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At Home With That Other Family (The Khrushchevs) MP3 CD, Download, USB

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One Good Vaughn Meader First Family Of The US Comedy LP Deserves Another First Family Of The Soviets Comedy LP To Keep The Balance Of Power! Leonard Gaines' Entire 1962 33 1/3 LP Comedy Album Featuring George Segal, Joan Rivers And Buck Henry, Presented As An Archival Quality MP3 CD, MP3 Audio Download Or USB Flash Drive! (#AtHomeWithThatOtherFamily #TheKhrushchevs #NikitaKhrushchev #Khrushchev #LeonardGaines #GeorgeSegal #ColdWar #JoanRivers #BuckHenry #ComedyAlbums #MP3 #CD #AudioDownload #USBFlashDrive
Side 1 01 It's a White Tornado
Side 1 02 The Tour of the Kremlin
Side 1 03 To Tell the Truth
Side 1 04 The Premier's Press Conference
Side 1 05 Mrs. K's Troubles
Side 1 06 The Overcoat
Side 1 07 Nick & Dick
Side 1 08 Knock-Knock
Side 2 09 Nick & Ben
Side 2 10 Mr. K's Diet
Side 2 11 Nick and Chou En-Lai
Side 2 12 The Booking Agent
Side 2 13 The Cosmonaut's Wife
Side 2 14 Boris the Hairdresser
Side 2 15 Nick & Jack
Side 2 16 Nervous Nick
Side 2 17 Mrs. K's Styles
Nikita Khrushchev, Russian general and politician, 7th Premier of the Soviet Union (April 15, 1894 - September 11, 1971) was born Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev in Kalinovka village in what is now Russia's Kursk Oblast. Khrushchev led the Soviet Union during a critical part of the Cold War. He served as First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1953 to 1964, and as Chairman of the Council of Ministers, or Premier, from 1958 to 1964. During his rule, Khrushchev stunned the communist world with his denunciation of Stalin's crimes. Khrushchev was responsible for the de-Stalinization of the Soviet Union, for backing the progress of the early Soviet space program, and for several relatively liberal reforms in areas of domestic policy. After some false starts, and a narrowly avoided nuclear war over Cuba, he conducted successful negotiations with the United States to reduce Cold War tensions. His proclivity toward recklessness led the Kremlin leadership to strip him of power, replacing him with Leonid Brezhnev as First Secretary and Alexei Kosygin as Premier.