velveeta #1

OTR Commercial Velveeta #2

OTR Commercial Velvet Underground West Coast

OTR Commercial Vimms Vitamins

OTR Commercial Westinghouse Clothes Dryer

OTR Commercial Wheaties Jack Armstrong

OTR Commercial Wheaties Cereal

OTR Commercial White King Soap Chandu The Magician

OTR Commercial Wild Root Cream Oil

OTR Commercial Wing Cigarettes

OTR Commercial Winston Ditty

OTR Commercial Winston

OTR Commercial Winston Cigarettes

OTR Commercial Winston Cigarettes Flinstones 2

OTR Commercial Winston Cigarettes Flintstones

OTR Commercials Blue Coal

Ovaltine Orphan Annie

Palisades Amusement Park Ad - Charlie Greer WABC 1969

Pepsi ''Pepsi Pours It On'' Ad 19670114 - Charlie Greer WABC 1967 Overnight


Propa PH Ad - Bruce Morrow WABC 6809

Psssssst! Ad - Bruce Morrow WABC 6809

Radio London Clothiers Ad - Radio London 19650821 Earl Richmond 1508-1600

Radio London Night At The Wimbledon Palais Ad - Radio London 19650812 Earl Richmond 1600-1705

Radio London Tee Shirt Ad - Radio London 19650812 Earl Richmond 1600-1705

Richmond Cigarettes Radio Ad 1960s


Rufus Thomas WDIA Memphis - ''Pink Pussycat Wine''

Schaeffer Ballpoint Pen Ad - Bruce Morrow WABC 6809

Spike Jones - Buy Stamps and Bonds Ad

Summer Festival PSA by Julie Harris - Charlie Greer WABC 1969


Tackle Ad - Bruce Morrow WABC 6809

The Troggs - Coca-Cola Commercial



Top Ten Ice Cream Ad - Radio London 19650821 Earl Richmond 1508-1600

Victory Garden PSA 1943

WABC Double Prize Giveaway Ad - Bruce Morrow WABC 6809

WABC Go-Go Sound Ad - Charlie Greer WABC 650126

WABC Palisades Amusement Park Ad

WABC Super Hit Sounds - Charlie Greer WABC 650126

WABC Super Hit Sounds 19670114 - Charlie Greer WABC 1967 Overnight

Walls Top Ten Ice Cream Ad #1 - Radio London 19650812 Earl Richmond 1600-1705

Walls Top Ten Ice Cream Ad #2 - Radio London 19650812 Earl Richmond 1600-1705


Westside YMCA PSA - Charlie Greer WABC 650126

WOL - Ad for ''The Nighthawk''


WOR Jingle 1945

WOR Sponsor Announcement 1940s

WRDW Augusta ''A James Brown Station'' Radio Ad

WWII PSA - Is This Trip Necessary

WWII PSA - Save Used Fats

WWII PSA - CarelessTalk

WWII PSA - Meat Rationing

WWII PSA - Save Fat

WWII PSA - SavePaper

WWII PSA - Share the Meat - Before Rationing Begins

WWII PSA - Sugar & Gas Rationing

WWII PSA - Sugar Rationing

WWII PSA - Waste Paper

Radio Advertisement: In the United States, commercial radio stations make most of their revenue by selling airtime to be used for running radio advertisements. These advertisements are the result of a business or a service providing a valuable consideration, usually money, in exchange for the station airing their commercial or mentioning them on air. The most common advertisements are "spot commercials", which normally last for no more than one minute, and longer programs, commonly running up to one hour, known as "informercials". The United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), established under the Communications Act of 1934, regulates commercial broadcasting, and the laws regarding radio advertisements remain relatively unchanged from the Radio Act of 1927. In 2015, radio accounted for 7.8% of total U.S. media expenditures.