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1960 Democratic & Republican National Conventions DVD MP4 USB Drive

1960 Democratic & Republican National Conventions DVD MP4 USB Drive
1960 Democratic & Republican National Conventions DVD MP4 USB Drive
Item# 1960-democratic-and-republican-national-conventions1960
List Price: $29.49
Your Sale Price: $12.96
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Highlights From Both The July 11-15 1960 Democratic National Convention At The Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena, Which Nominated John F. Kennedy For President And Lyndon B. Johnson For Vice President, And The July 25-28 1960 Republican National Convention At Chicago's International Amphitheatre, Which Nominated Richard Nixon For President And Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. For Vice President - All Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD, MP4 Video Download Or USB Flash Drive! #1960DemocraticNationalConvention #1960DNC #DemocraticNationalConvention #1960RepublicanNationalConvention #1960RNC #RepublicanNationalConvention #1960USPresidentialElection #JohnFKennedy #LyndonBJohnson #RichardNixon #HenryCabotLodgeJr #USPresidentialElections #USPresidentialCampaigns #AmericanHistory #USHistory #HistoryOfTheUS #WesternCulture #WesternCivilization #WesternTradition #StoryOfCivilization #DVD #VideoDownload #MP4 #USBFlashDrive


THE 1960 DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION HIGHLIGHTS (Black/White, July 11-15, 1960, 45 Minutes.)

THE 1960 REPUBLICAN NATIONAL CONVENTION HIGHLIGHTS (Black/White, July 25-28, 1960, 45 Minutes.)

The 1960 Democratic National Convention was held in Los Angeles, California, on July 11-15, 1960. It nominated Senator John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts for president and Senate Majority Leader Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas for vice president. In the general election, the Kennedy-Johnson ticket won an electoral college victory and a narrow popular vote plurality (slightly over 110,000 nationally) over the Republican candidates Vice President Richard M. Nixon and UN Ambassador Henry C. Lodge II. Due to its size, the Biltmore Hotel was selected to serve as the headquarters hotel for the Democratic National Committee. It also housed command-posts for the campaigns of the various candidates seeking the nomination, temporary studio spaces for the television networks, and workspaces for select print journalists.

The 1960 National Convention of the Republican Party of the United States was held in Chicago, Illinois, from July 25 to July 28, 1960, at the International Amphitheatre. It was the 14th and most recent time overall that Chicago hosted the Republican National Convention, more times than any other city. The convention nominated Vice President Richard M. Nixon for president and former Senator Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. of Massachusetts for vice president.