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Charlie And His Orchestra WWII Nazi Jazz Radio MP3 CD, Download, USB

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Karl a.k.a. Kurt a.k.a. "Charlie" a.k.a. "Radio Charlie" Schwedler Who By Any Name Or Song Aliases Hot Jazz Tunes Of The Day In Searing Nazi Radio Broadcasts That's Still Swing By Any Other Name - 3 Hours Packed Into 60 Songs Presented As An Archival Quality MP3 CD, MP3 Audio Download Or USB Flash Drive! #CharlieAndHisOrchestra #KarlSchwedler #KurtSchwedler #CharlieSchwedler #TemplinBand #BrunoAndHisSwingingTigers #RadioCharlie #NaziJazz #NaziSwing #ReichsRundfunk #ReichsRundfunkGesellschaft #RRG #NaziGermany #ThirdReich #Radio #RadioPropaganda #WW2RadioPropaganda #AxisRadioPropaganda #GermanyCalling #WorldWarII #WWII #WW2 #WorldWarTwo #WorldWar2 #SecondWorldWar #MP3 #CD #AudioDownload #USBFlashDrive
A Bicycle Built For Two
And So Another Lovely Day Is Over
Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen
Bye Bye Blackbird
Calling Invasion Forces - Atlantic Wall
Calling Invasion Forces - I Want To Be Happy
Calling Invasion Forces - We Are Waiting For You 440417
Calling Invasion Forces - We Are Waiting for You
Double Dare You
F.D R. Jones v.1
F.D.R. Jones v.2
Hold Me
Hold Tight
I'll Never Say Never Again
I'm Putting All My Eggs In One Basket
I'm Sending You The Siegfried Line
I've Got A Pocketful Of Dreams
I Cant Give You Anything But Love
I Double Dare You
I Got Rythm
I Want To Be Happy
Indian Love Call
Japanese Sandman
Lady Winterbottom's Song
Let's Put Out The Lights
Lilli Marleen
Little Sir Echo
Macpherson Is Rehearsin
Makin' Whoopee
Miss Annabelle Lee v.1
Miss Annabelle Lee v.2
Nice People
Onward Christian Soldiers
Picture Me Without You
Roll On The Blue Funnel
Slumming On Park Avenue
South Of The Border
St Louis Blues
Thanks For The Memories
The Kings Horses
The Man With The Big Cigar
The Sheik Of Araby
Three Little Fishes
Under An Umbrella In The Evening
United Nations Air Men 1943
Unter'n Linden
Western Brothers
Who'll Buy My Bublitchky v.1
Who'll Buy My Bublitchky v.2
Who's Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf?
Why'd Ya Make Me Fall In Love?
You're Driving Me Crazy
You're The Top
You Can't Stop Me From Dreaming
Charlie And His Orchestra (also referred to as the "Templin band" and "Bruno and His Swinging Tigers") were a Nazi-sponsored German propaganda swing band fronted by Karl Schwedler, Kurt a.k.a. "Charlie" a.k.a. "Radio Charlie" Schwedler. Jazz music styles were seen by Nazi authorities as rebellious but, ironically, propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels conceived of using the style in shortwave radio broadcasts aimed initially at the United Kingdom, and later the United States, after the German declaration of war on December 11, 1941. British listeners heard the band every Wednesday and Saturday at about 9 pm. The importance of the band in the propaganda war was underscored by a BBC survey released after World War II, which indicated that 26.5 percent of all British listeners had at some point heard programmes from Germany. The German Propaganda Ministry also distributed their music on 78 rpm records to POW camps and occupied countries.