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Axis Sally aka Mildred Gillars Nazi Radio Set MP3 CD, Download, USB

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The Axis Propaganda Broadcasts Of American Citizen Mildred Sisk, Also Known As Mildred Gillars And As The Infamous Axis Sally!-2 1/2 Hours Presented As An Archival Quality MP3 CD, MP3 Audio Download Or USB Flash Drive! #MildredGillars #AxisSally #Broadcasters #PropagandaBroadcasters #ReichsRundfunk #ReichsRundfunkGesellschaft #RRG #NaziGermany #ThirdReich #Radio #RadioPropaganda #WWII #WW2 #WorldWarTwo #WorldWar2 #SecondWorldWar #Radio #PropagandaRadio #WW2RadioPropaganda #AxisRadioPropaganda #GermanyCalling #WorldWarII #WWII #WW2 #WorldWarTwo #WorldWar2 #SecondWorldWar #MP3 #CD #AudioDownload #USBFlashDrive
1) Gerry's Front: Calling British Forces In North Africa (with Bruno and His Swinging Tigers) 1942
Thread-bare Jazz accompanies sneering propaganda aimed at ruining the morale of soldiers of the British empire.
2) Gerry's Front: Calling American Forces In North Africa (with Bruno and His Tigers) 1942
More hate-laced Third Reich puffery, this time aimed at "G. I. Joe".
3) Midge At The Mike May 18th 1943
Typical Mildred Gillars speaking bigotry in the tones of a false friend to the women of America.
4) Axis Sally - ''Vision of Invasion'' May 11th 1944
The infamous broadcast that envisioned catastrophe for Allied forces coming to liberate Europe, whose haunting imagery and chilling audio collage created a national stir and shook the nerves of the American men and women on the homefront which this broadcast had targeted.
Mildred Gillars, nicknamed Axis Sally by Allied forces, American broadcaster employed by Nazi Germany to disseminate propaganda during WWII (November 29, 1900 - June 25, 1988 was born Mildred Elizabeth Sisk in Portland, Maine; she took the surname Gillars in 1911 after her mother remarried. Mildred Gillars, along with Rita Zucca, were nicknamed "Axis Sally", a name used to describe any single female voice directing her comments by way of German radio to Allied soldiers during World War II. Mildred Gillars was the highest paid radio personality in Nazi Germany, and worked at Reichs-Rundfunk-Gesellschaft (RRG), German State Radio. After the defeat of Nazi Germany Gillars was convicted of treason by the United States in 1949 following her capture in post-war Berlin. Having converted to Roman Catholicism while in prison, Gillars went to live at the Our Lady of Bethlehem Convent in Columbus, Ohio, and taught German, French, and music at St. Joseph Academy, Columbus.