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Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh: A Fatal Dream DVD MP4 Video Download USB Drive
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The Twisted Legacy Of Rajneesh, Also Known As Acharya Rajneesh, Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh And Osho, Indian So-Called "Godman" And Founder Of Both The Infamous Rajneesh Cult Movement And The Cult City Of Rajneeshpuram, Oregon, From Which Rajneesh's Followers Executed A Mass Salmonella Food Poisoning Attack And An Aborted Assassination Plot To Murder U.S. Attorney Charles H. Turner, Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD, MP4 Video Download Or USB Flash Drive! #ChandraMohanJain #Rajneesh #AcharyaRajneesh #BhagwanShriRajneesh #RajneeshMovement #Rajneeshpuram #Osho #NewReligiousMovements #Cults #MindControl #Frauds #Hucksters #ConMen #DVD #VideoDownload #MP4 #USBFlashDrive
This documentary seeks to understand the twisted view of reality that takes hold inside a cult. It chronicles what happens when apparently sane people when they fall under the spell of a charismatic leader capable of stripping them of their free will. Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh's desperately paranoid and isolated cults followers numbered in the thousands; he owned a private jet, a fleet of Rolls Royces, and even owned a city. This investigative report is an attempt to fathom the cult experience, using footage shot by Rajneeshi members, encoding the thoughts of former followers and leaders within Rajneesh's organization. Parental discretion is advised, as one of the tenets of Rajneesh's cult was a new sexual code, and the Rashneeshi's film themselves nude on occasion. It is sobering to realize that such excess grew from seemingly benign idealism, that a dream of a new way of life could turn into a fatal nightmare. (Color, 1993, 52 Minutes.)