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Behind The Front The Allied Home Front During WWI DVD, MP4, USB Drive

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The Allied Home Front During World War I, Produced By An Association Of Cinematheque Gaumont, XXIe Siecle (Twenty-First Century) And Vision 7, Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD, MP4 Video Download Or USB Flash Drive! (Color, 1992, 45 Minutes.) #BehindTheFront #AlliedHomeFrontDuringWorldWarI #AlliedHomeFrontDuringWWI #HomeFrontDuringWorldWarI #HomeFrontDuringWWI #USHomeFrontDuringWorldWarI #USHomeFrontDuringWWI #UKHomeFrontDuringWorldWarI #UKHomeFrontDuringWWI #FrenchHomeFrontDuringWorldWarI #FrenchHomeFrontDuringWWI #WesternFrontWorldWarI #WesternFrontWWI #WorldWarI #WorldWarOne #WorldWar1 #WWI #WW1 #FirstWorldWar #FirstEuropeanWar #EuropeanCivilWar #DVD #VideoDownload #MP4 #USBFlashDrive
The First World War brought a crashing end to the idea that civilian populations could remain untouched by wars. It was a war of empires that changed the life of every European, soldier and civilian alike. Behind the front on both sides, ordinary men and women rushed to the defense of their nations. Their free market economies gave way to rationing and conservation. Governments harness civilian industries to serve the front. Factories and agriculture trained women and give them their biggest step yet towards equality. Millions of civilians were drafted for the war; thousands more, including children, became its victims. World War I drove three empires to ruin, and cast a shadow of death across the continent, but at least temporarily, the war unified the home front, breaking down the divisions between rich and poor, and men and women, and for a time, it brought the New World of America together again with the Old World.