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Chariots Of The Gods 1970 Ancient Astronauts DVD, Download, USB Drive

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Chariots Of The Gods (German: Erinnerungen An Die Zukunft) The Book That Shattered Conventional Theories Of History And Archeology By Erich von Daniken In Its Feature Film Form Investigates The Possiblity Of Extraterrestrial Influences Upon Ancient Humanity As Evidenced By The Pyramids Of Africa And South America, Prehistoric Cave Paitings, The Monuments Of Easter Island And More, Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD, MP4 Video Download Or USB Flash Drive! (Color, 1973 English Narration Version Of 1970 West German Original Version, 1 Hour 32 Minutes.) #ChariotsOfTheGods #ChariotsOfTheGodsFilm #ErinnerungenAnDieZukunft #HaraldReinl #WilhelmRoggersdorf #JeanFontaine #SunnClassicPictures #ErichVonDaniken #AncientAstronauts #Extraterrestrials #Aliens #Bible #Pyramids #EpicOfGilgamesh #Gilgamesh #NazcaLines #Archeology #AncientArcheology #Documentaries #DocumentaryFilms #Movies #Film #MotionPictures #Cinema #GermanCinema #WestGermanCinema #CinemaOfGermany #CinemaOfWestGermany #MP4 #VideoDownload #DVD
Dr. Harald Reinl
Erich von Daniken (Books, "Erinnerungen an die Zukunft" and "Zuruck zu den Sternen"); Harald Reinl ; Wilhelm Roggersdorf (Commentary)
Jean Fontaine
Chariots Of The Gods (German: Erinnerungen An Die Zukunft) is a 1970 West German documentary film directed by Harald Reinl. It is based on Erich von Daniken's book Chariots of the Gods?, a book that theorizes extraterrestrials impacted early human life and evolution. The film was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature. The film begins by introducing the cargo cults established by South Pacific Natives after coming in contact with American planes in World War II. It claims that is likely that all religions began in a similar fashion. The viewer is then presented with various ancient texts, architecture, and artwork. Some of these include the Bible, the Pyramids, the Epic of Gilgamesh, and the Nazca Lines. The film was redubbed and re-edited by Sunn Classic Pictures for release in the United States in 1973. Upon its release in the US, Chariots of Gods grossed 25,948,300 USD.